Number of items: 523.
Adams-Groom, Beverley
Frequency and Abundance of Pollen Taxa in Crime Case Samples from the United Kingdom.
Grana, 54 (2).
pp. 146-155.
ISSN Print: 0017-3134 Online: 1651-2049
Agathanggelou, A., Weston, V.J., Perry, T., Davies, N.J., Skowronska, A., Payne, D.T., Fossey, J.S., Oldreive, C.E., Wei, W., Pratt, G., Parry, H., Oscier, D., Coles, Steven
ORCID:, Hole, P.S., Darley, R.L., McMahon, M., Hayes, J.D., Moss, P., Stewart, G., Taylor, M. and Stankovic, T.
Targeting the Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated-null Phenotype in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with Pro-oxidants.
Haematologica, 100 (8).
pp. 1076-1085.
ISSN Print: 0390-6078 Online: 1592-8721
Al-Khatib, I.A., Eleyan, D. and Garfield, Joy
A System Dynamics Model to Predict Municipal Waste Generation and Management Costs in Developing Areas.
The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 41 (2).
pp. 109-120.
ISSN 1088-1697
Alade, Temitope
ORCID:, Zhu, H. and Wang, J.
Uplink Spectral Efficiency Analysis of In-Building Distributed Antenna Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14 (7).
pp. 4063-4074.
ISSN 1536-1276
Alavi, S.A., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Valaei, N. and Wan Ismail, W.K.
Examining shopping mall consumer decision-making styles, satisfaction and purchase intention.
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 26 (3).
pp. 272-303.
ISSN 0959-3969
Ali, Sa'ad, Raiden, A. and Kirk, S.
Social Capital in Jordan: Wasta in Employment Selection.
In: The International Conference on Organization and Management (ICOM) 2015, 22nd - 23rd November 2015, Abu Dhabi.
Allen, Richard
Panoramic Sea Happening (After Kantor): Video Installation.
Allen, Richard and May, S.
Encountering Anthropomorphism (Editorial).
Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts, 20 (2).
pp. 1-3.
ISSN Print: 1352-8165 Online: 1469-9990
Amin, M., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Tavana, F.S.
Gender differences and consumer's repurchase intention: The impact of trust propensity, usefulness and ease of use for implication of innovative online retail.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 17 (2).
pp. 217-233.
ISSN Print: 1471-8197 Online: 1741-8089
Andersson, M.X., Nilsson, A.K., Johansson, O.N., Boztas, Gulin, Adolfsson, L.E., Pinosa, F., Garcia, C., Arronsson, H., Mackey, D., Tör, M.
ORCID:, Hamberg, M. and Ellerström, M.
Involvement of the Electrophilic Isothiocyanate Sulforaphane in Arabidopsis Local Defense Responses.
Plant Physiology, 167 (1).
pp. 251-261.
ISSN Print 0032-0889 Online 1532-2548
Andrews, Holly, Francis-Smythe, Jan and Jellis, Matthew
Shining a Light on the Dark Side: How the Global Financial Crisis Exposed the Dark Side of Leadership.
In: 6th Global Business Conference: The Possible Positive Aspects of Economic Crises, 30th September - 3rd October 2015, Sibenik, Croatia.
Andrews, Maggie
The Acceptable Face of Feminism: The Women’s Institute Movement as a Social Movement (2nd edition).
Lawrence and Wishart, London.
ISBN 9781910448168
Andrews, Maggie
Gender, Feminist and Women’s History by 'Any Other Name': The
Need to Keep Alive the Radical Traditions of Women’s History.
Women's History: The Journal of the Women's History Network, 2 (3).
pp. 16-18.
ISSN 2059-0156
Andrews, Maggie
Jumping on the Bandwagon: Fantasy and Reality in Contemporary Texts About WW1.
In: Being Young in World War Conference, 7th November 2015, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Andrews, Maggie
The Nation's Cinderella's: Women's Organisations and Wartime Evacuation.
In: Womens History Network National Conference, 4th - 6th September 2015, University of Kent.
Andrews, Maggie
Nationalising Hundreds and Thousands of Women': a Domestic Response to a National Problem.
Women’s History Review, 24 (1).
pp. 112-130.
ISSN Print: 0961-2025, Online:
Andrews, Maggie
Not All Jam and Jerusalem.
Andrews, Maggie
Politics, Problems and Possibilities: Why Teaching Must Really Matter for Historians.
In: Teaching History in Higher Education Conference, 8th-9th September, 2015, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London.
Andrews, Maggie
Poppies, Tommies and Remembrance.
Soundings, 58.
pp. 98-109.
ISSN Print: 1362-6620, Online: 1741-0797
Andrews, Maggie
Potential Cosmopolitan Sensibilities in Feminized Mediated Remembrance.
Media and Cosmopolitanism.
New Visions of the Cosmopolitan
Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland.
ISBN 978-3-0343-0969-1
Andrews, Maggie
Salting the Pig and Harvesting the Plums: Gendered Roles in Rural Worcestershire in WWI.
In: Rural Women's Studies Association Triennial Conference, 12th - 15th February 2015, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.
Andrews, Maggie
'Salting the Pig, Picking and Preserving the Fruit: the Rural West Midlands Home Front'.
In: Women Gender and the First World War: Home Fronts and War Fronts, 10th October 2015, University of Portsmouth.
Andrews, Maggie
Shopping for Identities and Purchasing Fantasies of Domesticity in Post-war Kays Catalogues.
Gender Construction in Kays Catalogues : 1920 to the New Millennium.
Cambridge Academic, Cambridge, pp. 47-59.
ISBN 1903499828
Andrews, Maggie
The WI's Rural Retailing and Markets 1915–1939: a First World War Legacy.
History of Retailing and Consumption, 1 (2).
pp. 89-104.
ISSN Print: 2373-518X, Online: 2373-5171
Andrews, Maggie, Crutchley, Jody, Jones, Laura, King, Elspeth and Miller, Rosemarie
Enhancing the Employability of Humanities Postgraduates: a Students as Academic Partners Project Report.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (10).
ISSN 2024-8032
Appleby, Karen
Developing Theory for Practice: Reflective Practice as a Way of Being.
In: EECERA 25th Annual Conference. Innovation, Experimentation and Adventure in Early Childhood, 7th - 10th September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Appleby, Karen and Hanson, Karen
Reflective Practice.
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles.
ISBN 9781446259276
Arloth, J, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Binder, E.B.
Genetic Differences in the Immediate Transcriptome Response to Stress Predict Risk-Related Brain Function and Psychiatric Disorders.
Neuron, 86 (5).
pp. 1189-1202.
ISSN 0896-6273
Aziz, Feteha
The Dark Side of Society in Two Malaysian Short Stories: A Grotesque Reading.
Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 9 (1).
pp. 177-192.
ISSN 1985-3106
Bahadur, Kritika
Men's Work-life Balance: Factors Affecting Balance.
International Journal of Diverse Identities, 14 (1).
pp. 9-20.
ISSN Print: 2327-7866 Online: 2327-8560
Barber, Lerverne and Breeze, Nicholas
HND Degree 'Top-up' Students' Perceptions of Their Experience at the University of Worcester: How Can Future Students' Experiences Be Improved?
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (10).
ISSN 2024-8032
Barnes, Sue, Ceen, F., Gardener, John and Hughes, M.
Students as Academic Partners Project: Audit of Team Work Practice within Worcester Business School.
In: 14th Annual Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference, 18th June 2015, Univeristy of Worcester.
Barnett, Anthony
Categorising Asynchronous Discussion Threads: Improving the Quality of Student Learning.
In: Annual UW Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference, 18th June 2015, University of Worcester.
Barnett, Anthony
Conceptual Canvas.
Barnett, Anthony
Learning Stories and Documentation.
Barnett, Anthony
Looking Back to the 1980s.
Roadrunner: The Journal of the Road Runners Club, 205.
pp. 35-36.
Barnett, Anthony and Savage, Moira
Digital Literacy for Primary Teachers.
Critical Teaching
Critical Publishing, Norwich.
ISBN 978-1-909682-61-0
Barrell, Rachel, Amena, D. and Howard, Colin
Fostering a Sense of Belonging and Empowerment for Male Students in Undergraduate Teacher Education Courses.
In: Teaching and Student Experience Conference: 'Building a community of learning through innovation and shared responsibility', 18th June, 2015, University of Worcester, UK.
Barrett, Heather
Book Review: Carmona M (ed.) (2014) Explorations in Urban Design: an Urban Design Research Primer, Farnham, Ashgate.
Liverpool University Press.
Beaman-Evans, Charlotte, Chapman, Val, Breeze, Nicholas and Bowen-Jones, Will
'Usemyability’ (UMA). An Investigation Into Whether
an Online Employability Skills Audit Can Enhance Students Understanding of the Term Employability.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (10).
ISSN 2024-8032
Bell, H. and Bell, Robin
Post-Crisis Belarus: Marxism and the Lender of Last Resort.
Journal of Eurasian Studies, 6 (2).
pp. 153-160.
ISSN 1879-3665
Bell, Robin
Developing the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs: Giving Students the Opportunity to Gain Experience and Thrive.
The International Journal of Management Education, 13 (1).
pp. 37-47.
ISSN 1472-8117
Bell, Robin
Encouraging and Preparing Students for a Study Abroad Experience through the Management of Student Concerns, Apprehensions and Expectations Developed from Previous Students’ Experiences.
In: Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) Conference: “Business in the Developing World”, 20th - 23rd May 2015, Southeast Missouri State University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Bell, Robin
Mentoring as a Key Facet in the Applied Entrepreneurial Learning Experience: The Impact of Consultant Mentoring on Students’ Entrepreneurial Development.
In: Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE) Conference - Mind the Gap: Bridging Practice, Pedagogy and Protocol, 28th - 30th May 2015, MacEwan University School of Business, Edmonton, Alberta.
Bell, Robin
ORCID: and Loon, Mark
The Impact of Critical Thinking Disposition on Learning Using Business Simulations.
The International Journal of Management Education, 13 (2).
pp. 119-127.
ISSN 1472-8117
Bell, Viv and Robinson, Andrew
Writing for the Web.
In: Writing for the Web, 28th July 2015, The Hive, Worcester.
Bennett, Clare, Farquharson, Natalie and Preece, Emma
Sexual Abstinence and Young People: a Subject Worthy of Consideration?
British Journal of School Nursing, 10 (4).
pp. 176-180.
ISSN Print: 1752-2803 Online: 2052-2827
Bentley, Jackie
The Role of Vitamin D in Infants, Children and Young People.
Nursing Children and Young People, 27 (1).
pp. 28-35.
ISSN 2046-2336
Bickerdike, H.L., Evans, D.J.A., McDougall, Derek and Vieli, A.
Overview of the Younger Dryas Glaciation in the Lake District.
The Quaternary of the Lake District Field Guide.
Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 29-64.
ISBN 0 907 780 164 ISSN: 0261 3611
Bingle, Branwen, Howard, Colin
ORCID:, Robinson, Catriona and Kington, Alison
Tales From the Watershed:Using Repertory Grids in the Study of Teachers’ Mid-career Identity.
In: XXIst International Conference of Personal Construct Psychology, 15th -17th July 2015, University of Hertfordshire.
Bisson, N., Grondin, S. and Francis-Smythe, Jan
Validation Française de l’Échelle de la Personnalité Temporelle (French Validation of the Time Personality Indicator).
L’Année psychologique/Topics in Cognitive Psychology, 115 (4).
pp. 561-590.
ISSN Print 0003-5033 Online 1955-2580
Black, J. and Whigham, Stuart
'Team GB', 'Team England' or 'Team Scotland'? Media Representations of 'Britishness', 'Englishness' and
'Scottishness' in London 2012 and Glasgow 2014.
In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2015, 15th - 17th April 2015, Glasgow Caledonian University.
Blackmore, Karen
ORCID:, Wilkie, O. and Manders, D.
To What Extent Can Tablet Computers (iPads) be Used to Support the Acquisition of Investigative Skills in Primary Science?
INTED2015 Proceedings.
IATED, pp. 2791-2794.
ISBN 978-84-606-5763-7
Boddey, J. and Hodgkins, Angela
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Management of a Playwork Setting.
Journal of Playwork Practice, 3 (3).
pp. 81-84.
ISSN Print: 2053-1621 Online: 2053-163X
Boehm, J., Tanner, B., Lowrie, D., Bonassi, M., Brown, N., Thomas, Yvonne
ORCID: and Reinie, C.
Exploring Emerging Occupational Therapy Identity and the Development of Graduate Attributes Among Occupational Therapy Students.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78 (8).
pp. 499-507.
ISSN Print 0308-0226 Online 1477-6006
Bokhari, S.
North Western Pakistani Pashtun Perspectives on the Educational Achievement of Their Children in England.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Bold, Justine
Disinhibited Limbic System.
Secondary Character and Other Stories.
Opening Chapter, Cardiff.
ISBN 9781904958581
Bold, Justine
Postgraduate Perspectives on E-feedback.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (10).
ISSN 2024-8032
Bold, Justine and Rostami, K.
Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity and Reproductive Disorders.
Gastroenterology Hepatology From Bed to Bench., 8 (4).
pp. 294-297.
ISSN Print: 2008-2258 Online: 2008-4234
Bonini, M., Šikoparija, B., Cislaghi, G., Colombo, P., Testoni, C., Grewling, Ł., Lommen, S.T., Müller-Schärer, H. and Smith, Matt
Is the Recent Decrease in Airborne Ambrosia Pollen in the Milan Area Due to the Accidental Introduction of the Ragweed Leaf Beetle Ophraella Communa?
Aerobiologia, 31 (4).
pp. 499-513.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Bonini, M., Šikoparija, B., Prentović, M., Cislaghi, G., Colombo, P., Testoni, C., Grewling, Ł., Lommen, S.T., Müller-Schärer, H. and Smith, Matt
A Follow-up Study Examining Airborne Ambrosia Pollen
in the Milan Area in 2014 in Relation to the Accidental
Introduction of the Ragweed Leaf Beetle Ophraella Communa.
Aerobiologia, 32 (2).
pp. 371-374.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Bowers, Christopher
Technology Driven Behaviour Change Using Mobile Devices.
In: British Computing Society: Hereford & Worcester Chapter - Invited Talk, 25th Feb 2015, Worcester, UK.
Boztas, Gulin
Investigation of Apoplastic Effectors from Arabidopsis Downy Mildew Pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Bradley, Eleanor
ORCID:, Taylor, Charlotte and Taylor-Robinson, S.
Perceptions of Mental Health Recovery: Service Users,
Carers and Health Professionals’ Perspectives.
In: 12th Annual Psychology Health and Medicine Conference, 1st April 2015, Stranmillis University College, Belfast.
Bradley, R., Lewis, Jodie
ORCID:, Mullin, David and Branch, N.
Where Water Wells Up From the Earth: Excavations at the Findspot of the Late Bronze Age Broadward Hoard, Shropshire.
The Antiquaries Jounral, 95.
pp. 21-64.
ISSN Print: 0003-5815 Online: 1758-5309
Bray, Jennifer
Addressing the Challenge of Providing 'Care Fit for VIPS'.
Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID: and Kitchen, S.
Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Priorities for a Strategy Now.
The Journal of Dementia Care, 23 (1).
pp. 16-17.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Bruce, Mary, Carter, Christine, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Milosevic, Sarah, Thompson, R. and Hutt, L.
