Number of items at this level: 136.
Armstrong, N., Fox, K.R., McManus, A., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Welsman, J.R. and Williams, C.A.
Children - Fitness, Fatness and Physical Activity (invited symposium).
In: UK Sport: Parners in Performance: The Contribution of Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Coaching to Performance in Excellence, 4th-7th November, Manchester.
Arnold-Jones, S., Gregory, P., Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID: and Lowe, A.
Child’s Play: Interprofessional Clinical Scenarios as a Method to Enhance the Care of Children in an Emergency Setting.
In: National Inter-Professional Paediatric Simulation Symposium, 8th March 2013, Manchester.
Benfield, L., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Blake, H., Rogers, I., Grant, C. and Ness, A.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Abdominal Adiposity in a Large Cohort of British Children.
In: British Association of Sport & Exercise Science Annual Conference, 12-14th September, 2007, Bath.
Benfield, L., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Blake, H., Rogers, I., Grant, C. and Ness, A.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Abdominal Adiposity in a Large Cohort of British Children.
International Journal of Obesity, 32.
pp. 91-99.
ISSN Print: 0307-0565 Electronic:1476-5497
Benfield, L., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Blake, H., Rogers, I., Grant, C. and Ness, A.
Relationships Between Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Determined Abdominal Adiposity, Physical Activity and Dietary Variables in a Cohort of 11-13 Year Olds.
In: International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, 9th-12th July 2008, New York, USA.
Benfield, L., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Ness, A. and Lawlor, D.A.
Association Between Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Assessed Abdominal Adiposity, Objectively Measures Physical Activity (PA).
In: ALSPAC Cohort Children Age 11-13 years, Cohorts Collaboration Meeting, 15th - 17th June 2010, Oslo, Norway.
Benfield, L., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Northstone, K., Emmett, P., Wenyika, R., Ness, A. and Nweby, P.K.
MRI Determined Abdominal Adiposity Changes in a Cohort of British Children Between 11 and 13 Years of Age.
In: Ist International Congress on Abdominal Obesity, 28th -30th January 2010, Hong Kong, China.
Benfield, L., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Blake, H., Rogers, I., Grant, C. and Ness, A.
Validity of Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry for the Estimation of MRI-Assessed Abdominal Adiposity in Children.
In: 16th European Congress on Obesity, 14th - 17th May, Geneva, Switzerland.
Benfield, L., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Blake, H., Wenyika, R. and Ness, A.
Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Estimation of Childrenʼs Abdominal Adiposity Measured By Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
International Journal of Body Composition Research, 7 (4).
pp. 131-139.
Benfield, L., Sattar, N., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R. and Lawlor, D.A.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Determined Childhood Abdominal Adiposity and its Association with Subsequent Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adolescence: Prospective Cohort Study.
In: 5th Conference of Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe, 13th - 15th October, Paphos, Cyprus.
Bentley, Jackie
The Role of Vitamin D in Infants, Children and Young People.
Nursing Children and Young People, 27 (1).
pp. 28-35.
ISSN 2046-2336
Bradbury, Daisy, Porcellato, L., Timpson, H., Turner, G., Goodhew, S., Young, R., Isaac, N. and Watson, P.M.
Multiple Stakeholder Views of Pre-school Child Weight Management Practices: A Mixed-methods Study.
Health Education Journal, 78 (7).
pp. 798-811.
ISSN Print: 0017-8969 Online: 17488176
Brambilla, P., Bedogni, G., Moreno, L.A., Goran, G.I., Gutin, B., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Barbeau, P., De Simone, M. and Pietrobelli, A.
Cross-Validation of Anthropometry Against Magnetic Resonance Imaging For The Assessment of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Children.
International Journal of Obesity, 30.
pp. 23-30.
ISSN Print: 0307-0565 Electronic:1476-5497
Brambilla, P., Bedogni, G., Moreno, L.A., Goran, M.I., Gutin, B., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Barbeau, P., De Simone, M. and Pietrobelli, A.
Cross-Validation of Anthropometry Against Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Assessment of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Children.
In: NAASO 2005 Annual Scientific Meeting, 15th - 19th October 2005, Vancover, British Columbia.
