Number of items: 373.
Sparks, T., Britt, C., Cherill, A., Marrs, R., Mortimer, S., Pywell, R., Rotheram, I., Stokes, V. and Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, eds.
Aspects of Applied Biology 108: Vegetation Management 2011.
The Association of Applied Biologists, Warwick.
ISBN 0265-1491
Adams-Groom, Beverley
Aeroallergens: Detection and Forecasting.
In: Respiratory Study Day, Worcester Rugby Club.
Akoki, Y., Ghaye, T. and Lillyman, Sue
Attempt of Reflection in Elderly People at Community Activities.
Yocohama Journal of Nursing, 4 (1).
pp. 78-85.
ISSN 1882-8892
Alade, Temitope
ORCID:, Zhu, H. and Osman, H.
Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Distributed Antenna System for In-building Wireless Communication.
Conference Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC).
IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, pp. 2075-2079.
ISBN 978-1-4577-1346-0 Online: 978-1-4577-1348-4
Allen, D.P.
Independent Local Radio (ILR) in the West Midlands, 1972-1984: a Comparative Study of BRMB Radio and Beacon Radio.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Andrews, Holly
Corporate Snakes and Ladders: Psychopathic, Narcissistic and Machiavellian Leadership.
In: The Institute of Risk Management: Global Risk Management Professional Development Forum, 23rd March 2011, London.
Andrews, Maggie
Lest We Forget: Remembrance and Commemoration.
History Press, Stroud.
ISBN 978 0 7524 5965
Andrews, Maggie
‘Mediating Remembrance; Personalization and Celebrity in Television Remembrance’.
Journal of War and Culture Studies, 4 (3).
pp. 657-670.
ISSN 1752-6272
Appleby, Karen
Playing and Learning: Ways of Being in Action.
Play and Practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Sage, London, pp. 133-148.
ISBN 978-1-84860-997-6
Bailey, K., Çevik, V., Holton, N., Byrne-Richardson, J., Sohn, K.H., Coates, M., Woods-Tör, Alison, Aksoy, H.M., Hughes, L., Baxter, L., Jones, J.D.G., Benyon, J., Holub, E.B. and Tör, M.
Molecular Cloning of ATR5Emoy2 From Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis, an Avirulence Determinant That Triggers RPP5-mediated Defense in Arabidopsis.
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 24 (7).
pp. 827-838.
ISSN 0894-0282
Barnett, Anthony
8. Creative Reflection.
Barnett, Anthony
Blended Learning: Evaluation of the WebCT Blackboard Virtual
Learning Environment in Relation to Asynchronous Discussion
and Student Assignments.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (6).
ISSN 2024-8032
Barnett, Anthony
Supporting ICT: Control Technology in the Primary School.
Supporting Learning and Teaching.
Routledge, London, pp. 51-66.
ISBN 0203818369
Bartlett, D., Francis-Smythe, Jan, Steele, Catherine, Arthur, Jane and Carter, A.
Are we Bridging the Divide in IWO Psychology?
In: European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, May 25-28 2011, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Barton, A., Storey, David
ORCID: and Palmer, C.
A Trip in the Country? Policing Drug Use in Rural Settings.
Rural Policing and Policing the Rural. A Constable Countryside?
Perspectives on rural policy and planning
Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, pp. 147-158.
ISBN 978-0-7546-7473-3
Begh, R.A., Aveyard, P., Upton, Penney, Bhopal, R.S., White, M., Amos, A., Prescott, R.J., Bedi, R., Barton, P.M., Fletcher, M., Gill, P., Zaidi, Q. and Sheikh, A.
Experiences of Outreach Workers in Promoting
Smoking Cessation to Bangladeshi and Pakistani
Men: Longitudinal Qualitative Evaluation.
BMC Public Health, 11.
pp. 452-462.
Begh, R.A., Aveyard, P., Upton, Penney, Bhopal, R.S., White, M., Amos, A., Prescott, R.J., Raman, B., Barton, P., Fletcher, M., Gill, P., Zaidi, Q. and Sheikh, A.
Promoting Smoking Cessation in Pakistani and Bangladeshi Men in the UK: Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Trained Community Outreach Workers.
Trials, 12 (197).
ISSN 1745-6215
Bigger, Stephen
Buss, Martin J., The Changing Shape of Form Criticism: A Relational Approach (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 18; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2010)- (Book Review).
SAGE Publications.
Bigger, Stephen
Malcolm Saville's North Yorkshire Stories.
Malcolm Saville Society.
Bigger, Stephen
The Old Testament as Political Fiction?
In: Swindon Philosophical Society., 14.10.2011, Swindon, Wiltshire.
Bigger, Stephen
Polygyny as Political Fiction in the Hebrew Bible.
In: Who do you think you are? Gender and the Transmission of Identity, August 11-13 2011, Oriental Institute, Oxford.
Bigger, Stephen
Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion, by Alison Scott-Baumann. (Book Review).
Taylor & Francis.
Bigger, Stephen
Self and Others: Relational Pedagogy for Critical Pupil Engagement.
In: Swindon Philosophical Society, 14.1.2011, Swindon.
Bill, Karen and Rhoden, Clare
Business Support in Sport – Strategy or Serendipity?
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 18 (4).
pp. 821-832.
ISSN 1462-6004
Bingle, Branwen
Images of Teachers in Children's Literature: are there Messages for Initial Teacher Education?
In: 47th UKLA International Conference Empowerment through Literacy: Literacy shaping futures, 15-17 July 2011, University of Chester.
Binns, T., Dixon, Alan
ORCID: and Nel, E.
Africa: Diversity and Development.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 978-0415413688
Blackmore, Karen
ORCID:, Howarth, Sue and Scott, Linda
Conference notes from the largest Science Education
conference in Europe.
Worcester News and Views.
Blake, R.J., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
Improving Butterfly Habitat in Existing Grass Buffer Strips.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 108 - Vegetation Management 2011.
ISSN 0265-1491
Blake, R.J., Woodcock, B.A., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
Enhancing Habitat to Help the Plight of the Bumblebees.
Pest Management Science, 67 (4).
pp. 377-379.
ISSN Online: 1526-4998
Blake, R.J., Woodcock, B.A., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
New Tools to Boost Butterfly Habitat Quality in Existing Grass Buffer Strips.
Journal of Insect Conservation, 15 (1-2).
pp. 221-232.
ISSN Print: 1366-638X Online: 1572-9753
Bold, Justine and Rostami, K.
Foodborne, Food Related Illness and Role of the Healthcare Professionals.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench, 4 (1).
pp. 1-2.
ISSN Print: 2008-2258 Online: 2008-4234
Bold, Justine and Rostami, K.
Gluten Tolerance; Potential Challenges in Treatment Strategies.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench, 4 (2).
pp. 53-57.
ISSN Print: 2008-2258 Online: 2008-4234
Bowers, Christopher
ORCID:, Byrne, W., Cowan, B.R., Creed, C., Hendley, R.J. and Beale, R.
Choosing Your Moment: Interruptions in Multimedia Annotation.
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 438-453.
ISBN Print: 978-3-642-23770-6 Online: 978-3-642-23771-3
Bracken, Seán
ORCID:, Dart, Gareth
ORCID: and Pickering, Stephen
Evolution or Revolution? An Analysis of the Changing Faces of Development Education in the United Kingdom.
Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, 12.
Bradley, Eleanor
Mixed Methods Evaluation of In-hospital Nurse Prescribing Finds Similar Care Standards and Provision Between Nurses and Doctors.
Evidence Based Nursing, 14 (4).
pp. 121-122.
ISSN 1367-6539
Bradshaw, Michael
Book Review: Thomas Lovell Beddoes THE IVORY GATE Later poems and fragments Edited by Alan Halsey 108pp. ReScript Books. Paperback, £9. 978 1 874400 50 9.
The Times Literary Supplement Limited.
Bradshaw, Michael
Thomas Hood and the Art of the Leg-Pull.
La Questione Romantica, 3 (1).
pp. 117-129.
ISSN Print: 1125-0364 Online: 2037-691X
Brand, Z., Cloete, S.W.P., Malecki, I.A. and Brown, Chris
Influence of Incubation Management on Pipping Position, Hatching Ability and Survival of Ostrich Chicks.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 41 (3).
pp. 265-274.
ISSN 0375-1589
Breeze, Nicholas
Multimodality: an Illuminating Approach to Unravelling the Complexities of Composing with ICT?
Music Education Research, 13 (4).
pp. 389-405.
ISSN Print 1461-3808 Online 1469-9893
Brooker, Dawn
Acute Hospital Care for People with Dementia Symposium.
In: 6th UK Dementia Congress, November 2011, Liverpool, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Association for Dementia Studies: Alzheimer’s Cafe Meeting.
In: Alzheimer’s Cafe Meeting Malvern, March 2011, Malvern, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
The Association for Dementia Studies: Alzheimer’s Cafe Meeting.
In: Alzheimer’s Cafe Meeting, March 2011, Kidderminster, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
The Association for Dementia Studies: Among Friends.
In: Anniversary Meeting, Friends of the Elderly, March 2011, Kidderminster, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Care Fit for VIPS - Inspiring your Team to Work in a Person-Centred Way.
In: Countywide Best Practice Forum for Dementia Link Workers, July 2011, Gloucester, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Dementia Care Mapping.
Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 157-161.
ISBN 9780470747230
Brooker, Dawn
Modern Dementia Care Cut to the Chase.
In: A Series of Dementia Open Lectures, October 2011, Kenilworth, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
A Note on Person-centred Care and Use of the Term BPSD.
Journal of Dementia Care, 19 (5).
p. 37.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Brooker, Dawn
Person-Centred Dementia Care.
In: Worcestershire Healthcare Assistants Conference “Making your role count”, February 2011, Worcester, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Person-Centred Dementia Care.
In: AbbeyFields Managers Conference, May 2011, Birmingham, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Person-Centred Dementia Care.
