Number of items: 72.
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Amin, M. and Herjanto, H.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and continuous banking service intentions.
Journal of Financial Services Marketing.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN Print: 1363-0539; Electronic: 1479-1846
Ng, S. L., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Valaei, N. and Iranmanesh, M.
Modelling services continuance intention: evidence from apps stores.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 16 (2).
pp. 256-281.
ISSN 1757-4323
Emami, M.
ORCID:, Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Valaei, N.
ORCID: and Gardener, John
Creativity mindset as the organizational capability: the role of creativity-relevant processes, domain-relevant skills and intrinsic task motivation.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration.
ISSN 1757-4323
Khan, A.
ORCID:, Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Valaei, N.
Social commerce advertising avoidance and shopping cart abandonment: A fs/QCA analysis of German consumers.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 67 (102976).
ISSN 0969-6989
Valaei, N.
ORCID:, Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Bressolles, G.
ORCID: and Dent, M. M.
Indispensable components of creativity, innovation, and FMCG companies' competitive performance: a resource-based view (RBV) of the firm.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 14 (1).
pp. 1-26.
ISSN 1757-4323
Rezaei, Sajad
Beyond explicit measures in marketing research: Methods, theoretical models, and applications.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61.
p. 102545.
ISSN 09696989
Nikhashemi, S. R., Valaei, N., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Bressolles, G.
The Hidden Chain of Branded Telecommunication Services Delivery: Value, Trust, Brand, Price Tolerance and Word of Mouth Communication Chain.
Journal of Relationship Marketing, 20 (3).
pp. 204-240.
ISSN 1533-2667
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Ho, R.C.
E-waste-word of mouth (EW-WOM) generation: a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs/QCA).
Online Information Review.
ISSN 1468-4527
Amin, M., Ryu, K., Cobanoglu, C., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Wulan, M.M.
Examining the effect of shopping mall attributes in predicting tourist shopping satisfaction and
behavioral intentions: Variation across generation X and Y.
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 22 (3).
pp. 367-394.
ISSN 1528-008X (print) 1528-0098 (eISSN)
Teichert, T., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Correa, J.C.
Customers’ experiences of fast food delivery services: uncovering the semantic core benefits, actual and augmented product by text mining.
British Food Journal, 122 (11).
pp. 3513-3528.
ISSN 0007-070X
Teichert, T., Graf, A., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Wörfel, P. and Duh, H.
Measures of implicit cognition for marketing research.
Marketing, Zeitschrift fur Forschung und Praxis, 41 (3).
pp. 48-76.
ISSN 0344-1369
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Emami, M. and Valaei, N.
Modeling emotive and cognitive origins of consumer's purchase choices and patronage decisions.
International Journal of e-Business Research, 15 (2).
pp. 71-92.
ISSN Print: 1548-1131 Online: 1548-114X
Ho, R.C. and Rezaei, Sajad
Social Media Communication and Consumers Decisions: Analysis of the Antecedents for Intended Apps Purchase.
Journal of Relationship Marketing, 17 (3).
pp. 204-228.
ISSN Print: 1533-2667 Online: 1533-2675
Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Amin, M.
Qualities of effective cruise marketing strategy: Cruisers’ experience, service convenience, values, satisfaction and revisit intention.
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 35 (10).
pp. 2304-2327.
ISSN 0265-671X
Chua, P.Y., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Gu, M.L., Oh, Y. and Jambulingam, M.
Elucidating social networking apps decisions: Performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence.
Nankai Business Review International, 9 (2).
pp. 118-142.
ISSN 2040-8749
Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Guptan, V.P.
Marketing public and private higher education institutions: A total experiential model of international student’s satisfaction, performance and continues intention.
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 15 (2).
pp. 205-234.
ISSN Print: 1865-1984 Online: 1865-1992
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Emami, M. and Ismail, N.
Paid internet advertising (PIA) and frequency of apps-buying decisions: Insights from the retail enterprises in an emerging market.
Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 31 (3).
pp. 463-487.