Bueno, Allain
ORCID:, Brand, A., Neville, M.M., Lehane, C., Brierley, N. and Crawford, M.A.
Erythrocyte Phospholipid Molecular Species and Fatty Acids of Down Syndrome Children Compared with Non-affected Siblings.
British Journal of Nutrition, 113 (1).
pp. 72-81.
ISSN Print 0007-1145 Online 1475-2662
Burton, Madeleine
Understanding Eating Disorders in Young People.
Practice Nursing, 25 (12).
pp. 606-610.
ISSN Print: 0964-9271
Burton, Madeleine
ORCID:, Pavord, Erica and Williams, Briony
An Introduction To Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Sage Publications Ltd, London.
ISBN Paperback: 9781446249451 Ebook: 9781473905122
Cook, Kerry
Coming to a Computer Near You: CPD For Children's Nurses.
Paediatric Nursing, 20 (2).
p. 38.
ISSN 0962-9513
Cook, Kerry
Managing Childhood Fever in a Prehospital Setting.
Journal of Paramedic Practice, 1 (2).
pp. 59-66.
ISSN 1759-1376
Cook, Kerry
Role Play, Realism and Reflection in Interprofessional Education. An Innovative Approach to Paediatric Life Support For Paramedic and Children’s Nursing Students.
In: RCN Education Forum Conference Partners in Practice, 26th - 28th February 2010, Blackpool.
Cook, Kerry
Transition to Adult Services – What Can the Paediatric Teams and Adult Teams Learn From Each Other?
In: 1st Online Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association Conference, 24th June 2010, Techno Centre, Coventry.
Cook, Kerry
Traversing the Boundaries and Borders Experienced by Learning Communities Within Online Problem Based Learning.
In: iPED 4th International Inquiring Pedagogies Conference, ‘Researching Beyond Boundaries’, Academic Communities without Borders, 14th - 15th September 2009, Techno Centre, Coventry.
Cook, Kerry
ORCID: and Ali, I.
Inter-professional Congenital Cardiothoracic Education: Internationalising the Curriculum.
Congenital Cardiology Today (International edition), 6 (6).
pp. 6-8.
ISSN Print: 1554-7787 Online: 1554-0499
Cook, Kerry
ORCID: and Langton, Helen
Cardiothoracic Care For Children and Young People: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.
ISBN 978-0-470-51841-0
Cook, Kerry
ORCID: and Montgomery, H
Practices in children's nursing: Guidelines for hospital and community.
Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh, pp. 67-80.
ISBN 9780702044663
Davies, Andy
Book Review - Your Mind Is Like The Sky, A First Book of Mindfulness. Written By: Bronwen Ballard, Illustrated By: Laura Carlin.
Association of Illustrators.
Fox, K.R., Page, A., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Armstrong, N. and Kirby, B.
Dietary Restraint and Fatness in Early Adolescent Girls and Boys.
Journal of Adolescence, 17 (2).
pp. 149-161.
ISSN 0140-1971
Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Abdominal Fat Disposition in 11-Year-Old Children.
International Journal of Obesity, 17 (1).
pp. 11-16.
ISSN Print: 0307-0565 Electronic:1476-5497
Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Motivation For Sport Participation in 11-Year-Old Children in Relation to Thigh Composition as Measured By MRI.
In: Pediatric Exercise Work Physiology Conference, 1993, Toronto, Canada.
Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Motivation for Sport Participation in 11-Year Old Children in Relation to Thigh Composition as Measured by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Abstract).
Pediatric Exercise Science, 5 (4).
p. 419.
Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Assessment of Abdominal Fat Development in Young Adolescents Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
International Journal of Obesity, 24.
pp. 1653-1659.
ISSN Print: 0307-0565 Electronic:1476-5497
Gaskin, Kerry
Are Palliative and End of Life Care Plans Being Utilised to Support Children and Young People With Congenital Heart Disease and Their Families? A Review of the Literature.
In: 6th Europaediatrics Congress jointly Held with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 5th-8th June 2013, Scottish Conference and Congress Centre, Glasgow.
