Number of items: 92.
Barrett, Heather, Storey, David
ORCID: and Yarwood, R.
Development Through Partnership: LEADER II in the Marches.
Innovations in Rural Areas: colloque franco-britannique de Géographie rurale [4]: Worcester (mai 2002).
Universitaire Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, pp. 311-328.
ISBN 2-84516-243-X
Bigger, Stephen
The Bahá’í Sense of Human Unity.
In: Faith, Feeling and Identity, July 2003, University of Roehampton.
Bigger, Stephen
Feelings Within the UK Bahá’í Faith About the Potential Contribution of Their Faith to the Unity of Humankind.
In: Conference: Faith, Feeling and Identity. Roehampton University, 2003, June 26th - 28th 2003, Roehampton University.
Bigger, Stephen
Spirituality as a Process within the School Curriculum.
Prospero: A Journal of New Thinking for Education, 9 (1).
pp. 12-18.
Bigger, Stephen
Understanding Schools and Schooling. (Book Review).
Taylor and Francis.
Bradshaw, Michael
Thomas Lovell Beddoes, Death's Jest-Book: The 1829 Text.
Routledge by arrangement with Carcanet Press Ltd, New York.
ISBN 0-415-96933-6
Brooker, Dawn
Future Challenges for DCM.
Dementia Care Mapping: Applications Across Cultures.
Health Professions Press, Baltimore, pp. 147-154.
Brooker, Dawn
Maintaining Quality in Dementia Care Practice.
Dementia Care: An Evidence Based Textbook.
Arnold Publishers, London, pp. 240-255.
ISBN 0340810203
Brooker, Dawn
What is Person-Centred Care in Dementia?
Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 13 (3).
pp. 215-222.
ISSN 0959-2598
Brown, Chris, Brand, Z. and Brand, T.S.
The Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on Production in Breeding Female Ostriches.
British Poultry Science, 44 (4).
pp. 598-606.
ISSN 0007-1668
Brown, Chris, Brand, Z. and Brand, T.S.
The Effect of Different Combinations of Dietary Energy and Protein on the Composition of Ostrich Eggs.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 33 (3).
pp. 193-200.
ISSN 0375-1589
Brown, Chris, Meyer, A. and Cloete, S.W.P.
The Influence of Separate-sex Rearing on Ostrich Behaviour and Skin Damage.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 33 (2).
pp. 95-104.
ISSN 0375-1589
Brown, Chris, Meyer, A., Cloete, S.W.P. and Van Schalkwyk, S.J.
The Persistence to Slaughter Age of Scars Resulting From Damage Inflicted to Ostrich Skins During the Grow-out Phase.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 33 (3).
pp. 32-37.
ISSN 0375-1589
Brown, Chris and Peinke, D.M.
Metabolism and Thermoregulation in the Springhare (Pedetes capensis).
Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology, 173 (4).
pp. 347-353.
ISSN 0174-1578
Brown, Chris, Tieleman, B.I., Williams, J.B. and Buschur, M.E.
Phenotypic Plasticity of Larks Along an Aridity Gradient: Are Desert Birds More Flexible?
Ecology, 84 (7).
pp. 1800-1815.
ISSN 0012-9658
Burr, M.L., Emberlin, Jean, Treu, R., Cheng, S., Pearce, N. and ISAAC Phase One Study Group, .
Pollen Counts in Relation to the Prevalence of Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis, Asthma and Atopic Eczema in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC).
Clinical Experimental Allergy, 33 (12).
pp. 1675-1680.
ISSN Print: 0954-7894 Online: 1365-2222
Cochrane, Claire
The Birmingham Rep: A City's Theatre 1962-2002.
Sir Barry Jackson Trust, Birmingham.
ISBN 0954571908
Cochrane, Claire
"The Contaminated Audience": Researching Amateur Theatre in Wales Before 1939.
New Theatre Quarterly, 19 (2).
pp. 169-176.