In: Methodist Homes Chaplaincy Conference, November 2011, Birmingham, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Person-centred Dementia Care in Care Homes and Hospitals: Old Hats and New Brooms.
In: Annual International Psychogeriatric Association Conference, September 2011, The Hague, Netherlands.
Brooker, Dawn
Promoting Health and Well-being: Good Practice Inside the Care Homes.
Mental Health and Care Homes.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 279-296.
ISBN 9780199593637
Brooker, Dawn
Psycho-social Therapeutic Interventions for Dementia: What’s New?
In: Primary Care 2011, May 2011, NEC, Birmingham, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
The Reach Out Care Bundle for People with Dementia in Acute Hospitals.
In: West Midlands Workshop on Improving Services for People with Dementia in Acute Hospitals, June 2011, Aston University, UK,.
Brooker, Dawn
The Shift from Disease to Person: The Importance of Person Centred Care for People Living with Dementia.
In: Second Dementia SA Conference, October 2011, Cape Town, South Africa.
Brooker, Dawn
Signs and Symptoms, Person Centred Approach.
In: Wolverhampton Joint Dementia Strategy Stakeholder Event, July, 2011, Wolverhampton, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Stand By Me.
In: Dementia Care in the Community Conference, Journal of Dementia Care, June 2011, Birmingham, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
'Stand by Me' and 'Come into my World'.
In: 6th UK Dementia Congress, November 2011, Liverpool, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Stand by Me: Training Resource.
Brooker, Dawn
Two Worlds Divided by a Common Language: The Parallel Worlds of Practice and Research in Modern Dementia Care.
In: Admiral Nurse Forum, June 2011, Stratford upon Avon, UK.
Brooker, Dawn
Understanding Dementia and the Person Behind the Disease.
In: Fourth Geneva Conference on Person Centred Medicine, May 2011, Geneva, Switzerland.
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Argyle, E., Scally, A.J. and Clancy, D.
The Enriched Opportunities Programme for People
With Dementia: a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial
in 10 Extra Care Housing Schemes.
Aging & Mental Health, 15 (8).
pp. 1008-1017.
ISSN 1360-7863
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, La Fontaine, Jenny, De Vries, Kay, Porter, T. and Surr, C.
How Can I tell You What's Going on Here? The Development of PIECE-dem: An Observational Framework Focusing on the Perspective of Residents with Advanced Dementia Living in Care Homes: Part of the PANICOA Research Programme.
Project Report.
Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester.
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Page, G.
The Locksmith Education Programme.
In: ExtraCare Charitable Trust, January 2011, Coventry, UK.
Buckler, Scott
The Plateau Experience: Maslow's Unfinished Theory.
Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany.
ISBN 3844306250
Buckler, Scott
Transpersonal Education: An Educational Approach for the Twenty-First Century?
London International Conference on Education (LICE-2011) Proceedings.
pp. 296-300.
ISSN 978-1-908320-03-2
Bueno, Allain
ORCID:, Habitante, C.A., Oyama, L.M., Estadella, D., Ribeiro, E.B. and Oller do Nascimento, C.M.
White Adipose Tissue Re-growth after Partial Lipectomy
in High Fat Diet Induced Obese Wistar Rats.
The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 61 (1).
pp. 55-63.
ISSN Print 1880-6546 Online 1880-6562
Burbach, F.R., Fadden, G. and Smith, Jo
Family Interventions for First-Episode Psychosis.
Promoting Recovery in Early Psychosis: A Practice Manual.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 210-225.
ISBN 978-140514894-8
Campbell, H., Lillyman, Sue, Nicholson, P. and Fisher, J.
Communication Skills for Advanced Care Planning and End of Life (Abstract).
BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care., 1 (1).
p. 70.
ISSN Online: 2045-4368.
Carvalho, Sally, Reeves, Maggie and Orford, Jacqueline
Fundamental Aspects of Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Nursing. 2nd Edition.
Fundamental aspects of nursing series
Quay Books, Wiltshire.
ISBN 1856424235
Cinpoes, Nicoleta
Defrauding Daughters Turning Deviant Wives? Reading Female Agency in The Merchant of Venice.
SEDERI: Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, 21.
pp. 133-146.
ISSN 1135-7789
Cinpoes, Nicoleta
(Ship)wrecked Shakespeare in Romanian Tempests.
Shakespeare Bulletin, 29 (3).
pp. 313-326.
ISSN 0748-2558
Cinpoes, Nicoleta
Siec sztuki rozsnuta na scenie. Hamlet, Sybin, 2008.
Amalgamaty Sztuki: Intermedialne Uwiklania Teatru.
Fundacja Theatrum Gedanense, Słowo/Obraz Terytoria, pp. 191-202.
ISBN 978-83-931104-1-4, 978-83-7453-989-0
Cinpoes, Nicoleta
Theatrics at War: When Macbeth Meets Macbett.
Shakespeare in Europe: Nation(s) and Boundaries.
Editura Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi, pp. 173-185.
ISBN 978-973-640-673-7
Cinpoes, Nicoleta
ORCID: and Sokolova, Boika
From the special issue editors: Introduction to "Un/Happy Wrecks:" Post-1989 Tempests.
Shakespeare Bulletin, 29 (3).
pp. 273-277.
ISSN 0748-2558
Cochrane, Claire
Twentieth Century British Theatre Industry, Art and Empire.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9780521464888
Coles, Steven
ORCID:, Man, S., Hills, R.K., Wang, E.C.Y., Burnett, A.K., Darley, R.L. and Tonks, A.
CD200 Inhibits Memory Th1 Cell Function in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML).
In: Annual Congress of the British Society for Immunology, 5th - 8th December 2011, Liverpool, UK.
Coles, Steven
ORCID:, Wang, E.C.Y., Man, S., Hills, R.K., Burnett, A.K., Tonks, A. and Darley, R.L.
CD200 Expression Suppresses Natural Killer Cell Function and Directly Inhibits Patient Anti-tumor Response in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Leukemia, 25 (5).
pp. 792-799.
ISSN Print: 0887-6924 Online: 1476-5551
Collins, Philip
The Cycle of Physics Pedagogy.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (6).
ISSN 2024-8032
Collins, Philip
Retention in PGCE Shortage Subject (Science Areas).
In: Association for Science Education National Conference 2010, 7th - 9th January 2010, Nottingham University.
Colvin, John
CULT Project (Creatively Using Learning Technologies).
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
Cox, Howard
The Advertising Campaigns of the 1901/02 "Tobacco War" and Ogden's of Liverpool.
In: Smoking, Advertising and the History of Consumer Culture Conference, 18th May 2011, University of Nottingham.
Cox, Howard
Change and Control: 300 Years in the Making of Magazines.
In: Annual Conference of the AAHANZBS, 8-9 December 2011, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand.
Cox, Howard
Counting the Customers: Scale Scope and Quality in Britain's Popular Magazine Industry.
In: Social History Society Annual Conference, 12-14th April 2011, University of Manchester.
Cox, Howard
Magazines Industrialised: or, Innovation and the Death of Innovation.
In: Media History Workshop, 4 February 2011, Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH, Steinerne Furt, 86167, Augsburg, Germany.
Cox, Howard
Post-war Government Controls on Publishing: or, Why Austerity Britain Gorged on Magazines.
In: Business History Unit Research Seminar, 28 November 2011, London School of Economics.
Cox, Howard and Mowatt, S.
Authenticity and Customer Knowledge in Fashion-based Periodicals: Conde Nast Inc. and the Development of a Class-based Strategy in the British Magazine Market Between the Wars.
In: Business History Conference, 31st March- 2nd April 2011, St Louis, Missouri, USA.
Cox, Howard and Mowatt, S.
John Bull Spawns the Dominant Woman: the Emergence and Sustained Rise of Odham's Press, 1847-1939.
In: Association of Business Historians Annual Conference, 1-2 July 2011, Henley Business School, University of Reading.
Cox, Jeremy
The effects of supplementary UV-B radiation on Allium vineale var. vineale, Ecological, Mutualistic and Reproductive Perspectives.
Masters thesis, University of Worcester.
Cropley, B., Neil, R., Wilson, K. and Faull, Andrea
Reflective Practice: Does it Really Work?
Sport and Exercise Scientist, 29.
pp. 16-17.
ISSN 1754-3444
Croudace, Joanne, Inman, C., Abbotts, B., Nagra, S., Malladi, R., Craddock, C. and Moss, P.
CD4+ T cells, recruited via CXCL10 and CXCR3 interactions mediate chronic skin GVHD and distinguish acute from chronic disease post allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
In: Annual Congress of the British Society for Immunology, 5-8 December 2011, Liverpool, UK.
Croudace, Joanne, Malladi, R., Nagra, S., Craddock, C. and Moss, P.
CXCL10 contributes to the pathogenesis of chronic skin
GVHD by recruiting CXCR3+ T cells.
In: 16th Congress of the European Hematology Association, June 9–12, 2011, London, United Kingdom.
Dart, Gareth
‘OER’s in Sub-Saharan Africa – An Appropriate Response to the Challenge of Education for All? The TESSA Experience in Zambia.’.
In: ICET (International Council for the Education of Teachers) Conference, 11th - 14th July 2011, Glasgow University.
Davis, Paul
The English Audit Commission and its Comprehensive Performance Assessment Framework for Local Government, 2002-8: Apogee of Positivism?
Public Performance and Management Review, 34 (4).
pp. 489-514.
ISSN 1530-9576
Davis, Paul
‘Strategic Management in (a) Crisis?’ Uncertainty, Imprecision & the Incomplete as Axioms in Building Appropriate Theory.
In: WBS Research & Knowledge Transfer Conference, 11th May 2011, Worcester Business School.
Davis, Paul, West, K. and Yardley, L.
Networks in Open Systems of Governance:
the Case of an English Local Older Persons’ Care System.