Gaskin, Kerry
Assessing the Acutely or Seriously Ill Child or Young Person in the Pre-hospital Setting.
Journal of Paramedic Practice Online.
ISSN Print : 1759-1376 Online: 2041-9457
Gaskin, Kerry
Chronic Disease Management in Children and Young People and the Use of Complex Care Packages.
In: 1st Baltic Paediatric Congress, 19th - 22nd May 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Gaskin, Kerry
A Feasibility Study of Parental Home Monitoring and Assessment of Infants with Complex Congenital Heart Disease.
West Midlands South Primary Care Research Newsletter Participate, Spring.
p. 9.
Gaskin, Kerry
How Do Parental Demographics and Psychosocial Functioning Impact on the Transition From Hospital to Home For Parents of Infants That Have Undergone Surgery For Complex Congenital Heart Disease?
In: 6th Europaediatrics Congress jointly Held with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 5th-8th June 2013, Scottish Conference and Congress Centre, Glasgow.
Gaskin, Kerry
How do we Enhance the Synergy Between the Children and Young People’s Cardiac, Complex and Palliative Care Specialities? A Challenge for the Future?
In: 3rd Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association Conference and 2nd Online International Conference: Complex and Palliative Care for Children and Young People with Congenital Heart Disease., 22nd June 2011, Techno Centre, Coventry and virtually via CUOnline.
Gaskin, Kerry
Liminality as a Framework to Understand Parents’ Experiences of Going Home After Their Infants
Complex Cardiac Surgery: A Conceptual Model.
In: RCN 2018 International Nursing Research Conference, 16th -18th April 2018, Birmingham.
Gaskin, Kerry
A Team Approach to Palliative and End of Life Care For Children and Young People.
In: 1st Baltic Paediatric Congress, 19th - 22nd May 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Gaskin, Kerry
Traversing the Boundaries and Borders of Discharge From Hospital Following First Stage Surgery for Complex CHD: the Parents’ Experience.
In: 7th World Congress Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, 16th - 21st July 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Gaskin, Kerry
Traversing the Boundaries of Electronic Technology to Enhance the Care of Children and Young People With Congenital Heart Disease: A Feasibility Study.
In: 3rd Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association Conference and 2nd Online International Conference: Complex and Palliative Care for Children and Young People with Congenital Heart Disease., 22nd June 2011, Techno Centre, Coventry and virtually via CUOnline.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Barron, D. and Daniels, A.
Preliminary Feedback Regarding a Congenital Heart Assessment Tool (CHAT) For Parental Early Assessment and Home Monitoring of Infants With Complex Congenital Heart Disease.
In: UK Association of Chief Children’s Nurses (ACCN) International Children’s and Young People’s Nursing conference. Building the evidence base for practice., 4th - 5th September 2014, Jersey Hospital Education Centre, Jersey (Channel Islands).
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Barron, D., Rooney, M., Cooper, L. and Mohammed, N.
A Prospective Review of Psychosocial
Functioning in Parents of Infants With Complex
Congenital Heart Disease Going Home For the
First Time Following First Stage Cardiac
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 100.
ISSN 1468-2044
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Barron, D. and Wray, J.
Parents’ experiences of transition from hospital to home after their infant’s first stage cardiac surgery: psychological, physical, physiological and financial survival.
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 36 (3).
pp. 283-292.
ISSN 0889-4655
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID: and Chapman, S
Research Essentials.
Nursing Children and Young People, 26 (4).
p. 12.
ISSN 2046-2336
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Cooper, L., Mohammed, N., Rooney, M. and Barron, D.
Acceptability of a Parental Early Warning Tool: Outcomes from a Feasibility Study of Parental Home Monitoring and Assessment.
In: 7th World Congress Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, 16th - 21st July 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Daniels, A. and Hutchinson, S.
The Suitability of Discharge Information for Parents of Infants with Single Functioning Ventricle Heart Condition: Evolution of a Congenital Heart Assessment Tool (CHAT) for Parents.
In: Annual Meeting of the British Congenital Cardiac Association, 19th November 2013, Edinburgh.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Daniels, Amanda, Reynolds, Victoria and Hutchinson, S.