Improving Activity and Engagement for Patients with Dementia.
Nursing Older People, 27 (8).
pp. 22-26.
ISSN 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941
Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Bruce, Mary, Carter, Christine, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Milosevic, Sarah, Thompson, R., Longden, J. and Robinson, J.
Improving the Hospital Environment for People with Dementia.
Nursing Older People, 27 (9).
pp. 16-20.
ISSN 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941
Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Bruce, Mary, Carter, Christine, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Milosevic, Sarah, Thompson, R. and Woods, C.
Enabling Hospital Staff to Care for People with Dementia.
Nursing Older People, 27 (10).
pp. 29-32.
ISSN 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941
Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Thompson, Rachel, Bruce, Mary, Carter, Christine, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Milosevic, Sarah, Coleman, H. and McSherry, W.
Understanding the Needs of People with Dementia and Family Carers.
Nursing Older People, 27 (7).
pp. 18-23.
ISSN Print: 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941
Brooker, Dawn
Priorities for the next National Dementia Strategy.
Journal of Dementia Care, 23 (2).
pp. 8-9.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Latham, Isabelle
Person-centred dementia care: making services better (Second edition).
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London.
ISBN Paperback: 9781849056663
Brown, Yvette, Tomlinson, Faye and Adefila, Arinola
Using Photo-voice to capture carer’s experiences.
In: ‘A Little More Conversation, a Little More Action' Conference., June 2017, University of Worcester.
Browning, Paul and Rowell, T.
Relationship Between EU Membership & UK Medical Device Innovation.
British Journal of Healthcare Management, 21 (11).
pp. 518-522.
ISSN 1358-0574
Burns, D., Tierney, R., Shannon-Lowe, C., Croudace, Joanne, Inman, C., Abbotts, B., Nagra, S., Fox, C., Chaganti, S., Craddock, C., Moss, P., Rickinson, A., Rowe, M. and Bell, A.
Memory B-cell reconstitution following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an EBV-associated transformation event.
Blood, 126 (25).
pp. 2665-2675.
ISSN Print: 0006-4971 Online: 1528-0020
Buters, J.T.M., Prank, M., Sofiev, M., Pusch, G., Albertini, R., Annesi-Maesano, I., Antunes, C.M., Behrendt, H., Berger, U., Brandao, R., Celenk, S., Galán, C., Grewling, Ł., Jackowiak, B., Kennedy, Roy, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Reese, G., Sauliene, I., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Weber, B. and Cecchi, L.
Variation of the Group 5 Grass Pollen Allergen Content of Airborne Pollen in Relation to Geographical Location and Time in Season.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 136 (1).
pp. 87-95.
ISSN 0091-6749
Byrne, E.M., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Raheja, U.K., Stephens, S.H., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A.F., Vaswani, D., Nijjar, G.V., Ryan, K.A., Youssufi, H., Gehrman, P.R., Shuldiner, A.R., Martin, N.G., Montgomery, G.W., Wray, N.R., Nelson, E.C., Mitchell, B.D. and Postolache, T.T.
Seasonality Shows Evidence for Polygenic Architecture and Genetic Correlation With Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76 (2).
pp. 128-134.
ISSN Online: 1555-2101 Print: 0160-6689
Calis, O., Cekic, C., Soylu, S. and Tör, M.
Identification of New Resistance Sources From Diploid Wild Strawberry Against Powdery Mildew Pathogen.
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 52 (3).
pp. 677-683.
ISSN Print: 0552-9034 Online: 2076-0906
Callaghan, M., Savin-Baden, Maggi, McShane, N. and Gomez, A.
Mapping Learning and Game Mechanics for Serious Games Analysis in Engineering Education.
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (1).
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 2168-6750
Carey-Jenkins, Derval
Whose Curriculum is it Anyway?
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles, pp. 193-204.
ISBN Paperback: 9781446259276 Hardback: 9781446259269
Carrie, Rachael, Dobson, M. and Barlow, J.
The Influence of Geology and Season on Macroinvertebrates in Belizean Streams: Implications for Tropical Bioassessment.
Freshwater Science, 34 (2).
pp. 648-662.
ISSN Print 2161-9549 Online 2161-9565
Cashian, P., Clarke, J. and Richardson, Mark
Perspectives on: Employability
Is it Time to Move the Employability Debate on?
Chartered Association of Business Schools: Publications.
pp. 1-9.
Cashmore, Yvonne
New A Level Business - Which Specification?
Teaching Business and Economics, 19 (1).
pp. 4-5.
Chalari, Athanasia
Re-organising Everyday Greek Social Reality: Subjective Experiences of the Greek Crisis.
The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece in the Eurozone Crisis.
New Perspectives on South-East Europe
Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke,, pp. 160-176.
ISBN Paperback: 978-1-349-47483-7 Hardback:978-1-137-36922-2
Cherry, Amy
ORCID:, Dennis, C.A., Baron, A., Eisele, L.E., Thommes, P.A. and Jaeger, J.
Hydrophobic and Charged Residues in the C-Terminal Arm of Hepatitis C Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Regulate Initiation and Elongation.
Journal of Virology, 89 (4).
pp. 2052-2063.
ISSN Print: 0022-538X Online: 1098-5514
Cherry, Amy
ORCID:, Nott, T.J., Kelly, G., Rulten, S.L., Caldecott, K.W. and Smerdon, S.J.
Versatility in Phospho-dependent Molecular Recognition of the XRCC1 and XRCC4 DNA-damage Scaffolds by Aprataxin-family FHA Domains.
DNA Repair, 35.
pp. 116-125.
ISSN Print: 1568-7864 Online: 1568-7856
Cinpoes, Nicoleta
From 'New' Europe to Thug Brittania: Titus Redivivus.
In: European Shakespeare Research Association Congress, 29.06-02.07.2015, University of Worcester.
Cinpoes, Nicoleta
Handling Ophelia in Recent Stage Productions of Hamlet.
In: The Shakespeare Institute Seminar Series, 26 February 2015, Shakespeare Institute.
Cinpoes, Nicoleta
Titus Andronicus by TeatrPolski, and: Titus Andronicus by Hiraeth Artistic Productions.
Shakespeare Bulletin, 33 (1).
pp. 135-141.
ISSN 0748-2558 Online: 1931-1427
Cochrane, Claire
'Producing the Scene': the Evolution of the Director in British Theatre 1900-50.
British Theatre and Performance 1900-1950.
Critical Companions
Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, London, pp. 199-212.
ISBN Paperback: 9781408165652 Hardback: 9781408174920
Coles, Steven
ORCID:, Gilmour, M.N., Reed, R., Knapper, S., Burnett, A.K., Man, S., Tonks, A. and Darley, R.L.
The Immunosuppressive Ligands PD-L1 and CD200 are Linked in AML T-cell Immunosuppression: Identification of a New Immunotherapeutic Synapse.
Leukemia, 29 (9).
pp. 1952-1954.
ISSN Print: 0887-6924 Online: 1476-5551
Collins, Philip and Scott, Linda
Science on a Shoestring.
In: The Association for Science Education Annual Conference, 7th - 10th January 2015, University of Reading.
Cook, J., Nichol, Lynn
ORCID: and Loon, Mark
An Exploration of the Use of Coaching and Mentoring in the Supervision of Doctoral Students in UK University Business Schools.
In: UFHRD 2015 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice, 3-5 June 2015, University College Cork.
Cook, Matthew
ORCID:, Myers, S.D., Blacker, S.D. and Willems, M.E.
New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract Improves Cycling Performance and Fat Oxidation in Cyclists.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 115 (11).
pp. 2357-2365.
ISSN Print: 1439-6319 Online: 1439-6327
Cook, Matthew
ORCID:, Myers, S.D., Kelly, J.S. and Willems, M.E.
Acute Postexercise Effects of Concentric and Eccentric Exercise on Glucose Tolerance.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 25 (1).
pp. 14-19.
ISSN Print: 1526-484X Online: 1543-2742
Cook, Matthew
ORCID:, Myers, S.D., Kelly, J.S. and Willems, M.E.
Effect of Level and Downhill Running on Breathing Efficiency.
Sports, 3 (1).
pp. 12-20.
ISSN Print: 2075-4663 Online:2075-4663
Cooper, Darren
The Effectiveness of Instructional Video in the Acquisition of Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Skills in Practical Sports Therapy Rehabilitation.
In: HEA Social Sciences Conference, 3-4 December 2015, The Studio, Manchester.
Cooper, Darren
ORCID: and Higgins, Steve
The Effectiveness of Online Instructional Videos in the Acquisition and Demonstration of Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Rehabilitation Skills.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 46 (4).
pp. 768-779.
ISSN 1467-8535
Coria, J., Bonilla, J., Grundström, Maria and Pleijel, H.
Air Pollution Dynamics and the Need for Temporally Differentiated Road Pricing.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 75.
pp. 178-195.
ISSN 0965-8564
Croucher, A., Blank, Alison, Bryant, W., Notley, J. and Pell, H.
"Social Inclusion is... Being Involved in the Community and Feeling Safe". Exploring the Experience of Social Inclusion for People with Mental Illness.
World Association Psychosocial Rehabilitation Bulletin (36).
pp. 11-16.
Crutchley, Jody
Teacher Mobility and Transnational, ‘British World’ Space: the League of the Empire’s ‘Interchange of Home and Dominion Teachers’, 1907–1931.
History of Education, 44 (6).
pp. 729-748.
ISSN Print : 0046-760X Online: 1464-5130
Cullen, Tom, Thomas, A.W., Webb, R. and Hughes, M.G.
The Relationship Between Interleukin-6 in Saliva, Venous and Capillary Plasma, at Rest and in Response to Exercise.
Cytokine, 71 (2).
pp. 397-400.
ISSN 1043-4666
Cutting, K.F. and White, Richard
Deaths and Pressure Ulcers: Should Death Certificate Reporting be Mandatory? (Editorial).
British Journal of Nursing, 24 (Sup.6).
ISSN 0966-0461
Davies, Andy
Andy Robert Davies Illustration: Professional Runner-up - The White Hart.
Creative Quarterly: The Journal of Art & Design, 40.
ISSN 1931-3098
Davis, Paul and Pyper, N.
Enacting a New Approach to Scenario Analysis: The Potential of a Pragmatist Account.
Foresight: The Journal of Future Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy, 17 (5).
pp. 427-443.
ISSN Online: 1463-6689
Day, Julie
Diagnosing and Managing Venous Leg Ulcers in Patients in the Community.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (S.12).
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Devran, Z., Kahveci, E., Özkaynak, E., Studholme, D.J. and Tör, M.
Development of Molecular Markers Tightly Linked to Pvr4
Gene in Pepper Using Next-Generation Sequencing.
Molecular Breeding, 35 (101).
ISSN Print: 1380-3743 Online: 1572-9788
Dhillon, Jaswinder
Social Capital in Inter-Organizational Partnership
Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital.
Handbooks of research methods and applications
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 307-323.
ISBN 0857935844, 9780857935847
Di Florio, A., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Forty, L., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Craddock, N. and Jones, I.
Bipolar Disorder, Miscarriage, and Termination.
Bipolar Disorders, 17 (1).
pp. 102-105.
ISSN Online: 1399-5618
Di Florio, A., Morgan, H., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Forty, L., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Craddock, N. and Jones, I.
Smoking and Postpartum Psychosis.
Bipolar Disorders, 17 (5).
pp. 572-573.
ISSN Online: 1399-5618
Di Miceli, Mathieu
ORCID: and Gronier, B.
Psychostimulants and atomoxetine alter the electrophysiological activity of prefrontal cortex neurons, interaction with catecholamine and glutamate NMDA receptors.
Psychopharmacology, 232 (12).
pp. 2191-2205.
ISSN 1432-2072
Dixon, Alan
ORCID: and Carrie, Rachael
Creating Local Institutional Arrangements for Sustainable Wetland Socio-ecological Systems: Lessons from the ‘Striking a Balance’ Project in Malawi.
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 23 (1).
pp. 40-52.
ISSN Print: 1350-4509 Online: 1745-2627
Doos, L., Bradley, Eleanor
ORCID:, Rushton, C., Satchithananda, D., Davies, S. and Kadam, U.
Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Multimorbidity at Hospital Discharge Transition: a Study of Patient and Carer Experience.
Health Expectations, 18 (6).
pp. 2401-2412.
ISSN Print: 369-6513 Online:1369-7625
Dornellas, A.P.S., Watanabe, R.L.H., Pimentel, G.D., Boldarine, V.T., Nascimento, C.M.O., Oyama, L.M., Ghebremeskel, K., Wang, Y., Bueno, Allain
ORCID: and Ribeiro, E.B.
Deleterious Effects of Lard-enriched Diet on Tissues Fatty Acids Composition and Hypothalamic Insulin Actions.
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 102-3.
pp. 21-29.
ISSN 0952-3278
Dresner, D.G. and Garfield, Joy
Requirements and Risk: Singing From the Same Hymn-sheet.
UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2015, 20.
Dutton, Gina
Dementia Words Matter.
NHS Fabstuff.
Dutton, Gina
The Disproportionate Impact of Dementia on Women.
Fawcett Society.
Dutton, John, Clayton, Hayley and Evans, Sian
The Social Aspects of Wild Boar in the Forest of Dean.
Project Report.
Forestry Commission and University of Worcester.
Edwards, Sean
Just a Little Glass of Water.
Edwards, Sean
Thickness on Paper (Draft 1).
In: Un Nouveau festival 2015 : Air de jeu, 15th April - 20th July 2015, Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Elstone, A. and White, Richard
Multilayering of Superabsorbent Polymer Dressings has no Place in Wound Care.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (Sup. 9).
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Emeljanovas, A., Malinauskas, R., Valantine, I. and Hardman, Ken
The Relationship Between the Assessment System in Physical Education in the Former Soviet State of Lithuania and Physical Activity Levels of Adults.
Kinesiology: International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Kinesiology, 47 (2).
pp. 242-252.
ISSN 1331-1441
Erol, Rosie
ORCID:, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Peel, Elizabeth
Women and Dementia: A Global Research Review.
Project Report.
Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI), London.
Erol, Rosie
ORCID:, Upton, Penney, MacKenzie, H., Donnelly, P. and Upton, Dominic
Delivering the Future: Evaluation of a Multidisciplinary Clinical Leadership Programme in NHS Scotland.
British Journal of Healthcare Management, 21 (1).
pp. 29-35.
ISSN 1358-0574
Essl, F., Biro, K., Brandes, D., Broennimann, O., Bullock, J.M., Chapman, D.S., Chauvel, B., Dullinger, S., Fumanal, B., Guisan, A., Karrer, G., Kazinczi, G., Kueffer, C., Laitung, B., Lavoie, C., Leitner, M., Mang, T., Moser, D., Müller-Schärer, H., Petitpierre, B., Richter, R., Schaffner, U., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Starfinger, U., Vautard, R., Vogl, G., von der Lippe, M. and Follak, S.
Biological Flora of the British Isles: Ambrosia Artemisiifolia.
Journal of Ecology, 103 (4).
pp. 1069-1098.
ISSN 0022-0477 Online: 1365-2745
Evans, Carl, Maxfield, Tim and Gbadamosi, Gbolahan
Using Part-time Working to Support Graduate Employment: Needs and Perceptions of Employers.
Industry and Higher Education, 29 (4).
pp. 305-314.