ISSN 0266-463X
Colvin, John and Keene, Judith
Extending the Academic Year for Mature Part-Time Higher Education Students using a Web Based Learning Environment.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 8 (3).
pp. 393-406.
ISSN 1359-6748
Corcoran, Christine
The Effectivness of Partnership in the Implementation
of Youth Strategies: A Case Study of Bromyard and Wychavon.
PhD thesis, Coventry University in association with University College Worcester.
Cox, Howard, Huang, B. and Metcalfe, S.
Compradors, Firm Architecture and the ‘Reinvention’ of British Trading Companies: John Swire & Sons’ Operations in Early Twentieth Century China.
Business History, 45 (2).
pp. 15-34.
ISSN 0007-6791
Cox, Howard, Mowatt, Simon and Prevezer, Martha
New Product Development and Product Supply Within a Network Setting: The Case of the Chilled Ready-Meal Industry in the UK.
Industry and Innovation, 10 (2).
pp. 197-217.
ISSN 1366-2716
Day, C., Stobart, G., Kington, Alison
ORCID: and Ellison, L.
Variations in Teachers’ Lives, Work and Effectiveness (VITAE): An Overview of the Research Design and Key Factors Emerging from Phase One of the Study.
In: 29th Annual Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Annual Conferenc, 24-27 August 2003, Malta.
Day, C., Stobart, G., Sammons, P. and Kington, Alison
Variations in Teachers’ Work and Lives and Their Effects on Pupils (VITAE).
In: International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Annual Conference, 2003, Norway.
Dixon, Alan
The Indigenous Evaluation of Wetlands Research in Ethiopia.
Development in Practice, 13 (4).
pp. 394-398.
ISSN 0961-4524
Dixon, Alan
Indigenous Management of Wetlands: Experiences in Ethiopia.
Kings SOAS Studies in Development Geography
Ashgate, Aldershot.
ISBN 0754630447
Dixon, Alan
ORCID: and Wood, A.
Wetland Cultivation and Hydrological Management in Eastern Africa: Matching Community and Hydrological Needs Through Sustainable Wetland Use.
Natural Resources Forum, 27 (2).
pp. 117-129.
ISSN 14778947
Elkin, Judith
Cultural and Multicultural Perspectives on Reading.
Reading and Reader Development : The Pleasure of Reading.
Facet Publishing, London, pp. 116-142.
ISBN 185604467X
Elkin, Judith
Special Needs/Special Places.
Reading and Reader Development: The Pleasure of Reading.
Facet Publishing, London, pp. 143-170.
ISBN 185604467X
Evans, Margaret
Christian Counsellors' Views on Working with Gay and Lesbian Clients:Integrating Religious Beliefs with Counselling Ethics.
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 3 (1).
pp. 55-60.
ISSN Print:1473-3145 Online:1746-1405
Evans, Nick, Gaskell, P. and Winter, M.
Re-assessing Agrarian Policy and Practice in Local Environmental Management: The Case of Beef Cattle.
Land Use Policy, 20 (3).
pp. 231-242.
Fairweather, John R., Maslin, Crystal, Gossman, Peter and Campbell, Hugh R.
Farmer Views on the Use of Genetic Engineering in Agriculture.
Project Report.
University of Lincoln, Lincoln, New Zealand.
Francis-Smythe, Jan
The Importance of Time Congruity in the Organisation.
Applied Psychology: An International Review, 52 (2).
pp. 298-321.
ISSN 0269-994X
Frapwell, A., Incledon, V. and Peters, D.M.
Learning and Teaching in 'Style': From 'Knower' to Learner.
In: Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Education (ANZARE), 29th November - 3rd December 2003, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gbadamosi, Gbolahan
HRM and the Commitment Rhetoric: Challenges for Africa.
Management Decision, 41 (3).
pp. 274-280.
ISSN 0025-1747
Graham, Karen
How Can Children's Independence be Promoted and Measured in the Primary Classroom?
PhD thesis, Coventry University in collaboration with University College Worcester.