Public Management Review, 13 (5).
pp. 683-705.
ISSN 1471-9037
De Vries, Kay, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Bray, Jennifer
Training and Education Programmes on Dementia and End of Life Care in the Context of the West Midlands Clinical Pathway Group (Darzi) Dementia Pathway.
Project Report.
Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester.
De Vries, Kay, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Smith, P.
Dementia Skills and Competencies for Primary Care Liaison: a Model for Improving Identification and Timely Diagnosis.
In: INTERDEM (Early detection & timely INTERvention in DEMentia) research meeting, September 2011, The Hague, Netherlands.
Devran, Z., Firat, A., Tör, M.
ORCID:, Mutlu, N. and Elekçioglu, I.H.
AFLP and SRAP Markers Linked to the mj Gene for Root-knot Nematode Resistance in Cucumber.
Scientia Agricola, 68 (1).
pp. 115-119.
ISSN 0103-9016
Dodd, J., Taylor, Charlotte, Bunyan, P., White, P., Thomas, S.M. and Upton, Dominic
A Service Model For Delivering Care Closer to Home.
Primary Health Care Research & Development, 12 (2).
pp. 95-111.
ISSN 1463-4236
Doyle, Andrew and Francis-Smythe, Jan
The Nature of Temporal Intelligence in Leadership.
In: 15th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, May 25-28, 2011, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Elliott, Paul
Hitchcock and the Cinema of Sensations.
International Library of Visual Culture
IB Tauris, UK.
ISBN 1848855877
Escudero, P. and Williams, Daniel
Perceptual Assimilation of Dutch Vowels by Peruvian Spanish Listeners.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129.
ISSN 0001-4966
Estadella, D., Oyama, L.M., Bueno, Allain
ORCID:, Habitante, C.A., Souza, G.I., Ribeiro, E.B., Motoyama, C.S.M. and Oller do Nascimento, C.M.
A Palatable Hyperlipidic Diet Causes Obesity and Affects Brain Glucose Metabolism in Rats.
Lipids in Health and Disease, 10 (168).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1476-511X
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Corley, M., Corrie, M., Costley, K. and Donald, C.
Evaluating Services in Partnership With Older People: Exploring the Role of ‘Community Researchers’.
Working with Older People, 15 (1).
pp. 26-33.
ISSN 1366-3666
Fabricatore, Carlo and López, X.
Gaming for Sustainability: An Overview.
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Game Based Learning.
pp. 159-167.
Fisher, James
Fleming, Neil
Cabinet Government, British Imperial Security, and the World Disarmament Conference, 1932–1934.
War in History, 18 (1).
pp. 62-84.
ISSN 0968-3445
Flude, Kevin Peter
Museum Studies - Using a Mock Auction as a Teaching Device.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
Formosa, G. and Smith, Gordon
Transverse Frictional Massage For Plantar Fasciitis: A Clinical Pilot Trial.
International Musculoskeletal Medicine, 33 (3).
pp. 107-114.
ISSN Print: 1753-6146 Online: 1753-6154
Forshaw, M., Upton, Dominic and Jones, S.
Psychology Express: Research Methods in Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide).
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9780273737254
Foskett, Rosalind
Career and Education Decision-Making of Non-Participants and Their Networks.
Rethinking Widening Participation in Higher Education: The Role of Social Networks.
Routledge, London, pp. 88-103.
ISBN 978-0-415-57563-8
Francis-Smythe, Jan, Steele, Catherine and Jellis, Matthew
Formalising Partnerships in Occupational Psychology: Process, Benefits and Challenges.
In: British Psychological Society 2011 Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, 12-14th January 2011, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Fraser, Lucy
Division of English & Cultural Studies:
Attendance & Retention Monitoring Report Semester 2, 2010.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
French, P., Smith, Jo, Shiers, D., Reed, M. and Rayne, M.
Promoting Recovery in Early Psychosis: A Practice Manual.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
ISBN 978-140514894-8
Fuller, A., Foskett, Rosalind, Johnston, B. and Paton, K.
'Getting By' or 'Getting Ahead'? Gendered Educational and Career Decision-Making in Networks of Intimacy.
Gendered Choices and Transitions in Lifelong Learning: Part-time Pathways, Full-time Lives.
Lifelong Learning Book Series
Springer, Heidelberg, DE, pp. 189-208.
ISBN 978-94-007-0646-0
Garratt, Christopher
City Campus: Your Space.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
Gaskin, Kerry
Chronic Disease Management in Children and Young People and the Use of Complex Care Packages.
In: 1st Baltic Paediatric Congress, 19th - 22nd May 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Gaskin, Kerry
How do we Enhance the Synergy Between the Children and Young People’s Cardiac, Complex and Palliative Care Specialities? A Challenge for the Future?
In: 3rd Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association Conference and 2nd Online International Conference: Complex and Palliative Care for Children and Young People with Congenital Heart Disease., 22nd June 2011, Techno Centre, Coventry and virtually via CUOnline.
Gaskin, Kerry
A Team Approach to Palliative and End of Life Care For Children and Young People.
In: 1st Baltic Paediatric Congress, 19th - 22nd May 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Gaskin, Kerry
Traversing the Boundaries of Electronic Technology to Enhance the Care of Children and Young People With Congenital Heart Disease: A Feasibility Study.
In: 3rd Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association Conference and 2nd Online International Conference: Complex and Palliative Care for Children and Young People with Congenital Heart Disease., 22nd June 2011, Techno Centre, Coventry and virtually via CUOnline.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID: and Smith, F.
Children’s and Young People’s Cardiac Nursing: RCN Guidance on Roles, Career Pathways and Competence Development.
Royal College of Nursing, London.
Ghaye, T. and Lillyman, Sue
When Caring Is Not Enough.
Reflective Practices
Quay Books, London.
ISBN 9781856424196
Gilani-Williams, F. and Bigger, Stephen
Muslim Pupils, Children’s Fiction and Personal Understanding.
Almas, 12.
ISSN 1818-9296
Gossman, Peter
My 'Best' Teacher.
The Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 3 (1).
ISSN 2054-5266
Gregory, P. and Gaskin, Kerry
Decision Making, Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning in Pre-hospital and Acute Assessment of the Ill or Injured Child.
In: 1st Baltic Paediatric Congress, 19th - 22nd May 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Gregory, P. and Gaskin, Kerry
Multi-professional Assessment of the Ill/Injured Child.
In: 1st Baltic Paediatric Congress, 19th - 22nd May 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Griggs, G. and Thomas, Lorraine
How Do You Become a Reflective Professional?
Developing reflective practice: a guide for beginning teachers.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 21-38.
ISBN 9780335242573
Grundström, Maria, Linderholm, H., Klingberg, J. and Pleijel, H.
Urban NO2 and NO Pollution in Relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation NAO.
Atmospheric Environment, 45 (4).
pp. 883-888.
ISSN 1352-2310
Gubbins, Karen
Are Current Feedback Methods Optimal for Student Understanding and Learning.
Journal of Paramedic Practice, 3 (3).
pp. 136-141.
ISSN 2041-9457
Halliwell, E., Malson, H. and Tischner, Irmgard
Are Contemporary Media Images Which Seem to Display Women as Sexually Empowered Actually Harmful to Women?
Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35 (1).
pp. 38-45.
ISSN 0361-6843
Hannaford, Anne and Fairman, Roger
The Hive: a New University / Public Library and History Centre, Worcester UK.
In: Connection and Convergence: Second International Conference on Joint Use Libraries, 3rd - 4th November, 2011, Adelaide, South Australia.
Hanson, Karen
''Reflect' - is this too much to ask?'.
Reflective Practice, 12 (3).
pp. 293-304.
ISSN Print: 1462-3943 Online:1470-1103
Hassall, Lee
Nothing To See Here.
Hassall, Lee
Trace: Displaced.
Parthian, Swansea.
ISBN 978-1-906998-04-2
Henson, Richard, Dresner, D. and Booth, D.
IASME: Information Security Management Evolution for SMEs.
In: ATINER 8th Annual International Conference on Small & Mediun Sized Enterprises: Management - Marketing, 1st - 4th August 2011, Athens.
Hicks, Stephen
Personal Reflections on the Teaching Facilities
offered at the City Campus.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
Hicks, Stephen and Quigley, Simon
Using Multiple Choice Tests via Blackboard for Accounting Students.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (6).
ISSN 2024-8032
Hill, Graham
The Relationship of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages to Water Surface Flow Types in British Lowland Rivers.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Holford, J., Welikala, T., Kington, Alison
ORCID: and Mleczko, A.
Intersections Between Educational Policies and Other Areas of Social Policy: Successful Mixed Interventions.
Project Report.
CREA, Barcelona.
Holmes, L.A.
A Time-motion Analysis of Elite Women’s Hockey – Implications for Fitness Assessment and Training.
Masters thesis, Coventry University in collaboration with the University of Worcester.
Holmes, M. and Storey, David
Transferring National Allegiance: Cultural Affinity or Flag of Convenience?
Sport in Society, 14 (2).
pp. 253-271.
ISSN 1743-0437
How, Alan
Hermeneutics and the “Classic” Problem in the Human Sciences.
History of the Human Sciences, 24 (3).
pp. 47-63.
ISSN 0952-6951
Howarth, Sue
Breakfast Biology.
In: Association for Science Education Annual Conference, 6-8.01.2011, University of Reading..
Howarth, Sue
Clingy as an Octopus or Slick as a Lotus Leaf? Review of article in Science in School journal.
Science in School, 18.
Howarth, Sue
Moringa: the Science Behind the Miracle Tree - a review of this journal article, published alongside the article.
Science in School, 18.
Howarth, Sue
Spider Behaviour: Flexibility and Versatility - Book Review.
Society of Biology.
Howarth, Sue
Spider Silk Evolution and 400 Years of Spinning, Waiting, Snagging and Mating, Ed. Herberstein (Book Review).