ISSN Print: 0950-4222 Online: 2043-6858
Evans, Claire and Kevern, P.
Liminality in Preregistration Mental Health Nurse Education: A Review of the Literature.
Nurse Education in Practice, 15 (1).
pp. 1-6.
ISSN 1471-5953 Online: 1873-5223
Evans, D.J.A. and McDougall, Derek
Bedrock Geology and Physiography.
The Quaternary of the Lake District Field Guide.
Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 0 907 780 164 ISSN: 0261 3611
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Thompson, R., Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Milosevic, Sarah, Bruce, Mary and Carter, Christine
Introduction to the Transforming Dementia Care in Hospitals Series.
Nursing Older People, 27 (6).
pp. 18-24.
ISSN Print: 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Harrison-Dening, K. and Read, Kate
An Evaluation of the End of Life Care Experiences of
People with Dementia and Their Carers.
Project Report.
Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester and Dementia UK.
Fairlie, Susan
Coproduction: A Personal Journey.
Mental Health Review Journal, 20 (4).
pp. 267-278.
ISSN Online: 1361-9322
Fairlie, Susan
Improving Patient Safety in Primary Care.
Nursing Times, 111 (25).
pp. 20-22.
ISSN 0954-7762
Fairman, Roger
The Westerman Typescripts at the University of Worcester Research Collections.
The Westerman Yarns Newsletter (6).
pp. 21-22.
Fanneran, T., Brimblecombe, N., Bradley, Eleanor
ORCID: and Gregory, S.
Using Workload Measurement Tools in Diverse Care
Contexts: the Experience of Staff in Mental Health and
Learning Disability Inpatient Settings.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 22 (10).
pp. 764-772.
ISSN Online: 1365-2850
Fantozzi, Elena, Telli, Osman, Tör, M.
ORCID: and Zipfel, C.
Towards Identifying PAMPs from the Downy Mildew Pathogen Hyaloperonospora Arabidopsidis.
In: BSPP 2015 Presidential Meeting: The Impact of plant pathology on everyday lives, 13th - 15th September, 2015, University of Bristol.
Farrelly, Daniel
ORCID:, Moan, E., White, K. and Young, S.
Evidence of an Alternative Currency for Altruism in Laboratory-Based Experiments.
Europe's Journal of Psychology, 11 (1).
pp. 100-111.
ISSN 1841-0413
Farrelly, Daniel
ORCID:, Owens, R., Elliott, H.R., Walden, H.R. and Wetherell, M.A.
The Effects of Being in a “New Relationship” on Levels of Testosterone in Men.
Evolutionary Psychology, 13 (1).
pp. 250-261.
ISSN 1474-7049
Faull, Andrea
Five Slides in Five Minutes: Best Practices in Consulting.
In: 30th Annual Congress of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, 14th - 17th October 2015, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Faull, Andrea and Roberts, Claire-Marie
The Application of Psychological Skills Training With Paralympic Athletes.
In: 30th Annual Congress of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, 14th - 17th October 2015, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Ferentinos, P., Koukounari, A., Power, R., Rivera, M., Uher, R., Craddock, N., Owen, M.J., Korszun, A., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Jones, I., Gill, M., Rice, J.P., Ising, M., Maier, W., Mors, O., Rietschel, M., Preisig, M., Binder, E.B., Aitchison, K.J., Mendlewicz, J., Souery, D., Hauser, J., Henigsberg, N., Breen, G., Craig, I.W., Farmer, A.E., Müller-Myhsok, B., McGuffin, P. and Lewis, C.M.
Familiality and SNP Heritability of Age at Onset and Episodicity in Major Depressive Disorder.
Psychological Medicine, 45 (10).
pp. 2215-2225.
ISSN Print:0033-2917 Online: 1469-8978
Fernández-Rodríguez, S., Sadyś, Magdalena, Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Tormo-Molina, R., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Maya-Manzano, J.M., Silva-Palacios, I. and Gonzalo-Garijo, Á.
Potential Sources of Airborne Alternaria spp. spores in South-west Spain.
Science of the Total Environment, 533.
pp. 165-176.
ISSN Print: 0048-9697 Online: 1879-1026
Fisher, James
Encountering the Spectre of Painting.
Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts, 20 (2).
pp. 112-117.
ISSN Print: 1352-8165 Online: 1469-9990
Fisher, James
Lies and Camouflage.
Fisher, James
Neiland's Choice.
Fisher, James
Unfolding the Archive (Group Exhibition).
Fitzgerald, L., Ozemek, C., Jarrett, Haydn and Kaminsky, L.A.
Accelerometer Validation of Questionnaires Used in Clinical Settings to Assess MVPA.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 47 (7).
pp. 1538-1542.
ISSN 0195-9131 Online: 1530-0315
Flanagan, S., Greenfield, S., Coad, J. and Neilson, Susan
An Exploration of the Data Collection Methods Utilised with Children, Teenagers and Young People (CTYPs).
BMC Research Notes, 8 (61).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1756-0500
Fleming, Neil
Diehard Conservatives and the Appeasement of Nazi Germany, 1935–1940.
History: The Journal of the Historical Association, 100 (341).
pp. 412-435.
ISSN Online: 1468-229X
Flynn, Kate
Resistance to Commodified Girlhood in Two Young Adult Novels: Eileen Fairweather's French Letters and Jacqueline Wilson's Waiting for the Sky to Fall.
Gender construction in Kays catalogues : 1920 to the new millennium.
Cambridge Academic, Cambridge, pp. 77-90.
ISBN 1903499828
Francis, John
ORCID:, Molnar, Gyozo
ORCID:, Donovan, Mick and Peters, D.M.
Development of a Valid and Reliable Performance Analysis Template for Assessing Team Performance in Elite Men's Wheelchair Basketball.
In: BASES Conference 2015, 1-2 December 2015, St. George’s Park, Burton upon Trent.
ISSN 0264-0414 Online: 146-447X
Francis, John
ORCID:, Molnar, Gyozo
ORCID:, Donovan, Mick and Peters, D.M.
Trust Within a High Performance Sport: A Performance Analyst’s Perspective.
In: BASES Conference 2015, 1-2 December 2015, St. George’s Park, Burton upon Trent.
ISSN 0264-0414 Online: 146-447X
Freathy, R. and Parker, Stephen
History, Remembrance and Education - Introduction.
History, Remembrance and Education.
Religion, Education and Values.
Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 1-19.
ISBN 3034317204, 9783034317207
Freathy, R. and Parker, Stephen
Prospects and Problems for Religious Education in England, 1967-1970: Curriculum Reform in Political Context.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 36 (1).
pp. 3-30.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672, Online:1469-9362
Freathy, R., Parker, Stephen and Doney, J.
Raiders of the Lost Archives: Searching for the Hidden History of Religious Education in Englang.
History, Remembrance and Religious Education.
Religion, Education and Values.
Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 105-137.
ISBN 3034317204, 9783034317207
Fredholm, A., Savin-Baden, Maggi, Henningsohn, L. and Silén, C.
Autonomy as Both Challenge and Development in Clinical Education.
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 5.
pp. 20-27.
ISSN 2210-6561
Gad Mohsen, Marwa
Organic Food Adoption: A Temporally-Dynamic Value-Based Decision Process.
In: 3rd Global Conference on Business Management (GCBM 2015), 17th - 18th August, 2015, Singapore.
Gad Mohsen, Marwa, Marciniak, R. and Nicholls, Richard
When Luxury Hides Itself: Unveiling the Meaning Arab Women Attach to Luxury.
In: ICCMI 2015, 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, 30 June - 2 July 2015, London,UK.
Galpin, Pippa
Museum Box Project ‘something of place’.
Gardener, John, Richardson, Mark and Evans, Carl
Inertia, Friendships or Effective Relationship Marketing? Remaining at the Same University for a Taught Master’s Degree.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (10).
ISSN 2024-8032
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Barron, D., Rooney, M., Cooper, L. and Mohammed, N.
A Prospective Review of Psychosocial
Functioning in Parents of Infants With Complex
Congenital Heart Disease Going Home For the
First Time Following First Stage Cardiac
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 100.
ISSN 1468-2044
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Cooper, L., Mohammed, N., Rooney, M. and Barron, D.
Acceptability of a Parental Early Warning Tool: Outcomes from a Feasibility Study of Parental Home Monitoring and Assessment.
In: British Congenital Cardiac Association Annual Meeting, 17th–18th November 2015, Cardiff, UK.
ISSN Online 1468-201X
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID: and Hutchinson, S.
Transition From Hospital to Home: Psychosocial Adaptation and Adjustment in Parents of Infants With Single Ventricle Heart Conditions.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 100.
ISSN 1468-2044
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID: and Hutchinson, Suzie
Parents Experiences of Going Home With Their Infant Following First Stage Cardiac Surgery For Single Ventricle Heart.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 100.
ISSN 1468-2044
Gbadamosi, G., Evans, C., Richardson, Mark and Ridolfo, M.
Employability and Students’ Part-time Work in the UK: Does Self-efficacy and Career Aspiration Matter?
British Educational Research Journal, 41 (6).
pp. 1086-1107.
ISSN 0141-1926 Online: 1469-3518
Geels, C., Andersson, C., Hänninen, O., Lansø, A.S., Schwarze, P.E., Skjøth, C.
ORCID: and Brandt, J.
Future Premature Mortality Due to O3, Secondary Inorganic Aerosols and Primary PM in Europe — Sensitivity to Changes in Climate, Anthropogenic Emissions, Population and Building Stock.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (3).
pp. 2837-2869.
ISSN Print:1661-7827 Online: 1660-4601
Gerrett, Nicola, Ouzzahra, O., Redortier, B., Voelcker, T. and Havenith, G.
Female Thermal Sensitivity to Hot and Cold During Rest and Exercise.
Physiology & Behavior, 152 (Part A).
pp. 11-19.
ISSN 0031-9384
Gerrett, Nicola, Thomas, Gavin
ORCID:, Lambeth-Mansell, Annie and Rhoden, Clare
Interdisciplinary Team Supporting Squash Players to Break the Guinness World Record.
Sport and Exercise Scientist, 46.
pp. 10-11.
ISSN 1754-3444
Gibson, O.R., Mee, Jessica A., Taylor, L., Tuttle, J.A., Watt, P. and Maxwell, N.S.
Isothermic and Fixed-intensity Heat Acclimation Methods Elicit Equal Increases in Hsp72 mRNA.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 25.
pp. 259-268.
ISSN Online: 1600-0838
Gibson, O.R., Mee, Jessica A., Tuttle, J.A., Taylor, L., Watt, P. and Maxwell, N.S.
Isothermic and Fixed Intensity Heat Acclimation Methods Induce Similar Heat Adaptation Following Short and Long-term Time Scales.
Journal of Thermal Biology, 49-50.
pp. 55-65.
ISSN Online: 0306-4565
Gilani-Williams, F.
Literature-Based Character Development &
Islamic Children’s Fiction: A Study with
American Muslim Children, American
Muslim Writers and Middle Eastern Muslim
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Gilchrist, G., Radcliffe, P., McMurran, M. and Gilchrist, Elizabeth
Editorial: The Need for Evidence-based Responses to Address Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Male Substance Misusers.
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 25 (4).
pp. 233-238.
ISSN Online:1471-2857
Golz, Paul
ORCID: and Smith-Nunes, G.
[arra]stre - a Data-driven Ballet.
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts.
pp. 90-91.
Gooch, S., Ashbrook, Kate
ORCID:, Taylor, A. and Székely, T.
Using Dietary Analysis and Habitat Selection to Inform Conservation Management of Reintroduced Great Bustards Otis tarda in an Agricultural Landscape.
Bird Study, 62 (3).
pp. 289-302.
ISSN Print: 0006-3657 Online: 1944-6705
Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Forty, L., Chan, C., Knott, Sarah, Jones, I., Craddock, N. and Jones, Lisa
Rapid Cycling as a Feature of Bipolar Disorder and Comorbid Migraine.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 175.
pp. 320-324.
ISSN Online: 0165-0327
Gossman, Peter, Williams, E., Gorden, C. and Evans, S.
Student Understanding, Participation and Engagement: A Small Scale Quantitative Study.
Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 3 (2).
pp. 38-49.
ISSN Online: 2051-9788
Grant, Sabrina
ORCID:, Greenfield, S.M., Nouwen, A. and McManus, R.J.
Improving management and effectiveness of home blood pressure monitoring: a qualitative UK primary care study.
British Journal of General Practice, 65 (640).
ISSN Print: 0960-1643 Online: 1478-5243
Grant, Sabrina
ORCID:, McManus, R., Nouwen, A. and Greenfield, S.
I self-monitor my blood pressure, now what? A qualitative UK primary care study.
In: 43rd North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, 24th-28th October 2015, Cancún, Mexico.
Greer, Sarah
As Safe as Houses?
New Law Journal.
p. 14.
ISSN 0306-6479
Greer, Sarah and Pawlowski, M.
Imputation, Fairness and the Family Home.
Conveyancer and Property Lawyer., 6.
pp. 512-521.
ISSN 0010-8200
Gregory, P., Kilner, Tim
ORCID: and Arnold-Jones, S.
Airway Management in UK Ambulance Services: Results of the National Ambulance Service Airway Audit.
Journal of Paramedic Practice, 7 (6).
pp. 285-290.
ISSN 1759-1376
Grewling, Ł., Kasprzyk, I., Borycka, K., Chlopek, K., Kostecki, L., Majkowska-Wojciechowska, B., Malkiewicz, M., Myszkowska, D., Nowak, M., Piotrowska-Weryszko, K., Puc, M., Stawińska, M., Balwierz, Z., Szymańska, A., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Sulborska, A. and Weryszko-Chmielewska, E.
Searching for a Trace of Artemisia Campestris Pollen in the Air.
Acta Agrobotannica, 68 (4).
pp. 399-404.
ISSN Print: 0065-0951 Online: 2300-357X
Griffiths, Lisa
ORCID:, Griffiths, M. and Calver, Rebecca
Evaluating a School Community Linked Physical Activity Intervention Programme: a Multi-level Analysis.
In: ECER 2015 "Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research", 7th - 11th September 2015, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary.
Griffiths, Rebecca
Farmers' Resilience to Climate Change in the Welsh Marshes.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Griffiths, Rebecca and Evans, Nick
The Welsh Marches: Resilient Farmers? Exploring Farmers' Resilience to Extreme Weather Events in the Recent Past.
Ager. Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural, 18.
pp. 161-189.
ISSN Print: 1578-7168 Online: 2340-4655
Grubb, Amy
ORCID:, Brown, S. and Hall, P.
Personality Traits and Coping Styles in UK Police Officers. Do Negotiators Differ From Their Non-negotiator Colleagues?
Psychology, Crime & Law, 21 (4).
pp. 347-374.
ISSN Print: 1068-316X Online: 1477-2744
Grundström, Maria, Hak, C., Chen, D., Hallquist, M. and Pleijel, H.
Variation and Co-variation of PM10, Particle Number Concentration, NOx and NO2 in the Urban Air e Relationships With Wind Speed, Vertical Temperature Gradient and Weather Type.
Atmospheric Environment, 120.
pp. 317-327.
ISSN 1352-2310
Grundström, Maria, Tang, L., Hallquist, M., Nguyen, H., Chen, D. and Pleijel, H.
Influence of Atmospheric Circulation Patterns on Urban Air Quality During the Winter.
Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6 (2).
pp. 278-285.
