University of Worcester Worcester Research and Publications

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Number of items: 79.


Yemm, Heather, Peel, Elizabeth and Brooker, Dawn ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Understandings of mild cognitive impairment (MCI): a survey study of public and professional perspectives. Working with Older People. ISSN 1366-3666

Erol, Rosie ORCID logoORCID:, Brooker, Dawn ORCID logoORCID: and Peel, Elizabeth (2016) The Impact of Dementia on Women Internationally: an Integrative Review. Health Care for Women International, 37 (12). pp. 1320-1241. ISSN Print 0739-9332 Online 1096-4665

Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, R. (2015) A Right to ‘Dying Well’ with Dementia? Capacity, ‘Choice’ and Relationality. Feminism & Psychology, 25 (1). pp. 137-142. ISSN Print: 0959-3535 On-line: 1461-7161

Peel, Elizabeth (2015) Diagnostic Communication in the Memory Clinic: a Conversation Analytic Perspective. Ageing & Mental Health, 19 (12). pp. 1123-1130. ISSN Print: 1360-7863 Online: 1364-6915

Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, Rosie (2014) “It’s a Huge Maze, the System, it’s a Terrible Maze”: Dementia Carers’ Constructions of Navigating Health and Social Care Services. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 13 (5). pp. 642-661. ISSN 1417-3012

Peel, Elizabeth (2014) ‘The Living Death of Alzheimer’s’ Versus ‘Take a Walk to Keep Dementia at Bay’: Representations of Dementia in Print Media and Carer Discourse. Sociology of Health & Illness, 36 (6). pp. 885-901. ISSN Print: 0141-9889 Online: 1467-9566

Grove, J., Peel, Elizabeth and Owen-Pugh, V. (2013) Client Discourses on the Process of Seeking Same-sex Couple Counselling. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 41 (5). ISSN 0306-9885

Harding, Rosie and Peel, Elizabeth (2013) 'He Was Like a Zombie': Off-label Prescription of Antipsychotic Drugs in Dementia. Medical Law Review, 21 (2). pp. 243-277. ISSN 0967-0742

Peel, Elizabeth (2013) Moving Beyond Heterosexism? Interrogating Others’ Reactions to Important Life Events (Conference abstract). Psychology, Community & Health, 2 (2). p. 138. ISSN 2182-438X

Gucciardi, E., Fortugno, M., Senchuk, A., Beanlands, H., McCay, E. and Peel, Elizabeth (2013) Self-monitoring of Blood Glucose in Black Caribbean and South Asian Canadians with Non-insulin Treated Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Perspectives. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 13 (46). ISSN 1472-6823

Jowett, A., Peel, Elizabeth and Shaw, R.L. (2012) Sex and Diabetes: a Thematic Analysis of Gay and Bisexual Men's Accounts. Journal of Health Psychology, 17 (3). pp. 409-418. ISSN 1359-1053

Peel, Elizabeth (2012) Moving Beyond Heterosexism? The Good, the Bad and the Indifferent in Accounts of Others' Reactions to Important Life Events. Psychology of Sexualities Review, 3 (1). p. 34. ISSN 2047-1467

Jowett, A., Peel, Elizabeth and Shaw, R.L. (2011) Online Interviewing in Psychology: Reflections on the Process. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8 (4). pp. 354-369. ISSN 1478-0887

Rolfe, Alison and Peel, Elizabeth (2011) 'It's a Double-edged Thing' : the Paradox of Civil Partnership and Why Some Couples are Choosing Not to Have One. Feminism & Psychology, 21 (3). pp. 317-335. ISSN 0959-3535

Peel, Elizabeth, Douglas, M., Parry, O. and Lawton, J. (2010) Type 2 Diabetes and Dog Walking : Patients' Longitudinal Perspectives About Implementing and Sustaining Physical Activity. British Journal of General Practice, 60 (577). pp. 570-557. ISSN 0960-1643

Peel, Elizabeth (2010) Chipping Away at the Taken-for-granted: Reflection in a Sexualities Course. Feminism & Psychology, 20 (2). pp. 225-231. ISSN 0959-3535 On-line 1461-7161