Evaluation of the Updated Congenital Heart Assessment Tool 2 (CHAT2).
In: British Congenital Cardiac Association Annual Scientific Meeting, 14th - 15th November 2018, Liverpool.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Daniels, Amanda, Reynolds, Victoria and Pearson, Sophie
A Learning and Teaching Project to Enable Health Care Professionals to Appropriately Prepare Parents for Discharge From Hospital With Their Infant After Complex Cardiac Surgery.
In: British Congenital Cardiac Association Annual Scientific Meeting, 14th - 15th November 2018, Liverpool.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Daniels, Amanda, Reynolds, Victoria, Pearson, Sophie and Beattie, Gerry
Preparing Parents for Discharge from Hospital with their Infant After Complex Cardiac Surgery Using the Congenital Heart Assessment Tool. An Online Learning Resource for Health Care Professionals.
In: 53 Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology, 15th - 18th May 2019, Seville, Spain.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID: and Hutchinson, S.
Transition From Hospital to Home: Psychosocial Adaptation and Adjustment in Parents of Infants With Single Ventricle Heart Conditions.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 100.
ISSN 1468-2044
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID: and Hutchinson, Suzie
Parents Experiences of Going Home With Their Infant Following First Stage Cardiac Surgery For Single Ventricle Heart.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 100.
ISSN 1468-2044
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Lewis, Alison
ORCID: and Hope, Lucy
Exploring parents' confidence and experiences of going home with their newborn baby during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, 5th and 6th September 2022, Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Cardiff.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Menzies, J. and Daniels, Amanda
Health care professionals’ experiences of receiving phone calls from parents, after discharge of their infant from a specialist children’s cardiac centre.
In: British Congenital Cardiac Association Annual Scientific Meeting, 19-20th November 2019, Sage Gateshead.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID: and Smith, F.
Children’s and Young People’s Cardiac Nursing: RCN Guidance on Roles, Career Pathways and Competence Development.
Royal College of Nursing, London.
Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Wray, J. and Barron, D.
Acceptability of a Parental Early Warning Tool for Parents of Infants with Complex Congenital Heart Disease: a Qualitative Feasibility Study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 103 (9).
pp. 880-886.
ISSN 0003-9888 Online: 1468-2044
Green, J., Spiby, H., Gross, M. and Nolan, Mary
Roundtable Discussion: Early Labor: What's the Problem?
Birth, 36 (4).
pp. 332-339.
ISSN 1523-536X
Gregory, P. and Gaskin, Kerry
Decision Making, Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning in Pre-hospital and Acute Assessment of the Ill or Injured Child.
In: 1st Baltic Paediatric Congress, 19th - 22nd May 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Gregory, P. and Gaskin, Kerry
Multi-professional Assessment of the Ill/Injured Child.
In: 1st Baltic Paediatric Congress, 19th - 22nd May 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Howard, Colin
ORCID:, Burton, Madeleine
ORCID:, Levermore, Denisse and Barrell, Rachel
Children’s Mental Health and Emotional Well-being in Primary Schools: A Whole School Approach.
Learning Matters
Sage Publications Ltd, London.
ISBN Paperback: 978-1473975798 Hardback: 978-1473975781
Hutchings, H., Upton, Penney, Cheung, W., Maddocks, A., Eiser, C., Williams, J.G., Russell, I., Jackson, S. and Jenney, M.
Development of a Parent Version of the Manchester-Minneapolis Quality of Life Survey for use by Parents and Crers of UK Children: MMQL-UK (PF).
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 6 (19).
ISSN 1477-7525
Matthews, N., Kilgour, L., Christian, Polly, Mori, K. and Hill, D.M.
Understanding, Evidencing, and Promoting Adolescent Well-Being: an Emerging Agenda for Schools.
Youth & Society, 47 (5).
pp. 659-683.
ISSN Online: 1552-8499 Print: 0044-118X
Matthews, N., Smith, H., Hill, D. and Kilgour, Lindsey
Play, Playwork and Wellbeing.
Practice-based Research in Children's Play.
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 221-241.