ISSN 1309-1042
Gubb, Mark
Freedom Lies.
Hamilton, A., Copley, J., Thomas, Yvonne
ORCID:, Edwards, A., Broadbridge, J., Bonassi, M., Fitzgerald, C. and Newton, J.
Responding to the Growing Demand for Practice Education:
Are We Building Sustainable Solutions?
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 62 (4).
pp. 265-270.
ISSN Print 0045-0766 Online 1440-1630
Hanna, F.W.F., Wilkie, Veronica, Issa, B.G. and Fryer, A.A.
Revisiting Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: the Case For and Against Using HbA1c.
British Journal of General Practice, 65 (633).
ISSN Print: 0960-1643 Online: 1478-5243
Hanson, Karen
Reflective Activism: Theory for Practice.
In: EECERA 25th Annual Conference. Innovation, Experimentation, and Adventure in Early Childhood, 7th - 10th September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Hanson, Karen
Weaving of Patchwork of Practice: the Development of Reflective Dispositions for Early Childhood Students.
In: EECERA 25th Annual Conference. Innovation, Experimentation and Adventure inEarly Childhood, 7th - 10th September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Haq, Muhibul
A Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods and a Justification for Adopting Mixed Methods in Social Research.
In: Annual PhD Research Conference, 2014, University of Bradford.
Haq, Muhibul
South Asian ethnic minority small and medium enterprises in the UK: a review and research agenda.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25 (4).
pp. 494-516.
ISSN 1476-1297; (online): 1741-8054
Hardy, Simon
From Black Lace to Shades of Grey.
Women and Erotic Fiction: Critical Essays on Genres, Markets and Readers.
McFarland, Jefferson, North Carolina, pp. 25-41.
ISBN 978-0-7864-9584-9
Hargrave, M. and Wheeler, Tim
Theatres of Learning Disability: Good, Bad, or Plain Ugly?
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, x-xiii.
ISBN 976-1-137-50438-8
Harrop, Gillian
Does This Lecture Come with a Trigger Warning? The Challenge of Teaching Sensitive Topics.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (10).
ISSN 2024-8032
Harvell, Janet
Identity and Culture: a Personal Reflection on Childhood in China.
In: Children and Childhoods International Conference, 14th - 15th July 2015, University of Suffolk, UK.
Hawkins, J., de Vere, N., Griffith, A., Ford, C.R., Allainguillaume, J., Hegarty, M., Baillie, L. and Adams-Groom, Beverley
Using DNA Metabarcoding to Identify the Floral Composition of Honey: a New Tool for Investigating Honey Bee Foraging
PLoS One, 10 (8).
pp. 1-20.
ISSN Print 1932-6203 Online 1932-6203
Hazell, Paul and Fallan, K.
The Enthusiast’s Eye: The Value of Unsanctioned Knowledge in Design Historical Scholarship.
Design and Culture, 7 (1).
pp. 107-123.
ISSN 1754-7075 ESSN: 1754-7083
Henson, Richard and Garfield, Joy
ATINER's Conference Paper Series SME2015-1749:
What Attitude Changes Are Needed to Cause SMEs to Take a Strategic Approach to Information Security?
In: 12th Annual International Conference on SΜΕ's, Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Management – Marketing – Economic - Social Aspects, 27th-30th July 2015, Athens, Greece.
ISSN 2241 - 2891
Henson, Richard and Garfield, Joy
What Business Environment Changes Are Needed to Cause SMEs to Take a Strategic Approach to Information Security?
In: 12th Annual International Conference on SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Management –Marketing – Economic – Social Aspects, 27-30 July 2015, Athens, Greece.
Hewston, Ruth, Smith, Sharon and Woolley, Richard
Developing Teacher Education Across Europe: Experiences of Partnership Working.
In: Teacher Education Policy in Europe Network (TEPE) 2015 Conference, 16th May 2015, University of Dundee.
Hewston, Ruth, Smith, Sharon and Woolley, Richard
Experiences of Education Professionals Supporting Learners with Additional Needs in European Union Partner Countries.
In: The 6th Teacher Education Advancement Network Conference: Knowing About Teaching, 14th May 2015, Aston University.
Hill, Matthew, Mathers, K.L. and Wood, P.J.
The Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Biodiversity of Urban Ponds in a Medium-sized European Town (Loughborough, UK).
Hydrobiologia, 760 (1).
pp. 225-238.
ISSN Print: 0018-8158 Online: 1573-5117
Hodgkins, Angela
ORCID: and Sutton-Tsang, Samantha
Making Practice Visible: the Impact of the FdA in Early Years.
In: British Early Childhood Education Research Association (BECERA), 17th - 18th February 2015, Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingam.
Hodgkinson, J., Grant, Sabrina
ORCID:, Bray, E., Stevens, S., Martin, U., Stevens, R., Perera-Salazar, R. and McManus, R.
How should patients monitor their own blood pressure: a systematic review.
In: 44th annual scientific meeting, Society for Academic Primary Care, 8-10 July 2015, University of Oxford.
Holland, Christopher
ORCID:, Campbell-Karn, K. and Hutt, K.
Increased treatment durations lead to greater improvements in non-weight bearing dorsiflexion range of motion for asymptomatic individuals immediately following an anteroposterior grade IV mobilisation of the talus.
Manual Therapy, 20 (4).
pp. 598-602.
ISSN 1356-689X
Holland, Christopher
ORCID: and Mills, C.D.
Profiling sports therapy students' preferred learning styles within a clinical education context.
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 9.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 1759-667X
Horton, Suzanne, Beattie, Louise
ORCID: and Bingle, Branwen
Lessons in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Primary Schools.
Lessons in Teaching
Learning Matters, Sage, London.
ISBN 1473916143, 9781473916142
Howard, Colin
The Role of Posters as a Means of Summative Assessment.
Worcester Journal of Teaching and Learning (10).
ISSN 2024-8032
Howard, Colin
ORCID: and Blackmore, Karen
A Hard Nut to Crack - Improving Primary Trainee Teacher Confidence in Teaching Physical Processes Topics.
Science Teacher Education, 73.
pp. 20-30.
ISSN 175-915X
Howard, Colin
ORCID:, Holloway, Andrea, Holloway, A. and Blackmore, Karen
The Role of Tablet Technology in Undergraduate Teacher Training to Promote the Teaching and Learning of Pupils with SEND.
In: Annual Teaching and Student Experience Conference2015: 'Building a community of learning through innovation and shared responsibility', 18th June, 2015, University of Worcester, UK.
Howarth, Sue
Chapter 7: Run for Your Life.
Salters-Nuffield A level Biology Student Book 2 + ActiveBook.
Salters-Nuffield AS and A level Biology 2015 (SNAB)
Pearson Education Limited, Harlow.
ISBN Paperback: 9781447991014
Howarth, Sue
Freshwater Algae by Edward G Bellinger and David C Sigee (Book Review).
The Society of Biology.
Howarth, Sue
A Mouth Watering Read - Ivan Pavlov: A Russian Life in Science by Daniel P Todes (Book Review).
The Society of Biology.
Howarth, Sue
Student Activity Sheets, Topic 7: Run For Your Life to accompany Salters-Nuffield Advanced Biology textbook.
Pearson Education Limited, Harlow.
Howarth, Sue
Teaching Biology, Thinking Wider.
In: History of Education Society Annual Conference 2015: Science, Technologies and Material Culture in the History of Education., 20th - 22nd November 2015, Liverpool Hope University.
Howie, Neil
A New Kid on the Block: The Role of Physician Associates (Letter).
Clinical Medicine, 15 (3).
pp. 309-310.
ISSN Print: 1470-2118 Online: 1473-4893
Humphries, Heatha and Nolan, Mary
Evaluation of a Brief Intervention to Assist Health Visitors and Community Practitioners to Engage with Fathers as Part of the Healthy Child Initiative.
Primary Health Care Research & Development, 16 (4).
pp. 367-376.
ISSN Online 1477-1128
Hung, C., Breen, G., Czamara, D., Corre, T., Wolf, C., Kloiber, S., Bergmann, S., Craddock, N., Gill, M., Holsboer, F., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Jones, I., Korszun, A., Kutalik, Z., Lucae, S., Maier, W., Mors, O., Owen, M.J., Rice, J., Rietschel, M., Uher, R., Vollenweider, P., Waeber, G., Craig, I.W., Farmer, A.E., Lewis, C.M., Müller-Myhsok, B., Preisig, M., McGuffin, P. and Rivera, M.
A Genetic Risk Score Combining 32 SNPs is Associated with Body Mass Index and Improves Obesity Prediction in People with Major Depressive Disorder.
BMC Medicine, 13 (86).
pp. 1-10.
ISSN Online: 1741-7015
Høigaard, H., De Cuyper, B., Fransen, K., Boen, F. and Peters, D.M.
Perceived Coach Behavior in Training and Competition Predicts Collective Efficacy in Female Elite Handball Players.
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 46 (6).
pp. 321-336.
ISSN 0047-0767
Jarrett, Haydn, Fitzgerald, L. and Routen, A.C.
Interinstrument Reliability of the Actigraph GT3X+ Ambulatory Activity Monitor During Free-living Conditions in Adults.
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 12 (3).
pp. 382-387.
ISSN 1543-3080 Online: 1543-5474
Jirásek, I. and Kohe, Geoff
Readjusting our Sporting Sites/Sight: Sportification and the Theatricality of Social Life.
Sport, Ethics & Philosophy, 9 (3).
pp. 257-270.
ISSN 1751-1321 (Print), 1751-133X (Online)
Johnson, Neal
From Malvern to the Irish Sea: Early Bronze Age Round Barrows in a Border Landscape.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Johnstone, J., Hobbins, S., Parekh, D. and O'Hickey, Stephen
Excess Subcutaneous Tissue May Preclude Intramuscular Delivery When Using Adrenaline Autoinjectors in Patients with Anaphylaxis.
Allergy, 70 (6).
pp. 703-706.
ISSN Online: 1398-9995
Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Metcalf, A., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Forty, L., Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Lloyd, J., Geddes, J.R., Goodwin, G.M., Jones, I., Craddock, N. and Rogers, R.D.
Gambling Problems in Bipolar Disorder in the UK: Prevalence and Distribution.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 207 (4).
pp. 328-333.
ISSN Print: 0007-1250 Online:1472-1465
Jones, Rebecca J., Woods, S.A. and Guillaume, Y.R.F.
The Effectiveness of Workplace Coaching: A Meta-analysis of Learning and Performance Outcomes from Coaching.
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89 (2).
pp. 249-277.
ISSN Online: 2044-8325
Jones, Rebecca J., Woods, S.A. and Guillaume, Y.R.F.
Measuring the Immeasurable: the Perceived Coaching Effectiveness Scale.
In: British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, 10 - 9 January 2015, Glasgow.
Jutlla, Karan
The Impact of Migration Experiences and Migration Identities on the Experiences of Services and Caring for a Family Member With Dementia for Sikhs Living in Wolverhampton, UK.
Ageing & Society, 35 (5).
pp. 1032-1054.
ISSN Print: 0144-686X Online: 1469-1779
Kadi-Hanifi, Karima and Keenan, J.
Singing Better Songs? A Life History Study of Higher
Education Teacher Educators Working in the English Further
Education Sector.
Power and Education, 7 (3).
pp. 338-354.
ISSN 1757-7438
Kamoun, S., Furzer, O., Jones, J.D.G., Judelson, H.S., Ali, G.S., Dalio, R.J.D., Roy, S.G., Schena, L., Zambounis, A., Panabières, F., Cahill, D., Ruocco, M., Figueiredo, A., Chen, X.R., Hulvey, J., Stam, R., Lamour, K., Gijzen, M., Tyler, B.M., Grünwald, N.J., Mukhtar, M.S., Tomé, D.F.A., Tör, M.
ORCID:, Van den Ackerveken, G., McDowell, J., Daayf, F., Fry, W.E., Lindqvist-Kreuze, H., Meijer, H.J.G., Petre, B., Ristaino, J., Yoshida, K., Birch, P.R.J. and Govers, F.
The Top 10 Oomycete Pathogens in Molecular Plant Pathology.
Molecular Plant Pathology, 16 (4).
pp. 413-434.
ISSN Online: 1364-3703
Karrer, G., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Šikoparija, B., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Berger, U. and Essl, F.
Ragweed (Ambrosia) Pollen Source Inventory for Austria.
Science of the Total Environment, 523.
pp. 120-128.
ISSN Print: 0048-9697 Online: 1879-1026
Keane, Gary
Maintenance, Storage, Purification, and Preliminary Kinetic Studies of 3 Monoclonal Cell Lines (Provided).
Project Report.
Keane, Gary and John, Simon
Demonstration of Onion Downy Mildew Lateral Flow Devices.
Keene, Judith
ORCID:, Dumbelton, Jennifer, Brewster, Sarah and Newman, Ellie
A Student-centred Approach to Developing Resource Lists and Its Impact on Learning.
Project Report.
University of Worcester.
Kennedy, Roy and Wakeham, Alison
Measuring Biological Particles in the Air Using the Hirst Type Spore Trap: Aerobiology in the Age of Genomics.
Annals of Applied Biology, 166 (1).
pp. 1-3.
ISSN Online: 1744-7348
Kenttä, G., Mellalieu, S.D. and Roberts, Claire-Marie
Are Career Transition Concerns Only for Athletes? An Autobiographical Study of the Career Transition of an Elite Coach.
In: 30th Annual Congress of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, 14th - 17th October 2015, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Kilner, Tim
Consent and Confidentiality.
In: 16th International Trauma Care Conference, 19th - 24th April 2015, Telford, UK.
Kimaliro, Eunice
Teachers' Professional Identity in the Context of Education Change Within Trans Nzoia East District, Kenya.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
King, Elspeth
Pawn Shops and the 'Never Never': Poverty on the Home Front in the Second World War.
In: Women’s History Network Annual Conference, 2015, 4th - 6th September 2015, University of Kent.
King-Hill, Sophie
Critical Analysis of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need.
The STeP (Student Teacher Perspectives) Journal, 2 (4).
pp. 54-57.
King-Hill, Sophie and Barrie, R.
Perceptions of Consent in Adolescents who Display Harmful Sexual Behaviour.
British Journal of School Nursing, 10 (5).
pp. 231-235.
ISSN Print: 1752-2803 Online: 2052-2827
Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Gates, P. and Sammons, P.
Social Relationships, Interactions and Behaviour: The Impact of Nursery Education on Two Year Old Children.
Social Relationships and Friendships : Perceptions, Influences on Human Development and Psychological Effects.
Psychology Research Progress
Nova Publications, New York.
ISBN 978-1-63482-820-8
Knott, Sarah, Forty, L., Craddock, N. and Thomas, R.H.
Epilepsy and Bipolar Disorder.
Epilepsy & Behavior, 52 (Pt A).
pp. 267-274.
ISSN Print: 1525-5050 Online: 1525-5069
Knott, Sarah, Woodward, D., Hoefkens, A. and Limbert, C.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified: Translation from Randomized Controlled Trial to a Clinical Setting.
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43 (6).
pp. 641-654.
ISSN Print: 1352-4658 Online: 1469-1833
Kohe, Geoff
Dis)located Olympic Patriots: Sporting Connections, Administrative Communications and Imperial Ether in Interwar New Zealand.
Sport in Society, 18 (7).
pp. 800-815.