Jowett, A. and Peel, Elizabeth (2010) "Seismic Cultural Change?": British Media Representations of Same-sex 'Marriage'. Women's Studies International Forum, 33 (3). pp. 206-214. ISSN 0277-5395

Peel, Elizabeth (2010) Pregnancy Loss in Lesbian and Bisexual Women: An Online Survey of Experiences. Human Reproduction, 25 (3). pp. 721-727. ISSN 0268-1161 Online 1460-2350)

Jowett, A. and Peel, Elizabeth (2009) Chronic Illness in Non-heterosexual Contexts: an Online Survey of Experiences. Feminism & Psychology, 19 (4). pp. 454-474. ISSN Print: 0959-3535 On-line: 1461-7161

Peel, Elizabeth and Thomson, M. (2009) Editorial Introduction: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Health Psychology: Historical Development and Future Possibilities. Feminism & Psychology, 19 (4). pp. 427-436. ISSN 0959-3535 On-line 1461-7161

Peel, Elizabeth (2009) Intergroup Relations in Action: Questions Asked About Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues in Diversity Training. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19 (4). pp. 271-285. ISSN 1099-1298

Lawton, J., Rankin, D., Peel, Elizabeth and Douglas, M. (2009) Patients' Perceptions and Experiences of Transitions in Diabetes Care: a Longitudinal Qualitative Study. Health Expectations, 12 (2). pp. 138-148. ISSN 369-6513 Online1369-7625

Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, Rosie (2008) Editorial Introduction: Recognizing and Celebrating Same-sex Relationships: Beyond the Normative Debate. Sexualities, 11 (6). pp. 659-666. ISSN 1363-4607

Shaw, R.L., Senior, C., Peel, Elizabeth, Cooke, R. and Donnelly, L.S. (2008) Ethical Issues in Neuroimaging Health Research : an IPA Study with Research Participants. Journal of Health Psychology, 13 (8). pp. 1051-1059. ISSN 1359-1053

Peel, Elizabeth (2008) De-heterosexualising Health: Exploring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Health Issues and Policy in Britain. Sex Roles, 59 (7-8). pp. 609-610. ISSN 0360-0025

Shaw, R.L., Dyson, P.O. and Peel, Elizabeth (2008) Qualitative Psychology at M level: a Dialogue Between Learner and Teacher. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 5 (3). pp. 179-191. ISSN 1478-0887

Lawton, J., Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O. and Douglas, M. (2008) Shifting Accountability: a Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Diabetes Causation Accounts. Social Science & Medicine, 67 (1). pp. 47-56. ISSN 0277-9536

Lawton, J., Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O. and Douglas, M. (2008) Patients' Perceptions and Experiences of Taking Oral Glucose-Lowering Agents: a Longitudinal Qualitative Study. Diabetic Medicine, 25 (4). pp. 491-495. ISSN 0742-3071 Online: 1464-5491

Lawton, J., Ahmad, N., Peel, Elizabeth and Hallowell, N. (2007) Contextualising Accounts of Illness: Notions of Responsibility and Blame in White and South Asian Respondents' Accounts of Diabetes Causation. Sociology of Health & Illness, 29 (6). pp. 891-906. ISSN 0141-9889

Peel, Elizabeth, Douglas, M. and Lawton, J. (2007) Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Type 2 \Diabetes: Longitudinal Qualitative Study of Patients' Perspectives. BMJ, 335 (7618). pp. 493-496. ISSN 0959-8138, Online : 1756-1833

Harding, Rosie and Peel, Elizabeth (2007) Surveying Sexualities: Internet Research with Non-heterosexuals. Feminism & Psychology, 17 (2). pp. 277-285. ISSN 0959-3535 On-line 1461-7161

Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O., Douglas, M. and Lawton, J. (2006) "It's No Skin Off my Nose": Why People Take Part in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Health Research, 16 (10). pp. 1335-1349. ISSN 1049-7323

Parry, O., Peel, Elizabeth, Douglas, M. and Lawton, J. (2006) Issues of Cause and Control in Patient Accounts of Type 2 Diabetes. Health Education Research, 21 (1). pp. 97-107. ISSN 0268-1153

Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O., Douglas, M. and Lawton, J. (2005) Taking the Biscuit? A Discursive Approach to Managing Diet in Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology, 10 (6). pp. 779-791. ISSN 1359-1053

