Number of items at this level: 150.
Ali, Sa'ad and Loon, Mark
Developing and Delivering L&D Solutions for International Markets.
Professional Practice in Learning and Development: How to Design and Deliver Plans for the Workplace.
Kogan Page, London, pp. 345-384.
ISBN Paperback 9780749477424
Andrews, Holly, Jellis, Matthew, Francis-Smythe, Jan and Coxell, Adrian
Everything in Moderation? A Review of the
Organisational Success of Individuals with
Personality Dysfunction.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference Leadership & Management, 19 May 2009, University of Worcester.
Andrews, Holly, Jellis, Matthew, Francis-Smythe, Jan and Steele, Catherine
Charm, Charisma and Catastrophe: The Psychopath in the Workplace.
In: PsyPAG Annual Conference, July 30th to August 1st 2008, University of Manchester.
Andrews, Scott
Bringing Business into the Classroom with Cases.
In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference: Radical Marketing, 5th-7th July 2016, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, UK.
Andrews, Scott
Bringing the Real World Into the Classroom.
In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 6th-8th Sept 2016, Newcastle, UK.
Andrews, Scott
The Case Study Companion :Teaching, Learning and Writing Business Case Studies.
Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), Abingdon, Oxon.
ISBN 9780367426965
Andrews, Scott
Revitalising your case classes: in-person, online and hybrid.
In: Chartered Association of Business School's Learning Teaching Student Experience Conference, 22 May 2023, ICC Newport, UK.
Andrews, Scott
Strategic leadership, change and growth in not-for-profit,
membership-based, value-driven organisations.
Journal of Organizational Change Management.
ISSN 0953-4814
Andrews, Scott
Using Cases with Undergraduates - Setting the Scene.
In: Undergraduate and Cases : Transform your Teaching, 02 June 2017, London.
Andrews, Scott
Using Your Research to Develop Teaching Case Studies.
In: Case Study Conference: Developing Teaching Cases Together for Management Education, 26th - 27th January 2017, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
Andrews, Scott
ORCID:, Bell, Robin
ORCID: and Wasti, S.N.
Collaborating over Cases:
Developing an International Community to Support Participant-Centred Entrepreneurship Education in Turkey.
Entrepreneurship Education and Internationalisation Cases, Collaborations and Contexts.
Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies
Routledge, New York, pp. 184-207.
ISBN eBook: 9781003378570 • Hardback: 9781032457567
Andrews, Scott
ORCID: and Wasti, N.
Participant Centred Learning in Management Education: The Case for Learning in Turkey.
In: 11th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, 12th - 14th September 2018, Valletta, Malta.
Baker, Susanne and Armstrong, Malcolm
The Development of Coaching as Part of a University Leadership Project. Report on Research in Progress.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference Leadership & Management, 19 May 2009, University of Worcester.
Bartlett, D. and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Bridging the Divide in Work and Occupational Psychology: Evidence From Practice.
European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 25 (5).
pp. 615-630.
ISSN Print: 1359-432X Online: 1464-0643
Bell, Robin
Dealing with Common Method Variance and Bias in Business and Management Research: The Impact of Basketball Coaches Cross-cultural Communication Competence.
Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2.
Sage, London.
ISBN 9781526467119
Bicknell, Ann and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Evaluation of the SPHERE Student Projects Model to Promote Employability Skills in Students and Knowledge Transfer Competencies in Staff:
What re the Challenges?
In: Society for Research into Higher Education Conference 2008. London., 2008, London.
Bower, Julie and Cox, Howard
How Scottish & Newcastle Became the U.K.’s Largest Brewer:
A Case of Regulatory Capture?
Business History Review, 86 (1).
pp. 43-68.
ISSN 0007-6805
Bower, Julie and Cox, Howard
Merger Regulation, Firms, and the Co-Evolutionary Process: An Empirical Study of Internationalisation in the UK Alcoholic Beverages Industry, 1985-2005.
CGR Working Paper (48).
pp. 1-33.
Bozward, David
Educating Entrepreneurs with Open Source Material & the Business Model Canvas.
