Number of items: 36.
Andrews, Holly
Charm, Charisma and Catastrophe: The Psychopath at Work.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Andrews, Holly, Jellis, Matthew, Francis-Smythe, Jan and Steele, Catherine
Charm, Charisma and Catastrophe: The Psychopath in the Workplace.
In: PsyPAG Annual Conference, July 30th to August 1st 2008, University of Manchester.
Donnelly, Elaine and Neville, Lindsey
Communication and Interpersonal Skills.
Reflect Press, Exeter.
ISBN 9781906052065
Hutchings, H., Upton, Penney, Cheung, W., Maddocks, A., Eiser, C., Williams, J.G., Russell, I., Jackson, S. and Jenney, M.
Development of a Parent Version of the Manchester-Minneapolis Quality of Life Survey for use by Parents and Crers of UK Children: MMQL-UK (PF).
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 6 (19).
ISSN 1477-7525
Ingram, Rebecca
Psychological Experience of Using a Mobile Phone to Self-Monitor Toxicity During Individualised Chemotherapy.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Jones, Tim and Wilson, D.
When Thinking Leads to Doing: the Relationship Between Fantasy and Reality in Sexual Offending.
The Assessment, Treatment and Management of Violent and Sexual Offenders.
Willian, Devon, pp. 235-256.
ISBN 1-843923-82-3
Lawton, J., Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O. and Douglas, M.
Patients' Perceptions and Experiences of Taking Oral Glucose-Lowering Agents: a Longitudinal Qualitative Study.
Diabetic Medicine, 25 (4).
pp. 491-495.
ISSN 0742-3071 Online: 1464-5491
Lawton, J., Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O. and Douglas, M.
Shifting Accountability: a Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Diabetes Causation Accounts.
Social Science & Medicine, 67 (1).
pp. 47-56.
ISSN 0277-9536
Mason, Victoria, Dhanda, J., Hall, T.J.H., Wilkins, A. and Catling, Jonathan
Patterns of Treatment of Osteoradionecrosis with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the United Kingdom.
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 47 (3).
pp. 210-213.
ISSN 0266-4356
Mason, Victoria, Jones, Allan, Upton, Dominic and Andrews, Holly
Floods: Assessing the Psychological Cost.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Mason, Victoria, Mathias, B. and Skevington, S.M.
Accepting Low Back Pain: Is It Related To A Good Quality of Life?
Clinical Journal of Pain, 24 (1).
pp. 22-29.
ISSN 0749-8047 (print) 1536-5409 (online)
Mason, Victoria, Skevington, S.M. and Osborn, M.
The Quality of Life of People in Chronic Pain:
Developing a Pain and Discomfort Module for Use
with the WHOQOL.
Psychology and Health, 23 (2).
pp. 135-154.
ISSN 1476-8321 (electronic) 0887-0446 (paper)
Mason, Victoria, Upton, Dominic and White, Richard
The Psychosocial Impact of Primary Lymphoedema.
Journal of Lymphoedema, 3 (2).
pp. 50-56.
ISSN 1750-7235
Mathieson, I. and Upton, Dominic
A Podiatrist's Guide to Using Research.
ISBN 9780443103810
Misca, Gabriela
Developmental Adjustment in Adolescents Growing Up in Childcare Institutions in Romania.
In: 10th Eusarf International Conference: "Assessing the "evidence-base" of intervention for vulnerable children and their families, 26th - 29th March 2008, Padova, Italy.
Misca, Gabriela
Developmental Adjustment in Adolescents Growing Up in Childcare Institutions in Romania.
Assessing the “Evidence-base” of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and Their Families.
Fondazione Emanuela Zancan, Padova, Italy.
ISBN 88-88843-24-8
Peel, Elizabeth
De-heterosexualising Health: Exploring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Health Issues and Policy in Britain.
Sex Roles, 59 (7-8).
pp. 609-610.