ISSN Print:1743-0437 Online:1743-0445
Kohe, Geoff
For the Good of the Game(?): The Legacy of the Football Trust, the Football Pools & the Dangerous Seduction of Political Promise.
The International Journal of the History of Sport, 32 (11-12).
pp. 1378-1394.
ISSN Print: 0952-3367 Online: 1743-9035
Kohe, Geoff
London 2012 (Re)calling: Youth Memories and Olympic 'Legacy' Ether in the Hinterland.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52 (1).
pp. 24-44.
ISSN Print: 1012-6902 Online: 1461-7218
Kohe, Geoff
Still Playing Together(?): A Recall to Physical Education and Sport History Intersections.
The International Journal of the History of Sport, 32 (15).
pp. 1745-1749.
ISSN 1745-1749
Koven, Mikel
9 Lives of the Black Cat.
Arrow Films, Shenley.
Koven, Mikel
Blaxploitation! A Video Essay.
Koven, Mikel
Tradition and the International Zombie Film: The Movies.
Putting the Supernatural in its Place: Folklore, the Hypermodern and the Ethereal.
Utah State University Press, Salt Lake City, pp. 90-125.
ISBN 978-1-60781-449-8 eBook 978-1-60781-450-4
Kryza, M., Jóźwicka, M., Dore, A.J. and Werner, Malgorzata
The Uncertainty in Modelled Air Concentrations of NOx Due to Choice of Emission Inventory.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 57 (3/4).
pp. 123-132.
ISSN Print: 0957-4352 Online: 1741-5101
Kubiak, C., Fenton-O'Creevy, M., Appleby, Karen, Kempster, M., Reed, Michael, Solvason, Carla
ORCID: and Thorpe, M.
Brokering Boundary Encounters.
Learning in Landscapes of Practice Boundaries : Identity, and Knowledgeability in Practice-Based Learning.
Routledge, London, pp. 81-96.
ISBN 9781138022195
Kuzma, Joanne and Wright, Warren
Something for Nothing? An Investigation into Online Product Sampling.
International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 7 (2).
pp. 97-106.
ISSN Print: 2076-9202 Online: 2218-046X
Kyte, Rachel
The Use of Facebook and Blackboard Online Discussion Forums to Support Students’ Summative Assignment Preparation.
In: Annual UW Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference 2015, Thursday 18th June 2015, University of Worcester.
Latham, Isabelle
ORCID:, Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID:, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Evans, Simon
ORCID: and Elliot, V.
Evaluation of the My Home Life Admiral Nurse Role in the Orders of St John Care Trust (Final Report).
Project Report.
Association For Dementia Studies, University of Worcester.
Latham, Isabelle
ORCID:, Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID: and Elliot, V.
Admiral Nursing in Care Homes.
Journal of Dementia Care, 23 (6).
pp. 26-29.
ISSN 1351-8372
Lavis, A., Lester, H., Everard, L., Freemantle, N., Amos, T., Fowler, D., Hodgekins, J., Jones, P., Marshall, M., Sharma, V., Larsen, J., McCrone, P., Singh, S.P., Smith, Jo and Birchwood, M.
Layers of Listening: Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Early Intervention Services for First-episode Psychosis on Carers' Experiences.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 207 (2).
pp. 135-142.
ISSN Print: 0007-1250 Online:1472-1465
Leck, Christopher, Upton, D. and Evans, Nick
Growing Well-beings: the Positive Experience of Care Farms.
British Journal of Health Psychology, 20 (4).
pp. 745-762.
ISSN Print: 1359-107X Online: 2044-8287
Leddington Wright,, S., Duncan, M. and Savin-Baden, Maggi
Student Perceptıons and Experıences of Problem-Based Learnıng in Fırst Year Undergraduate Sports Therapy.
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education., 17.
pp. 39-49.
ISSN 1473-8376
Lewin-Jones, Jenny
Humour With a Purpose: Creativity With Language in Facebook
Status Updates.
Linguistik Online, 72 (3).
ISSN 1615-3014
Lewin-Jones, Jenny
Staff-student email (mis)communication: international and home students.
In: Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference, June 2015, University of Worcester.
Lewis, Jodie
ORCID: and Lodge, Cat
Monuments at Risk?
Mapping Threats to Heritage Assets on the Malvern Hills: The British Camp Hillfort Survey.
Project Report.
Dr Jodie Lewis, Worcester.
Lewis, R., Nichol, Lynn
ORCID: and Ward, P.
The Effects of French Organisational Relationships on Telework Job Roles: an Exploratory Role Set Analysis.
Organizational Culture: An International Journal, 15 (3).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 2327-8013
Lindorff-Vijayendran, A., Sammons, P., Kington, Alison
ORCID: and Ortega, L.
Teacher and Student Voices: Perspectives from 'Inspiring' Classrooms.
In: 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, 25th - 29th August 2015, Limassol, Cyprus.
Lipscomb, Martin
Just How Wide Should 'Wide Reading' Be?
Nursing Philosophy, 16 (4).
pp. 187-202.
ISSN Online: 1466-769X
Lipscomb, Martin
Sociological Theory in Nursing Research - What is Required?
In: 19th Annual International Philosophy of Nursing Conference. Technology, Health Care and Person-centeredness: Beyond Utopia and Dystopia. Thinking the Future, 24th - 26th August 2015, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
Llewellyn-Nash, Ian
From Emotional Intelligence to Emotional Wisdom: Exploring Stories of Emotional Growth in the Lifeworlds of Student Nurses: a Qualitative Study.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Loon, Mark
Business Model Innovation: Perspectives and Foundations.
In: Winter Global Business Conference, 2nd - 3rd February, 2015, Tigne.
Loon, Mark, Evans, J. and Kerridge, C.
Reprint: Learning With a Strategic Management Simulation
Q2 Game: A Case Study.
The International Journal of Management Education, 13 (3).
pp. 371-380.
ISSN 1472-8117
Loon, Mark and Nichol, Lynn
Confluent Learning: Using a Design Approach to Develop Cognitive Abilities and Enhance Affective Capacities Through Change Management Curriculum.
In: 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice, 2nd - 5th June, 2015, Cork, Ireland.
Loudon, Lisa, Palmer, Gerry, Parry, Jeff and Maxfield, Tim
Employability, Skills Development and Enterprise Creation (Momentum, University of Worcester).
In: Postgraduate Support Scheme Conference 2014-2015, 17th September 2015, University of Sheffield.
Lovejoy, P.E. and Schwarz, Suzanne
Sierra Leone in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.
Slavery, Abolition and the Transition to Colonialism in Sierra Leone.
Harriet Tubman Series on the African Diaspora
Africa World Press, Trenton, New Jersey, USA, pp. 1-28.
ISBN 1592219837, 9781592219834
Lovejoy, P.E. and Schwarz, Suzanne
Slavery, Abolition and the Transition to Colonialism in Sierra Leone.
Harriet Tubman Series on the African Diaspora
Africa World Press, Trenton, New Jersey, USA,.
ISBN 1592219837, 9781592219834
Maier, R., Moser, G., Chen, G., Ripke, S., Cross-Disorder Working Group, of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Coryell, W., Potash, J.B., Scheftner, W.A., Shi, J., Weissman, M.M., Hultman, C.M., Landén, M., Levinson, D.F., Kendler, K.S., Smoller, J.W., Wray, N.R., Hong Lee, S. and Jones, Lisa
Joint Analysis of Psychiatric Disorders Increases Accuracy of Risk Prediction for Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder.
The American Journal of Human Genetics, 96 (2).
pp. 283-294.
ISSN Online: 0002-9297
Marland, Pippa
The Gannet’s Skull Versus the Plastic Doll’s Head: Material ‘Value’ in Kathleen Jamie’s ‘Findings’.
Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 19 (2).
pp. 121-131.
ISSN Print: 1468-8417 Online: 2168-1414
Martin, J.A., Ramsay, J., Hughes, Chris, Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Edwards, M.G.
Age and Grip Strength Predict Hand Dexterity in Adults.
PLoS One.
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 1932-6203
Martin, Toni
Law and Ethics : a Midwifery Dilemma.
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 25 (4).
pp. 424-429.
ISSN 0961-5555
Martin, Toni and Ogston-Tuck, Sherri
Inter-professional Learning: Innovation in Teaching and Learning for Pre-registration Student Nurses and Midwives.
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 25 (3).
pp. 287-290.
ISSN 0961-5555
Matthews, N., Kilgour, L., Christian, Polly, Mori, K. and Hill, D.M.
Understanding, Evidencing, and Promoting Adolescent Well-Being: an Emerging Agenda for Schools.
Youth & Society, 47 (5).
pp. 659-683.
ISSN Online: 1552-8499 Print: 0044-118X
Maxfield, Tim, Palmer, Gerry and Parry, Jeff
Engaging Employers and Enterprise Creation: a Case Study (Momentum, University of Worcester).
In: PEP National Dialogical Conference, 14th - 15th July 2015, Kingston University.
McCannon, Desdemona
Editorial: Symposium Report: The Itinerant Illustrator, 18–19 December 2014.
Journal of Illustration, 2 (2).
pp. 169-173.
ISSN Print: 2052-0204 Online: 2052-0212
McDougall, Derek, Bickerdike, D.J., Evans, D.J.A. and Vieli, A.
Glaciation in Deepdale.
The Quaternary of the Lake District Field Guide.
Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 541-254.
ISBN 0 907 780 164 ISSN: 0261 3611
McDougall, Derek, Bickerdike, H.L. and Evans, D.J.A.
Glaciation Style and Moraine Development in the Pasture Beck and Hayeswater Valleys.
The Quaternary of the Lake District Field Guide.
Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 111-128.
ISBN 0 907 780 164 ISSN: 0261 3611
McDougall, Derek and Evans, D.J.A.
The Quaternary of the Lake District Field Guide.
Quaternary Research Association Field Guides
Quaternary Research Association, London.
ISBN 0 907 780 164 ISSN: 0261 3611
McDougall, Derek and Pearce, D.
Little Gatesgarthdale (Honister Pass).
The Quaternary of the Lake District Field Guide.
Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 191-200.
ISBN 0 907 780 164 ISSN: 0261 3611
McLinden, M., Edwards, C., Garfield, Joy and Moron-Garcia, S.
Strengthening the Links Between Research and Teaching: Cultivating Student Expectations of Research-informed Teaching Approaches.
Education in Practice, 2 (1).
pp. 24-29.
ISSN 2057-2069
McManus, F., Clark, G., Muse, Kate
ORCID: and Shafran, R.
Case-series Evaluating a Transdiagnostic Cognitive-behavioral Treatment For Co-occurring Anxiety Disorders.
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43 (6).
pp. 944-758.
ISSN 1352-4658
McManus, F., Leung, C., Muse, Kate
ORCID: and Williams, J.M.G.
Understanding ‘Cyberchondria’: an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of the Purpose, Methods and Impact of Seeking Health Information Online for those with Health Anxiety.
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 7 (e21).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN Online: 1754-470X
Mee, Jessica A., Doust, J. and Maxwell, N.S.
Repeatability of a Running Heat Tolerance Test.
Journal of Thermal Biology, 49-50.
pp. 91-97.
ISSN Online: 0306-4565
Mee, Jessica A., Gibson, O.R., Doust, J. and Maxwell, N.S.
A Comparison of Males and Females’ Temporal Patterning to
Short- and Long-term Heat Acclimation.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 25 (S1).
pp. 250-258.
ISSN Online: 1600-0838
Micklewright, D., Parry, D., Robinson, T., Deacon, G., Renfree, Andrew
ORCID:, St Clair Gibson, Alan and Matthews, W.J.
Risk Perception Influences Athletic Pacing Strategy.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 47 (5).
pp. 1026-1037.
ISSN Print: 0195-9131 Online: 1530-0315
Milner, Victoria S., Willby, N.J., Gilvear, D.J. and Perfect, C.
Linkages between Reach-scale Physical Habitat and Invertebrate Assemblages in Upland Streams.
Marine and Freshwater Research, 66.
pp. 438-448.
ISSN 1323-1650
Milosevic, Sarah
Exploring and improving access to direct payments by people with dementia living in rural communities.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Mirza, Mehreen and Mitra, Barbara
The Construction of Feminine and Masculine Gender Identities through Advertising in Kays Catalogue (1920-2000).
Gender Construction in Kays Catalogues : 1920 to the New Millennium.
Cambridge Academic, Cambridge, pp. 29-45.
ISBN 1903499828
Misca, Gabriela
Back in Civvy Street: An Exploration of Military Veterans’ Experiences of Mental Health Services and the Support Needs of Their Families.
In: Institute of Health and Society Research Seminar Series 2014-15, 1st July 2015, University of Worcester, Worcester.
Misca, Gabriela
An Exploration of Military Ex-service and Veterans’ Experiences of Mental Health Services and the Support Needs of Their Families: An Evaluation of Engagement with Services in South Staffordshire
- Executive Board Report for the South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Project Report.
University of Worcester.
Misca, Gabriela
Old Dilemmas, New Controversies: Children in International Adoption and Global Surrogacy.
In: SLSA 2015 Conference: Socio-legal in Culture : the Culture of Socio-legal, 31st March - 2nd April 2015, Warwick, UK.
Misca, Gabriela
Parenting Under Fire: a Cross-cultural Examination of Child Development in Military Families.
In: William James College Colloquium Series 2015-16, 5th October 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Misca, Gabriela
Resilience in Children of Military Parents.
In: NCSPVA 1st Annual Conference ‘Violence and Abuse: Cross Cutting Issues’, 17th June 2015, University of Worcester, Worcester.
Mitchell, Theresa
Both Sides of the Couch: Healthcare Professionals' Perspectives of Receiving Treatment for Cancer and Returning to Work with People with Cancer.
European Journal of Cancer Care, 24 (6).
pp. 840-854.
ISSN Online: 1365-2354
Mitra, Barbara
Catalogues, Advertising, Gender and the Future.
Gender Construction in Kays Catalogues : 1920 to the New Millennium.
Cambridge Academic, Cambridge, pp. 91-99.
ISBN 1903499828
Mitra, Barbara
ORCID: and Johnson, Rachel
Gender Construction in Kays Catalogues: 1920 to the New Millennium.
Cambridge Academic, Cambridge.
ISBN 1903499828
Mitra, Barbara
ORCID: and Mirza, Mehreen
The Construction of Childhood Gender Identity Through Advertising in Kays Catalogue (1920-2000).
Gender Construction in Kays Catalogues : 1920 to the New Millennium.
Cambridge Academic, Cambridge, pp. 9-27.
ISBN 1903499828
Moghaddam, H.A., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Amin, M.
Examining job seekers' perception and behavioural intention toward online recruitment: A PLS path modelling approach.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 8 (3).
pp. 305-325.
ISSN Print: 1746-966X Online: 1746-9678
Monaghan, Chris
Beginning Business Law.
Beginning the Law
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN Paperback: 9781138779877 • Hardback: 9781138779860 • eBook: 9781315770994
Monaghan, Chris
Hounga v. Allen at the Supreme Court: The Defence of Illegality in Race Discrimination Cases and the Competing Public Interest in Preventing the Exploitation of Illegal Immigrants.
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 15 (3).
pp. 178-188.
ISSN Print: 1358-2291 Online: 2047-9468
Monaghan, Chris
Peacham’s Case and the Case of Commendams: Sir
Edward Coke CJ’s defence of judicial independence and ultimate dismissal.