In: Venturefest, 23/6/2016, Birmingham NEC.
Bozward, David
Social Enterprise.
Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal, 1 (1).
pp. 87-91.
ISSN 2374-4200
Cai, W.J., Loon, Mark and Chan, C.K.T.
Empowerment and Service Quality: The Sequential Mediating Effects of Affective Commitment and Work Centrality.
In: 38th International Business Research Conference, 21 – 23 November 2016, Sydney, Australia.
Cai, W.J., Loon, Mark and Wong, H.K.
Leadership, Trust in Management and Acceptance of Change in Hong Kong’s Civil Service Bureau.
In: 6th Global Business and Finance Research Conference, October 27 - October 29, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.
Cox, Howard
The Evolution of International Business Enterprise.
Global Business Strategy.
International Thomson, London, pp. 9-46.
ISBN 1861523521
Cox, Howard
The Global Cigarette: Origins and Evolution of British American Tobacco, 1880-1945.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 019829221X
Cox, Howard
Learning to do Business in China: the Evolution of BAT’s Cigarette Distribution Network, 1902-41.
Business History, 39 (3).
pp. 30-64.
ISSN 0007-6791
Cox, Howard
Shaping a Corporate Identity From Below; the Role of the BAT Bulletin.
Management and Organisational History, 3 (3-4).
pp. 197-215.
ISSN Online: 1744-9367 Print: 1744-9359
Cox, Howard and Chan, Kai Yiu
The Changing Nature of Sino-Foreign Business Relationships, 1842-1941.
Asia Pacific Business Review, 7 (2).
pp. 93-110.
ISSN 1743-792X (electronic) 1360-2381 (paper)
Cox, Howard and Frenz, Marion
Innovation and Performance in British-based Manufacturing Industries:Shaping the Policy Agenda.
The Business Economist, 33 (2).
pp. 24-33.
ISSN 0306-5049
Cox, Howard, Frenz, Marion and Prevezer, Martha
Patterns of Innovation in UK Industry: Exploring the CIS Data to Contrast High and Low Technology Industries.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 13 (1, 2,).
pp. 267-304.
ISSN 0260-1079
Cox, Howard, Huang, B. and Metcalfe, S.
Compradors, Firm Architecture and the ‘Reinvention’ of British Trading Companies: John Swire & Sons’ Operations in Early Twentieth Century China.
Business History, 45 (2).
pp. 15-34.
ISSN 0007-6791
Cox, Howard and Metcalfe, S.
The Borneo Company Limited:The Origins of a Nineteenth Century Networked Multinational.
Asia Pacific Business Review, 4 (4).
pp. 53-69.
ISSN 1743-792X (electronic) 1360-2381 (paper)
Cox, Howard, Mowatt, S. and Young, S.
Innovation and Organisation in the UK magazine print publishing industry: a survey.
Global Business and Economics Review, 7 (1).
pp. 111-127.
ISSN 1097-4954 (print) 1745-1329 (online)
Cox, Howard and Mowatt, Simon
Consumer-driven innovation networks and e-business management systems.
Qualitative Market Research, 7 (1).
pp. 9-19.
ISSN 1352-2752
Cox, Howard and Mowatt, Simon
Technological Change and Innovation in Consumer Magazine Publishing: a UK-Based Study.
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 20 (4).
pp. 503-520.
ISSN 1465-3990 (electronic) 0953-7325 (print)
Cox, Howard, Mowatt, Simon and Prevezer, Martha
The Firm in the Information Age: Organizational Responses to Technological Change in the Processed Foods Sector.
Industrial and Corporate Change, 11 (1).
pp. 135-158.
ISSN 0960-6491
Cox, Howard, Mowatt, Simon and Prevezer, Martha
New Product Development and Product Supply Within a Network Setting: The Case of the Chilled Ready-Meal Industry in the UK.
Industry and Innovation, 10 (2).
pp. 197-217.
ISSN 1366-2716
De Jager, J. and Gbadamosi, Gbolahan
Why Select and Remain in my University: Re-examining Higher Education in South Africa.
International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD), United States.