ISBN Paperback: 9781447330042 Hardback: 9781447330035
Mcdonald, Paul, Monahan, R. and Clifford, C.
Seeking Advice From NHS Direct on Common Childhood Complaints: Does it Matter Who Answers the Phone.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42 (2).
pp. 209-216.
ISSN 0309-2402 (published) & 1365-2648 (electronic)
Musgrave, Jackie
Childhealth and Wellbeing: Exploring Implications for Practice.
A Critical Companion to Early Childhood.
SAGE, Los Angeles, pp. 93-104.
ISBN Paperback: 9781446259276 Hardback: 9781446259269
Neilson, S. and Reeves, Alison
The Use of a Theatre Workshop in Developing Effective Communication in Paediatric End of Life Care.
Nurse Education in Practice, 36.
pp. 7-12.
ISSN 1471-5953
Neilson, Susan
Palliative Care for the Child with Malignant Disease.
Palliative Care
Quay Books Division, MA Healthcare, London.
ISBN 1856422437
Neilson, Susan, Clifford, C., Kai, J., McArthur, C. and Greenfield, S.
GPs Experience of Caring for Children with Cancer Receiving Palliative Care at Home.
In: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 2011 Annual Conference, 7th April 2011, Warwick University.
Neilson, Susan, Greenfield, S., Kai, J. and MacArthur, C.
Providing Palliative Care for the Child with Cancer: The Experience of GPs.
In: PONF Biennial Joint Cancer Conference and Exhibition - Paediatric Oncology Nurses’ Forum : ‘Back to the future: 25 years of PONF’, 20th - 21st July 2009, University of York.
Nolan, Mary
Antenatal Survey (1) What do Women Want?
The Practising Midwife, 11 (1).
pp. 26-28.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, Mary
Antenatal Survey (2) What do Women Want?
The Practising Midwife, 11 (2).
pp. 32-35.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, Mary
Antenatal Survey (3) What do Women Want?
The Practising Midwife, 11 (3).
pp. 34-35.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, Mary
Information Giving and Education in Pregnancy: A Review of Qualitative Studies.
Journal of Perinatal Education, 18 (4).
pp. 21-30.
ISSN 1058-1243
Nolan, Mary
Innovative Access Programme for Young Mothers Wishing to Train in Childbirth Education: from Concept to Evaluation.
Research in Post Compulsory Education, 13 (3).
pp. 229-240.
ISSN 1359-6748
Nolan, Mary, Catling, Jonathan and Smith, Julie
At Home in Early Labour: What Fathers Do and How They Feel - Part 1.
The Practising Midwife, 14 (9).
pp. 25-29.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, Mary, Catling, Jonathan and Smith, Julie
At Home in Early Labour: What Fathers Do and How They Feel - Part 2.
The Practising Midwife, 14 (11).
pp. 22-14.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, Mary, Catling, Jonathan and Smith, Julie
At Home in Early Labour: What Fathers Do and How They Feel - Part 3.
The Practising Midwife, 15 (3).
pp. 14-17.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, Mary and Misca, Gabriela
A Review of Coping Strategies, Parenting Programmes and Psychological Therapies Available to Military Parents with Children Under 5.
International Journal of Birth and Parent Education, 5 (4).
pp. 10-14.
ISSN 2054-0779 Online: 2054-0787
Nolan, Mary and Smith, Julie
Women's Experiences of Following Advice to Stay at Home in Early Labour.
British Journal of Midwifery, 18 (5).
pp. 286-292.
ISSN 0969-4900
Nolan, Mary, Smith, Julie and Catling, Jonathan
Experiences of Early Labour (1): Contact with Health Professionals.
The Practising Midwife, 12 (7).
pp. 20-25.
ISSN 14613123
Nolan, Mary, Smith, Julie and Catling, Jonathan
Experiences of Early Labour (2): Strategies for Coping at Home.
The Practising Midwife, 12 (8).
pp. 36-37.
ISSN 1461-3123
Nolan, Mary, Smith, Julie and Catling, Jonathan
Experiences of Early Labour (3): 'Any Further Comments?' What Women Told Us.
The Practising Midwife, 12 (9).
pp. 35-37.