Hadfield, M, Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Day, C and Sammons, P
Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Multi-Site Longitudinal Research.
In: BERA Annual Conference, Edinburgh.
Hailu, A., Wood, A. and Dixon, Alan
Interest Groups, Local Knowledge and Community Management of Wetland Agriculture in South-west Ethiopia.
International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 29 (1).
pp. 55-63.
ISSN Print: 0377-015X Online: 2320-5199
Hill, Ann
Plant species as indicators of ancient woodland in the Malvern Hills and Teme Valley natural area.
PhD thesis, University College Worcester.
Hoaen, Andrew
ORCID: and Loney, Helen L.
Field Survey in Glencoyne Park.
Archaeology North (21).
pp. 9-11.
ISSN 1462-4788
How, Alan
Critical Theory.
Traditions in Social Theory
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
ISBN 0333751523
Howarth, Sue
Doing Homework On Your Computer In Easy Steps.(Book Review) Geoff Preston. 192 pp. Southam: Computer Step, 2002. £10.99.
ISBN 1 85168 304 6.
The Association for Science Education.
Howarth, Sue
GCSE Biology 3rd Ed(Book Review)D G Mackean, 2002. London, UK: John Murray(Publishers) Ltd., 374pp. £13.99. ISBN
Taylor & Francis.
Howarth, Sue
Mitosis and Meiosis.(Resource Review) Illumination Educational Software, 2002. UK: Illumination Educational Software c/o Uniview Worldwide Ltd.
Journal of Biological Education, 37 (3).
p. 151.
ISSN Print: 0021-9266 Online: 2157-6009
Jones, Allan, Zachariae, R. and Arendt-Nielson, L.
Dispositional Anxiety and the Experience of Pain: Gender Specific Effects.
European Journal of Pain, 7 (5).
pp. 387-395.
ISSN 1090-3801
Jones, S. and Mitchell, Theresa
The Psychosocial Effects of Chemotherapy Toxicity: a Patient Perspective.
European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 7 (4).
pp. 259-260.
ISSN 1462-3889
Kerrigan, Stuart, McKenna, S.J., Ricketts, I.W. and Wigderowitz, C.A.
Analysis of Total Hip Replacements Using Active Ellipses.
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Medical Image Understanding and Analysis Conference.
The British Machine Vision Association, Durham, pp. 177-180.
ISBN 1 901725 22 7
Kington, Alison
ORCID: and Harris, S.
Educational ICT Policy and Practice in England.
Cross-national Policies and Practices on Information and Communication Technology in Education Information.
Age Publishing Inc, Greenwich, pp. 197-212.
Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Harris, S., Smith, P. and Hall, M.
Computers for Teachers: a Qualitative Evaluation of Phase 1.
Project Report.
Department for Education and Skills, London.
Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Lee, T., Day, C. and Sammons, P.
A Critical Review of the Literature on School and Teacher Effectiveness and Teachers’ Work and Lives: Towards Relational and Relative Effectiveness.
In: European Educational Research Association (EERA) Annual Conference, September 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
Koven, Mikel
Folklore Studies and Popular Film & Television: A Necessary Critical Survey.
Journal of American Folklore, 116 (460).
pp. 176-195.
ISSN 00218715
Koven, Mikel
La Dolce Morta: Space, Modernity and the Giallo.
Kinoeye, 3 (12).
ISSN Online 1475-2441
Koven, Mikel
The Terror Tale: Urban Legends and the Slasher Film.
Scope: An Online Journal of Film Studies.
Krassa, Penelope
An Analysis of the Feasibility of Transferring the English Early Excellence Centres (EEC) Programme to Early Childhood Settings in Greece.
PhD thesis, Coventry University in collaboration with University College Worcester.
Lane, A.M., Hewston, Ruth, Redding, E. and Whyte, G.
Mood Changes following Modern-dance Classes.
Social Behavior & Personality: an international journal, 31 (5).
pp. 453-460.
ISSN Online: 0301-2212
Li, H.-Y., Neill, H., Innocent, R., Seville, Peter C.