ISBN ISBN: 0-9765288-3-5.
Dhillon, Jaswinder
Senior Managers’ Perspectives of Leading and Managing
Effective, Sustainable and Successful Partnerships.
Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 41 (6).
pp. 736-750.
ISSN Print: 1741-1432 Online: 1741-1440
Doyle, Andrew
Temporal Intelligence Leadership.
In: Annual Postgraduate Occupational Psychology Conference, 8th - 9th January 2008, Holiday Inn, Stratford-Upon-Avon.
Doyle, Andrew and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Development of the Temporal Intelligence Questionnaire.
In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 9th -11th September 2008, Majestic Hotel, Harrogate.
Doyle, Andrew and Francis-Smythe, Jan
How Does Time Impact on Our Ability to Lead?
Leadership Trust - Focus, Summer.
Doyle, Andrew and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Role of Time in Leader-Follower Interactions.
In: Institute of Work Psychology Conference; Performance and Well-being, 18th - 20th June 2008, St Paul's Hotel, Sheffield.
Doyle, Andrew and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Temporal Implications on Well-Being.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Doyle, Andrew and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Temporal Intelligence in Leadership and Management.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference Leadership & Management, 19 May 2009, University of Worcester.
Dunnion, Marie
The Masked Employee and False Performance: Detecting Unethical Behaviour and Investigating Its Effects on Work Relationships.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Emblen-Perry, Kay
The Carbon Footprint of Computing.
In: The Carbon Footprint of Computing, 12 December 2024, The Hive.
Emblen-Perry, Kay
Steps to Net Zero.
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce, Worcester.
Emblen-Perry, Kay
Attitudes, Ability and Willingness: Rethinking Split Incentives of Non-domestic Building Tenure to Overcome Energy Inertia.
In: 2nd World Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation (WSCCA-2017), 6th - 8th September 2017, Coimbra, Portugal.
Emblen-Perry, Kay
Attitudes, Ability and Willingness: Rethinking Split-incentives of Non-domestic Building Tenure to Overcome Energy Inertia.
Theory and Practice of Climate Adaptation.
Climate Change Management
Springer, Germany, pp. 235-249.
ISBN 978-3-319-72873-5 eBook: 978-3-319-72874-2
Emblen-Perry, Kay
Engaging and Empowering Business Management Students to Support the Mitigation of Climate Change Through Sustainability Auditing.
Climate Change and the Role of Education.
Climate Change Management
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 549-573.
ISBN 978-3-030-32897-9 Online ISBN: 978-3-030-32898-6
Emblen-Perry, Kay
ORCID: and Murphy, Jo
Short-Term Student-Led Consultancy Placements: A Benefit for Employers and Solution to the Challenges of a Year in Business?
The International Journal of Professional Management, 18 (2).
ISSN 2042-2341
Evans, Carl and Gbadamosi, Gbolahan
Recruiting Managers with the Lure of CPD.
International Journal of Business and Management, 3 (7).
pp. 117-121.
ISSN 1833-3850
Francis-Smythe, Jan
Enhancing knowledge Sharing Competence in Learning Organizations.
ECLO e-learning journal (European Consortium for the Learning Organisation).
Francis-Smythe, Jan
Time Management.
Timing the Future: The Case for a Time-Based Prospective Memory.
World Scientific Publishing., Hackensack, New Jersey, pp. 143-170.
ISBN 9812564977
Francis-Smythe, Jan, Haase, Sandra, Steele, Catherine and Jellis, Matthew
Competencies and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Academics in Knowledge Exchange (KE) Activity.
Project Report.
University of Worcester, Worcester, UK.
Gad Mohsen, Marwa
Foodies in the UK: A Sense of Self, Connection and Belonging Beyond the Passion?
Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends: Proceedings of the 2016 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference.
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science
Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 457-467.
ISBN Print: 978-3-319-45595-2 Online: 978-3-319-45596-9
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan
Ritualism, Symbolism and Magic in Consultancy Practice: An Exploratory Investigation.
Management Decision, 43 (9).
pp. 1129-1146.
