Number of items: 69.
Arnab, S., Bhakta, Roy, Merry, S.K., Smith, M., Stan, K. and Duncan, M.J.
Competition and Collaboration Using a Social and Gamified Online Learning Platform.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning.
Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading.
ISBN 978‐1‐911218‐09‐8
Barnett, Anthony
A Reflective Encounter With the Fine Sand Area in a Nursery School Setting.
Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 30 (2).
pp. 260-272.
ISSN Print: 0256-8543 Online: 2150-2641
Barnett, Anthony, Archer, Kelly-Anne, Christie-Thompson, Tilly, Gee, Megan and Burton, Molly
Creative Reflection in Action.
In: University of Worcester Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, 16th June 2016, University of Worcester.
Blackmore, Karen
The Use of Creative, Contextualised, Subject Specific Teaching Approaches Within Primary Teacher Education.
Student Teacher Learning Through Inquiry: International Perspectives.
Wydawnictwo Attyka, Krakow, pp. 127-146.
ISBN 978-83-65644-07-7
Bloom, A. and Dhillon, Jaswinder
Which Boxes Do You Tick on the Outstanding Leader List?
The Times Educational Supplement.
Bracken, Seán
ORCID:, Driver, C. and Kadi-Hanifi, Karima
Teaching English as an Additional Language in Secondary Schools.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
ISBN 978-1-138-78351-5
Buckler, Scott
Risk Taking, Philosophy and Ethical Practice to Facilitate Flourishing.
Flourishing in the Early Years: Contexts, Practices and Futures.
Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), London, pp. 68-83.
ISBN eBook 9781315732466 Paperback: 9781138841130
Burden, D., Savin-Baden, Maggi and Bhakta, Roy
Covert Implementations of the Turing Test: A More Level Playing Field?
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXIII: Incorporating Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XXIV.
Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 195-207.
ISBN Print: 978-3-319-47174-7 Online: 978-3-319-47175-4
Carroll, Joy and Alexander, Genea
The Teachers' Standards in Primary Schools: Understanding and Evidencing Effective Practice.
SAGE, Los Angeles.
ISBN Paperback: 9781473906969 Hardback:9781473906952
Cliffe, Johanna and Solvason, Carla
Using Rhizomatic Thinking in Early Childhood Pedagogy to Avoid Making Other into Same.
TACTYC Reflections.
pp. 1-6.
Dad, F.
Further Education Policy and Context: The Relationship Between Curriculum Middle Managers' Leadership Practice and Quality Improvement.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Dhillon, Jaswinder
Creating Courses for Adults: Design for Learning (Book Review).
Dhillon, Jaswinder
Leadership as Shared Practice in Outstanding Schools and Colleges in England.
In: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, 8th -12th April 2016, Washington DC, USA.
Dhillon, Jaswinder
Publishing in Academic Journals: Tips to Help You Succeed.
In: ICSSR sponsored National Workshop on Research Methodology for Social Science Researchers, 1st - 11th March 2016, Punjab, India.
Dhillon, Jaswinder
ORCID: and Bentley, J.
Governor and Course Leaders’ Reflections on HE in FE: Strategic Ambition and Curriculum Practice in Two Large Colleges in England.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 21 (1-2).
pp. 137-150.
ISSN Print:1359-6748 Online:1747-5112
Dhillon, Jaswinder
ORCID:, Howard, Colin
ORCID: and Cooke, Vivian
Unlocking Characteristics of Outstanding Leadership in Schools and Colleges in England.
In: British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference, 8th - 10th July 2016, Cheshire, UK.
Dhillon, Jaswinder
ORCID:, Whitehouse, Kerry, Hunt, David, Sisk, Jane and Winson, Alison
Developing Innovative TEL Practice in Teacher Education.
In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 13th-15th September 2016, Leeds, England.
Elliott, Geoffrey
Merger Talk in Further Education: of Whales and Minnows, Rhetoric and Reality.
Vocationalism in Further and Higher Education: Policy, programmes and pedagogy.
Routledge Research in Education
Routledge, London, pp. 22-36.