Society of Biology.
Howarth, Sue and Blackmore, Karen
STEM Clubs.
In: Association for Science Education Annual Conference,, 6-8 January 2011, University of Reading..
Howarth, Sue and Rau, Marlene
Review of 'Instructables' web site.
Science in School, 18.
Howarth, Sue and Scott, Linda
Hallowe'en Science.
In: ASE Regional Conference, 15 Oct 2011,, King Edward V1 School For Girls, Birmingham..
Howarth, Sue and Scott, Linda
Inspirational Ideas for STEM Clubs and Projects From The Big Bang: UK Young Scientists’ and Engineers’ Fair, 2011.
School Science Review, 92 (341).
pp. 25-35.
Howarth, Sue and Scott, Linda
Looking Forward to 2012 With Your STEM/Science Club.
School Science Review, 93 (343).
pp. 19-24.
Howarth, Sue, Scott, Linda and Collins, Philip
More WoW Factors in Science Learning and Teaching.
In: ASE Regional Conference,, 12.03.11, RAF Cosford Museum..
Hughes, Brian and Upton, Dominic
Psychology Express: Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide).
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9780273737285
Hughes, Shaun
The Leadership Mask: A Personally Focused Art Based Learning Enquiry Into Facets of Leadership.
Reflective Practice, 12 (3).
pp. 305-317.
ISSN 1462-3943
Hughes, Shaun, Bingle, Branwen, Crabtree, Heather, Irving, Sue, Perrigo, Alan, Robinson, Catriona, Stanton, Joy, Watson, Rose and Whittenbury, Jane
Mentoring and Coaching Stories – the Learning Journeys of Lecturers Undertaking Post Graduate Study in Mentoring and Coaching.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (6).
Høigaard, R., Rodahl, S. and Peters, D.M.
Team Identification and Mental Toughness in Elite Football Players.
In: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6th - 9th July 2011, Liverpool John Moores University.
Inman, C., Croudace, Joanne, Abbotts, B., Nagra, S., Malladi, R., Craddock, C. and Moss, P.
Early expansion of T-cells over 14 days post stem cell transplant predisposes patients to acute graft versus host disease.
In: Annual Congress of the British Society for Immunology, 5-8 December 2011, Liverpool, UK.
Jackson, G. and Unwin, Peter
Sons and Daughters of Foster Carers – Invisible, Vulnerable or Valued?
Working with children, young people and families: Co-constructing practice.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 118-130.
ISBN Paperback: 978-0230280083
Johnson, J.L., Price, M. and Peters, D.M.
Maximal Aerobic Power and Lactate Threshold in Novice Female One-Day Event Readers.
In: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6th - 9th July 2011, Liverpool John Moores University.
Johnson, J.L., Price, M. and Peters, D.M.
The Physiological Demands of Competitive One-Day Eventing in Novice Event Riders.
In: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport, 6th - 9th July 2011, Liverpool John Moores University.
Johnson, Rachel
ILS and RTP: Support to Researchers Provided by Information and Learning Services as Part of the Research Training Programme at the University of Worcester, Past, Present and Future.
Journal of Information Literacy, 5 (1).
pp. 33-44.
ISSN 1750-5968
Jones, Gareth and Peters, D.M.
A Qualitative Exploration of Athlete Perceptions of Social Loafing.
In: 13th European Congress of Sport Psychology, 12th - 19th July, Madeira, Portugal.
Jowett, A., Peel, Elizabeth and Shaw, R.L.
Online Interviewing in Psychology: Reflections on the Process.
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8 (4).
pp. 354-369.
ISSN 1478-0887
Kailoglou, Eleftherios
Language and Subculture.
In: Research on Languages and Linguistics at Sussex, 2011, University of Sussex.
Kamada, I., Truman, L., Bold, Justine and Mortimore, Denise
The Impact of Breakfast in Metabolic and Digestive Health.
Gastroenterol Hepatol Bed Bench., 4 (2).
pp. 76-85.
ISSN 2008-2258 Online: 2008-4234
Kasprzyk, I., Myszkowska, D., Grewling, Ł., Stach, Alicja, Šikoparija, B., Skjøth, C.
ORCID: and Smith, Matt
The Occurrence of Ambrosia Pollen in Rzeszów, Kraków and Poznań, Poland: Investigation of Trends and Possible Transport of Ambrosia Pollen from Ukraine.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 55 (4).
pp. 633-644.
ISSN Print: 0020-7128 Online: 1432-1254
Keene, Judith
ORCID: and Fairman, Roger
Building an Integrated Work Force Through Shared Values: the Worcester Library and History Centre.
Library Review, 60 (3).
pp. 188-201.
ISSN 0024-2535
Kennedy, Roy
Project number: RD-2008-3525
Project title: Brassicas: Further Development of “in Field” Tests for Resting Spores of Clubroot and the Development of Clubroot Control Based on Detection.
Project Report.
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Kenilworth.
Kennedy, Roy and Wakeham, Alison
FV 333 - Brassicas: Forecasting Light Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew in Vegetable Brassica Crops Based on "in Field" Detection of Airborne Spores.
Project Report.
The Horticultural Development Company, Kenilworth.
Kessington-Miller, B., Brailsford, I. and Gossman, Peter
Developing New Academic Developers: Doing Before Being?
International Journal for Academic Development, 17 (2).
pp. 121-133.
ISSN 1360-144X Online: 1470-1324
Kington, Alison
Are Individual Pupil Differences the Primary Pervasive Influences on Teacher Expectations?
Education Studies and School.
Department of Education, Antioch University, Los Angeles.
ISBN 1450772935, 9781450772938
Kington, Alison
Using Critical Event Narrative in the Study of Teachers' Professional Identity.
In: The Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry "Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Advocacy", 17th - 21st May 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Sammons, P., Day, C. and Regan, E.
Stories and Statistics: Describing a Mixed Method Study of Effective Classroom Practice.
Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 5 (2).
pp. 103-125.
ISSN 1558-6898
Klaar, Megan, Hill, D., Maddock, Ian
ORCID: and Milner, A.M.
Interactions Between instream wood and Hydrogeomorphic Development within Recently Deglaciated Streams in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska.
Geomorphology, 130 (3-4).
pp. 208-220.
ISSN 0169-555X
Kohe, Geoff and Newman, Joshua
Body Commons: Toward an Interdisciplinary Study of the Somatic Spectacular.
Brogla: An Australian Journal About Dance, 35 (Dec.).
pp. 65-74.
ISSN 1322-76545
Korting, H.C., Schollmann, C. and White, Richard
Management of Minor Acute Cutaneous Wounds:
Importance of Wound Healing in a Moist Environment.
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 25 (2).
pp. 130-137.
ISSN 0926-9959
Koven, Mikel
ORCID: and Thorgeirsdottir, G.
Televisual Folklore: Rescuing Supernatural from the Fakelore Realm.
TV Goes to Hell: An Unofficial Road Map of Supernatural.
ECW Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 187-200.
ISBN Paperback 978-1770410206
Kuzma, Joanne
Account Creation Security of Social Network Sites.
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 1 (3).
pp. 8-13.
ISSN Print: 2221-0997 online: 2221-1004
Kuzma, Joanne
E-mail Responses of Tourism Agencies in Developing Countries.
In: British Academy of Management 2011 Conference, 13-15 September, 2011, University of Aston.
Kuzma, Joanne
An Examination of Privacy Policies of Global University Web Sites.
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 2 (10).
pp. 485-491.
ISSN 2079-8407
Kuzma, Joanne
Using Online Technology to Enhance Student Presentation Skills.
Worcester Journal of Teaching and Learning (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
Kuzma, Joanne
Web Vulnerability Study of Online Pharmacy Sites.
Informatics for Health and Social Care, 36 (1).
pp. 20-34.
ISSN 1753-8165
Kuzma, Joanne and Barnes, Sue
Project Report - Online Testing in Blackboard.
Project Report.
University of Worcester, Worcester Journal of Learning & Teaching.
Kuzma, Joanne, Barnes, Sue and Oestreicher, Klaus
CAPTCHA Accessibility Study of Online Forums.
International Journal of Web Based Communities, 7 (3).
pp. 312-323.
ISSN 1741-8216
Kuzma, Joanne, Wright, Warren and Henson, Richard
Implementation of Online Submission and Marking in Worcester Business School.
Project Report.
University of Worcester, Worcester Journal of Learning & Teaching.
La Fontaine, Jenny, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID: and Brooker, Dawn
Dementia Advisers: An Evaluation of the Worcestershire Experience.
In: UK Dementia Congress, 1st-3rd November 2011, Liverpool.
La Fontaine, Jenny and Brooker, Dawn
How Can I Tell You What’s Going on Here? PIECE-dem, an Observational Process to Assist our Understanding of the Care Experience and its Impact Upon Wellbeing for People Living with Advanced Dementia in Care Homes.
In: UK Care Homes Congress, June 2011, Birmingham, UK.
La Fontaine, Jenny and Brooker, Dawn
How Can I Tell You What’s Going on Here? PIECE-dem, an Observational Process to Assist our Understanding of the Care Experience and its Impact Upon Wellbeing for People Living with Advanced Dementia in Care Homes.
In: British Gerontological Society Annual Conference, July 2011, Plymouth, UK.
La Fontaine, Jenny and Brooker, Dawn
How Can I Tell You What’s Going on Here? The Development of PIECE-dem: An Observational Framework Focussing on the Experience of Residents with Advanced Dementia Living in Care Homes.
In: INTERDEM (Early detection and timely INTERvention in DEMentia) research meeting, September 2011, The Hague, Netherlands.
Lavender, David
Paramedic Opportunities at the University of Worcester.
Journal of Paramedic Practice: : the Clinical Monthly for Emergency Care Professionals, 3 (7).
pp. 400-403.
