Number of items: 62.
Craven, Christa and Peel, Elizabeth
Stories of Grief and Hope: Queer Experiences of Reproductive Loss.
Queering Motherhood: Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives.
Demeter Press, Ontario, Canada, pp. 97-110.
ISBN 978-1-927335-31-4
Davis, Sarah K.
ORCID: and Humphrey, N.
Ability Versus Trait Emotional Intelligence: Dual Influences on Adolescent Psychological Adaptation.
Journal of Individual Differences, 35 (1).
pp. 54-62.
ISSN 2151-2299
Erol, Rosie
ORCID:, MacArthur, J., Smith, P., Upton, Dominic, Upton, Penney and Penn, Felicity
Evaluation of the First Phase of the Lothian NMAHP Clinical Academic Research Careers Scheme.
In: RCN 2014 Annual International Nursing Research Conference, 2-4 April 2014, Glasgow.
Erol, Rosie
ORCID:, Upton, Dominic and Upton, Penney
Evaluating the Characteristics Supporting Successful Completion of Flying Start in NHS Scotland.
In: NETNEP 2014 5th International Nurse Education Conference, 22nd - 25th June 2014, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
Gilchrist, Elizabeth, Ireland, L., Forsyth, A., Laxton, T. and Goodwin, J.
Roles of Alcohol in Intimate Partner Abuse.
Project Report.
Alcohol Research UK, London.
Heydari, A., Mazlom, S.R., Ranjbar, H. and Scurlock-Evans, Laura
A Study of Iranian Nurses’ and Midwives’
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice: The Time for Change Has Arrived.
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing.
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 1545-102X
Hung, C-F., Rivera, M., Craddock, N., Owen, M.J., Gill, M., Korszun, A., Maier, W., Mors, O., Preisig, M., Rice, J.P., Reitschel, M., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Middleton, L., Aitchison, K.J., Davis, O.S.P., Breen, G., Lewis, C., Farmer, A. and McGuffin, P.
Relationship Between Obesity and the Risk of Clinically Significant Depression: Mendelian Randomisation Study.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 205 (1).
pp. 24-28.
ISSN Print: 0007-1250 Online:1472-1465
Jones, A., Gladstone, B.P., Lübeck, M., Lindekilde, N., Upton, Dominic and Vach, W.
Motivational Interventions in the Management of HbA1c Levels: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Primary Care Diabetes, 8 (2).
pp. 91-100.
ISSN Print: 1751-9918, Online: 1878-0210
Krusche, A., Rudolf von Rohr, I., Muse, Kate
ORCID:, Duggan, D., Crane, C. and Williams, J.M.G.
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Recruitment Methods: The Staying Well After Depression Randomized Controlled Trial.
Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials, 11 (2).
pp. 141-149.
ISSN Print: 1740-7745 Online: 1740-7753
Mahoney, Berenice
ORCID:, Scurlock-Evans, Laura
ORCID: and Davies, M.
Victimization Among Female and Male Sexual Minority Status Groups: Evidence From the British Crime Survey 2007–2010.
Journal of Homosexuality, 61 (10).
pp. 1435-1461.
ISSN Print: 0091-8369 Online: 1540-3602
McManus, F., Muse, Kate
ORCID:, Surawy, C., Hackmann, A. and Williams, J.M.G.
Relating Differently to Intrusive Images: The Impact of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) on Intrusive Images in Patients With Severe Health Anxiety (Hypochondriasis).
Mindfulness, 6 (4).
pp. 788-796.
ISSN Print: 1868-8527 Online: 1868-8535
Misca, Gabriela
Parenting Under Fire: An Ecological Perspective on Understanding Child Maltreatment in Military Families.
In: 3rd Military Psychology Conference 2014: The Psychological Well-being of the Military in Transition, 5th - 6th November 2014, The Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham.
Misca, Gabriela
The ‘Quiet Migration’: Challenges for Families with Children Adopted Internationally.
Contemporary Issues in Family Studies: Global Perspectives on Partnerships, Parenting and Support in a Changing World.