ISSN 1741-0398
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Shahijan, M.K., Valaei, N., Rahimi, R. and Ismail, W.K.W.
Experienced international business traveller’s behaviour in Iran: A partial least squares path modelling analysis.
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18 (2).
pp. 163-190.
ISSN Print: 1467-3584 Online: 1742-9692
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Valaei, N.
Apps shoppers' behaviour and the moderating effect of product standardisation/brand recognition: A maximum likelihood estimation approach.
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 9 (2).
pp. 184-206.
ISSN Print: 1741-1033 Online: 1025
Mohseni, S., Jayashree, S., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Kasim, A. and Okumus, F.
Attracting tourists to travel companies’ websites: the structural relationship between website brand, personal value, shopping experience, perceived risk and purchase intention.
Current Issues in Tourism, 21 (6).
pp. 616-645.
ISSN Print: 1368-3500 Online: 1747-7603
Bihamta, H., Jayashree, S., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Okumus, F. and Rahimi, R.
Dual pillars of hotel restaurant food quality satisfaction and brand loyalty.
British Food Journal, 119 (12).
pp. 2597-2609.
ISSN 0007-070X
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Valaei, N.
Branding in a multichannel retail environment: Online stores vs app stores and the effect of product type.
Information Technology and People, 30 (4).
pp. 853-886.
ISSN 0959-3845
Rezaei, Sajad
Dragging Market Mavens to Promote Apps Repatronage Intention: The Forgotten Market Segment.
Journal of Promotion Management, 24 (4).
pp. 511-532.
ISSN Print: 1049-6491 Online: 1540-7594
Valaei, N., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Emami, M.
Explorative learning strategy and its impact on creativity and innovation: An empirical investigation among ICT-SMEs.
Business Process Management Journal, 23 (5).
pp. 957-983.
ISSN 1463-7154
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Valaei, N.
Crafting experiential value via smartphone apps channel.
Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 35 (5).
pp. 688-702.
ISSN 0263-4503
Soh, C.Q.Y., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Gu, M-L.
A structural model of the antecedents and consequences of Generation Y luxury fashion goods purchase decisions.
Young Consumers, 18 (2).
pp. 180-204.
ISSN 1747-3616
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Mazaheri, E. and Azadavar, R.
Determinants of experienced tourists’ satisfaction and actual spending behavior: a PLS path modelling approach.
International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 11 (2).
pp. 157-181.
ISSN 1750-6182
Amin, M., Aldakhil, A.M., Wu, C., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Cobanoglu, C.
The structural relationship between TQM, employee satisfaction and hotel performance.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29 (4).
pp. 1256-1278.
ISSN 0959-6119
Yeo, V.C.S., Goh, S-K. and Rezaei, Sajad
Consumer experiences, attitude and behavioral intention toward online food delivery (OFD) services.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 35.
pp. 150-162.
ISSN 0969-6989
Malakouti, M., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Shahijan, M.K.
Agile supply chain management (ASCM): a management decision-making approach.
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 29 (1).
pp. 171-182.
ISSN 1355-5855
Valaei, N., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Ismail, W.K.W.
Examining learning strategies, creativity, and innovation at SMEs using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis and PLS path modeling.
Journal of Business Research, 70.
pp. 224-233.
ISSN 0148-2963
Valaei, N., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Ismail, W.K.W. and Oh, Y.M.
The effect of culture on attitude towards online advertising and online brands: Applying Hofstede's cultural factors to internet marketing.
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 10 (4).
pp. 270-301.
ISSN 1477-5212
Valaei, N. and Rezaei, Sajad
Job satisfaction and organizational commitment: An empirical investigation among ICT-SMEs.
Management Research Review, 39 (12).
pp. 1663-1694.
ISSN 2040-8269
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Shahijan, M.K., Amin, M. and Ismail, W.K.W.
Determinants of App Stores Continuance Behavior: A PLS Path Modelling Approach.
Journal of Internet Commerce, 15 (4).
pp. 408-440.