In: 22nd British Legal History Conference - Law: Challenges to Authority and the Recognition of Rights, 8-11 July 2015, University of Reading.
Monaghan, Chris
School Application Forms and the Criminal Law.
Criminal Law Review, 4.
pp. 270-277.
ISSN 0011-135X
Monaghan, Nicola
Law of Evidence.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107604612
Monaghan, Nicola
Reconceptualising Good Character: Hunter v R; Saruwu v R; Johnstone v R; Walker v R; Lonsdale v R.
The International Journal of Evidence & Proof, 19 (3).
pp. 190-195.
ISSN Print: 1365-7127 Online: 1740-5572
Moonaghi, H.K., Ranjbar, H., Heydari, A. and Scurlock-Evans, Laura
Truck Drivers’ Experiences and Perspectives Regarding Factors Influencing Traffic Accidents: a Qualitative Study.
Workplace Health & Safety, 63 (8).
pp. 342-349.
ISSN Print: 2165-0799 Online: 2165-0969
Morgan, Blaire
ORCID:, Gulliford, L. and Carr, D.
Educating Gratitude: Some Conceptual and Moral Misgivings.
Journal of Moral Education, 44 (1).
pp. 97-111.
ISSN 0305-7240 Online: 1465-3877
Mueller, Andreas
Politics, Politeness and Panegyrics: Defoe, Addison and Philips on Blenheim.
Philological Quarterly, 94 (2).
pp. 121-147.
ISSN 0031-7977
Mueller, Andreas and Gregg, S.
'Richard Hurd'.
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789.
Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature, II
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chicester.
ISBN Hardback: 9781444330205
Mullen, R., Faull, Andrea, Jones, E. and Kingston, K.
Evidence for the Effectiveness of Holistic Process Goals for Learning and Performance Under Pressure.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 17.
pp. 40-44.
ISSN 1469-0292
Musgrave, Jackie
Childhealth and Wellbeing: Exploring Implications for Practice.
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles, pp. 93-104.
ISBN Paperback: 9781446259276 Hardback: 9781446259269
Musgrave, Jackie and Stobbs, Nicola
Early Years Placements: a Critical Guide to an Outstanding Work-based Learning Experience.
Early Years
Critical Publishing, St Albans.
ISBN 9781909682658
Mytton, G.J., Archer, D.T., Turner, L., Skorski, S., Renfree, Andrew
ORCID:, Thompson, K.G. and St Clair Gibson, Alan
Increased Variability of Lap Speeds Differentiate Medallists and Non-Medallists in Middle Distance Running and Swimming Events.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 10 (3).
pp. 369-373.
ISSN Print: 1555-0265 Online: 1555-0273
Neilson, Susan
Do GPs Make Good Research Participants?
In: Royal College of General Practitioners (Midland Faculty) and University of Worcester Annual Research & Innovation Symposium: Best Evidence & Best Research, 25th June 2015, City Campus, University of Worcester.
Neilson, Susan
Managing Transition from Curative to Palliative: GP and Bereaved Parent Experiences.
In: 2nd ICPCN Conference: Children’s Palliative Care, 18th - 21st May 2016, Buenos Aires.
Neilson, Susan
Undertaking Sensitive Interviews: Reflections on Interviewing Bereaved Parents.
In: Institute of Health and Society Research Seminar, 16th December 2015, University of Worcester.
Neilson, Susan, Gibson, F. and Greenfield, S.
Pediatric Oncology Palliative Care: Experiences of General Practitioners and Bereaved Parents.
Journal of Palliative Care and Medicine, 5 (2).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2165-7386
Nerantzi, C. and Gossman, Peter
Towards Collaboration as Learning: Evaluation of an Open CPD Opportunity for HE Teachers.
Research in Learning and Technology, 23 (26967).
ISSN 2156-7069
Newland, Paul
We come, our country's rights to save: English rural landscape and leftist aesthetics in Comrades.
Visual Culture in Britain, 16 (3).
pp. 331-347.
ISSN Print: 1471-4787 Online: 1941-8361
Newlands, F., Shrewsbury, Duncan and Robson, J.
Foundation Doctors and Dyslexia: a Qualitative Study
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Postgraduate Medical Journal, 91 (1073).
pp. 121-126.
ISSN Print 0032-5473 Online 1469-0756
Nicholls, Richard and Gad Mohsen, Marwa
Other Customer Age: Exploring Customer Age-difference Related CCI.
Journal of Services Marketing, 29 (4).
pp. 255-267.
ISSN 0887-6045
Nicol, Jane
Nursing Adults with Long Term Conditions. 2nd Edition.
Transforming Nursing Practice
Learning Matters, SAGE Publications, London.
ISBN Paperback: 9781473914322
Nodin, N., Peel, Elizabeth, Tyler, A. and Rivers, I.
The RaRE Research Report: LGB&T Mental Health – Risk and Resilience Explored.
Project Report.
PACE (Project for Advocacy Counselling and Education), London.
Nolan, Mary
Perceptions of Risk: How they Influence Women's and Health Professionals' Choices.
British Journal of Midwifery, 23 (8).
pp. 547-551.
ISSN Print: 0969-4900 Online: 2052-4307
Nolan, Mary
Why do Women Sue?
Essentially MIDIRS, 6 (2).
pp. 7-10.
ISSN 2044-0308
Nolan, Mary
Why is it Important to Involve New Fathers in the Care of Their Child.
Primary Health Care, 25 (3).
pp. 18-23.
ISSN Print 0264-5033 Online 2047-900X
Norman, Kay
How Mentors Can Influence Values, Behaviours and Attitudes of Nursing Staff Through Positive Professional Socialisation.
Nursing Management, 22 (8).
pp. 33-38.
ISSN 1354-5760
Norman, Kay
The Image of Community Nursing: Implications for Future Student Recruitment.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (1).
pp. 12-18.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Norman, Kay and Roche, K.
Mentors: Supporting Learning to Improve Patient Care.
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 9 (3).
pp. 132-137.
ISSN Print: 1753-1586 Online: 2052-4420
Nyatanga, Brian
Buffering Burnout Among Staff in Palliative Care: A Pledge for 2015.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (1).
p. 45.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Care for the Homeless Person.
Palliative care nursing at a glance.
At a glance series
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA, pp. 82-83.
ISBN 9781118759219
Nyatanga, Brian
The Challenges of Dying: Lessons for Palliative Care.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (2).
p. 99.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Decision Making in Palliative and End-of-Life Care.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (9).
p. 462.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Developing Palliative Care Globally: Facing the Challenge.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 21 (7).
pp. 317-318.
ISSN 2052-286X
Nyatanga, Brian
Dying Matters: You Asked, I Answered.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (5).
pp. 255-256.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Dying at Home: Reconciling With Patient and Family Wishes.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (8).
p. 410.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Engaging in Reminiscence With Palliative Care Patients.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (6).
p. 307.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Facing Death: 'In Our Unconscious, We Are Immortal'.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (10).
p. 515.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Knowledge of Impending Death and Its Effect on Quality of Dying.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (3).
p. 152.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Looking at Palliative Care From a Wider Perspective.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (11).
p. 567.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Making Sense of Life and Death From a Death Tree.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 21 (10).
pp. 473-474.
ISSN 1357-6321
Nyatanga, Brian
Taking a Closer Look at Partnership in Palliative Care.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (12).
p. 619.
ISSN 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
Using Complementary Therapies in Palliative Care.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (4).
p. 203.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
What About Dignity? A Professional Discussion.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (7).
p. 360.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Ogston-Tuck, Sherri
Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues.
Fundamentals of Nursing Pharmacology: Theory and practice.
John Wiley & Sons, London.
ISBN 1118450361, 978-1118450369
Ogston-Tuck, Sherri, Baume, Kath, Clarke, Chris and Heng, Simon
Understanding the Patient Experience Through the Power of Film: a Mixed Method Qualitative Research Project.
In: NET2015 Conference, 8th - 10th September 2015, Cambridge.
Orthodoxou, D., Pettitt, Timothy, Fuller, M., Newton, M., Knight, N. and Smith, S.R.
An Investigation of Some Critical Physico-chemical Parameters Influencing the Operational Rotary In-vessel Composting of Food Waste by a Small-to-Medium Sized Enterprise.
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 6 (3).
pp. 293-302.
ISSN Print: 1877-2641 Online: 1877-265X
Parham, John
Green Media and Popular Culture: An Introduction.
Red Globe Press (MacMillan Education).
ISBN 9781137009470 (hardcover), 9781137009463 (paperback), 9781137009487 (ebook)
Parker, Stephen
History, Remembrance and Religious Education.
Religion, Education and Values., 7
Peter Land, Bern.
ISBN 3034317204, 9783034317207
Parker, Stephen
Mediatizing Childhood Religion: the BBC, John G. Williams, and Collective Worship for Schools in England, c.1940-1975.
Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, 51 (5).
pp. 614-630.
ISSN Print: 0030-9230 Online: 1477-674X
Parker, Stephen
The Professionalization of Religious Education.
In: Belief in Dialogue, Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education (AULRE) Annual Conference, 1st – 3rd September 2015, St. Mary’s University Twickenham.
Parker, Stephen, Freathy, R. and Aldridge, D.
The Future of Religious Education: Crisis, Reform and Iconoclasm.
Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education, 36 (1).
pp. 1-4.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672 Online: 1469-9362
Pearce, Ruth and Lillyman, Sue
Reducing Social Isolation in a Rural Community Through Participation in Creative Arts Projects.
Nursing Older People, 27 (10).
pp. 33-38.
ISSN Print 1472-0795 Online 2047-8941
Peel, Elizabeth
Civil Partnership Ceremonies: (Hetero)normativity, Ritual and Gender.
Marriage: Rites and Rights.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 95-110.
ISBN 9781849469135
Peel, Elizabeth
Diagnostic Communication in the Memory Clinic: a Conversation Analytic Perspective.
Ageing & Mental Health, 19 (12).
pp. 1123-1130.
ISSN Print: 1360-7863 Online: 1364-6915
Peel, Elizabeth
‘There is a Degree of Reduced Volume of Brain Substance and That’s Significant’: Exploring Diagnostic Talk in Memory Clinic Interaction.
In: 14th International Pragmatics Conference, 26th - 31st July 2015, Antwerp, Belgium.
Peel, Elizabeth and Craven, Christa
Stories of Grief and Hope: Queer Experiences of Reproductive Loss.
In: Queer Kinship and Relationships International Conference, 8th -11th June 2015, Olsztyn, Poland.
Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, R.
A Right to ‘Dying Well’ with Dementia? Capacity, ‘Choice’ and Relationality.
Feminism & Psychology, 25 (1).
pp. 137-142.
ISSN Print: 0959-3535 On-line: 1461-7161
Peel, Elizabeth and McDaid, S.
‘Over the Rainbow’: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans People and Dementia Project. Summary Report.
Project Report.
University of Worcester, Worcester.
Pereira, M. and Forster, Peter
The Relationship Between Connectedness to Nature, Environmental Values, and Pro-environmental Behaviours.
Reinvention: An international journal of undergraduate research, 8 (2).
ISSN 1755-7429
Perkins, Clare
Keeping the Name on the Land: the Family Farm and its Survival Through Periods of Postwar Agricultural Change.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Di Florio, A., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Forty, L., Pariante, C., Craddock, N., Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Jones, I.
Adverse Childhood Life Events and Postpartum Mood Episodes among Women with Bipolar Disorder.
In: The International Marcé Society Scientific Conference: Creating change in perinatal mental health, 10th - 12th September 2014, Swansea University, Swansea, Wales , UK.
Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Di Florio, A., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Forty, L., Pariante, C., Craddock, N., Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Jones, I.
Adverse Childhood Life Events and Postpartum Mood Episodes in Bipolar Disorder.
In: Summer Meeting of British Association of Psychopharmacology, 26th - 29th July 2015, University of Bristol.
Peters, D.M.
Activate Your Workspace! The Benefits of Workspace Physical Activity.
In: Public Professional Lecture Series, 1st April, 2015, The Hive, Worcester.
Peters, D.M.
Child Size Matters.
In: Creating Childhoods: Creation and (Re)-Interpretation through the Body, Histories and the Arts, 8th - 12th August, 2015, University of Worcester.
Peters, D.M.
The Sit-Stand Desk Phenomenon.
In: Worcestershire Health Research Collaboration: Let's Get Collaborative Research Moving, 16th July, 2015, City Campus, University of Worcester.
Peyrot, W.J., Lee, S.H., Milaneschi, Y., Abdellaoui, A., Byrne, E.M., Esko, T., de Geus, E.J.C., Hottenga, J-J., Kloiber, S., Levinson, D.F., Lucae, S., Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric, GWAS Consortium, Martin, N.G., Medland, S.E., Metspalu, A., Milani, L., Noethen, M.M., Potash, J.B., Rietschel, M., Rietveld, C.A., Ripke, S., Shi, J., Social Science Genetic Association, Consortium, Willemsen, G., Zhu, Z., Boomsma, D.I., Wray, N.R., Penninx, B.W.J.H. and Jones, Lisa
The Association Between Lower Educational Attainment and Depression Owing to Shared Genetic Effects? Results in ~25000 Subjects.
Molecular Psychiatry, 20 (6).
pp. 735-743.
ISSN Print: 1359-4184 Online:1476-5578
Pinfield, Jenny, Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Bentley, Jackie and Rouse, Joanne
Recognition and Management of Asthma in Children and Young People.
Nursing Standard, 30 (3).
pp. 50-60.
ISSN Print: 0029-6570 Online: 2047-9018
Poltronieri, P. and Hong, Yiguo
Applied Plant Genomics and Biotechnology (1st Edition).
Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine
Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier), Sawston, Cambridge.
ISBN eBook: 9780081000717 Hardcover: 9780081000687
Prankel, Susanne and Weaver, Lorraine
Enhanced Induction into a Science Top-up Degree – Easing Transition from Further Education Institutions.
Bioscience Education, 20 (1).
pp. 92-100.
ISSN Electronic: 1479-7860
Preece, Emma
The Loci of Age of Acquisition and Word Frequency Effects: Evidence From Contemporary Experimental Paradigms and Eye-Tracking.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Prowle, Alison
Theory in Practice: Creating a Space for the Creation of Self-knowledge as Developing Reflective Practitioners through Visual Representation and Narrative.
In: EECERA 25th Annual Conference. Innovation, Experimentation and Adventure in Early Childhood, 7th - 10th September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Pryce-Miller, Maxine
Using Systematic Reviews to Inform Nursing Practice.
Nursing Standard, 29 (52).
pp. 52-60.
ISSN Print: 0029-6570 Online: 2047-9018
Radu, Alexandru
Basketball Coaching: Putting Theory into Practice.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN Paperback: 9781472901880
Raghubansie, Antonius, Corbett, Wendy, Boom, Katy and Weaver, Lorraine
Digital Learning for Sustainability: An Interactive Magazine for Students, Academics and Expert Practitioners.
Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Development at University Level: Making the Links.
World Sustainability Series book series (WSUSE)
Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 3-17.
ISBN Print: 978-3-319-10689-2 Online: 978-3-319-10690-8
Raghubansie, Antonius, El-Gohary, H. and Samaradivakara, C.
An Investigation of the Evaluation of the Viral Marketing Research.
Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 201-227.
ISBN 9781466673588
Reed, Michael, Tyler, Linda and Walker, Rosie
The Undergraduate Journey.