Wiley, Oxford, pp. 288-301.
ISBN 9781119971030 Online: 9781118320990
Misca, Gabriela
The “Quiet Migration”: Challenges for Identity Development in Intercountry Adoptees.
In: International Adoption and Surrogacy - Family Formation in the 21st Century, New Zealand Law Society, 8, 9, 11 April 2014, Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland, New Zealand.
Misca, Gabriela
The “Quiet Migration”: Is Intercountry Adoption a Successful Intervention in the Lives of Vulnerable Children?
Family Court Review, 52 (1).
pp. 60-68.
ISSN Online: 1744-1617
Misca, Gabriela
‘She’s More Than a Mother - She Takes Care of Me’: Exploring the Meaning of Family for Young People Growing up in Institutional Care.
In: British Psyhcological Society Annual Conference, 7-9 May 2014, Birmingham.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: and Smith, J.
Mothers, Fathers, Families and Child Development.
Contemporary Issues in Family Studies: Global Perspectives on Partnerships, Parenting and Support in a Changing World.
Wiley, Oxford, pp. 151-165.
ISBN 9781119971030 Online: 9781118320990
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: and Walker, J.
Same-sex Parenting & Children’s Best Interests: Plain Sailing or Choppy Waters?
In: AFCC 51st Annual Conference, 28-31 May 2014, Toronto, Canada.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: and Zanca, Raluca
Human Trafficking from the Perspective of the Source Countries: Focus on Romania.
In: National Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence and Abuse: Conference on Human Trafficking, 28th October 2014, Worcester, UK.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: and Zanca, Raluca
Human Trafficking in Europe: Focus on Romania as a Source Country.
In: West Midlands Anti Slavery Network (WMASN), 4th December 2014, Birmingham, UK.
Morgan, Blaire, Gulliford, L. and Kristjánsson, K.
Gratitude in the UK: A New Prototype Analysis and a Cross-Cultural Comparison.
The Journal of Positive Psychology, 9 (4).
pp. 281-294.
ISSN Print: 1743-9760 Online: 1743-9779
Peel, Elizabeth
Civil Partnership Ceremonies: (Hetero)normativity, Ritual and Gender.
In: ‘Marriage Rites and Rights’ Cambridge University Socio-Legal Group Workshop, 1st - 2nd April 2014, Trinity College, University of Cambridge.
Peel, Elizabeth
Discourse, Diversity and Discrimination: Understanding and Challenging Heterosexism.
In: DCP Pre-Qualification Group two-day Annual Conference 2014, 24th - 25th April 2014, The Studio, 7 Cannon Street, Birmingham, B2 5EP.
Peel, Elizabeth
‘It’s Terrible to Think That Your Own Mother Doesn’t Know You’: Exploring Accounts of Caring for a Parent with Dementia.
In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 7-9 May, Birmingham.
Peel, Elizabeth
LGBTQ Psychology.
Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology.
Springer, New York, pp. 1075-1078.
ISBN 978-1-4614-5582-0
Peel, Elizabeth
‘The Living Death of Alzheimer’s’ Versus ‘Take a Walk to Keep Dementia at Bay’: Representations of Dementia in Print Media and Carer Discourse.
Sociology of Health & Illness, 36 (6).
pp. 885-901.
ISSN Print: 0141-9889 Online: 1467-9566
Peel, Elizabeth
Situational Dilemmas in Dementia Diagnosis.
In: Life with Dementia 2014: Relations Conference, 15th - 17th October 2014, Linköping University, Sweden.
Peel, Elizabeth
‘When Will We Get Labradors on Prescription?’ Exploring the Pleasures and Perils of Physical Activity.
In: British Psychological Society West Midlands Branch, 13 May 2014, Birmingham.
Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, Rosie
“It’s a Huge Maze, the System, it’s a Terrible Maze”: Dementia Carers’ Constructions of Navigating Health and Social Care Services.
Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 13 (5).
pp. 642-661.