ISSN 15332861
Valaei, N., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Emami, M.
Impact of exploitative learning strategy on Malaysian SMEs' creativity and innovation capabilities.
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 15 (4).
pp. 328-354.
ISSN 1468-4330
Valaei, N. and Rezaei, Sajad
Does Web 2.0 utilisation lead to knowledge quality, improvisational creativity, compositional creativity, and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises? A sense-making perspective.
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 29 (4).
pp. 381-394.
ISSN 0953-7325
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Amin, M., Moghaddam, M. and Mohamed, N.
3G post adoption users experience with telecommunications services: A partial least squares (PLS) path modelling approach.
Nankai Business Review International, 7 (3).
pp. 361-394.
ISSN 2040-8749
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Ali, F., Amin, M. and Jayashree, S.
Online impulse buying of tourism products: The role of web site personality, utilitarian and hedonic web browsing.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 7 (1).
pp. 60-83.
ISSN 1757-9880
Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Preece, C.N.
Developing a framework of internationalisation for higher education institutions in Malaysia: A SWOT analysis.
International Journal of Management in Education, 10 (2).
pp. 145-173.
ISSN 1750-385X
Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Amin, M.
International students’ course satisfaction and continuance behavioral intention in higher education setting: an empirical assessment in Malaysia.
Asia Pacific Education Review, 17 (1).
pp. 41-62.
ISSN 1598-1037
Alavi, S.A., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Valaei, N. and Wan Ismail, W.K.
Examining shopping mall consumer decision-making styles, satisfaction and purchase intention.
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 26 (3).
pp. 272-303.
ISSN 0959-3969
Moghaddam, H.A., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Amin, M.
Examining job seekers' perception and behavioural intention toward online recruitment: A PLS path modelling approach.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 8 (3).
pp. 305-325.
ISSN Print: 1746-966X Online: 1746-9678
Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Preece, C.N. and Ismail, W.K.W.
International Medical Travelers’ Behavioral Intention: An Empirical Study in Iran.
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 32 (5).
pp. 475-502.
ISSN Print: 1054-8408 Online: 1540-7306
Amin, M., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Tavana, F.S.
Gender differences and consumer's repurchase intention: The impact of trust propensity, usefulness and ease of use for implication of innovative online retail.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 17 (2).
pp. 217-233.
ISSN Print: 1471-8197 Online: 1741-8089
Rezaei, Sajad
Segmenting consumer decision-making styles (CDMS) toward marketing practice: A partial least squares (PLS) path modeling approach.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22.
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 0969-6989
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Wan Ismail, W.K.
Examining online channel selection behaviour among social media shoppers: A PLS analysis.
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 6 (1).
pp. 28-51.
ISSN 1741-1025
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Amin, M. and Ismail, W.K.W.
Online repatronage intention: An empirical study among Malaysian experienced online shoppers.
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 42 (5).
pp. 390-421.
ISSN 0959-0552
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Ghodsi, S.S.
Does value matters in playing online game? An empirical study among massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs).
Computers in Human Behavior, 35.
pp. 252-266.
ISSN 0747-5632
Amin, M., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Abolghasemi, M.
User satisfaction with mobile websites: the impact of perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU) and trust.
Nankai Business Review International, 5 (3).
pp. 258-274.
ISSN 2040-8749
Shahijan, M.K., Preece, C.N., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Ismail, W.K.W.
Examining retailers’ behaviour in managing critical points in Halal meat handling: A PLS analysis.
Journal of Islamic Marketing, 5 (3).
pp. 446-472.
ISSN 17590833
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Amin, M.
Exploring online repurchase behavioural intention of university students in Malaysia.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 6 (2).
pp. 92-119.
ISSN Print: 1746-966X Online: 1746-9678
Book Section
Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Valaei, N. and Rezaei, Sajad
Guideline for Application of fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) in Tourism and Hospitality Studies.
Cutting Edge Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism.
Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 137-156.