ISSN 1461-3123
Page, A., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Armstrong, N. and Kirby, B.
Children's Dietary Restraint: A Response to Fashion or Fatness?
In: 4th European Congress on Obesity, 7th-9th May, Noordwukerhout, The Netherlands.
Page, A., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Armstrong, N. and Kirby, B.
Dietary Restraint in 11-Year-Old Children and its Relationship with Specific and Global Self-Perceptions (Abstract).
Journal of Sports Sciences, 10 (6).
p. 604.
ISSN 1466-447X
Page, A., Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Kirby, B.
Children's Dietary Restraint: A Response to Fashion or Fatness? (Abstract).
International Journal of Obesity, 16 (Supple).
p. 21.
ISSN Print: 0307-0565 Electronic:1476-5497
Pengelly, Theresa
Children’s Perceptions of Hospitalisation.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Peters, D.M.
Body Fatness and Fat Distribution in Children and Adolescents Cause For Concern?
British Journal of Physical Education, 25 (2).
pp. 18-19.
ISSN 0007-120X.
Peters, D.M.
Children's Body Composition and Activity; a Question of Fit or Fat? (invited symposium).
In: UK Sport: Partners in Performance: The Contribution of Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Coaching to Performance and Excellence, 4th - 7th November, 1993, Manchester.
Peters, D.M.
Total Body Adiposity in 11-Year-Old Children Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Comparisons with Body Density, Skinfolds and Anthropometry.
In: British Association of Sports Sciences National Conference, 17th-20th September, Edinburgh.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Eston, R.G.
Prediction and Measurement of Frame Size in Young Adult Males.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 11 (1).
pp. 9-15.
ISSN 1466-447X
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N. and Sharpe, P.
Assessment of Children's Abdominal Fat Distribution by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Anthropometry (Abstract).
International Journal of Obesity, 16 (Supple).
ISSN 0307-0565
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Assessment of Children's Abdominal Fat Distribution by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Anthropmetry.
In: Obesity into the 21st Century: Association for the Study of Obesity 25th Anniversary Meeting, June 25th, London.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Assessment of Children's Abdominal Fat Distribution by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Anthropmetry.
In: 4th European Congress on Obesity, 7th-9th May, Noordwukerhout, The Netherlands.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Body Adiposity Assessment in 13 and 14 Year Old Adolescents Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In: 7th International Congress on Obesity, 20-24th August 1994, Toronto, Canada.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Body Adiposity Changes During Early Adolescent Growth Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In: BASES Annual Conference, 18th-21st July 1994, Aberdeen.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Body Adiposity Changes During Early Adolescent Growth Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Abstract).
Journal of Sports Sciences, 13 (1).
pp. 15-16.
ISSN 1466-447X
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Estimation of Body Fat and Body Fat Distribution in 11-Year Old Children Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Hydrostatic Weighing, Skinfolds and Anthropometry.
American Journal of Human Biology, 6 (2).
pp. 237-243.
ISSN Elecronic: 1520-6300
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Total Body Adiposity Estimation in 11-Year-Old Children Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Comparisons With Body Density, Skinfolds and Anthropometry.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 10 (6).
p. 563.
ISSN 1466-447X
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Armstrong, N., Sharpe, P. and Bell, P.
Body Adiposity Assessment in 13 and 14 Year Old Adolescents Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Abstract).
International Journal of Obesity, 18 (Supple).
p. 27.
ISSN Print: 0307-0565 Online: 1476-5497
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Fox, K.R., Page, A., Biddle, S.J.H., Armstrong, N. and Kirby, B.
Adolescents and Their Parent's Profiles of Perceived Sports Competence and Physical Activity.
In: Confrence of the European Health Psychology Society: Pychological Theories and Healthy Practices, 1st-3rd September, Brussels, Belgium.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Jones, Ruan
Future Physical Education Teachers' Perceptions of the Obese Child.
In: The Integrated Children's Agenda Research Day Conference, 22nd May 2007, University of Worcester.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Jones, Ruan
Perceptions of the Physical Self of Obese Children Held by Future Sport, Exercise and Physical Education Professionals.
Kinesiology: International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Kinesiology, 42 (1).
pp. 36-43.