ISSN 0025-1747
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan
Stress at Work: Any Potential Redirection From an African Sample?
International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD), United States.
ISBN 0-9765288-3-5.
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan
Wellness at Work: Profile of Employees in Botswana.
International Management Development Association (IMDA), United States.
ISBN 1-888624-08-6
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan and Bello, M.
The King’s New Clothes in the Eyes of the Beholder: Developing a Measurement Scale for Attitude Towards Corruption.
International Management Development Association (IMDA), United States.
ISBN 1-888624-08-6
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan and Bello, M.
Profiling Corruption Perception in Africa: the Role of Religion, Gender, Education and Age.
Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA), United States.
ISBN 1-932917-05-5
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan and De Jager, J.
Measuring Service Quality in South Africa Higher Education: Developing a Multidimensional Scale.
Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA), United States.
ISBN 1-932917-04-7
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan and Evans, Carl
CPD as a Hyperbole: Why Don’t Employers Mention it in Managerial Job Adverts?
Journal of Management Development, 28 (5).
pp. 414-424.
ISSN 0622-1711
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan and Joubert, P.
Money Ethic, Moral Conduct and Work Related Attitudes: Field Study From the Public Sector in Swaziland.
Journal of Management Development, 24 (8).
pp. 754-763.
ISSN 0622-1711
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan, Ndaba, J. and Oni, F.
Predicting Charlatan Behaviour in a Non-Western Setting: Lack of Trust or Absence of Commitment?
Journal of Management Development, 26 (8).
pp. 753-769.
ISSN 0622-1711
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan and Osuagwu, L.
False Performance as Unethical Behaviour: Re-examining the Organisational Charlatan Scale.
In: Building New Strategic Partnerships for Africa’s Economic Development, May 29 - June 2 - 2007, London.
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan and Ross, Catharine
Perceived Stress and Performance Appraisal Discomfort: the Moderating Effects of Core Self-Evaluations and Gender.
Public Personnel Management, 41 (4).
pp. 637-659.
ISSN 0091-0260
Gisby, A., Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Francis-Smythe, Jan and Anderson, K.
The ‘Rich Pictures’ method: its use and value, and the implications for HRD research and practice.
Human Resource Development Review, 22 (2).
pp. 204-228.
ISSN 1534-4843 Online ISSN: 1552-6712
Gold, J., Nichol, Lynn
ORCID: and Harrison, P.
L&D must be a participant not a bystander in machine learning.
People Management.
Haase, Sandra
Applying Career Competencies in Career Management.
PhD thesis, Coventry University in collaboration with the University of Worcester.
Harrison, T., Nichol, Lynn
ORCID:, Gatto, M., Wai, M.C., Cox, A. and Gold, J.
What Will Be the Surprises for HRD in 2028?
A Futures Scenario.
International Journal of Human Resource Development Practice, Policy and Research, 3 (2).
pp. 63-71.
ISSN 23974575
Ibeh, K. and Kasem, Laila
Internationalization’s Effect on Marketing Learning: A Study of Syrian Firms.
Journal of Business Research, 67 (5).
pp. 680-685.
ISSN 0148-2963
Jones, R. and Andrews, Holly
Understanding the Rise of Faculty-student Coaching:
An Academic Capitalism Perspective.
Academy of Management Learning and Education, 18 (4).
ISSN Print: 1537-260X Online: 1944-9585
Jones, Rebecca J.
Coaching and Mentoring: A Critical Text - Book Review.
Jones, Rebecca J.
The Influence of the Five Factor Model of Personality, Self-verification Theory and Referral Mechanism on the Perceived Effectiveness of Executive Coaching.
In: British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, January 2012, Chester, England.
Jones, Rebecca J.
Response to Briner: The Evidence Base for Coaching.
OP Matters, 18.
pp. 14-15.
Jones, Rebecca J.
Want a Promotion? Then Get a Coach.
BPS News.
Jones, Rebecca J. and Andrews, Holly
Integrating a Career Coaching Approach Within a Preparing for Placement Module in Order to Enhance Student Employability.