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles, pp. 15-23.
ISBN Paperback: 9781446259276 Hardback: 9781446259269
Reed, Michael and Walker, Rosie
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles.
ISBN Paperback: 9781446259276 Hardback: 9781446259269
Reeves, Alison
The Silent Majority: an Exploration of the Integration of Voting Software within Theatre in Education programmes.
In: Inspiring Curiosity Conference, 21st - 22nd October 2015, Belgrade Theatre, Coventry.
Renfree, Andrew
ORCID:, Crivoi do Carmo, E., Martin, Louise and Peters, D.M.
The Influence of Collective Behaviour on Pacing in Endurance Competitions.
Frontiers in Physiology, 6 (373).
ISSN Online: 1664-042X
Rhoden, Clare and Hunt, Billy
Examining Students’ Perceptions and Future Use of Feedback and Grades.
In: Annual UW Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference: Building a community of learning through innovation and shared responsibility., 18th June 2015, University of Worcester.
Rhoden, Clare, West, Julia
ORCID:, Renfree, Andrew
ORCID:, Corbett, Mark and St Clair Gibson, A.
Adaptive Self-regulation in Cycle Time Trials: Goal Pursuit, Goal Disengagement and the Affective Experience.
Journal of Science and Cycling, 4 (3).
pp. 44-52.
ISSN Online: 2254-7053
Richards, Claire
Taking a Holistic View: Critically Examining Complex Professional Issues.
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles, pp. 154-163.
ISBN 9781446259276
Roberts, Claire-Marie
Enhancing Adolescent Sports Performance through Parental Education Interventions.
In: The 14th European Congress of Psychology, 7th - 10th July 2015, Milan, Italy.
Roberts, Claire-Marie and Barber, Lerverne
Enhancing Student Learning Experiences in Sport Psychology Modules Using Practical Activities.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (10).
Roberts, Claire-Marie, Mullen, R., Evans, L. and Hall, R.J.
An In-depth Appraisal of Career Termination Experiences in Professional Cricket.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 33 (9).
pp. 935-944.
ISSN Print: 0264-0414 Online: 1466-447X
Robinson, Catriona, Bingle, Branwen and Howard, Colin
Your Primary School-Based Experience: a Guide to Outstanding Placements.(2nd Ed).
Critical Publishing, Northwich.
ISBN 9781910391136
Robinson, S.L., Lambeth-Mansell, Annie, Gillibrand, G., Smith-Ryan, A. and Bannock, L.
A Nutrition and Conditioning Intervention for Natural Bodybuilding Contest Preparation: Case Study.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 12 (20).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN Online: 1550-2783
Rodahl, S., Giske, R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Høigaard, R.
Satisfaction With the Coach and Mental Toughness in Elite Male Ice Hockey Players.
Journal of Sport Behavior, 38 (4).
p. 419.
ISSN 0162-7341
Rogers, Michelle
ICT and Learning For Students: A New Way of Thinking.
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles, pp. 58-66.
ISBN 9781446259269 9781446259276
Rogers, Michelle
Making Online Induction Fit For Purpose.
In: Learning and Teaching Conference, June 2015, University of Worcester.
Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Robinson, Laurence and Francis-Smythe, Jan
The Contribution of Academic Scholarship to Management Development.
Journal of Management Development, 34 (3).
pp. 286-298.
ISSN Online: 0262-1711
Russell, Christopher
ORCID: and Xu, Q.
Lived experience at the centre of learning.
Journal of Dementia Care, 23 (4).
pp. 18-19.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Russell, Christopher
ORCID: and Xuis, Q.
Lived experience at the centre of learning.
The Australian Journal of Dementia Care, 4 (5).
pp. 18-19.
ISSN 2049-6893
Sadyś, Magdalena, Kennedy, Roy and Skjøth, C.
An Analysis of Local Wind and Air Mass Directions and Their Impact on Cladosporium Distribution Using HYSPLIT and Circular Statistics.
Fungal Ecology, 18.
pp. 56-66.
ISSN 1754-5048
Sadyś, Magdalena, Skjøth, C.
ORCID: and Kennedy, Roy
Determination of Alternaria spp. Habitats Using 7-Day Volumetric Spore Trap, Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model and Geographic Information System.
Urban Climate, 14 (3).
pp. 429-440.
ISSN Print: 2212-0955
Sadyś, Magdalena, Strzelczak, A., Grinn-Gofroń, A. and Kennedy, Roy
Application of Redundancy Analysis for Aerobiological Data.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 59 (1).
pp. 25-36.
ISSN Print: 0020-7128 Online: 1432-1254
Savage, Moira and Barnett, Anthony
Digital Literacy, Employability and Graduate Attributes for Primary Trainee Teachers.
In: Digital Pedagogies Conference, 3rd July 2015, University Centre Doncaster.
Savage, Moira and Barnett, Anthony
Digital Literacy, Employability and Graduate Attributes for Primary Trainee Teachers.
In: 29th ITTE International Conference : Digital Futures : Shaping Tomorrow's Learning & Teaching, 4th July 2015, Regent High School, London.
Savin-Baden, Maggi
Rethinking Learning in an Age of Digital Fluency: Is Being Digitally Tethered a New Learning Nexus?
Current debates in educational psychology
Routledge, London.
ISBN 0415738172, 9780415738170
Savin-Baden, Maggi, Tombs, G. and Bhakta, Roy
Beyond Robotic Wastelands of Time: Abandoned Pedagogical Agents and New Pedalled Pedagogies.
E-Learning and Digital Media, 12, (3-4).
pp. 295-314.
ISSN 2042-7530
Schad, J. and Dalmasso, Frederic
Last Train to Oxford (Someone Called Derrida).
Schwarz, Suzanne
From Company Administration to Crown Control: Experimentation and Adaptation in Sierra Leone in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries.
Slavery, Abolition and the Transition to Colonialism in Sierra Leone.
Harriet Tubman Series on the African Diaspora
Africa World Press, Trenton, New Jersey, USA,, pp. 163-188.
ISBN 1592219837, 9781592219834
Schwarz, Suzanne
Ransoming Practices and “Barbary Coast” Slavery:
Negotiations Relating to Liverpool Slave Traders in the Late Eighteenth Century.
African Economic History, 42.
pp. 59-85.
ISSN Print: 0145-2258 Online: 2163-9108
Schwarz, Suzanne
Scottish Surgeons in the Liverpool Slave Trade in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries.
Recovering Scotland's Slavery Past: The Caribbean Connection.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 145-165.
ISBN Paperback: 9781474408806 Hardback: 9780748698080
Scurlock-Evans, Laura
ORCID: and Upton, Dominic
The Role and Nature of Evidence: A Systematic Review of Social Workers' Evidence-Based Practice Orientation, Attitudes, and Implementation.
Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 12 (4).
pp. 369-399.
ISSN Print: 2640-8066 Online: 2640-8074
Sealey, Clive
Social Exclusion: Re-examining its Conceptual Relevance to Tackling Inequality and Social Injustice.
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 33 (9/10).
pp. 600-617.
ISSN 0144-333X
Sealey, Clive
Social Policy Simplified : Connecting Theory With People's Lives.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
ISBN 978-1137362957
Selleck, Charlotte
Re-negotiating Ideologies of Bilingualism on the Margins of Education.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 37 (6).
pp. 551-563.
ISSN Print: 0143-4632 Online: 1747-7557
Sewell, Alexandra
A theoretical application of epistemological
oppression to the psychological assessment of
special educational needs; concerns and practical
implications for anti-oppressive practice.
Educational Psychology in Practice, 32 (1).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN Print: 0266-7363 Online: 1469-5839
Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Amin, M.
International students’ course satisfaction and continuance behavioral intention in higher education setting: an empirical assessment in Malaysia.
Asia Pacific Education Review, 17 (1).
pp. 41-62.
ISSN 1598-1037
Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Preece, C.N.
Developing a framework of internationalisation for higher education institutions in Malaysia: A SWOT analysis.
International Journal of Management in Education, 10 (2).
pp. 145-173.
ISSN 1750-385X
Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Preece, C.N. and Ismail, W.K.W.
International Medical Travelers’ Behavioral Intention: An Empirical Study in Iran.
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 32 (5).
pp. 475-502.
ISSN Print: 1054-8408 Online: 1540-7306
Sharp, C.A. and White, Richard
Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment: Do we Need a Golden Hour? (Letter).
Journal of Wound Care, 24 (5).
p. 237.
ISSN 0969-0700
Shrewsbury, Duncan
Acne Vulgaris.
InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 8 (11).
pp. 645-672.
ISSN Print: 1755-7380 Online: 1755-7399
Simpson, D., Lumsden, E. and McDowall Clark, Rory
Neoliberalism, Global Poverty Policy and Early Childhood Education and Care: a Critique of Local Uptake in England.
Early Years: An International Research Journal, 35 (1).
pp. 96-109.
ISSN Print: 0957-5146 Online: 1472-4421
Simpson, D., Lumsden, E. and McDowall Clark, Rory
Pre-school Practitioners, Child Poverty and Social Justice.
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 35 (5/6).
pp. 325-339.
ISSN 0144-333X
Singh, S., Forty, L., Di Florio, A., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Jones, I., Craddock, N., Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Smith, D.
Affective Temperaments and Concomitant Alcohol Use Disorders in Bipolar Disorder.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 186.
pp. 226-231.
ISSN Online: 0165-0327
Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Baker, Peter, Sadyś, Magdalena and Adams-Groom, Beverley
Pollen From Alder (Alnus sp.), Birch (Betula sp.) and Oak (Quercus sp.) in the UK Originate From Small Woodlands.
Urban Climate, 14 (3).
pp. 414-428.
ISSN Print: 2212-0955
Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Bilińska, D., Werner, Malgorzata, Malkiewicz, M., Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Kryza, M. and Drzeniecka-Osiadacz, A.
Footprint Areas of Pollen From Alder (Alnus) and Birch (Betula) in the UK (Worcester) and Poland (Wrocław) During 2005–2014.
Acta Agrobotannica, 68 (4).
pp. 315-324.
ISSN Print: 0065-0951 Online: 2300-357X
Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Werner, Malgorzata, Kryza, M., Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Wakeham, Alison, Lewis, Mary and Kennedy, Roy
Quality of the Governing Temperature Variables in WRF in Relation to Simulation of Primary Biological Aerosols.
Advances in Meteorology (412658).
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 1687-9309
Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Šikoparija, B., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Cecchi, L. and Karrer, G.
The Spread and Modelling of Ambrosia Plants and Pollen: a Tool to Measure Management Success.
In: SMARTER Conference & Workshop: “Invasive plants management success & regulation”, 21st - 22nd January 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
Smith, Sharon and Hewston, Ruth
Using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and a VLE to Promote Independent Learning.
In: Enhancing Student Engagement through Online Learning Communities, 20th April 2015, Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Snelling, Paul
Rounding on the Smokers: the Myth of Evidence-based (Nursing) Policy.
Exploring Evidence-based Practice: Debates and Challenges in Nursing.
Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society
Routledge, London, pp. 204-220.
ISBN Hardback: 978-1-13-878990-6
Snelling, Paul
Shame as a Public Health Intervention.
In: Shame, Stigma and Medicine, 16th October 2015, Trinity College, Dublin.
Snelling, Paul
Who Can Blame Who for What and How in Responsibility
for Health?
Nursing Philosophy, 16 (1).
pp. 3-18.
ISSN Online: 1466-769X
Snelling, Paul
The meta ethics of regulation and guidance.
In: 1st International ICE Observatory Future of Ethics in Care and 16th Nursing Ethics Conference, 17-18 July 2015, University of Surrey.
Snow, S. and Torney, Laura
An Evaluation of the First Year of an Enquiry-based Learning Midwifery Curriculum.
British Journal of Midwifery, 23 (12).
pp. 894-900.
ISSN Print: 0969-4900 Online: 2052-4307
Solowiej, Kazia, Ross, Catharine
ORCID:, Francis-Smythe, Jan and Steele, C.
Reconceptualising Career Success for Males in Two Female-dominated Occupations: A Case Study of Primary School Teaching and University Administration.
In: Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Annual Conference, 6th - 8th January 2016, University of Nottingham.
Solvason, Carla
The Responsibility of the Practice-based Researcher.
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles, pp. 307-316.
ISBN Hardback: 9781446259269 Paperback: 9781446259276
Somerville, Daniel
Pavarotti and Me (Portfolio).
Somerville, Daniel
The Search for the Operatic: Bridging the Gap Between the Spectatorial and Performer Positions Through Sketch-making and Embodiment Techniques.
Sommer, J., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Šikoparija, B., Kasprzyk, I., Myszkowska, D., Grewling, Ł. and Skjøth, C.
Risk of Exposure to Airborne Ambrosia Pollen from Local and Distant Sources in Europe – an Example from Denmark.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 22 (4).
pp. 625-631.
ISSN Print: 1232-1966 Online: 1898-2263
Stacey, Ruth
Queen, Jewel, Mistress.
Eyewear Publishing, London.
ISBN 1908998458, 9781908998453
Standlee, Whitney
'Power to Observe': Irish Women Novelists in Britain, 1890-1916.
Reimagining Ireland, 62
Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland.
ISBN 9783034318372
Steele, C., Mundy, D., McLay, S., Solowiej, Kazia and Bicknell, A.
Defence Trainer Capability (DTC) - Workplace Trainer Culture.
In: Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Annual Conference, 6th - 8th January 2016, University of Nottingham.
Steils, N., Tombs, Gemma, Mawer, M., Savin-Baden, Maggi and Wimpenny, K.
Implementing the Liquid Curriculum: the Impact of Virtual World Learning on Higher Education.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 24 (2).
pp. 155-170.
ISSN Print: 1475-939X Online: 1747-5139
Stepney, Melissa
The Challenge of Hyper-sexual Femininity and Binge Drinking: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Response.
Subjectivity, 8 (1).
pp. 57-73.
ISSN 1755-6341 Online: 1755-635X
Stobbs, Nicola
Using Peer to Peer Support to Help Prepare Early Years Students for a Successful Work-based Learning Experience.
In: 25th EECERA annual conference 'Innovation, experimentation and adventure in early childhood', 7th - 10th September 2015, Barcelona.
Stobbs, Nicola
ORCID: and Musgrave, Jackie
Proper Placements.
Nursery World.
ISSN 0029-6422
Storey, David
Geography of State.
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition).
Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 356-361.
ISBN Print: 978-0-08-097086-8 Electronic: 978-0-08-097087-5
Storey, David
Territoriality: Geographical.
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition).
Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 221-226.
ISBN Print: 978-0-08-097086-8 Electronic: 978-0-08-097087-5
Swanson, Steve and Kent, A.
Fandom in the Workplace: Multi-target Identification in Professional Team Sports.
Journal of Sport Management, 29 (4).
pp. 461-477.
ISSN Print: 0888-4773 Online: 1543-270X
Taroun, Abdulmaten
Construction Project Risk Analysis via Evidential Reasoning: A novel approach for a more realistic project risk modelling and assessment.
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany.
ISBN 978-3659621291
Taylor, Charlotte, Upton, Penney and Upton, Dominic
Increasing Primary School Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: a Review of the Food Dudes Programme.
Health Education, 115 (2).
pp. 178-196.
ISSN 0965-4283
Taylor, Helen
Improving the Efficacy of the Mental Capacity Act.
Nursing Times, 111 (27).
pp. 20-23.