ISSN 1331-1441
Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Jones, Ruan
The Relationship Between Perceptions of Obese Children and Inclusive Practice in Future Physical Education Teachers.
In: 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology, 4th-9th September, 2007, Halkidiki, Greece.
Pinfield, Jenny, Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Bentley, Jackie and Rouse, Joanne
Recognition and Management of Asthma in Children and Young People.
Nursing Standard, 30 (3).
pp. 50-60.
ISSN Print: 0029-6570 Online: 2047-9018
Reeves, Alison
ORCID: and Neilson, S.
‘Don’t Talk Like That: It’s Not Just What You Say But How You Say It’: The Process of Developing an Applied Theatre Performance to Teach Undergraduate Nursing Students Communication Skills Around Paediatric End-of-Life Care.
Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 9 (1).
ISSN 2040-2457 Online: 2040-2465
Rouse, Joanne
How Does Clinical Supervision Impact on Staff Development: Part 2.
Jornal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1 (8).
pp. 386-392.
ISSN 1753-1594
Rouse, Joanne
How Does Clinical Supervision Impact on Staff Development?
Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1 (7).
pp. 334-340.
ISSN 1753-1594
Routen, Ashley
Body Mass Index and Accelerometer Measurement Issues For Use in the Evaluation of Pedometer-based Physical Interventions in Children.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Routen, Ashley, Edwards, M.G., Upton, Dominic and Peters, D.M.
The Impact of School-Day Variation in Weight and Height on National Child Measurement Programme Body Mass Index-Determined Weight Category in Year 6 Children.
Child: Care, Health and Development.
ISSN 1365-2214
Routen, Ashley, Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Upton, Dominic and Edwards, M.G.
A Preliminary Investigation of Child, Parent and Programme Leader Reflections on Participation and Delivery of a Family-Based Weight Intervention Programme (Abstract).
Journal of Sports Sciences, 27 (Supple).
ISSN 1466-447X
Routen, Ashley, Upton, Dominic, Edwards, M.G. and Peters, D.M.
A Preliminary Investigation of Child, Parent and Programme Leader Reflections on Participation in and Delivery of a Family- Based Weight Intervention Programme.
In: Obesity & Insulin Resistance – From Cell to Whole Body: The Benefits of Exercise, 24th April 2009, Birmingham University.
Routen, Ashley, Upton, Dominic, Edwards, M.G. and Peters, D.M.
A Preliminary Investigation of Child, Parent and Programme Leader Reflections on Participation in and Delivery of a Family-Based Weight Intervention Programme.
In: BASES Annual Conference, 1st - 3rd September 2009, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Sin, J., Henderson, C. and Smith, Jo
Wellbeing, Mental Health Knowledge and Caregiving Experiences of Siblings of Individuals Affected By Psychosis: Do They Differ From Their Peers and Parent-Carers?
In: IEPA 10th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health – “Looking Back, Moving Forward”, 19th – 22nd October 2016, Milan, Italy.
Smith, L., Wray, J., Gaskin, Kerry
ORCID:, Stimpson, K., Martin, A. and Kidd, J.
Evaluating an Early Warning Tool: Setting the Standard of Safe Care for Infants With Complex Heart Conditions at Home.
In: 7th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, 16th - 21st July 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Taylor, Charlotte
A Socio-ecological Perspective on the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Taylor, Charlotte, Erol, Rosie
ORCID:, Upton, Penney and Upton, Dominic
The Effectiveness of Local Child Weight Management Programmes: an Audit Study.
In: Research Focus 2013 - People, Policy and Practice, 23rd October 2013, University of Worcester.
Taylor, Charlotte, Upton, Penney and Upton, Dominic
Increasing Primary School Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: a Review of the Food Dudes Programme.
Health Education, 115 (2).
pp. 178-196.
ISSN 0965-4283
Taylor, Charlotte, Walklet, Elaine, Mahoney, Berenice
ORCID:, Upton, Penney and Martin, T.
A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding the Impact of Chronic Ear Disease on Wellbeing in Young People: Patient and Carer Perspectives.
In: Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, 10th September 2014, York.
