Number of items: 70.
Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Emberlin, Jean, Corden, J., Millington, W. and Mullins, J.
Predicting the Start of the Birch Pollen Season at London, Derby and Cardiff, United Kingdom, Using a Multiple Regression Model, Based on Data from 1987 to 1997.
Aerobiologia, 18 (2).
pp. 117-123.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Adsett, J.
An Investigation into Young Children’s Numerical Representations in Mathematics.
Masters thesis, Coventry University in collaboration with University College Worcester.
Bazzoni, C.L.
The Impact of Self-efficacy Beliefs on Training Effectiveness in a British Police Force.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Bigger, Stephen
Book Review: Managing to Motivate: a guide for school leaders.
Taylor and Francis.
Bigger, Stephen
Book Review: Reaching Students: teachers' ways of knowing.
Taylor and Francis.
Bigger, Stephen and Bigger, J.
Motivating and Empowering Adults Returning to Study.
In: Further Education Research Association, 24 January 2002, London.
Bradshaw, Michael
Imagining Egypt: Walter Savage Landor's Gebir.
La Questione Romantica, 12/13.
pp. 49-64.
ISSN Print: 1125-0364 Online: 2037-691X
Brooker, Dawn
Dementia Care Mapping: A Look at its Past, Present and Future.
Journal of Dementia Care, 10 (3).
pp. 33-36.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Brooker, Dawn
Enriching Lives: Evaluation of the ExtraCare Activity Challenge.
Dementia Topics for the Millennium and Beyond.
Hawker Publications Ltd, London, pp. 119-123.
ISBN 1874790647
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Woolley, R.J.
The Enriched Activities Project; Expert Working Group Summary and Transcripts.
Project Report.
University of Bradford, Bradford.
Brown, Chris, Brand, Z. and Brand, T.S.
The Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels During a Breeding Season of Ostriches (Struthio cemelus domesticus) on Production the Following Season.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 32 (4).
pp. 226-230.
ISSN 0375-1589
Brown, Chris, Brand, Z. and Brand, T.S.
The Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on Body Condition and Production of Breeding Male Ostriches (Struthio cemelus domesticus).
South African Journal of Animal Science, 32 (4).
pp. 231-238.
ISSN 0375-1589
Brown, Chris, Meyer, A., Cloete, S.W.P. and Van Schalkwyk, S.J.
Declawing Ostrich (Struthio camelus domesticus) Chicks to Minimize Skin Damage During Rearing.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 32 (3).
pp. 192-200.
ISSN 0375-1589
Cariñanos, P., Sánchez-Mesa, J.A., Preito-Baena, Jose, Lopez, A., Guerra, F., Moreno, C., Domínguez, E. and Galán, C.
Pollen Allergy Related to the Area of Residence in the City of Cordoba, South-West Spain.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4.
pp. 734-738.
ISSN 1464-0325
Couper, Pauline, Stott, T. and Maddock, Ian
Insights into River Bank Erosion Processes Derived from Analysis of Negative Erosion-pin Recordings: Observations from Three Recent UK Studies.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27 (1).
pp. 59-79.
ISSN 0197 9337
Cox, Howard and Frenz, Marion
Innovation and Performance in British-based Manufacturing Industries:Shaping the Policy Agenda.
The Business Economist, 33 (2).
pp. 24-33.
ISSN 0306-5049
Cox, Howard, Frenz, Marion and Prevezer, Martha
Patterns of Innovation in UK Industry: Exploring the CIS Data to Contrast High and Low Technology Industries.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 13 (1, 2,).
pp. 267-304.
ISSN 0260-1079
Cox, Howard, Mowatt, Simon and Prevezer, Martha
The Firm in the Information Age: Organizational Responses to Technological Change in the Processed Foods Sector.
Industrial and Corporate Change, 11 (1).
pp. 135-158.
ISSN 0960-6491
Dart, Gareth
ORCID:, Didimalang, C. and Pilime, S.
An Evaluation of Special Units for Children with Mental Retardation at Botswana Primary Schools.
Technical Report.
Botswana Educational Research Association, Gaborone Botswana.
Dixon, Alan
The Hydrological Impacts and Sustainability of Wetland Drainage Cultivation in Illubabor, Ethiopia.
Land Degradation and Development, 13 (1).
pp. 17-31.
ISSN 1085-3278
Emberlin, Jean, Detandt, M., Gehrig, R., Jaeger, S., Nolard, N. and Rantio-Lehtimäki, A.
Responses to the Start of Betula (birch) Pollen Seasons to Recent Changes in Spring Temperatures Across Europe.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 46 (4).
pp. 159-170.
ISSN Print: 0020-7128 Online: 1432-1254
Evans, Nick, Morris, C. and Winter, M.
Conceptualizing Agriculture: a Critique of Post-Productivism as the New Orthodoxy.
Progress in Human Geography, 26 (3).
pp. 313-332.
ISSN 0309-1325
Fenton, E. and Mitchell, Theresa
Growing Old with Dignity: a Concept Analysis.
Nursing Older People, 14 (4).
pp. 19-21.