ISSN 1759-1376
Levene, A. and Webb, Jean
‘More Like Dogs Dozing Upon a Warm Hearthstone than Like Children’:
Nnineteenth-century Perceptions of
Children’s Work and Health in Literature
and Legislature’.
In: ‘Child Labour in the Past: Children as economic contributors and consumers’ conference of The Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past,, September 2011, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge..
Levene, A. and Webb, Jean
'Nothing Wrong With Us Brits! the
Repression of Mental Health
Problems in English Texts Post
WW2: an interdisciplinary
In: IRSCL Bi-annual conference., August 16th, 2011, Brisbane, Australia.
Levene, A. and Webb, Jean
'Nothing Wrong With Us Brits!' the Repression of Mental Health Problems in English Texts Post WW2: an Interdisciplinary Approach.
INIS, The (Irish) Children’s Books Magazine, 36 (Winter).
pp. 34-37.
Levene, A. and Webb, Jean
'Overwork, Leisure and Health in
Literature and Legislature in the
Mid-nineteenth Century'.
In: Child Health and Welfare in History invited symposium, November, 2011, St John’s Research Centre, Oxford..
Lewin-Jones, Jenny
ORCID: and Mitra, Barbara
Distinctions in Facebook language with reference to age and gender.
In: TRANSFORMING AUDIENCES 3 Online & Mobile Media, Everyday Creativity and DIY Culture 1-2 September 2011, University of Westminster, London, UK, 1-2 September 2011, University of Westminster, London.
Lewin-Jones, Jenny
ORCID: and Mitra, Barbara
Gender Roles in Children's Television Commercials.
Small-Scale Research in Primary Schools. A Reader for Learning and Professional Development.
Routledge, Oxon.
ISBN 0415585600
Lewis, Jodie
The Archaeology of Mendip: 500,000 Years of Continuity and Change (Editor).
Heritage, Oxford.
ISBN 1905223285
Lewis, Jodie
Borders in a Limestone Landscape: Neolithic Cave Use in the Mendip Hills, SW England.
Places In Between: The Archaeology of Social, Cultural and Geographical Borders and Borderlands.
Oxbow Books.
ISBN 1842179837
Lewis, Jodie
Introduction to "The Archaeology of Mendip: 500,000 Years of Continuity and Change".
The archaeology of Mendip: 500,000 years of continuity and change.
Heritage, Oxford.
ISBN 1905223285
Lewis, Jodie
On Top of the World: The Use of the Mendip Plateau During the Mesolithic and Neolithic.
The archaeology of Mendip: 500,000 years of continuity and change.
Heritage, Oxford.
ISBN 1905223285
Lewis, Jodie
ORCID: and Mullin, David
New Excavations at Priddy Circle I, Mendip Hills, Somerset.
Proceedings of University of Bristol Spelaeological Society, 25 (2).
pp. 133-163.
Lillyman, Sue, Guthrie, R. and Berridge, P.
Storyboarding Technique in the Classroom to Address End of Life Experiences in Practice and Engage Student Nurses in Deeper Reflection.
Nurse Education in Practice, 11 (3).
pp. 179-185.
ISSN 1471-5953
Ling, Jonathan, Catling, Jonathan and Upton, Dominic
Psychology Express: Cognitive Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide).
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9780273737988
Lipscomb, Martin
Abductive Inference, the Research Process, and Mixed Method Studies.
In: 7th International Mixed Method Conference, 29-30th June 2011, Leeds University - UK.
Lipscomb, Martin
Applying Qualitative Research Findings in Nursing Practice: Revisiting Old Problems.
In: 15th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, 26-28th August - 2011, University of Dundee - UK.
Lipscomb, Martin
Challenging the Coherence of Social Justice as a Shared Nursing Value.
Nursing Philosophy, 12 (1).
pp. 4-11.
ISSN Online: 1466-769X
Lipscomb, Martin
Critical Realism and Realist Pragmatism in Mixed Methods: The Problematics of Event Identity and Abductive Inference (Evolving Paradigms in Mixed Methods Research) - presented on Dr Lipscomb's behalf.
In: American Educational Research Association (AREA) Annual Meeting, 8-12th April 2011, New Orleans - Louisiana - USA.
Lipscomb, Martin
Letter to the Editor: Only Connect... a Response (Connected!).
Nurse Education Today, 31 (1).
pp. 6-8.
ISSN 0260-6917
Lipscomb, Martin
Questioning Social Justice as a Shared Nursing Value.
In: Philosophizing Social Justice in Nursing - 14th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, 20-22nd September 2010, Vancouver - Canada.
Mahoney, Berenice
ORCID:, Scurlock-Evans, Laura
ORCID: and Davies, M.
Sexual Orientation, Criminal Victimisation, Worry and Perceptions of Risk: Using the British Crime Survey to Research Sensitive Questions With Sexual Minorities.
In: Crime Survey User’s meeting, 13th December, Royal Statistical Society, London..
Malson, H., Halliwell, E., Tischner, Irmgard and Rudolfsdottir, A.
Post-feminist Advertising Laid Bare: Young Women’s Talk About the Sexually Agentic Woman of ‘Midriff’ Advertising.
Feminism & Psychology, 21 (1).
pp. 74-99.
ISSN 0959-3535
Martin, Louise
Partner Colleges Learning and Teaching Project
(Summary Report).
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
May, H., Edwards, P. and Brooker, Dawn
Professionelle Pflegeprozessplanung: Personzentrierte Pflegeplanung für Menschen mit Demenz.
Verlag Hans Huber, Bern.
ISBN 9783456849744
McGee, J.E.
Keeping the Faith: a Study of Muslim Schoolgirls’ Identity and Participation in, School-based PE, and Teachers’ Understanding of Students’ Religious Needs.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
McManus, F., Muse, Kate
ORCID: and Surawy, C.
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) For Severe Health Anxiety.
Healthcare, Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal.
pp. 19-23.
ISSN 1475-0724
Meechan, Ronnie, Jones, Helen and Valler-Jones, Tracey
Do Medicines OSCEs Improve Drug Administration Ability?
British Journal of Nursing, 20 (13).
pp. 817-822.
ISSN 0966-0461
Meechan, Ronnie, Jones, Helen and Valler-Jones, Tracey
Students' Perspectives on Their Skills Acquisition and Confidence.
British Journal of Nursing, 20 (7).
pp. 445-450.
ISSN 0966-0461
Meechan, Ronnie, Mason, Victoria and Catling, Jonathan
The Impact of an Integrated Pharmacology and Medicines Management Curriculum for Undergraduate Adult Nursing Students on the Acquisition of Applied Drug/pharmacology knowledge.
Nurse Education Today, 31 (4).
pp. 383-389.
ISSN 0260-6917
Mercer, J., Clayton, D. and Upton, Dominic
Psychology Express: Social Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide).
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9780273737193
Misca, Gabriela
The “Neglect of Neglect”: Adopting Evidence-based Approaches in Responding to Child Neglect.
In: Annual Conference of the Local Children's Safeguarding Board, 6th April 2011, Wolverhampton.
Mitchell, Theresa
Chemotherapy Closer to Home: Patients' Perspectives of Receiving Chemotherapy in Outpatient Clinic and/or a Unique Mobile Chemotherapy Unit.
Project Report.
University of the West of England, Bristol.
Mitchell, Theresa and Turton, P.
'Chemobrain': Concentration and Memory Effects in People Receiving Chemotherapy - a Descriptive Phenomenological Study.
European Journal of Cancer Care, 20 (4).
pp. 539-548.
ISSN Online: 1365-2354
Molnar, Gyozo
ORCID:, Doczi, T. and Gal, A.
Socio-structural Overview of Hungarian Football.
The Organisation and Governance of Top Football Across Europe: An Institutional Perspective.
Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society
Routledge, London.
ISBN 978-0-415-88378-8
Monaghan, Chris
Fraud and the Juror.
Dictum, Apr'11 (3).
pp. 32-33.
Monaghan, Chris
‘In Defence of Intrinsic Human Rights: Edmund Burke’s controversial prosecution of Warren Hastings, Governor-General of Bengal.
Law, Crime and History, 1 (2).
pp. 58-107.
ISSN 2045-9238
Monaghan, Chris
Review: Hayton and Mitchell: Commentary and Cases on the Law of Trusts and Equitable Remedies.
Trust Law International, 25 (4).
pp. 231-233.
ISSN 0962-2624
Monaghan, Chris
The status of the seller in the age of eBay.
Information & Communications Technology Law, 20 (2).
pp. 103-114.
ISSN Print: 1360-0834 • Online: 1469-8404
Morris, J. and Woolley, Richard
Transitions Reading Resource.
Bishop Grosseteste University College, Lincoln.
ISBN 9781871346190
Moss, B., Clarke, Janice and Moody, I.
Educating for Spiritual Care.
Spirituality and Mental Health.
Pavilion, Brighton, pp. 281-297.
ISBN 978-1-908066-00-8
Mowatt, Simon and Cox, Howard
Strategic Change and Control: How Vogue went Multinational.
In: Annual Conference of the AAHANZBS, 8-9 December 2011, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand.
Mueller, Andreas
Daniel Defoe’s The Family Instructor, the Schism Act, and Jacobite Unrest: The Conduct Book as a Political Act.
Positioning Daniel Defoe's Non-Fiction: Form, Function, Genre.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 125-148.
ISBN 978-1-4438-3005-8
Mueller, Andreas
Positioning Daniel Defoe's Non-Fiction: Form, Function, Genre.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
ISBN 978-1-4438-3005-8
Murray, Pamela
Application of methodologies from coaching and from mentoring to advance leadership practice in the Royal Air Force.
In: 7th Annual Coaching and Mentoring Research Conference, July 2011, International Centre for Coaching and Leadership Development.
Nageswaran, H., Mitchell, Theresa and Rodd, C.
Barriers to Attending Theatre-Based Learning: Undergraduates’ Perspectives and Suggestions for Improvements.