Thomas, Erica
Habit and the Intention-Behaviour Relationship Within the Theory of Planned Behaviour: Implications for Information Based Interventions.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Thomas, Erica and Upton, Dominic
Automatic and Motivational Predictors of Children’s Physical Activity: Integrating Habit, the Environment, and the Theory of Planned Behavior.
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11 (5).
pp. 999-1005.
ISSN Print: 1543-3080 Online: 1543-5474
Thomas, Erica and Upton, Dominic
Psychometric Properties of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) in the UK.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15 (3).
pp. 280-287.
ISSN 1469-0292
Upton, Dominic, Upton, Penney and Taylor, Charlotte
Fruit and Vegetable Intake of Primary School Children: a Study of School Meals.
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 25 (6).
pp. 557-362.
ISSN 1365-277x
Upton, Dominic, Upton, Penney and Taylor, Charlotte
Increasing Children's Lunchtime Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables: an Evaluation of the Food Dudes Programme.
Public Health Nutrition.
ISSN Print: 1368-9800 Online: 1475-2727
Upton, Dominic, Upton, Penney and Taylor, Charlotte
Increasing Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: an Evaluation of the Food Dudes Programme.
In: International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Conference, 23rd-26th May 2012, Austin, Texas.
Upton, Penney
Childhood Cancer.
Encyclopaedia of Quality of Life Research.
Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 765-768.
ISBN 978-94-007-0752-8
Upton, Penney
Development of a Measure of the Health Related Quality of Life of Children in Public Care.
Child: Care, Health, & Development, 32 (4).
pp. 409-415.
ISSN 0305-1862
Upton, Penney
Whose Life is it Anyway? Proxy v. Self Reported Quality of Life in Childhood Cancer Survivors.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Upton, Penney and Eiser, C.
School Experiences after Treatment for a Brain Tumour.
Child: Care, Health and Development, 32 (1).
pp. 9-17.
ISSN 0305-1862
Upton, Penney, Eiser, C., Cheung, W., Hutchings, H., Jenney, M., Maddocks, A., Russell, I. and Williams, J.G.
Measurement Properties of the UK-English Version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 PedsQL (Generic Score Scales).
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 3 (22).
ISSN 1477-7525
Upton, Penney, Hutchings, H., Cheung, W., Maddocks, A., Eiser, C., Williams, J.G., Russell, I., Jackson, S. and Jenney, M.
Adaptation of the Manchester-Minneapolis Quality of Life Survey for Use in the UK Population.
Archive of Disease in Childhood, 92 (5).
pp. 855-860.
ISSN 0003-9888
Upton, Penney, Taylor, Charlotte, Erol, Rosie
ORCID: and Upton, Dominic
Family-based Childhood Obesity Interventions in the UK: a Systematic Review of Published Studies.
Community Practitioner, 87 (5).
pp. 25-29.
ISSN 1462-2815
Upton, Penney, Taylor, Charlotte and Upton, Dominic
Exploring Primary School Teachers' Experiences of
Implementing a Healthy Eating Intervention.
Education and Health, 30 (2).
pp. 35-39.
ISSN 2049-3665
Upton, Penney, Upton, Dominic and Taylor, Charlotte
Reply to ‘Evaluation of the Food Dudes Programme
by Upton et al.’.
Public Health Nutrition.
ISSN 1368-9800
Watkeys, J., Price, L., Upton, Penney and Maddocks, A.
The Timing of Medical Examination Following an Allegation of Sexual Abuse: is this an Emergency?
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 93 (10).
pp. 851-856.
Williams, C.A., Armstrong, N., Fox, K.R., Kirby, B., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Welsman, J.R., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance in 11-Year-Old Children in Relation to Thigh Composition: A Preliminary Study Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Abstract).
Pediatric Exercise Science, 5 (4).
p. 487.
Williams, C.A., Armstrong, N., Fox, K.R., Kirby, B., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Welsman, J.R., Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Aerobic and Anaerobic Performances in 11-Year-Old Children in Relation to Thigh Composition: a Preliminary Study Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In: Pediatric Exercise Work Physiology Conference, July 1993, Toronto, Canada.
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