ISSN 1417-3012
Peel, Elizabeth, Nodin, N., Tyler, A. and Rivers, I.
Risk and Resilience Explored for Sexual Minorities in England: Qualitative Findings.
In: Third Conference on Applied Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14th August 2014, University of Derby.
Peel, Elizabeth and Riggs, Damien
Introducing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Psychology.
In: The British Psychological Society 2014 Annual Conference, 7th - 9th May 2014, Birmingham.
Richards, Claire
Safeguarding and Protecting Children.
Foundations of Early Childhood: Principles and Practice.
Sage, London, pp. 265-282.
ISBN 1446255298
Scurlock-Evans, Laura
Improving Responses to Rape and Sexual Assault: Delivering a Victim-Centred System.
PsyPAG Quarterly (90).
pp. 26-28.
ISSN 1746-6016
Scurlock-Evans, Laura
ORCID: and Mahoney, Berenice
Exploring the Perceptions of Victims of Sexual Violence: The Impact of Participant, Victim and Perpetrator Gender on Rape Myth Endorsement.
In: Postgraduate Conference University of Worcester, 20.06.14, City Campus, University of Worcester.
Scurlock-Evans, Laura
ORCID:, Upton, Penney and Upton, Dominic
Evidence-Based Practice in Physiotherapy: A Systematic Review of Barriers, Enablers and Interventions.
Physiotherapy, 100 (3).
pp. 208-219.
ISSN Print: 0031-9406 Online: 1873-1465
Solowiej, Kazia
A Case Study of Career Success: Male Employees in Two Public Sector, Female-Dominated Occupations.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Steele, C., Solowiej, Kazia, Bicknell, A. and Sands, H.
Occupational Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide).
Psychology Express
Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow.
ISBN Paperback: 9781447921684 eBook: 9781447930891
Surawy, C., McManus, F., Muse, Kate
ORCID: and Williams, J.M.G.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) For Health Anxiety (Hypochondriasis): Rationale, Implementation and Case Illustration.
ISSN Print: 1868-8527 Online: 1868-8535
Taylor, Charlotte, Walklet, Elaine, Mahoney, Berenice
ORCID:, Upton, Penney and Martin, T.
A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding the Impact of Chronic Ear Disease on Wellbeing in Young People: Patient and Carer Perspectives.
In: Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, 10th September 2014, York.
Thomas, Erica and Upton, Dominic
Automatic and Motivational Predictors of Children’s Physical Activity: Integrating Habit, the Environment, and the Theory of Planned Behavior.
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11 (5).
pp. 999-1005.
ISSN Print: 1543-3080 Online: 1543-5474
Thomas, Erica and Upton, Dominic
Psychometric Properties of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) in the UK.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15 (3).
pp. 280-287.
ISSN 1469-0292
Upton, D., Penn, Felicity, Richardson, C. and Rippon, M.
Psychological Management of Wound Pruritus.
Journal of Wound Care, 23 (6).
pp. 291-299.
ISSN 0969-0700
Upton, Dominic and Andrews, Abbye
The Impact of Stress at Dressing Change in Patients with Burns: A Review of the Literature on Pain and Itching.
Wounds, 26 (3).
pp. 77-82.
ISSN 1044-7946
Upton, Dominic, Andrews, Abbye and Upton, Penney
Venous Leg Ulcers: What about Well-being?
Journal of Wound Care, 23 (1).
pp. 14-17.
ISSN 0969-0700
Upton, Dominic, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Jones, Tim and Upton, Penney
Touchscreen Technology: The Evidence.
Australian Journal of Dementia Care, 3 (1).
pp. 29-30.
ISSN 2049-6893
Upton, Dominic, Stephens-Lewis, Danielle, Williams, Briony and Scurlock-Evans, Laura
Occupational Therapists’ Attitudes, Knowledge,and Implementation of Evidence-based Practice: a Systematic Review of Published Research.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77 (1).
pp. 24-38.