In: ASME Annual Scientific Meeting: Diversity in an age of standardisation, 13th -15th July 2011, RCPE, Edinburgh.
Neilson, Susan and Clifford, C.
Undertaking Sensitive Interviews: a Researcher’s Experience of Interviewing Bereaved Parents and Family GPs.
In: Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom: The 2011 International Nursing Research Conference, 16th - 18th May 2011, Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, North Yorkshire.
Neilson, Susan, Clifford, C., Kai, J., McArthur, C. and Greenfield, S.
GPs Experience of Caring for Children with Cancer Receiving Palliative Care at Home.
In: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 2011 Annual Conference, 7th April 2011, Warwick University.
Neilson, Susan, Kai, J., MacArthur, C. and Greenfield, S.
Caring for Children Dying from Cancer at Home:
a Qualitative Study of the Experience of Primary
Care Practitioners.
Family Practice, 28 (5).
pp. 545-553.
ISSN Print 0263-2136 Online 1460-2229
Newland, Paul
Blended, Deep and Active Learning.
Aberytswyth University, Aberystwyth.
Newland, Paul
Information Technology and the Muddiest Point - Using Podcasts for Active Learning.
Aberytswyth University, Aberystwyth.
Newland, Paul
Reframing Assessment.
Aberytswyth University, Aberystwyth.
Newnham, R. M., Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Holt, K.
Routine Airborne Pollen Monitoring in New Zealand: Do We Need It?
In: 19th International Congress of Biometeorology, 5-9 December, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand.
Newnham, R. M., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Sparks, T. H., Head, K. and Skjøth, C.
The End of a Trend to Earlier Birch Pollen Seasons in the UK?
In: 19th International Congress of Biometeorology, 5-9 December, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand.
Nichol, Lynn
Exploring Working Lives Through the Framework of the Psychological Contract: A Study of Clergy in the Church of England in the 21st Century.
PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Nicholls, Richard
Customer-to-Customer Interaction (CCI): a Cross-cultural Perspective.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23 (2).
pp. 209-223.
ISSN 0959-6119
Nicol, Jane
Nursing Adults with Long Term Conditions.
Transforming nursing practice
Sage Publishing (Learning Matters), Exeter.
ISBN 0857254413, 9780857254412
Nolan, Mary, Catling, Jonathan and Smith, Julie
At Home in Early Labour: What Fathers Do and How They Feel - Part 1.
The Practising Midwife, 14 (9).
pp. 25-29.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, Mary, Catling, Jonathan and Smith, Julie
At Home in Early Labour: What Fathers Do and How They Feel - Part 2.
The Practising Midwife, 14 (11).
pp. 22-14.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, P., Bradley, Eleanor
ORCID: and Brimblecombe, N.
Disengaging from Acute Inpatient Psychiatric Care: A Description of Service Users' Experiences and Views.
Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 18 (4).
pp. 359-367.
ISSN 1351-0126
Nolan, P., Bradley, Eleanor
ORCID: and Brimblecombe, N.
Service Users' Beliefs About Acute In-patient Admission.
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 6 (3).
pp. 142-149.
ISSN 1755-6228
Norman, Kay
Primary and Community Care.
Nursing Care of Older People.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 97-108.
ISBN Paperback: 9780199563111
Nyatanga, Brian
End-of-life Care in the Community: Attaining a Critical Balance.
British Journal of Community Nursing, 16 (11).
p. 522.
ISSN Print: 1462-4753 Online: 2052-2215
Nyatanga, Brian
The Pursuit of Cultural Competence: Service Accessibility and Acceptability.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 17 (5).
pp. 212-215.
ISSN 1357-6321
Nyatanga, Brian
Reaching Out: Doing 'Good' in the Name of Palliative Care.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 17 (6).
p. 263.
ISSN 1357-6321
Nyatanga, L. and Nyatanga, Brian
Death and Dying.
The Nursing Companion.
Palgrave Student Companions
Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, pp. 179-200.
ISBN 9781403941886
Oestreicher, Klaus
Against the Odds – The Marketing Dilemma of Physical Products in an Increasingly Virtual World.
In: 10th International Conference Marketing Trends, 21-22 January 2011, ESCP-EAP Business School, Paris, France.
Oestreicher, Klaus, Kuzma, Joanne and Walton, Nigel
Sailing Against the Wind of Creative Destruction: The Attack of Radical Innovation on the Home Entertainment Industry - A Compendium of International Research Papers.
Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken.
ISBN 978-3-8443-2985-8
Oestreicher, Klaus and Walton, Nigel
Assessment of Innovation: The Geometrics of Strategy.
In: 18th Annual South Dakota Business Conference, 29 September to 1st October 2011, Rapid City SD, USA.
Ogston-Tuck, Sherri
Introducing Medicines Management.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
ISBN Paperback: 9780273720881
Ogston-Tuck, Sherri
Preventing Infections Related to Catheter Occlusion.
British Journal of Nursing (Intravenous Supplement), 20 (19).
ISSN 0966-0461
Osman, H., Zhu, H., Alade, Temitope
ORCID: and Toumpakaris, D.
Capacity of Distributed Antenna Systems in Multi-floor Buildings.
Conference Proceedings for the 2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps).
IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, pp. 199-202.
ISBN 978-1-4673-0040-7
Osman, H., Zhu, H., Alade, Temitope
ORCID: and Wang, J.
Downlink Transmission of Distributed Antenna Systems in High Building Environments.
Conference Proceedings for the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, pp. 1-5.
ISBN 978-1-61284-233-2
Parker, C.E.
Nature of the Relationship Between Individual Learning Styles of Female Police Officers and Their Career Aspirations and Experiences.
Masters thesis, Coventry University in collaboration with the University of Worcester.
Parker, Stephen and Freathy, R.
Context, Complexity and Contestation: Birmingham’s Agreed Syllabuses for Religious Education since the 1970s.
Journal of Beliefs and Values., 32 (2).
pp. 247-263.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672 Online: 1469-9362
Patton, J.W. and Peters, D.M.
A Profile of Shots in the IBSA World Blind Football Championship 2010: Implications for Coaching.
In: BASES Annual Student Conference, Integrations and Innovations: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Sport and Exercise Science, 12th - 13th April 2011, University of Chester.
Peel, R., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Herbert, R. and Hertel, O.
The Relationship Between Roof and Street Level Grass Pollen Concentrations in an Urban Environment.
In: ACCENT-Plus Air Quality and Climate Change: Interactions and Feedback, 3rd Urbino Symposium, 13-16 September, 2011, Urbino, Italy.
Peel, R. G., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Herbert, R. and Hertel, O.
The Relationship between Roof Level and Street Level Grass Pollen Concentrations at High Temporal Resolution in an Urban Setting.
In: XIII NAF Symposium on Aerobiology, 2-4 September, 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Jones, Cheryl
Dudley Healthy Towns: Programme Evaluation. Report to Dudley Healthy Towns and the Department of Health.
Project Report.
University of Worcester.
Pettitt, Timothy, Wainwright, M.F., Wakeham, Alison and White, J.G.
A Simple Detached Leaf Assay Provides Rapid and Inexpensive Determination of Pathogenicity of Pythium Isolates to ‘all year round’ (AYR) Chrysanthemum Roots.
Plant Pathology, 60 (5).
pp. 946-956.
ISSN 1365-3059
Phillips, C.J.C. and Prankel, Susanne
Cadmium and the Welfare of Animals.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health.
Elsevier, pp. 451-455.
ISBN 9780444522726
Poulsen, A.A., Desha, L., Ziviani, J., Griffiths, L., Heaslop, Annabel
ORCID:, Khan, A. and Leong, G.M.
Fundamental movement skills and self-concept of children who are overweight.
International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 6 (sup3).
pp. 464-471.
ISSN Print: 1747-7166 Online : 1747-7174
Price, Fiona and Kadi-Hanifi, Karima
E‐motivation! The Role of Popular Technology in Student Motivation and Retention.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 16 (2).
pp. 173-187.
Pryce-Miller, Maxine
Developing Evidence-based Practice Amongst Nursing Students.
Nursing Times, 107 (49).
pp. 21-23.
ISSN 0954-7762
Purdy, Laura and Jones, R.L.
Choppy Waters: Elite Rowers’ Perceptions
of Coaching.
Sociology of Sport Journal, 28 (3).
pp. 329-346.
ISSN Print: 0741-1235 Elecronic: 1543-2785.
Reed, Michael and Walker, Rosie
Parental Partnerships.
Play and Practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
SAGE, London, pp. 63-73.
ISBN 9781848609976
Reeves, Alison
Why Bother? Can Theatre in Education Help Promote a University Education?
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (6).
ISSN 2024-8032
Reid, I., Barker, T. and Smith, Jo
Working with Motivational Difficulties in First-Episode Psychosis.
Promoting Recovery in Early Psychosis: A Practice Manual.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 125-139.
ISBN 978-140514894-8
Rippel, Ildiko
Virtual Infants in Zoo Indigo’s Under the Covers This is Now, This is Live….
Body, Space & Technology Journal, 02.
ISSN 1470-9120
Roberts, Claire-Marie
An In-depth Appraisal of Career Termination Experiences in Elite Cricket.
In: Annual Conference of the Applied Association of Sport Psychology, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Roberts, Claire-Marie
Interview with Catherine Gilby on the GB Paralympic Swimming Squad Preparations for the 2012 Olympics.
The Sport and Exercise Scientist, 28.
Roberts, Claire-Marie
Living in the Sweet Spot: Preparing for Performance in Life and Sport by A.L. Baltzell. (Book Review).
British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences, The Sport and Exercise Scientist.
Robertson, Chris
Co-constructing a Learning Community: A Tool for Developing International Understanding.
International Journal of Technology, and Educational Marketing (IJTEM), 1 (1).
pp. 39-49.
ISSN 2155-5605
Robinson, C.H.