ISSN 0360-0025
Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, Rosie
Editorial Introduction: Recognizing and Celebrating Same-sex Relationships: Beyond the Normative Debate.
Sexualities, 11 (6).
pp. 659-666.
ISSN 1363-4607
Rana, Devinder and Upton, Dominic
Psychology for Nurses.
Pearson, Harlow.
ISBN 9780132001076
Roberts, D., Bernard, M., Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: and Head, E.
Experiences of Children and Young People Caring for a Parent with a Mental Health Problem.
Project Report.
Social Care Institute for Excellence, London.
Shaw, R.L., Dyson, P.O. and Peel, Elizabeth
Qualitative Psychology at M level: a Dialogue Between Learner and Teacher.
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 5 (3).
pp. 179-191.
ISSN 1478-0887
Shaw, R.L., Senior, C., Peel, Elizabeth, Cooke, R. and Donnelly, L.S.
Ethical Issues in Neuroimaging Health Research : an IPA Study with Research Participants.
Journal of Health Psychology, 13 (8).
pp. 1051-1059.
ISSN 1359-1053
Thirlaway, K. and Upton, Dominic
The Psychology of Lifestyle: Promoting Healthy Behaviour.
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
ISBN 978-0-415-41662-7
Thomas, Erica
Habit and the Intention-Behaviour Relationship Within the Theory of Planned Behaviour: Implications for Information Based Interventions.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Thomas, L., Mulligan, J., Mason, Victoria, Tallon, D., Wiles, N., Cowan, P., Nutt, D., O'Donovan, M.C., Sharp, D., Peters, T. and Lewis, G.
GENetic and Clinical Predictors of Treatment Response in Depression: the GenPod Randomised Trial Protocol.
Trials, 9 (29).
Tischner, Irmgard and Malson, H.
Exploring the Politics of Women’s In/Visible‘Large’ Bodies.
Feminism & Psychology, 18 (2).
pp. 260-267.
ISSN 0959-3535
Upton, Dominic
The 21st-Century Lecturer.
The Psychologist, 21 (9).
p. 776.
ISSN 09528229
Upton, Dominic
Institute of Health, Social Care and Psychology : Annual Research and Knowledge Transfer Report 2007-2008.
University of Worcester, University of Worcester.
Upton, Dominic
Teaching Psychology to Others- the Pains and the Potential.
The Psychologist, 21.
pp. 950-951.
Upton, Dominic
The Value of Psychology in Health Professional Education.
Psychology Teaching Review, 14 (1).
pp. 3-12.
ISSN 0965-948X
Upton, Dominic and Mansell, Hayley
The Teaching of Psychology on Health Professional Courses.
The Psychology Teaching Review (PTR), 14 (2).
pp. 84-93.
Upton, Penney
Teaching Granny (and Grandpa) to Suck Eggs: Psychology and the Practising Teacher.
Psychology Teaching Review, 14 (1).
pp. 30-37.
ISSN 0965-948X
Upton, Penney
Whose Life is it Anyway? Proxy v. Self Reported Quality of Life in Childhood Cancer Survivors.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well-Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Upton, Penney, Lawford, J. and Eiser, C.
Parent–Child Agreement Across Child Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments: a Review of the Literature.
Quality of Life Research, 17 (6).
pp. 895-913.
ISSN 0962-9343
Watkeys, J., Price, L., Upton, Penney and Maddocks, A.
The Timing of Medical Examination Following an Allegation of Sexual Abuse: is this an Emergency?
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 93 (10).
pp. 851-856.
Wiles, N., Hollinghurst, S., Mason, Victoria, Musa, M., Burt, V., Hyde, J., Jerrom, B., Lewis, G. and Kessler, D.
A Randomised Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as an Adjunct to Pharmacotherapy in Primary Care Based Patients with Treatment Resistant Depression: a Pilot Study (ISRCTN81845520).
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (1).
pp. 21-33.
ISSN 1352-4658
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