ISSN 0954-7762
Taylor, Helen
Is the Mental Capacity Act Fulfilling its Aims?
Nursing Times, 111 (26).
pp. 14-17.
ISSN 0954-7762
Telli, Osman, Fantozzi, Elena, Studholme, D.J. and Tör, M.
Circadian Rhythm Regulates Growth of a Biotrophic Pathogen on Arabidopsis Thaliana.
In: BSPP 2015 Presidential Meeting: The Impact of plant pathology on everyday lives, 13th - 15th September 2015, University of Bristol.
Tenvir, Fozia
The Educational Experiences and Life Choices of British Pakistani Muslim Women: An Ethnographic Case Study.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
The Network and Pathway Analysis Subgroup, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Gordon-Smith, Katherine
Psychiatric Genome-wide Association Study Analyses Implicate Neuronal, Immune and Histone Pathways.
Nature Neuroscience, 18 (2).
pp. 199-209.
ISSN Print: 1097-6256 Online:1546-1726
Thomas, Yvonne
Cyclone Yasi: The Experience of Queenslanders Without a Home.
Disaster and Development: an Occupational Perspective.
Elsevier B.V., Edinburgh, pp. 71-72.
ISBN Print 978-0-7020-4047-4 Electronic 978-0-7020-6079-3
Thomas, Yvonne
ORCID: and Judd, J.
Establishing a Community of Practice for Occupational
Therapy Curriculum Development: The value of a Two-way
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 62 (4).
pp. 238-245.
ISSN Print 0045-0766 Online 1440-1630
Tiller, Stephanie
Transition Time.
Financial Accountant.
pp. 31-32.
ISSN 1357-5449
Tod, D., Edwards, Christian
ORCID:, McGuigan, M. and Lovell, Geoffrey
A Systematic Review of the Effect of Cognitive Strategies on Strength Performance.
Sports Medicine, 45 (11).
pp. 1589-1602.
ISSN Print: 1179-2035 Online: 0112-1642
Tod, D. and Edwards, Christian
Relationships Among Muscle Dysmorphia Characteristics, Body Image Quality of Life, and Coping in Males.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18 (5).
pp. 585-589.
ISSN 1440-2440)
Tod, D. and Edwards, Christian
A meta-analysis of the drive for muscularity's relationships with exercise behaviour, disordered eating, supplement consumption, and exercise dependence.
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 8 (1).
pp. 185-203.
ISSN Print: 1750-984X Online: 1750-9858
Toon, Wendy
America and Germany.
Historical Dictionary of the 1940s.
Routledge, London, pp. 13-14.
ISBN 076560440X
Toon, Wendy
America and Japan.
Historical Dictionary of the 1940s.
Routledge, London, pp. 16-17.
ISBN 076560440X
Toon, Wendy
German Aliens.
Historical Dictionary of the 1940s.
Routledge, London, p. 152.
ISBN 076560440X
Toon, Wendy
Historical Dictionary of the 1940s.
Routledge, London, pp. 172-173.
ISBN 076560440X
Toon, Wendy
Japanese Americans.
Historical Dictionary of the 1940s.
Routledge, London, pp. 201-202.
ISBN 076560440X
Toon, Wendy
MacArthur, Douglas.
Historical Dictionary of the 1940s.
Routledge, London, pp. 235-236.
ISBN 076560440X
Toon, Wendy
Office of War Information.
Historical Dictionary of the 1940s.
Routledge, London, pp. 286-287.
ISBN 076560440X
Toon, Wendy
‘Real war ammunition’: The National War Poster Competition, 1942.
In: Symposium on Art from the Second World War, 20 November, University of St Andrews.
Toon, Wendy
Shirer, William Lawrence.
Historical Dictionary of the 1940s.
Routledge, London, p. 350.
ISBN 076560440X
Ugolotti, M., Pasquarella, C., Vitali, P., Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Albertini, R.
Characteristics and Trends of Selected Pollen Seasons Recorded in Parma (Northern Italy) from 1994 to 2011.
Aerobiologia, 31 (3).
pp. 341-352.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Unwin, Peter
ORCID: and Misca, Gabriela
“It Doesn't Happen Here” - Perspectives on Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness In Rural Settings.
In: "Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation" Getting it right...? NWG Network Annual Conference, 18th - 19th March 2015, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham.
Upthegrove, R., Chard, C., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Forty, L., Jones, I. and Craddock, N.
Adverse Childhood Events and Psychosis in Bipolar Affective Disorder.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 206 (3).
pp. 191-197.
ISSN Print: 0007-1250 Online:1472-1465
Upton, D. and Upton, Penney
Psychology of Wounds and Wound Care in Clinical Practice.
Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland.
ISBN Print: 978-3-319-09652-0 Online: 978-3-319-09653-7
Vinson, Don
ORCID:, Christian, Polly, Jones, Vanessa, Matthews, Joe, Williams, Craig and Peters, D.M.
Investigating the Culture of Coach Education in the UK: The Supporting and Promoting Inclusive Coach Education (SPICE) Project.
In: 3rd International Coaching Conference, 9th-10th September 2015, Manchester Metropolital University, Crewe.
Visser, Fleur
ORCID:, Buis, K., Verschoren, V. and Meire, P.
Depth Estimation of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Clear Water Streams Using Low-Altitude Optical Remote Sensing.
Sensors, 15 (10).
pp. 25287-25312.
ISSN 1424-8220
Wadley, Alex, Chen, Y.W., Bennett, S. J., Lip, G.Y.H., Turner, J. E., Fisher, J.P. and Aldred, S.
Monitoring Changes in Thioredoxin and Over-oxidised Peroxiredoxin in Response to Exercise in Humans.
Free Radical Research, 49 (3).
pp. 290-298.
ISSN Print: 1071-5762 Online: 1029-2470
Wadley, Alex, Killer, S.C., Svendsen, I.S. and Gleeson, M.
The Impact of Intensified Training with a High or Moderate Carbohydrate Feeding Strategy on Resting and Exercise-induced Oxidative Stress.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 115 (8).
pp. 1757-1767.
ISSN Print: 1439-6319 Online: 1439-6327
Wakeham, Alison, Keane, Gary, John, Simon and Petch, Geoffrey
CP-099 Diagnostics: Validation of the Lateral Flow Detection Devices for the Light Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew Vegetable Brassica Pathogens and Testing of White Blister Detection Test Prototypes. Final Report, August 2015.
Project Report.
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Warwickshire, UK.
Wakeham, Alison, Lewis, M., Keane, Gary, Edwards, Emma, Petch, Geoffrey and John, Simon
CP 099a - Validation of the Clubroot Lateral Flow in UK Commercial Brassica Cropping Systems. Final Report, 2015.
Project Report.
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Warwickshire. UK.
Walklet, Elaine, Taylor, Charlotte, Mahoney, Berenice
ORCID:, Bradley, Eleanor
ORCID:, Scurlock-Evans, Laura
ORCID: and O'Hickey, Stephen
Anaphylaxis in Adulthood: Exploring the Psychological Experience and Patient-centred Care.
In: The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting, 4th-6th Septmber 2015, Telford International Centre, UK.
Waller, Sarah
Tools' Significant Role in Supportive Design.
Health Estate Journal.
pp. 35-38.
Waller, Sarah
The importance of designing dementia friendly care environments.
Global Health and Pharma, August (2015).
pp. 16-17.
Waller, Sarah and Masterson, A.
Designing dementia-friendly hospital environments.
Future Hospital Journal, 2 (1).
pp. 63-68.
ISSN Print: 2514-6645, Online: 2514-6653
Warren, Vessela
Examining the Implementation of Service Innovation Processes in a Small Business Services Firm.
DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Warren, Vessela
Exploring Service Innovation Practices Through a Longitudinal Ethnographic Case Study.
In: The 15th Qualitative Methods Conference, 3rd - 5th May 2016, Glasgow, UK.
Watson, Nicola
Looking for Trouble: Can Educators Facilitate Learners’ Social Development During Conflicts Between Peers?
In: TACTYC Conference 2015 – Children’s and Practitioners’ experiences of early years care and education: Advocating for young children through research and practice, 30th October 2015, International Convention Centre, Birmingham.
Watts, Helen
Are we Doing Enough to Develop Career Competency?
Talent Management: Network Knowledge.
pp. 33-35.
Watts, Helen
Predicting Customer Retention in Discrete and Continuous Services.
Markt-und Absatzprognosen.
FOM-Edition (FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, pp. 89-106.
ISBN Print: 978-3-658-04491-6 Online: 978-3-658-04492-3
Webb, Jean
'Reading as Protection and Enlightenment in Marcus Zusak’s The Book Thief'.
Children as Readers in Children's Literature: The power of texts and the importance of reading.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 71-80.
ISBN Hardback 9781138806696 Paperback 9781138806702 eBook 9781315751542
Webb, Jean
Teaching Children’s Literature: An Overview.
White Rabbit: English Studies in Latin America, 9.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 0719-0921
Werner, Malgorzata, Kryza, M. and Dore, A.J.
Mean Annual Population Exposure to Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Poland.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 58 (1/2).
pp. 89-99.
ISSN Print: 0957-4352 Online: 1741-5101
Werner, Malgorzata, Kryza, M., Geels, C., Ellermann, T. and Skjøth, C.
Spatial, Temporal and Vertical Distribution of Ammonia Concentrations Over Europe – Comparing a Static and Dynamic Approach With WRF-Chem.
Atmospheric Chemsitry and Physics Discussions, 15.
pp. 22935-22973.
ISSN Print: 1680-7316 Online: 1680-7324
Werner, Malgorzata, Kryza, M., Ojrzyńska, H., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Wałaszek, K. and Dore, A.J.
Application of WRF-Chem to Forecasting PM10 Concentration Over Poland.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 58 (4).
pp. 280-292.
ISSN Print: 0957-4352 Online: 0957-4352
Werner, Malgorzata, Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Kryza, M. and Dore, A.J.
Understanding Emissions of Ammonia From Buildings and the
Application of Fertilizers: an Example From Poland.
Biogeosciences, 12 (11).
pp. 3623-3638.
ISSN Print: 1726-4170 Electronic:1726-4189
Werner, Malgorzata, Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Kryza, M. and Dore, A.J.
Understanding Emissions of Ammonia from Buildings and Application of Fertilizers: An Example from Poland.
Biogeosciences Discussions, 12.
pp. 2021-2061.
ISSN Online: 1810-6285
West, Julia
Testing the Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation at the Situational Level.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Whigham, Stuart
Internal Migration, Sport and the Scottish Diaspora in England.
Leisure Studies, 34 (4).
pp. 438-456.
ISSN Print: 0261-4367 Online: 1466-4496
Whigham, Stuart
‘Sport for Yes’? The Precarious Positioning of Scottish Athletes in the Scottish Independence Referendum Campaign.
In: BSA Sport Study Group Day Conference, 15th May 2015, British Library, London.
Whigham, Stuart
The Working Group on Scottish Sport and the Scottish Independence Referendum: an Unrealised Political 'Imaginary'?
In: Sport, Politics and Social Policy Annual Conference 2015, 7th - 8th January 2015, Durham University.
White, Richard
The Costs of Wound Debridement and Exudate Management.
British Journal of Healthcare Management, 21 (4).
pp. 172-175.
ISSN 1358-0574
White, Richard, Hampton, S., Elstone, A., Bishop, A. and Anderson, C.
Any Qualified Provider for Venous Leg Ulceration: Rhetoric or Reality?
Wounds UK, 11 (3).
pp. 8-15.
ISSN 1746-6814
White, Richard, Jeffrey, S., Elstone, A. and Cutting, K.F.
Sepsis and Chronic Wounds: The Extent of the Issue and What we Should be Aware of.
Wounds UK, 11 (4).
pp. 16-22.
ISSN 1746-6814
Whitehouse, Kerry, Barber, Lerverne and Jones, Vanessa
Developing and Maintaining an Effective Learning Environment.
Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience: 4th edition.
Routledge, London, pp. 121-139.
ISBN 9781138785984 eBook: 9781315767482
Whitehouse, Kerry and Cole, D.
Learning From Others.
Special Educational Needs Magazine (79).
pp. 62-63.
Willems, M.E., Myers, S.D., Gault, M.L. and Cook, Matthew
Beneficial Physiological Effects with Blackcurrant Intake in Endurance Athletes.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 25 (4).
pp. 367-374.
ISSN Print: 1526-484X Online: 1543-2742
Williamson, L.H. and Grubb, Amy
An analysis of the relationship between being deaf and sexual offending.
Journal of Sexual Aggression, 21 (2).
pp. 224-243.
ISSN Print: 1355-2600 Online: 1742-6545
Williamson, Tracey and Hinder, S.
14 - Public Involvement in Garment Design Research.
Textile-Led Design for the Active Ageing Population.
Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles
Woodhead Publishing, 245 - 256.
ISBN 978-0-85709-538-1
Williamson, Tracey, Kenney, L., Barker, A.T., Cooper, G., Good, T., Healey, J., Heller, B., Howard, D., Matthews, M., Prenton, S., Ryan, J. and Smith, C.
Enhancing Public Involvement in Assistive Technology Design Research.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 10 (3).
pp. 258-265.
ISSN 1748-3107
Wood-Griffiths, Susan, Lawson, Suzanne and Winson, Alison
Preparing to Teach Textiles Technology.
Learning to Teach Design and Technology in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience (3rd edition).
Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 136-149.
ISBN Paperback 9781138785250
Woodget, Amy
Quantifying Physical River Habitat Parametres Using Hyperspatial Resolution UAS Imagery and SfM-photogrammetry.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Woodget, Amy, Carbonneau, P., Visser, Fleur
ORCID: and Maddock, Ian
Quantifying Submerged Fluvial Topography Using Hyperspatial Resolution UAS Imagery and Structure From Motion Photogrammetry.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40 (1).
pp. 47-64.
ISSN Online: 1096-9837
Woodget, Amy, Visser, Fleur
ORCID:, Maddock, Ian
ORCID: and Carbonneau, P.
Quantifying Fluvial Substrate Size using Hyperspatial Resolution UAS Imagery and SfM-photogrammetry.
In: 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2016, 7th - 12th February 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
Wright, Christina
Chinese Students' Expectations of Language Learning in Western Culture.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (10).
ISSN 2024-8032
Wright, R.L., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Robinson, Paul D., Watt, T.N. and Hollands, M.A.
Older Adults Who Have Previously Fallen Due to a Trip Walk Differently Than Those Who Have Fallen Due to a Slip.
Gait and Posture, 41 (1).
pp. 164-169.
ISSN 0966-6362
Wroot, Jonathan
Experiencing Websites: UK DVD Distributors and the Promotion of Asian Media.
Arts and the Market, 5 (2).
pp. 168-182.
ISSN Online: 2056-4945
Young, Sharon
The Country House in English Women's Poetry 1650-1750: Genre, Power and Identity.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Young, Sharon
Visiting the Country House: Generic Innovation in Mary Leapor’s “Crumble-Hall.”.
Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, 34 (1).
pp. 51-64.
ISSN 0732-7730
Ørby, P.V., Peel, Robert, Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Schlünssen, V., Bønløkke, J.H., Ellermann, T., Brændholt, A., Sigsgaard, T. and Hertel, O.
An Assessment of the Potential for Co-exposure to Allergenic Pollen and Air Pollution in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Urban Climate, 14 (3).
pp. 457-474.
ISSN Print: 2212-0955
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