The Social Construction of Bereavement Support In Voluntary Organisations.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Robson-Ansley, P., Howatson, G., Tallent, J., Mitcheson, K., Walshe, I., Toms, C., Du Toit, G, Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Ansley, L.
Prevalence of Allergy and Upper Respiratory Tract Symptoms in Runners of the London Marathon.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 (6).
pp. 999-1004.
ISSN 0195-9131 Online: 1530-0315
Rodahl, S., Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Høigaard, R.
A Demographic Profile of Competitors in the Colorline Setesdal Tour 210km Cycle Competition in Norway.
In: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6th - 9th July 2011, Liverpool John Moores University.
Rodahl, S., Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Høigaard, R.
Perceived Relative Sport-Specific Physical Fitness Relates to Mental Toughness in Elite Male Handball Players.
In: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6th - 9th July 2011, Liverpool John Moores University.
Rogers, Michelle
Safeguarding: Sowing the Seeds for Protection.
In: University of Worcester FdA Conference: Safeguarding and Wellbeing, 2011, University of Worcester.
Rolfe, Alison and Peel, Elizabeth
'It's a Double-edged Thing' : the Paradox of Civil Partnership and Why Some Couples are Choosing Not to Have One.
Feminism & Psychology, 21 (3).
pp. 317-335.
ISSN 0959-3535
Routen, Ashley, Edwards, M.G., Upton, Dominic and Peters, D.M.
The Impact of School-Day Variation in Weight and Height on National Child Measurement Programme Body Mass Index-Determined Weight Category in Year 6 Children.
Child: Care, Health and Development.
ISSN 1365-2214
Routen, Ashley, Upton, Dominic, Edwards, M.G. and Peters, D.M.
Accelerator Measured Physical Activity Differs Between Wrist and Hip Replacement Sites and Children aged 10 and 11 years.
In: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6th - 9th July 2011, Liverpool John Moores University.
Routen, Ashley, Upton, Dominic, Edwards, M.G. and Peters, D.M.
Intra-and Inter-Instrument Reliability of the Actiwatch 4 Accelerator in a Mechanical Laboratory Setting.
In: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6th - 9th July 2011, Liverpool John Moores University.
Roux, M., Schwessinger, B., Albrecht, C., Chinchilla, D., Jones, A., Holton, N., Malinovsky, F.G., Tör, M.
ORCID:, de Vries, S. and Zipfel, C.
The Arabidopsis Leucine-Rich Repeat Receptor-Like Kinases BAK1/SERK3 and BKK1/SERK4 Are Required for Innate Immunity to Hemibiotrophic and Biotrophic Pathogens.
Plant Cell, 23 (6).
pp. 2440-2453.
ISSN Print: 1040-4651 Online: 1532-298X
Rowe, R.E. and Peters, D.M.
A Comparison of Time in Health Enhancing Physical Activity Intensities During a School Day Assessed Using Two Methods in 11 to 16 Year Old Children.
In: BASES Annual Student Conference, Integrations and Innovations: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Sport and Exercise Science, 12th - 13th April 2011, University of Chester.
Røsvik, J., Kirkevold, M., Engedal, K. and Brooker, Dawn
A Model for Using the VIPS Framework for Person-centred Care for Persons with Dementia in Nursing Homes: a Qualitative Evaluative Study.
International Journal of Older People Nursing, 6 (3).
pp. 227-236.
ISSN Online: 1748-3743
Saxson, A. and Lillyman, Sue
Developing Advanced Assessment Skills: Patients with Long Term Conditions.
M&K Publishing, Keswick.
ISBN 9781905539185
Schafer, Isabelle
Integration of Trainee Teachers (who Speak English as an Additional Language)into the Student Community.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (6).
ISSN 2024-8032
Scott, Ian
The Learning Outcome in Higher Education: Time to Think Again?
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
Scott, Ian and Bancroft-Martin, Julian
To Understand and Successfully Utilise the Learning
Outcome in Higher Education, must we First Destroy It?
Quality and trust: at the heart of what we do.
pp. 46-51.
ISSN ISBN: 9789078997313
Scott, Linda and Howarth, Sue
New Academic Year, New Science/STEM Club?
School Science Review, 93 (342).
pp. 31-36.
Scott, Linda and Howarth, Sue
Student Teachers Become STEM Ambassadors in
a Scheme that Benefits Both the School Pupils and
the Students.
School Science Review, 92 (340).
pp. 22-24.
Scurlock-Evans, Laura
Book review of Postmes, T. & Branscombe, N. (2010) "Rediscovering Social Identity".(Book Review).
British Psychological Society.
Shiers, D. and Smith, Jo
Promoting Recovery in Early Psychosis: A Practice Manual.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 9781405148948
Smith, Gordon
Review of Steroid-only Injection Therapy Clinics Performed by a Physiotherapist Working in Primary Care.
International Musculoskeletal Medicine, 33 (2).
pp. 61-63.
ISSN Print: 1753-6146 Online: 1753-6154
Smith, Jo, Fadden, G. and Taylor, L.
The Needs of Siblings in First-Episode Psychosis.
Promoting Recovery in Early Psychosis: A Practice Manual.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 235-244.
ISBN 978-140514894-8
Smith, Joanna, Downie, J.R., Dye, R.F., Ogilvy, V., Thornham, Daniel, Rutherford, M.G., Charles, S.P. and Murphy, J.C.
Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae Scarthyla vigilans (Solano 1971): Range Extension and New Country Record for Trinidad, W.I. With Notes on Tadpoles, Habitat, Behaviour and Biogeographical Significance.
Check List, 7 (5).
pp. 574-577.
ISSN 1809-127X
Solowiej, Kazia and Upton, Dominic
Using Electronic Voting Systems (EVS) in Conference Settings for Wound Care Professionals.
Wounds UK, 7 (1).
pp. 58-60.
ISSN 1746-6814
Solvason, Carla
Expressing Personal Values and Beliefs - the Essential Position of the Researcher.
Work-Based Research in the Early Years.
Sage, London, pp. 32-45.
ISBN 13: 978-0-85702-175-5
Solvason, Carla
Working with the Local Authority to Support the Training of Early Years Professionals.
Which way Now to Widen Participation? Lifelong Learning, Economy and Society.
Face, London, pp. 153-161.
Steele, Catherine, Andrews, Holly and Upton, Dominic
Psychology Express: Statistics in Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide).
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9780273738107
Stephenson, F.M.
The Decline and Dissolution of the Gilbertine Order.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Stollard, Yvonne
Social Learning and Behaviour of Looked-After Children in
Mainstream Primary Schools within a Local Authority:
Policy, Provision and Practice.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester in association with Coventry University.
Storey, David
Football, Place and Migration: Foreign Footballers in the FA Premier League.
Geography, 96 (2).
pp. 86-94.
Storey, David
Sport and Geography.
Teaching Geography, 36 (2).
pp. 67-69.
Storey, David
Territories, Landscapes, Spaces, Places, States, Borderless World.
Exploring Geopolitics (website).
Sturrock, I., Grout, V., Picking, R., Gossman, Peter and MacCallum-Stewart, E.
Psychology of Game Design: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards.
In: The 4th International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications, 6-9 September, 2011, Glyndwr University.
Suzuki, M., Mizuno, Y., Sakamoto, R., Tsuya, M., Maruta, R., Oku, Y., Tokita, Y., Kanamori, M. and Brooker, Dawn
Efficacy of the Developmental Evaluation Intervention of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) Aiming at Implementing Person-Centred Care.
Journal of Japanese Society for Dementia Care, 3 (3).
pp. 356-368.
Taylor, Allie
Teacher as Librarian: Things to Think About When Teaching Information Literacy to Groups.
In: LILAC (Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference), 18-20 April, British Library, London.
Taylor, Charlotte and Upton, Penney
'It's All About the Grade'. Students' Perceptions of Innovative Assessment.
In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2011, 4th-6th May 2011, Glasgow.
Thomas, Erica
Habit, Cognition and the Environment:
The influence of psychosocial and perceived environmental factors on children's physical activity.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Thomas, Lorraine and Griggs, G.
Frameworks to Make Small Changes with Big Impact: How Can Detailed Reflection Improve Your Practice?
Developing Reflective Practice- A guide for beginning teachers.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 145-164.
ISBN 9780335242573
Thornton, Pete
Project Report: To What Extent Do Personal Response Systems Benefit Learning and Teaching Within a Higher Education Environment?
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (6).
ISSN 2024-8032
Tischner, Irmgard and Malson, H.
"You Can't be Supersized?" - Exploring Femininities, Body Size and Control Within the Obesity Terrain.
Debating Obesity: Critical Perspectives.
Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 90-114.
ISBN 978-0-230-22267-0
Toon, Wendy
“Not like U.S.”: Enemy Image Creation and American National Identity.
In: World War II and the Media, 22 June 2011, Warrington Campus, University of Chester.
Treseder, K., Pytel, M., Mappley, M., Griffiths, A. and Pettitt, Timothy
Evolution of Pest Management Strategies in the Rain-forest Biome at the Eden Project, the First 10 Years.
Outlooks on Pest Management, 22 (1).
pp. 22-31.
ISSN Print: 1743-1026 Online: 1743-1034
Tromp, M., Remko, T., Dixon, Alan
ORCID: and Wood, A.
Striking a Balance - Dambo Management and Poverty Reduction in Zambia & Malawi.
Upton, Dominic
Pain, Wound Care and Psychology: the Missing Link?
Wounds UK, 7 (2).
pp. 119-122.
Upton, Dominic and Bernstein, D.
Creativity in the Curriculum.
The Psychologist, 24 (5).
pp. 356-359.
Upton, Dominic and Solowiej, Kazia
Psychosocial Aspects of Living with Non-Cancer-Related Lymphoedema.
Nursing Standard, 25 (33).
pp. 51-58.
ISSN 0029-6570
Upton, Dominic and South, Felicity
The Psychological Consequences of Wounds - a Vicious Circle that Should not be Overlooked.