Jones, Rebecca J. and Bozer, G.
Why Workplace Coaching Research Needs Greater Scientific Rigour: a Systematic Review and Recommendations for Future Research.
In: British Academy of Management 2016 Conference: Thriving in Turbulent Times, 6th - 8th September 2016, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Jones, Rebecca J. and Woods, S.A.
A Critical Evaluation of the Outcome Research Dominating the Field of Executive Coaching.
In: European Coaching Psychology Conference, December 2012, Birmingham.
Jones, Rebecca J., Woods, S.A. and Guillaume, Y.
A Framework of Executive Coaching Outcomes and a Meta-Analysis of Executive Coaching Effectiveness.
In: European Coaching Psychology Conference, 12/12/13 - 13/12/13, Edinburgh.
Jones, Rebecca J., Woods, S.A. and Guillaume, Y.
A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Executive Coaching at Improving Work-Based Performance and Moderators of Coaching Effectiveness.
In: British Psychological Society Annual Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, 06/01/14 - 08/01/14, Brighton.
Jones, Rebecca J., Woods, S.A. and Hutchinson, E.
The Influence of the Five Factor Model of Personality on the Perceived Effectiveness of Executive Coaching.
International Journal of Evidenced Based Coaching and Mentoring, 12 (2).
pp. 109-118.
ISSN 1741-8305
Karababa, E., Wasti, N., Oran, A. and Andrews, Scott
Academic Communities of Practice as a Response to Institutional Tensions.
In: BAM Annual Conference 2022, 30 August to 02 September 2022, Manchester.
Kasem, Laila, Balteanu, Matei, Doshi, S., Hochlaf, D. and Darko, E.
Social Enterprise Knowledge Centre: Insight January 2024 - Community Interest Company dissolution rates.
Technical Report.
Social Enterprise Knowledge Centre, London.
Kay, Alex and Ross, Catharine
Developing Front-Line Employees to Manage Negative Customer to Customer Interactions in the Retail Industry: Lessons for Human Resource Development in responding to COVID-19.
International Journal of HRD: Practice, Policy and Research, 5 (2).
pp. 19-30.
ISSN 2397-4575
Lau, Annica
ORCID:, Rebehn, Christian, Nichol, Lynn
ORCID: and Bell, Robin
In: 2025 Bi-Annual Psychological Contract (PC) Small Group Conference, April 7-8th 2025, Mike Ilitch School of Business, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Leal Filho, W., Liu, L., Jabbour, CJ., Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade, J.B., Rayman-Bacchus, L., Emblen-Perry, Kay, Platje, J., Quasem Al-Amin, A., Anholon, R., Simon Rampasso, I., Santa-Eulalia, L.A., Gonçalves Quelhas, O.L., Morito Pereira, C., Markus, W. and Frankenberger, F.
Managerial belief in Corporate Responsibility, and perceived business benefits and challenges.
Journal of Business Ethics.
ISSN 0167-4544 (print) 1573-0697 (eISSN)
Loon, M. and Warren, Vessela
Exploring Heuristics in Collaboration Through a Longitudinal Study.
Proceedings BAM 2017.
British Academy of Management.
ISBN 978-0-9956413-0-3
Loon, Mark
Developing Professional Practice in L&D.
Professional Practice in Learning and Development: How to Design and Deliver Plans for the Workplace.
Kogan Page, London, pp. 9-65.
ISBN Paperback 9780749477424
Loon, Mark
Professional Practice in Learning and Development:
How to Design and Deliver Plans for the Workplace.
Kogan Page, London.
ISBN Paperback 9780749477424
Loon, Mark
Using Information, Metrics and Developing Business Cases for L&D.
Professional Practice in Learning and Development: How to Design and Deliver Plans for the Workplace.
Kogan Page, London, pp. 104-150.
ISBN Paperback 9780749477424
Loon, Mark and Casimir, G.
Job-demand for Learning, Job-related Learning and Need for Achievement.
In: Asia-Pacific Academy of Management and Business, International Academy of Management and Business, and SIM University, March 5-8, 2007, Singapore.