ORCID:, Williamson, I. and Birchall, J.C.
Enhanced Dispersibility and Deposition of Spray-dried Powders for Pulmonary Gene Therapy.
Journal of Drug Targeting, 11 (7).
pp. 425-432.
ISSN Print: 1061-186X Online: 1029-2330
Lipscomb, Martin
Comment: Suffering - Hospice and Palliative Care's Hidden Heritage?
Progress in Palliative Care, 11 (4).
pp. 195-199.
ISSN Print: 0969-9260 Online: 1743-291X
Loney, Helen L.
History and the Italian Bronze Age: A Discussion of the Effects of Italian Politics on Prehistoric Interpretation.
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology.
pp. 199-215.
ISSN 0952-1648 (print) 1743-1700 (online)
Loney, Helen L.
ORCID: and Hoaen, Andrew
Upland Settlement in Glencoyne Park Ullswater, Cumbria.
Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 3rd se.
pp. 51-65.
Mcdonald, Paul, Burgess, C. and Smith, K.
A Support Team for Foster Carers: The Views and Perceptions of Service Users.
British Journal of Social Work, 33 (6).
pp. 825-832.
ISSN ISSN 1468-263X - Print ISSN 0045-3102
Mcdonald, Paul, Monahan, R. and Clifford, C.
Seeking Advice From NHS Direct on Common Childhood Complaints: Does it Matter Who Answers the Phone.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42 (2).
pp. 209-216.
ISSN 0309-2402 (published) & 1365-2648 (electronic)
Nyatanga, Brian
Multidisciplinary Team Leadership.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 9 (7).
p. 276.
ISSN 1357-6321
Nyatanga, Brian
The Palliative Care Needs of Ethnic Minority Patients: Staff Perspectives.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 9 (10).
pp. 454-455.
ISSN 1357-6321
Parfitt, D.
A Study of Glucose Signalling and Gene Expression in Early Flower Development in the Short Day Plant Pharbitis nil.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester/Cardiff University.
Peel, Elizabeth
The Health Psychology Reader (Book Review).
John Wiley.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Jarrett, Haydn and Robinson, Paul D.
Evaluation Report of the Walking the Way to Health Initiative 2002 'Step-o-meter campaign'. Report submitted to the Countryside Agency and the Department of Health.
Project Report.
University of Worcester.
Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Jones, Gareth
Moving On - Sports Science. Subject Specific Study-Pack Extension Booklet for the Collaborative Widening Participation Project.
Project Report.
University of Worcester.
Price, Colin
A Taxonomy of Turing Patterns.
In: International Conference on Mathematical Biology 2003 (Annual Meeting of The Society of Mathematical Biology), 6th - 9th August 2003, University of Dundee.
Prieto-Baena, Jose, Hidalgo, P., Galán, C. and Domínguez, E.
Pollen Production in the Poaceae Family.
Grana, 42 (3).
pp. 153-159.
ISSN Print: 0017-3134 Online: 1651-2049
Pumfrey, Peter
Towards an Inclusive Higher Education System in the UK? First Degree Results of Students With and Without Disabilities.
In: BPS Education Section Annual Conference, 7th November 2003.
Roberts, H., Cullerne, T. and Mitchell, Theresa
Dilemmas and Conflicts in Research with Patients with Cancer.
In: International Cancer Care Conference, 5th July 2003, York, UK.
Shakesheff, Tim
Rural Conflict, Crime and Protest : Herefordshire 1800-1860.
Boydell Press, Woodbridge.
ISBN 1843830183
Smith, Matt
Developing Medium and Long-range Forecast Models for Allergenic Pollen in the United Kingdom.
PhD thesis, Coventry University and University of Worcester.
Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Emberlin, Jean and Kress, A.
Developing a Long-Range (1 month) Forecast Model for Allergenic Pollen at London, United Kingdom.
In: Third European Symposium in Aerobiology, 30 August - 4 September, 2003, Worcester, UK.