Lawton, J., Parry, O., Peel, Elizabeth and Douglas, M. (2005) Diabetes Service Provision: a Qualitative Study of Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Patients' Experiences and Views. Diabetic Medicine, 22 (9). pp. 1246-1251. ISSN 0742-3071 Online: 1464-5491

Lawton, J., Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O., Araoz, G. and Douglas, M. (2005) Lay Perceptions of Type 2 Diabetes in Scotland: Bringing Health Services Back In. Social Science & Medicine, 60 (7). pp. 1423-1435. ISSN 0277-9536

Kitzinger, Celia and Peel, Elizabeth (2005) The De-gaying and Re-gaying of AIDS: Contested Homophobias in Lesbian and Gay Awareness Training. Discourse & Society, 16 (2). pp. 173-197. ISSN 0957-9265; Online: 1460-3624.

Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, Rosie (2004) Divorcing Romance, Rights and Radicalism: Beyond Pro and Anti in the Lesbian and Gay Marriage Debate. Feminism & Psychology, 14 (4). pp. 588-599. ISSN 0959-3535 On-line 1461-7161

Clarke, Victoria and Peel, Elizabeth (2004) The Social Construction of Lesbianism: a Reappraisal. Feminism & Psychology, 14 (4). pp. 485-490. ISSN 0959-3535 On-line 1461-7161

Lawton, J., Peel, Elizabeth, Douglas, M. and Parry, O. (2004) 'Urine Testing is a Waste of Time': Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Patients' Perceptions of Self-monitoring. Diabetic Medicine, 21 (9). pp. 1045-1048. ISSN 0742-3071 Online: 1464-5491

Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O., Douglas, M. and Lawton, J. (2004) Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes: a Qualitative Analysis of Patients' Emotional Reactions and Views About Information Provision. Patient Education and Counseling, 53 (3). pp. 269-275. ISSN 0738-3991

Parry, O., Peel, Elizabeth, Douglas, M. and Lawton, J. (2004) Patients in Waiting: a Qualitative Study of Type 2 Diabetes Patients' Perceptions of Diagnosis. Family Practice, 21 (2). pp. 131-136. ISSN Online 1460-2229 Print 0263-2136

Peel, Elizabeth, Parry, O., Douglas, M. and Lawton, J. (2004) Blood Glucose Self-monitoring in Non-insulin-treated type 2 Diabetes: a Qualitative Study of Patients' Perspectives. British Journal of General Practice, 54 (500). pp. 183-188. ISSN 0960-1643

Peel, Elizabeth and Harding, Rosie (2004) Civil Partnerships: a New Couple's Conversation. Feminism & Psychology, 14 (1). pp. 41-46. ISSN 0959-3535 On-line 1461-7161

Peel, Elizabeth (2001) Mundane Heterosexism: Understanding Incidents of the Everyday. Women's Studies International Forum, 24 (5). pp. 541-554. ISSN 0277-5395

Peel, Elizabeth (2001) 'I am what I am'? Using Stereotypes in Anti-heterosexism Training. Lesbian & Gay Psychology Review, 2 (2). pp. 50-56.

Peel, Elizabeth (1999) Lesbian and Gay Psychology. Feminism & Psychology, 9 (4). pp. 487-492. ISSN 0959-3535 On-line 1461-7161

Peel, Elizabeth (1999) Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men: Decision-making in Reporting and Not Reporting Crime. Feminism & Psychology, 9 (2). pp. 161-167. ISSN 0959-3535 On-line 1461-7161

Book Section

Peel, Elizabeth (2016) It has had quite a lot of reverberations through the family": reconfiguring relationships through parent with dementia care. In: Revaluing Care in Theory, Law & Policy: Cycles and Connections. Social Justice . Routledge, London, pp. 198-214. ISBN Hardback: 978-1-13-894319-3

Peel, Elizabeth and Riggs, D.W. (2016) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Psychologies. In: The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 1-6. ISBN Print: 9781405196949 Online: 9781118663219

Tyler, A., Nodin, N., Peel, Elizabeth and Rivers, I. (2016) “I Am Getting Old and That Takes Some Getting Used To”: Dimensions of Body Image For Older Men. In: Ageing and Sexualities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Farnham, pp. 141-162. ISBN Hardback: 978-1-4724-3215-5