ISSN Print: 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941
Francis-Smythe, Jan
Identifying High Potential Police Officers and Role Characteristics.
In: British Psychological Society's 2002 Occupational Psychology Conference, March 2002, Blackpool, England.
Harris, S. and Kington, Alison
Innovative Classroom Practices Using ICT in England.
National Foundation for Educational Research, Slough.
ISBN 1903880351
Harris, S. and Kington, Alison
Redefining the Classroom: Innovative Pedagogical Practices Using ICT in Primary and Secondary Schools in England.
Project Report.
NfER, Slough.
Harris, S. and Kington, Alison
Redefining the Classroom: innovative pedagogical practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in England.
In: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, April 2002, New Orleans, LA.
Harris, S., Kington, Alison
ORCID: and Lee, B.
Classroom Practice: New approaches Supported by ICT.
TOPIC, 28.
Hobson, A.J., Braun, A., Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Felgate, R. and O'Connor, K.
Evaluation of Excellence in Cities Primary Pilot: A Report of the Findings of Interviews with Partnership Coordinators.
Project Report.
DfES, London.
Hobson, A.J. and Kington, Alison
Evaluation of Excellence in Cities Primary Extension: A Report on the Findings of the Learning Mentor Strand Study.
Project Report.
NfER, Slough.
Holub, E.B., Tör, M.
ORCID:, Cooper, A., Gordon, P. and Gunn, N.
Genetics of Disease Resistance in Arabidopsis to Crop Pathogens.
In: 6th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology, 8th-14th September 2002, Prague, Czech Republic.
Howarth, Sue
The Heart (review and report of part of ABPI website).
Project Report.
n/a Report for ABPI, The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.
Howarth, Sue
The Kidneys and Body Balance (website review
Project Report.
n/a Report for ABPI, The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.
Howarth, Sue
Snail Shells and Acids.
In: ASE West of England Region meeting ‘Add some sparkle to your science’, 9th November 2002, University of Bath.
Jones, Allan and Zachariae, R.
Gender, Anxiety and Experimental Pain Sensitivity: An Overview.
Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 57 (2).
pp. 91-94.
ISSN Print: 0098-8421
Kerrigan, Stuart, Ricketts, I.W., McKenna, S.J. and Wigderowitz, C.A.
Measurement of Acetabular Wear Using Intelligent Ellipses.
In: British Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting (BORS 2002), July 2002, Cardiff, UK.
Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Easton, C. and Masson, J.
Evaluation of the Leading Small Primary Schools Pilot Programme.
Project Report.
National College of School Leadership, Nottingham.
Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Harris, S. and Leask, M.
Innovative Practice Using ICT in Schools: Findings From Two Case Studies.
Management in Education, 16 (1).
pp. 31-35.
ISSN 0892-0206
Kington, Alison
ORCID:, Hobson, A. and Kendall, L.
Excellence in Cities Primary Extension: Interim Research Summary: Findings of School, Teacher and Pupil Surveys.
Project Report.
Department for Education and Skills (DFES), London.
Koven, Mikel
Filming Legends: A Revised Typology.
Contemporary Legend, New Se.
pp. 114-135.
ISSN 0963-8334
Leask, M. and Kington, Alison
Integrating ICT into Teachers' Practice.
Project Report.
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and OECD, Slough.
Leask, M. and Kington, Alison
Raising Pupil Achievement and Supporting Community Regeneration: A Role for Primary School ICT Provision.
Project Report.
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), Slough.
Lewis, Jodie
Reinterpreting the Priddy Long Barrow, Mendip Hills, Somerset.
Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society, 22 (3).
pp. 269-288.
Mitchell, Theresa
Becoming a Nurse: a Hermeneutic Study of the Experiences of Student Nurses on a Project 2000 Course.
Developments in Nursing and Health Care, 24
Ashgate Publishing, Farnham.
ISBN Hardback: 978-0754618430
Nyatanga, Brian
Culture, Palliative Care and Multiculturalism.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 8 (5).
pp. 240-246.
ISSN 1357-6321
Nyatanga, Brian
The Myth of Interprofessional Learning.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 8 (7).
p. 316.
ISSN 1357-6321
Oldridge, Darren
The Witchcraft Reader (1st Edition).
Routledge, London.
ISBN 0415214939
Peel, Elizabeth
Lesbian and Gay Awareness Training: Homophobia, Liberalism, and Managing Stereotypes.
Lesbian and Gay Psychology: New Perspectives.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 255-274.
ISBN 978-1-4051-02223
Seville, Peter C.
ORCID:, Kellaway, I.W. and Birchall, J.C.
Preparation of Dry Powder Dispersions for Non-viral Gene Delivery by Freeze-drying and Spray-drying.
Journal of Gene Medicine, 4 (4).
pp. 428-437.
ISSN Online: 1521-2254
Shakesheff, Tim
Wood and Crop Theft in Rural Herefordshire, 1800-60.
Rural History, 13 (1).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 0956-7933
Smith, Jo, McGorry, P.D., Shiers, D., Mahoney, J., Davis, E., Birchwood, M., Macmillan, F., Edwards, J., Sheehan, A. and Prior, C.