ISBN 978-1-80455-064-9
Valaei, N., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Ho, R.C. and Okumus, F.
Beyond Structural Equation Modelling in Tourism Research: Fuzzy Set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
Quantitative Tourism Research in Asia.
Perspectives on Asian Tourism
Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 297-309.
ISBN 9789811324628 (print) 9789811324635 (eISBN)
Emami, M., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Sangani, B. and Goh, S-K.
Ethical Considerations in Quantitative Tourism and Hospitality Researches.
Quantitative Tourism Research in Asia.
Perspectives on Asian Tourism
Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 311-322.
ISBN 9789811324628 (print) 9789811324635 (eISBN)
Rezaei, Sajad
Quantitative Methods, Applications, and Trends in Asian Tourism Research.
Quantitative Tourism Research in Asia.
Perspectives on Asian Tourism
Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 1-10.
ISBN 9789811324628 (print) 9789811324635 (eISBN)
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Chandran, R. and Oh, Y.M.
Pre-purchase user perceptions of attributes and post- purchase attitudes in building successful online retail promotional strategies.
Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 368-382.
ISBN 9781522551874
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Sivasubramaniam, S. and Ho, R.C.
Antecedents of apps channel selection: A research proposal.
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 252-271.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Shahijan, M.K.
Apps in Hospitality and Tourism: Conceptualization of Branded Apps in Building Traveler Satisfaction and Loyalty.
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 210-235.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Emmi, M.
Apps-commerce in emerging markets: Insights and future business models.
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 51-69.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
Raja Mohan, S.B.V. and Rezaei, Sajad
Brand personality, social status, and physical vanity in building luxury fashion branded apps.
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 176-192.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Wee, C.H. and Valaei, N.
Essential of apps marketing implementation and E-commerce strategies: Apps users' decision-making process.
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 141-158.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Sivasubramaniam, S. and Ho, R.C.
Post-purchase apps usage attitudes: Revisiting trust, customer satisfaction, and loyalty of apps usage.
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 194-209.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
Rezaei, Sajad
Preface: Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, xv-xxiv.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
Manli, G. and Rezaei, Sajad
Value and risk: Dual pillars of apps usefulness.
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 274-291.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID:, Chandran, R. and Oh, Y.M.
Pre-purchase user perceptions of attributes and post-purchase attitudes in building successful online retail promotional strategies.
Promotional Strategies and New Service Opportunities in Emerging Economies.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 164-183.
ISBN 9781522522065 (print) 9781522522072 (eISBN)
Julian, C.C., Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Amin, M.
The impact of knowledge management, brand orientation and global marketing strategy on performance.
Research Handbook on Export Marketing.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK, pp. 305-333.
ISBN 9781781954386 (print) 9781781954393 (eISBN)
Conference or Workshop Item
Taylor, Clare and Rezaei, Sajad
The rise of the machines: Embedding business game simulations (BSGs) into the WBS curriculum.
In: University of Worcester Learning and Teaching Conference 2022, 8-9th June 2022, University of Worcester.
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Taylor, Clare
Term start takeover! An e-learning extravaganza.
In: Learning, Teaching & Student Experience conference, 29-30 June 2021, Online.
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Wiid, Ria
Private label brands and promotional outcomes in online multichannel retailing environment: a post-pandemic era perspective.
In: Business, Law and Management at the Post-Pandemic Era: An International e-Conference, 11th July 2020, Taylor's University, Malaysia.
Rezaei, Sajad
ORCID: and Ansary, A.
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) for Productivity and Organizational Transition.
Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics (ACIR)
IGI, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
ISBN 9798369309933 • EISBN13: 9798369309940
Rezaei, Sajad
Quantitative Tourism Research in Asia.
Perspectives on Asian Tourism
Springer, Singapore, Singapore.
ISBN 9789811324628 (print) 9789811324635 (eISBN)
Rezaei, Sajad
Apps management and E-commerce transactions in real-time.
IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 1-379.
ISBN 978-152252449-6
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 00:36:32 2025 UTC.