Spieksma, F.T.M., Corden, J., Detandt, M., Millington, W.M., Nikkels, H., Nolard, N., Schoenmalers, C.H.H., Wachter, R., de Weger, L.A., Willems, R. and Emberlin, Jean
Quantitative Trends in Annual Totals of Five Common Airbourn Pollen Types (Betula, Qercus, Poacrae, Urtica, and Artemisia), at Five Pollen-Monitoring Stations in Western Europe.
Aerobiologia, 19 (3-4).
pp. 171-184.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Storey, David
Changing Approaches to Rural Development.
Geography Review, 16 (3).
pp. 31-33.
Storey, David
Citizen, State and Nation.
Changing Geography
Geographical Association, Sheffield.
ISBN 978-1-84377-094-7
Symons, John C.
The Mining and Smelting of Copper in England and Wales, 1760-1820.
Masters thesis, Coventry University in collaboration with University College Worcester.
Sánchez-Mesa, J.A., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Emberlin, Jean, Allitt, U., Caulton, E. and Galán, C.
Characteristics of Grass Pollen Seasons in Areas of Southern Spain and the United Kingdom.
Aerobiologia, 19 (3-4).
pp. 243-250.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Toon, Wendy
‘Reorientation should be our principal justification and objective’: The Rockefeller Foundation and the Reeducation of Germany and Japan, 1945-1950.
In: The Foundations of Globalization?, 6-7 November 2003, University of Manchester.
Toon, Wendy
"The United States and World War II: The Awakening Giant" by Martin Folly (Book Review).
Cambridge University Press.
Tör, M.
ORCID:, Yemm, A. and Holub, E.
The Role of Proteolysis in R-Gene Mediated Defence in Plants.
Molecular Plant Pathology, 4 (4).
pp. 287-296.
ISSN Online: 1364-3703
Upton, Dominic
Learning and Teaching in Health
Health Psychology Update., 12 (3).
pp. 39-40.
ISSN 0954-2027
Upton, Dominic and Cooper, C.D.
Experiences with an On-line Health Psychology Course.
The Psychologist in Wales (14).
pp. 13-17.
Upton, Dominic and Cooper, C.D.
Online Health Psychology: Do Students Need It, Use It, Like It, and Want It?
Psychology Learning and Teaching (PLAT), 3 (1).
pp. 27-35.
Visser, Fleur
Sediment Budget for Cane Land on the Lower Herbert River Floodplain, North Queensland, Australia.
PhD thesis, Australian National University.
Webb, Jean
Conceptualising Childhood: Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses.
Cambridge Journal of Education, 32 (3).
pp. 359-365.
ISSN 0305 764X
Webb, Jean
‘Out of this World’: Fantasy, Fairy tale, Subjectivity and Projection of the Future in 19th and 20th Century Fantasy Texts for Children.
In: International Research Society for Children's Literature, August 2003, Agder University, Kristiansand, Norway.
Webb, Jean
Walking Into the Sky: Englishness, Heroism and Cultural Identity: a 19th and 20th Century Perspective.
Children’s Literature and the Fin-de-Siecle.
Contributions to the Study of World Literature
Praeger, Westport, CT, pp. 51-56.
ISBN 0313321207
West, H.K., Morgan, A.J., Bowker, D.W., Stuart Davis, M. and Herbert, Rob
Evidence for Interpopulation Differences in Life History Parameters of Adult and F1 Generation Lumbricus Rubellus.
Pedobiologia, 47 (5-6).
pp. 535-541.
ISSN 0031-4056
Wiles, A. and Brooker, Dawn
Complementary Therapies in Dementia Care.
Journal of Dementia Care, 11 (3).
pp. 31-35.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Yarwood, R. and Evans, Nick
Livestock, Locality and Landscape: EU Regulations and the New Geography of Welsh Farm Animals.
Applied Geography, 23 (2/3).
pp. 137-157.
This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 06:59:09 2025 UTC.