ISBN 978-1-138-94704-7 Ebook: 978-1-315-67033-1 Adobe ISBN: 9781317366805
Emblen-Perry, Kay
ORCID:, Evans, Sian
ORCID:, Boom, Katy, Corbett, Wendy and Weaver, Lorraine
Evolution of an Interactive Online Magazine for Students, Academics and Expert Practitioners, to Engage Students from Multiple Disciplines in Education for Sustainable Development.
Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education.
World Sustainability Series, 2
Springer International Publishing, Gewerbestrasse, pp. 157-172.
ISBN 978-3-319-47888-3 Online: 978-3-319-47889-0
Francis, L.J., Astley, J. and Parker, Stephen
Who Studies Religion at Advanced Level: Why and to What Effect?
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 37 (3).
pp. 334-346.
ISSN 1361-7672
Freathy, R., Parker, Stephen, Schweitzer, F. and Simojoki, H.
Conceptualizing and Researching the Professionalization of Religious Education Teachers: Historical and International Perspectives.
British Journal of Religious Education, 38 (2).
pp. 114-129.
ISSN Print: 0141-6200, Online: 1740-7931
Freathy, R., Parker, Stephen, Schweitzer, F. and Simojoki, H.
Editorial: Professionalism, Professionalisation and Professionality in Religious Education.
British Journal of Religious Education, 38 (2).
pp. 111-113.
ISSN Print: 0141-6200, Online: 1740-7931
Gossman, Peter and Horder, S.
Effective Teacher? Student Self-evaluation of Development and Progress on a Teacher Education Programme.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40 (4).
pp. 447-465.
ISSN 0309-877X Online: 1469-9486
Hadi-hanifi, Karima and Elliott, Geoffrey
Appraising and Reconfiguring HE in FE Through Research and Critical Perspectives.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 22 (1).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 1359-6748 ESSN: 1747-5112
Hanson, Karen and Appleby, Karen
Reflective Practice : Theoretical Background.
The Early Years Handbook for Practitioners and Students: An essential guide for the foundation degree and Levels 4 and 5.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN Hardback: 9781138776395 Paperback: 9781138776401
Harvell, Janet and McMahon, S.
The Early Years Handbook for Students and Practitioners: an essential guide for the foundation degree and levels 4 and 5.
Routledge, London, pp. 402-415.
ISBN 9781138776395 eBook: 9781315773209
Hollins, S., Egerton, J. and Carpenter, Barry
Book Clubs for People with Intellectual Disabilities: The Evidence and Impact on Wellbeing and Community Participation of Reading Wordless Books.
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Difficulties, 10 (5).
pp. 275-283.
ISSN 2044-1282
Howard, Colin
ORCID: and Barrell, Rachel
Working in Partnership: Using Students as Change Agents and Active Participants in Course Development.
In: HEA Surveys Conference 2016: Linking Enhancement and Excellence, 13th July, 2016, Birmingham, UK.
Howard, Colin
ORCID: and Cooke, Vivian
The Evolution and Inheritance of the New Primary Curriculum.
Teachers Media.
Howard, Colin
ORCID: and Cooke, Vivian
Key Concepts in Primary Science : Audit and Subject Knowledge.
Critical Teaching
Critical Publishing, Northwich.
ISBN Paperback 978 1 910391 50 1
Howarth, Sue, Delorenzo, Janinne, Looker, Ben
ORCID: and Scott, Linda
Super! Cool! Science.
In: Association for Science Education (ASE) Annual Conference 2016, 6th - 9th January 2016, University of Birmingham.
Ji, L., Zhang, W. and Jones, Kevin
Children’s Experience of and Attitudes Towards Bullying and Victimization.
School Bullying in Different Countries: Eastern and Western Perspectives.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 170-188.
ISBN Online: 9781139410878
Kadi-Hanifi, Karima and Keenan, J.
Finding the ‘A-ha’ Moment: an Exploration into HE
in FE Teacher Self-Concept.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 21 (1-2).
pp. 73-85.
ISSN Print: 359-6748, Online: 1747-5112)
Kenyon, S., Johns, N., Duggal, S., Hewston, Ruth and Gale, N.
Improving the Care Pathway for Women who Request Caesarean Section: An Experience-Based Co-Design Study.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16 (348).
p. 348.