ISSN Print: 0308-0226 Online:1477-6006
Upton, Dominic and Taylor, Charlotte
What Are the Support Needs of Men With Multiple Sclerosis, and Are They Being Met?
International Journal of MS Care.
ISSN 1537-2073
Upton, Dominic, Taylor, Charlotte and Upton, Penney
Parental Provision and Children’s Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables did not Increase Following the Food Dudes Programme.
Health Education, 114 (1).
pp. 58-66.
ISSN 0965-4283
Upton, Dominic, Upton, Penney and Scurlock-Evans, Laura
The Reach, Transferability, and Impact of the
Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire: A Methodological and Narrative Literature Review.
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing.
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1741-6787
Upton, Penney
Child Self-Report(s).
Encyclopaedia of Quality of Life Research.
Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 738-740.
ISBN 978-94-007-0752-8
Upton, Penney
Childhood Cancer.
Encyclopaedia of Quality of Life Research.
Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 765-768.
ISBN 978-94-007-0752-8
Upton, Penney
Is There a Difference Between Quality of Life and Well-being? (Invited presentation).
In: Tissue Viability Society Conference, 1st-2nd April 2014, York.
Upton, Penney
Pediatric Quality of Life InventoryTM 4.0.
Encyclopaedia of Quality of Life Research.
Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 4671-4673.
ISBN 978-94-007-0752-8
Upton, Penney
A Review of the Training and Resources Available to Support the Excellence in the Teaching of Psychology in High Education in the United Kingdom.
Pratiques Psychologiques (Psychological Practices), 20 (3).
pp. 161-171.
ISSN 1269-1763
Upton, Penney, Andrews, Abbye and Upton, Dominic
Assessing Wellbeing in People With Venous Leg Ulcers.
In: Australian Wound Management Association National Conference, 7th-10th May 2014, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Upton, Penney, Scurlock-Evans, Laura
ORCID:, Williamson, K., Rouse, Joanne and Upton, Dominic
The Evidence-Based Practice Profiles of Academic and Clinical Staff Involved in Pre-registration Nursing Students' Education: A Cross Sectional Survey of US and UK Staff.
Nurse Education Today, 35 (1).
pp. 80-85.
ISSN 0260-6917
Upton, Penney and Taylor, Charlotte
Psychology Express: Educational Psychology (Undergraduate Revision Guide).
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 978-1447921660
Upton, Penney, Taylor, Charlotte, Erol, Rosie
ORCID: and Upton, Dominic
Family-based Childhood Obesity Interventions in the UK: a Systematic Review of Published Studies.
Community Practitioner, 87 (5).
pp. 25-29.
ISSN 1462-2815
Upton, Penney, Taylor, Charlotte and Upton, Dominic
The Effects of the Food Dudes Programme on Children’s Intake of Unhealthy Foods at Lunchtime.
Perspectives in Public Health, 135 (3).
pp. 152-159.
ISSN Print: 1757-9139 Online: 1757-9147
Walklet, Elaine and Percy, C.
Stress and Coping in IAPT Staff: A Mixed Methods Study.
Applied Psychological Research Journal, 1 (2).
pp. 15-25.
ISSN 2057-570X
Wilkinson, Dean, Caulfield, L.S. and Jones, Tim
Investigating Schizotypy and Crime-Based Reasoning With Qualitative Methods.
The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 53 (2).
pp. 158-172.
ISSN Online: 1468-2311
Williams, J.M.G., Crane, C., Barnhofer, T., Brennan, K., Duggan, D., Fennell, M.J.V., Hackmann, A., Krusche, A., Muse, Kate
ORCID:, Rudolf von Rohr, I., Shah, D., Crane, R.S., Eames, C., Jones, M., Radford, S., Silverton, S., Sun, Y., Weatherley-Jones, E., Whitaker, C.J., Russell, D. and Russell, I.T.
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy For Preventing Relapse in Recurrent Depression: A Randomized Dismantling Trial.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82 (2).
pp. 275-286.
ISSN Print: 0022-006X Online: 1939-2117
This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 18:21:28 2025 UTC.