UK/Australia Early Psychosis Declaration.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 106 (s413).
pp. 69-106.
ISSN 0001-690X Online: 1600-0447
Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Emberlin, Jean and Kress, A.
Developing a Medium-Range (5-7 day) Forecast Model for Allergenic Pollen at Worcester, United Kingdom.
In: 7th International Congress in Aerobiology, 5-8 August, 2002, Montebello,Canada.
Snelling, Paul
ORCID: and Duffy, L.
Developing Self-Directed Training for Intravenous Cannulation.
Professional Nurse, 18 (3).
pp. 137-142.
ISSN 0266-8130
Storey, David
Territory and National Identity: Examples from the Former Yugoslavia.
Geography, 87 (2).
pp. 108-115.
Storey, David
ORCID: and Palmer, C.
Leominster Young Persons Drugs Outreach Project: An Evaluation.
Project Report.
Centre for Rural Research.
Surr, C. and Brooker, Dawn
The Effects of Undertaking a DCM Training Course on Care Practice.
Signpost : Journal of Dementia and Mental Health Care of Older People, 7 (2).
pp. 16-18.
ISSN Print: 1368 – 4345
Swinkels, A., Albarran, J., Means, R., Mitchell, Theresa and Stewart, M.
Evidence-based Practice in Health and Social Care: Where are We Now?
Journal of Interprofessional Care, 16 (4).
pp. 335-347.
ISSN Print: 1356–1820 Online: 1469-9567
Toon, Wendy
Candy Floss and Cowgirls: Cultural Transmission and the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Volksfest, Berlin.
In: 'Americanization and Anti-Americanism: The Impact of American Culture on Germany After 1945', 16-20, October, 2002, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Toon, Wendy
"The Cold War: The Essential Readings” edited by Klaus Larres & Ann Lane (Book Review).
American Studies Resources Centre, Liverpool John Moores University.
Toon, Wendy
"Genocide on Trial: War Crimes Trials and the History of Holocaust Memory” by Donald Bloxham (Book Review).
Institute of Historical Research.
Tör, M.
ORCID:, Gordon, P., Cuzick, A., Eulgem, T., Sinapidou, E., Mert-Türk, F., Can, C. and Dangl, J.L.
Arabidopsis SGT1b Is Required for Defense Signaling Conferred by Several Downy mildew Resistance Genes.
Plant Cell, 14 (5).
pp. 993-1003.
ISSN Print: 1040-4651 Online: 1532-298X
Tör, M.
ORCID:, Gordon, P., Cuzick, A., Yemm, A. and Holub, E.
Several Downy Mildew Resistence Genes in Arabidopsis Require Signalling Via a Homologue of Yeast SGT1.
In: 6th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology, 8th-14th September 2002, Prague, Czech Republic.
Tör, M.
ORCID:, Manning, K., King, G.J., Tompson, A.J., Jones, G.H., Seymour, G. and Armstrong, S.J.
Genetic Aalysis and FISH Mapping of the Colourless Non-Ripening Locus of Tomato.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 104 (2-3).
pp. 165-170.
ISSN Print: 0040-5752 Online: 1432-2242
Van Schalkwyk, S.J., Brown, Chris and Cloete, S.W.P.
Gas Exchange of the Ostrich Embryo During Peak Metabolism in Relation to Incubator Design.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 32 (2).
pp. 122-129.
ISSN 0375-1589
Visser, Fleur
ORCID:, Roth, C.H., Wasson, R.J. and Prosser, I.P.
Quantifying Sediment Sources in Lowlying Sugarcane Land: A Sediment Budget Approach.
Structure, Function and Management Implications of Fluvial Sedimentary Systems.
International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication
IAHS Press, Wallingford, pp. 169-175.
ISBN 1-901502-96-1
Webb, Jean
Children’s Literature: The State of the Art.
Children’s Literature in English at the Turn of the Millennium ; Selected papers and workshops from the First and Second International Biennial Conferences on Children's Literature in English, University of Hradec Kralove 27-29 January 1999 and 24-26 Ja.
The British Council, Gaudeamus, Hradec Kralové, pp. 9-20.
ISBN 8070419407
Webb, Jean
‘Conceptualising Childhood: Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses’.
In: Australian Children’s Literature Research Association Conference, June 2002, Brisbane, Australia.
Webb, Jean
‘Contemporary Writing and Culture in the UK’.
In: Catholic Teacher’s Association, June 2002, Brisbane, Australia.
Webb, Jean
ORCID: and Thacker, Deborah
Introducing Children's Literature: from Romanticism to Postmodernism.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 0415204119
Wood, A., Hailu, A., Abbot, P. and Dixon, Alan
Sustainable Management of Wetlands in Ethiopia:
Local Knowledge Versus Government Policy.
Strategies for wise use of Wetlands: Best Practices in Participatory Management. Proceedings of a Workshop held at the 2nd International Conference on Wetlands and Development (November 1998, Dakar, Senegal).
Wetlands International Global Series
Wetlands International IUCN, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 81-88.
ISBN 90-1882-0084
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