ISSN 1471-2393
King-Hill, Sophie
A Critical Discussion Upon the Relationship Between the Psychoanalytical Perspective of Developmental Psychology and its Adaptation to Educating Teenage Mothers.
The Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 8 (1).
pp. 33-45.
ISSN 2054-5266
Lehane, Teresa
“Cooling the Mark Out”: Experienced Teaching Assistants’ Perceptions of Their Work in the Inclusion of Pupils With Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Secondary Schools.
Educational Review, 68 (1).
pp. 4-23.
ISSN Print: 0013-1911 Online: 1465-3397
Lehane, Teresa
"SEN's Completely Different Now": Critical Discourse Analysis of Three "Codes of Practice for Special Educational Needs".
Educational Review, 69 (1).
pp. 51-67.
ISSN Print: 0013-1911 Online: 1465-3397
Losty, C., Williams, E. and Gossman, Peter
Police Officer Physical Fitness to Work: A Case for Health and Fitness Training.
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 11 (4).
pp. 455-467.
ISSN 1988-5202
McKerr, Linzi and Bingle, Branwen
Framing the Transition: From Teacher to Teacher Educator - Developing a Taxonomy of Career Identity.
In: 7th Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Annual Conference: Cultivating learning, 5th - 6th May 2016, Aston University, Birmingham.
Owens, Jane
Review into the Proposed Registration of Teachers and Others who Support Learning in the Independent Sector with the Education Workforce Council.
Project Report.
Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Owens, Jane
Review of the Worcestershire Programme to Support Young People to Develop the Future Workforce for the County.
Project Report.
Worcestershire County Council.
Parker, Stephen
Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education, 37 (2).
pp. 129-130.
ISSN Print 1361-7672 Online 1469-9362
Parker, Stephen, Freathy, R. and Doney, J.
The Professionalisation of Non-Denominational Religious Education in England: Politics, Organisation and Knowledge.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 37 (2).
pp. 201-238.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672, Online: 1469-9362
Prowle, Alison and Hodgkins, Angela
Cosy Up!
Nursery World, 2016 (25).
pp. 15-16.
ISSN 0029-6422
Reader, John and Freathy, R.
Technology and Education: Theoretical Reflections Exemplified in Religious Education.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 37 (3).
pp. 320-333.
ISSN 1361-7672
Reed, Michael
Effective Leadership for High Quality Early Years Practice.
Pre-school Learning Alliance, London.
ISBN 9781907478284
Reed, Michael
A Proposal that Provokes Further Dialogue About Practitioner Inquiry and Elements of a Methodological Exploration.
Varhaiskasvatuksen Tiedelehti: Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 5 (1).
pp. 189-201.
ISSN 2323-7414
Robinson, Catriona, Bingle, Branwen and Howard, Colin
Surviving and Thriving as a Primary NQT.
Critical Teaching
Critical Publishing, Northwich.
ISBN Paperback 978 1 910391 58 7
Sammons, P., Lindorff, A., Ortega, L. and Kington, Alison
Inspiring Teaching: Learning From Exemplary Practitioners.
Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 1 (2).
pp. 124-144.
ISSN 2056-9548
Savage, Moira
Mapping Pre-service Teachers’ Evolving Information and Communication Technologies Pedagogy.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 25 (5).
pp. 533-554.
ISSN Print: 1475-939X Online: 1747-5139
Savin-Baden, Maggi
The Impact of Transdisciplinary Threshold Concepts on Student Engagement in Problem-based Learning: a Conceptual Synthesis.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 10 (2).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1541-5015
Savin-Baden, Maggi, Bhakta, Roy and Burden, D.
Cyber Enigmas? Passive Detection and Pedagogical Agents: Can Students Spot the Fake?
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning 2016.
Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 456-463.
ISBN Print: 1862203245 Online: 9781862203242
Savin-Baden, Maggi and Callaghan, M.
Designing Circuit Warz: Enhancing Teachers' and Students' Creativity Through Problem-based Games-based Learning in The Computer Engineering Classroom.
International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving, 26 (2).
pp. 110-115.
ISSN 1598-723X
Savin-Baden, Maggi and Falconer, L.
Learning at the Interstices; Locating Practical Philosophies for Understanding Physical/virtual Inter-spaces.
Interactive Learning Environments, 24 (5).
pp. 991-1003.