Wounds UK, 7 (4).
pp. 136-138.
ISSN 1746-6814
Upton, Dominic and Upton, Penney
Test Yourself: Biological Psychology.
Learning Matters, Exeter.
ISBN 9780857256492
Upton, Dominic and Upton, Penney
Test Yourself: Cognitive Psychology.
Learning Matters, Exeter.
ISBN 9780857256690
Upton, Dominic and Upton, Penney
Test Yourself: Developmental Psychology.
Learning Matters, Exeter.
ISBN 9780857256577
Upton, Dominic and Upton, Penney
Test Yourself: Personality and Individual Differences.
Learning Matters, Exeter.
ISBN 9780857256614
Upton, Dominic and Upton, Penney
Test Yourself: Research Methods and Design in Psychology.
Learning Matters, Exeter.
ISBN 9780857256652
Upton, Dominic and Upton, Penney
Test Yourself: Social Psychology.
Learning Matters, Exeter.
ISBN 9780857256539
Upton, Dominic, Upton, Penney, Jones, Tim, Jutlla, Karan and Brooker, Dawn
Evaluation of the Impact of Touch Screen Technology on People with Dementia and their Carers Within Care Home Settings.
Project Report.
Department of Health West Midlands.
Upton, Penney
How do Students Know What They Don’t Know? Embedding Formative Feedback to Enhance the Student Learning Experience.
In: University of Worcester Supporting Student Learning Conference, 16th June 2011, University of Worcester.
Upton, Penney
Reinventing the Wheel? The Role of Technology in Teaching Psychology - The Role of Patchwork Text Assessment (PTA) in Teaching and Assessing Undergraduate Psychology.
In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2011, 4th-6th May 2011, Glasgow.
Upton, Penney and Upton, Dominic
Critical Thinking in Psychology:Developmental Psychology.
Learning Matters, Exeter.
ISBN 9780857252760
Upton, Penney and Upton, Dominic
Psychology Express: Developmental Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide).
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9780273735168
Valler-Jones, Tracey, Meechan, Ronnie and Jones, Helen
Simulated Practice--A Panacea For Health Education?
British Journal of Nursing, 20 (10).
pp. 628-631.
ISSN 0966-0461
Veitch, Karen
Graham Thompson (2007) American culture in the 1980s (Book Review).
Visser, Fleur
ORCID: and Hill, R.
Application of Hyperspectral Image Data for Species Detection and Biomass Estimation of Submerged Macrophytes in UK Chalk Streams.
In: 7th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, April 11-13 2011, Edinburgh.
Wakeham, Alison and Keane, Gary
Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL) – VG07070: Benchmarking Predictive Models, Nutrients and Irrigation for Management of White Blister. Subcontract Final Report.
Project Report.
Horticulture Australia Limited, Sydney, Australia.
Wallis, Caroline, Maddock, Ian
ORCID:, Visser, Fleur
ORCID: and Acreman, M.C.
A Framework for Evaluating the Spatial Configuration and Temporal Dynamics of Hydraulic Patches.
River Research and Applications.
ISSN 1535-1467
Walsby, E.J., Coles, Steven
ORCID:, Knapper, S. and Burnett, A.K.
The Topoisomerase II Inhibitor Voreloxin Causes Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Myeloid Leukemia Cells and Acts in Synergy with Cytarabine.
Haematologica, 96 (3).
pp. 393-399.
ISSN Print: 0390-6078 Online: 1592-8721
Walton, Nigel and Oestreicher, Klaus
Google & Apple’s Gale of Creative Destruction.
In: EBES 2011 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 01-03 June 2011, Kadir Has University Istanbul.
Wang, W., Barnaby, J.Y., Tada, Y., Li, H., Tör, M.
ORCID:, Caldelari, D., Lee, D., Fu, X. and Dong, X.
Timing of Plant Immune Responses by a Central Circadian Regulator.
Nature, 410.
pp. 110-114.
ISSN Print: 0028-0836 Online: 1476-4687
Watson, Rose and Terry, Jill
A Model for Enhancing and Embedding Employability and
Supporting Progression in the Curricula for the Humanities.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (6).
ISSN 2024-8032
Webb, Jean
‘The Book Thief: Reading as Protection and Enlightenment.
In: ‘Reading Fictions: How representations of books and readers in children’s literature reflect perceptions of the power and purpose of literacy.’, University of Glasgow.
Webb, Jean
‘The Construction of the Obese Child in Children’s Literature.’.
In: Invited Seminar series at The Cambridge/Homerton Research and Teaching Centre for Children’s Literature., November, 2011, Institute of Education, Homerton, University of Cambridge.
Webb, Jean
Hungry Cities: a Discussion of Contemporary Approaches Towards the Environment in English Children’s Literature.
Navigasjoner: I Barne-Og Ungdomslitteraturen.
Webb, Jean
Invited Lecture Series on Aspects of
Children’s Literature.
In: invited lectures, April 2011, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Webb, Jean
Learning and Teaching Literacy using Children’s Literature.
Primary English Teaching: An Introduction to Language, Literacy and Learning.
Sage, London.
ISBN 9781849201964
Webb, Jean
'Picture Books and Multiple Readings: When We Lived in Uncle’s Hat by Peter Stamm and Juta Bauer.'.
New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 17 (2).
pp. 164-175.
ISSN 1361-4541 (Print), 1740-7885 (Online)
Webb, Jean
Realism, Fantasy and a Critique of Nineteenth Century Society in George MacDonald’s At the Back of the North Wind.
Behind the Back of the North Wind.
Winged Lion Press, Hamden, CT, pp. 175-192.
ISBN 1936294109, 9781936294107
Webb, Jean
Review of Karín Lesnik-Oberstein (ed): Children in Culture, Revisited: Further Approaches to Childhood.
The Journal of Children's Literature Studies, 8 (3).
ISSN 1743-0526
Webb, Jean
‘Shadow of Asylum: Refuge Under
In: ‘Change and Insurrection in Children’s Literature’ ChLA Annual Conference,, June 23rd-25th, 2011, Roanoke Virginia.
Webb, Jean
'System to Question to Challenge: the Fictional Construction of Adolescence in Kipling’s Kim, Chambers’ Dance on My Grave and Hartnett’s Sleeping Dogs.
In: The Emergent Adult: Adolescent Literature and Culture Conference., September, 2011, The Cambridge/Homerton Research and Teaching Centre for Children’s Literature, University of Cambridge..
West, K. and Davis, Paul
What is the Public Value of Government Action? Towards a (New) Pragmatic Approach to Values Questions in Public Endeavours.
Public Administration, 89 (2).
pp. 226-241.
ISSN 1467-9299
Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Mortimer, S.R., Brook, A.J., Harris, S.J., Kessock-Philip, R., Edwards, A.R., Chaney, P., Lewis, P., Dodd, S., Buckingham, D.L. and Peach, W.J.
Plant and Invertebrate Resources for Farmland Birds in Pastoral Landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 142 (3-4).
pp. 266-274.
ISSN 0167-8809
Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Park, J.R., Mauchline, A.L., Crane, R.T. and Mortimer, S.R.
Assessing the Environmental Performance of English Arable and Livestock Holdings Using Data From the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).
Journal of Environmental Management, 92 (3).
pp. 902-909.
ISSN 0301-4797
Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Harris, S.J., Griffith, B. and Tallowin, J.R.
Sustainable Grassland Management Benefits Butterflies.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 108 - Vegetation Management 2011.
ISSN 0265-1491
White, Richard
Wound Dressings and Other Topical Treatment Modalities in Bioburden Control.
Journal of World Care, 20 (9).
pp. 431-439.
Williams, M.J., McManus, F., Muse, Kate
ORCID: and Williams, J.M.G.
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy For Severe Health Anxiety (Hypochondriasis): an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Patients’ Experiences.
British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50 (4).
pp. 379-397.
ISSN Online: 2044-8260
Woolley, Richard
Controversial Issues: Identifying the Concerns and Priorities of Student Teachers.
Policy Futures in Education, 9 (2).
pp. 280-291.
ISSN 1478-2103
Xiao, Sun, Ross, Catharine
ORCID: and Liu, J.
Evaluating Management Training and Development in
a Cross-cultural Context: A Stakeholder Approach.
Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, 2 (2).
pp. 136-158.
ISSN 2040-8005
Yang, Z., Li, X., Bowers, Christopher
ORCID:, Schnier, T., Tang, K. and Yao, X.
An Efficient Evolutionary Approach to Parameter Identification in a Building Thermal Model.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42 (6).
pp. 957-969.
ISSN 1094-6977
Ziello, C., Sparks, T. H., Estrella, N., Belmonte, J., Bergmann, K. C., Bucher, E., Damialis, A., Detandt, M., Galán, C., Gehrig, R., Grewling, Ł., Gutiérrez Bustillo, A. M., Hallsdóttir, M., Kockhans-Bieda, M.-C., Myszkowska, D., Pàldy, A., Sánchez, A., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Travaglini, A., Uruska, A., Valencia-Barrera, R. M., Wachter, R., de Weger, L. A. and Menzel, A.
Changes to Airborne Pollen across Europe.
In: European Geosciences Union General Assesmbly, 3-8 April, 2011, Vienna, Austria.
de Haan, Donna
Comparisons Between Undergraduate Sport Management
Programmes in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (5).
ISSN 2024-8032
van Leussen, J., Williams, Daniel and Escudero, P.
Acoustic Properties of Dutch Steady-State Vowels: Contextual Effects and a Comparison with Previous Studies.
Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences XVII Hong Kong , Hong Kong.
pp. 1194-1197.
Šikoparija, B., Pejak-Šikoparija, T., Radišić, P., Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Galán Soldevilla, C.
The Effect of Changes to the Method of Estimating the Pollen Count from Aerobiological Samples.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13 (2).
pp. 384-390.
ISSN 1464-0325
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