Majd, A., Bell, Robin
ORCID:, Ali, S., Davoodi, A. and Nasirifar, A.
The Effect of Job Rotation on Employee Performance: The mediating role of HR strategy and training in the petrochemical industry.
Industrial and Commercial Training.
ISSN 0019-7858
Mawson, S. and Kasem, Laila
Exploring the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Syrian Refugees in the UK.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 25 (5).
pp. 1128-1146.
ISSN 1355-2554
Meddeb, Eya, Bowers, Christopher
ORCID: and Nichol, Lynn
Comparing Machine Learning Correlations to Domain Experts’ Causal Knowledge: Employee Turnover Use Case.
In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, August 23–26, 2022, Vienna, Austria.
ISSN Series ISSN 0302-9743; Online ISBN 978-3-031-14463-9
Nicholls, Richard
Capacity Management in Healthcare Services.
Medical Maestro Magazine, 16.
pp. 2250-2253.
ISSN 2353-3560
Nicholls, Richard
Demand Forecasting and Capacity Management.
Medical Maestro Magazine, 17.
pp. 2376-2379.
ISSN 2353-3560
Nicholls, Richard
Responding to Fluctuating Demand for Healthcare Services.
Medical Maestro Magazine, 14.
pp. 1946-1951.
ISSN 2353-3560
Oestreicher, Klaus
Disruptive Technology:
Approaches to Escape a Discontinuous Environment.
In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Management of Technology, 8-11 March 2010, Cairo.
Oestreicher, Klaus
Handbuch Strategische Kommunikation: Langfristiger Unternehmenserfolg durch Stakeholdermanagement.
Publicis Corporate Publishing, Erlangen, Germany.
ISBN 978-3895783586
Oestreicher, Klaus
The Home Entertainment Industry & the Hyper-consumer:
Consumption with or without Industrial Participation.
In: 5th Scottish Doctoral Management Conference, 15-16 June 2009, University of St. Andrews.
Oestreicher, Klaus
Management & Leadership in the Environment of Disruptive Innovation.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference Leadership & Management, 19 May 2009, University of Worcester.
Oestreicher, Klaus
The Radical Shift: From Industry to Ecosystem: A New Paradigm for Innovation-driven Global Markets.
In: Research Focus Conference, 21/06/2012, University of Worcester.
Oestreicher, Klaus
Segmentation & the Jobs-to-be-done theory:
A Conceptual Approach to Explaining Product Failure.
In: Sixteenth Annual South Dakota International Business Conference, 01.-03.10.2009, Northern States University, Rapid City SD, USA.
Rebehn, Christian, Nichol, Lynn
ORCID: and Bell, Robin
Northern German Hotel Employees’ Expectations of Employer Inducements: Development of a Context-Specific Q-Set.
International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research.
ISSN 2397-4583
(In Press)
Robinson, Laurence
Adult Learning Theory: Insights Relevant to the Appropriation of Ideas, Theories, Concepts and Models by Management Practitioners.
In: Research Student Conference, 1st July 2006, University of Worcester.
Robinson, Laurence, Ross, Catharine
ORCID: and Francis-Smythe, Jan
The Appropriation of Theories, Ideas, Concepts and Models by Management Practitioners.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference Leadership & Management, 19 May 2009, University of Worcester.
Ross, Catharine
Ethnic Minority Personnel Careers: Hindrances and Hopes.
Personnel Review, 33 (4).
pp. 468-484.
ISSN 0048-3486
Ross, Catharine
New Unions in the UK: the Vanguard or the Rearguard of the Union Movement?
Industrial Relations Journal, 44 (1).
pp. 78-94.
ISSN 0019 8692
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Emblen-Perry, Kay
ORCID:, Taylor, Clare and Hiatt, Bethan
Let’s be critical of Critical HRD: Addressing non-human interests in HRD ethics interventions in English Universities.
In: UFHRD International Conference, 7-9 June 2023, National College of Ireland Dublin.
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Nichol, Lynn
ORCID:, Elliott, C., Sambrook, S. and Stewart, J.