ISSN Print: 1049-4820 Online: 1744-5191
Savin-Baden, Maggi, Poulton, T., Beaumont, C. and Conradi, E.
What Is Real? Using Problem-Based Learning
in Virtual Worlds.
Educational Technologies in Medical and Health Sciences Education.
Advances in medical education
Springer, pp. 79-97.
ISBN Print: 978-3-319-08274-5 Online: 978-3-319-08275-2
Savin-Baden, Maggi and Tombs, G.
The Glow of Unwork? Issues of Portrayal in Networked Learning Research.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2016: Looking Back – Moving Forward.
Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 449-455.
ISBN Print:1862203245 Online:9781862203242
Savin-Baden, Maggi and Tombs, G.
Pedagogies in Virtual Worlds.
The Sage Handbook of E-Learning Research (2nd edition).
SAGE Publications, London, pp. 397-420.
ISBN Hardcover 9781473902329
Sewell, Alexandra and Hulusi, H.
Preventing radicalisation to extreme positions in children and young people. What does the literature tell us and should educational psychology respond?
Educational Psychology in Practice, 32 (4).
pp. 343-354.
ISSN Print: 0266-7363 Online: 1469-5839
Simojoki, H., Schweitzer, F., Parker, Stephen and Freathy, R.
Die Professionalisierung des Religionslehrerberufs als Aufgabe und Gegenstand Religionspädagogischer Forschung. Historische und Systematische Perspektiven.
Zeitschrift fur Pedagogie und Theologie, 68 (2).
pp. 135-152.
ISSN 2366-7796
Solvason, Carla
Ethicality, Research and Emotional Impoverishment in a Technological Era.
Values and Virtues in Higher Education Research: Critical Perspectives.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 33-47.
ISBN Hardback: 9781138916814 Paperback: 9781138916821
Solvason, Carla
ORCID:, Kohlman, H., Snowden, M. and Morris, C.
A Whole School Approach to Language Development in the Early Years: Professional Development in Action.
New Zealand Research in Early Childhood Education, 19.
pp. 25-36.
ISSN 1174-6122
Stobbs, Nicola
ORCID: and Prowle, Alison
Becoming a Kinship Carer – Education and Support Needs of Grandparents Who Are Parenting.
International Journal of Birth and Parent Education, 4 (2).
pp. 23-26.
ISSN 2054-0779 Online: 2054-0787
Stowell, Marie, Falahee, Marie and Woolf, H.
Academic Standards and Regulatory Frameworks: Necessary Compromises?
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41 (4).
pp. 515-531.
ISSN Print: 0260-2938 Online: 1469-297X
Sutton-Tsang, Samantha
Action Research: A Work in Progress. Examining the Impact of Using an Online Personal Academic Tutoring Form to Promote Engagement of Tutorials with Flexible and Distributed Learning Students Studying a BA Degree Top Up Course.
In: University of Worcester Learning and Teaching Conference 2016, 16th June 2016, University of Worcester.
Sutton-Tsang, Samantha
ORCID: and Malomo, Michelle
Graduate Practitioner Wheel of Progression.
In: TACTYC conference: Principled Early Years Practice: Valuing our past, debating our present, inspiring our future, 19 Nov 2016, Park Crescent Conference Centre, International Students House London.
Tibby, M. and Owens, Jane
An Analysis of Models for Work Placement Provision.
Project Report.
Higher Education Academy.
Watkins, Maxine
Supportive Relationships in Primary Schools for Teachers Working in Early, Mid and Late Career Phases.
In: 2016 Oxford STORIES Conference: i2i – Inquiry to Impact, 15 - 16 March 2016, Oxford, England.
ISSN 978-0-9955348-0-3
Withams, L., Hutchins, C., Howard, Colin
ORCID: and Blackmore, Karen
What Are the Key Influences for Trainees in Deciding Whether to Choose Science for Their Specialist Research Project in the Third and Final Year of Their Primary ITE Course?
In: University of Worcester Annual Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Conference 'Showcasing and Exploring Excellence', 16th June 2016, University of Worcester, UK.
Xu, Q. and Harvell, Janet
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Malden, Mass, ; Oxford, pp. 1-4.
ISBN 9781405124331 Online: 9781405165518
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