Discourses of Practice: an examination of KEF and its effects on the AL/HRD community.
Action Learning: Research and Practice.
ISSN Print: 1476-7333 Online: 1476-7341
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Nichol, Lynn
ORCID:, Elliott, C., Sambrook, S. and Stewart, J.
The Impact of HRD/M Research on Practice: an Analysis of the REF2014 Impact Case Studies: Working Paper for UFHRD 2017 Conference, Scholarly Practitioner Research Stream.
In: UFHRD 2017 Conference, 7-9 June 2017, Lison, Portugal.
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Nichol, Lynn
ORCID:, Elliott, C., Sambrook, S. and Stewart, J.
The Role of HRD in Bridging the Research-Practice Gap: The Case of Learning and Development.
Human Resource Development International, 23 (2).
pp. 108-124.
ISSN Print: 1367-8868 Online: 1469-8374
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Nichol, Lynn
ORCID:, Elliott, C., Sambrook, S. and Stewart, J.
Who Benefits from HRD? Discourses Evidenced in the REF2014 Impact Case Studies: Working Paper.
In: University Forum for Human Resource Development Conference 2018, 6-8 June 2018, Newcastle, UK.
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Nichol, Lynn
ORCID:, Elliott, C., Sambrook, S. and Stewart, J.
Why bridge the divide between academia and practice? Intended and achieved learning and implications for CHRD.
In: UFHRD International Conference National College of Ireland, 7-9 June 2023, Dublin.
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Robinson, Laurence and Francis-Smythe, Jan
The Contribution of Academic Scholarship to Management Development.
Journal of Management Development, 34 (3).
pp. 286-298.
ISSN Online: 0262-1711
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Stewart, J., Nichol, Lynn
ORCID:, Elliott, C. and Sambrook, S.
Sustaining the critical in CHRD in higher education institutions: the impact of new public management and implications for HRD.
Human Resource Development International.
ISSN Print: 1367-8868; Online: 1469-8374
Sacks, R. and Loon, Mark
Developing and Using Consultancy Skills.
Professional Practice in Learning and Development: How to Design and Deliver Plans for the Workplace.
Kogan Page, London, pp. 151-206.
ISBN Paperback 9780749477424
Steele, Catherine
Measuring Career Anchors and Investigating the Role of Career Anchor Congruence.
PhD thesis, University of Coventry in collaboration with the University of Worcester.
Steele, Catherine and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Investigating the Role of Career Anchors in Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment; a PJ Fit Approach.
In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2008, 2nd - 4th April 2008, Dublin.
Steele, Catherine and Haase, Sandra
Taking Control of Your Career; Implications for Individual Well-Being at Work and at Home.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Turner, A. and Nichol, Lynn
Development Assessment Centres: Practice Implications Arising from Exploring the Participant Voice.
International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research, 1 (1).
pp. 85-99.
ISSN 2397-4583
Walton, Nigel
Computing is Becoming a Global `Utility Business`.
The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief.
Walton, Nigel
`Four-Closure`: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google are Driving Business Model Innovation.
Chinese Business Review, 11 (11).
pp. 981-988.
ISSN 1537-1506
Walton, Nigel
Global Auto Sector Entering Innovation Renaissance.
The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief.
Walton, Nigel
Global Internet Firms Disrupt Business Beyond the Web.
The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief.
Walton, Nigel
Internet Gives Small Companies A New Global Leg Up.
The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief.
Walton, Nigel
`M-Commerce` Will Transform Global Retail Industry.
The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief.
Walton, Nigel
New Media Will Disrupt Global Advertising Industry.
The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief.
Walton, Nigel
`Next gen` Internet Alters Global Corporate Strategies.
The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief.
Walton, Nigel
`Platform` Model Will Change Global Corporate Strategy.
The Oxford Analytica Daily Brief.
Walton, Nigel and Oestreicher, Klaus
Google and Apple’s Gale of Creative Destruction.
China-USA Buisness Review, 11 (11).
pp. 1478-1491.
ISSN 1537-1514
Warren, Vessela
Creating Value Through Systematic Service Innovation Process.
In: First Global Conference on Creating Value, 23rd - 24th May 2018, Leicester Castle Business School, Leicester.
Warren, Vessela
Service Innovation Systematization in UK Small and Medium-sized Service Firms.
In: 2nd Doctoral Colloquium, University of Gloucestershire, July 2012, Berlin, Germany.
Warren, Vessela
Structuring the Service Innovation Process in a Small Business Services Firm.
In: 3rd Doctoral Colloquium, University of Gloucestershire, June 2013, Cheltenham.
Warren, Vessela
ORCID:, Bell, Robin
ORCID: and Bruning-Mescher, Sonja
Plant-Based Milk Alternatives: Consumer Needs and Marketing Strategies.
Plant-based food consumption : products, consumers and strategies.
Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier).
ISBN 9780323988285
Warren, Vessela
ORCID: and Davies, B.
Exploring Service Innovation Process in a Small Business Services Firm.
In: The 6th Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, 19th - 20th February 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
ISSN 978-80-88085-05-8
Warren, Vessela
ORCID: and Davies, B.
Exploring Service Innovation Process in a Small Business Services Firm.
Proceedings of the 6th MAC 2016 International Conference.
MAC Prague Consulting Ltd, Prague, pp. 103-110.
ISBN 9788088085058
Warren, Vessela
ORCID: and Davies, B.
The Service Innovation Process: To Systematize or not to Systematize?
BAM2016 Proceedings.
British Academy of Management.
ISBN 978-0-954960896
Warren, Vessela
ORCID: and Davies, B.
Structuring the Unstructured: Service Innovation in a UK Small Business Services Firm.
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2013, P. Teirlinck, S. Kelchtermans and F. de Beule (Eds.), Volume 2, p. 641-648, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading (UK)..
ISSN Print: 2049-1050
Warren, Vessela
ORCID: and Loon, M.
Exploring Inter-Organisational Collaborative Networks For Innovation.
BAM2017 Conference Proceedings.
British Academy of Management.
ISBN 978-0-9956413-0-3
Warren, Vessela
ORCID: and Wiid, Ria
Evaluation of an Open Innovation Process Model for New Service Development.
BAM2018 Conference Proceedings.
British Academy of Management, pp. 1-5.
ISBN 978-0-9956413-1-0
Watts, Helen, Clews, Peter and Cater, Kaylyn
Attendance and retention interventions in Worcester Business School.
In: University of Worcester Learning and Teaching Conference, 17th (half day from 12:30pm) and 18th (full day) June 2024, University of Worcester, St John's Campus.
Watts, Helen and Francis-Smythe, Jan
"Can the Research-Practice Gap Ever Really be Bridged? Applying the ‘Applied’ in Evidence-Based Organisational Practice".
In: PsyPAG Annual Conference 2007, 18th - 20th July 2007, London South bank University.
Watts, Helen and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Membership Retention in the Fitness Industry: The Development and Validation of a Predictive Model.
In: BASES Annual Conference 2008 - The Performing Athlete, Tuesday 2nd September - Thursday 4th September 2008, Brunel University.
Watts, Helen and Francis-Smythe, Jan
"Organisational Development Within the Health and Fitness Sector: Measuring, Predicting and Improving membership Retention Rates".
In: Postgraduate Occupational Psychology (POP) Conference 2008, 8th - 9th January 2008.
Watts, Helen, Francis-Smythe, Jan, Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Upton, Dominic
How Managers Can Predict Customer Retention Rates Through Psychological Profiling.
In: Research Focus One-Day Conference - Leadership and Management, 19th May 2009, University of Worcester.
Xiao, Sun
The Training of China's Managers: an Analysis and Evaluation of Using Overseas Training for Management Development.
PhD thesis, Coventry University in collaboration with the University of Worcester.
Yen, Dorothy, Yu, Q. and Barnes, B.R.
Focusing on Relationship Dimensions to Improve the Quality of Chinese–Western Business-to-Business Exchanges.
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 18 (8).
pp. 889-899.
ISSN Print 1478-3365 Online 1478-3391
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