Harding, R. and Peel, Elizabeth (2016) Ageing and Sexualities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. In: Ageing and Sexualities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Routledge, London. ISBN Hardback: 978-1-4724-3215-5

Peel, Elizabeth (2015) Civil Partnership Ceremonies: (Hetero)normativity, Ritual and Gender. In: Marriage: Rites and Rights. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 95-110. ISBN 9781849469135

Peel, Elizabeth (2014) LGBTQ Psychology. In: Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. Springer, New York, pp. 1075-1078. ISBN 978-1-4614-5582-0

Craven, Christa and Peel, Elizabeth (2014) Stories of Grief and Hope: Queer Experiences of Reproductive Loss. In: Queering Motherhood: Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives. Demeter Press, Ontario, Canada, pp. 97-110. ISBN 978-1-927335-31-4

Peel, Elizabeth and Cain, R. (2012) 'Silent' Miscarriage and Deafening Heteronormativity: a British Experiential and Critical Feminist Account. In: Understanding Reproductive Loss. Ashgate, Farnham (UK), pp. 79-92. ISBN 1409428109

Jowett, A. and Peel, Elizabeth (2012) Physical Health. In: Intersectionality, sexuality and psychological therapies : working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual diversity. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 163-184. ISBN Hardback: 978-0-470-97500-8 Paperback: 978-0-470-97499-5

Harding, Rosie and Peel, Elizabeth (2007) Heterosexism at Work: Diversity Training, Discrimination Law and the Limits of Liberalism. In: Out in psychology: lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 247-272. ISBN 978-0-470-01287-1

Peel, Elizabeth (2002) Lesbian and Gay Awareness Training: Homophobia, Liberalism, and Managing Stereotypes. In: Lesbian and Gay Psychology: New Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 255-274. ISBN 978-1-4051-02223


Erol, Rosie ORCID logoORCID:, Brooker, Dawn ORCID logoORCID: and Peel, Elizabeth (2015) Women and Dementia: A Global Research Review. Project Report. Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI), London.

Peel, Elizabeth and McDaid, S. (2015) ‘Over the Rainbow’: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans People and Dementia Project. Summary Report. Project Report. University of Worcester, Worcester.

Nodin, N., Peel, Elizabeth, Tyler, A. and Rivers, I. (2015) The RaRE Research Report: LGB&T Mental Health – Risk and Resilience Explored. Project Report. PACE (Project for Advocacy Counselling and Education), London.

Conference or Workshop Item

Peel, Elizabeth (2015) ‘There is a Degree of Reduced Volume of Brain Substance and That’s Significant’: Exploring Diagnostic Talk in Memory Clinic Interaction. In: 14th International Pragmatics Conference, 26th - 31st July 2015, Antwerp, Belgium. (Unpublished)

Peel, Elizabeth and Craven, Christa (2015) Stories of Grief and Hope: Queer Experiences of Reproductive Loss. In: Queer Kinship and Relationships International Conference, 8th -11th June 2015, Olsztyn, Poland. (Unpublished)

Peel, Elizabeth (2014) Situational Dilemmas in Dementia Diagnosis. In: Life with Dementia 2014: Relations Conference, 15th - 17th October 2014, Linköping University, Sweden.

Peel, Elizabeth, Nodin, N., Tyler, A. and Rivers, I. (2014) Risk and Resilience Explored for Sexual Minorities in England: Qualitative Findings. In: Third Conference on Applied Qualitative Research in Psychology, 14th August 2014, University of Derby.

Peel, Elizabeth (2014) ‘It’s Terrible to Think That Your Own Mother Doesn’t Know You’: Exploring Accounts of Caring for a Parent with Dementia. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 7-9 May, Birmingham.

Peel, Elizabeth (2014) ‘When Will We Get Labradors on Prescription?’ Exploring the Pleasures and Perils of Physical Activity. In: British Psychological Society West Midlands Branch, 13 May 2014, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Peel, Elizabeth (2014) Civil Partnership Ceremonies: (Hetero)normativity, Ritual and Gender. In: ‘Marriage Rites and Rights’ Cambridge University Socio-Legal Group Workshop, 1st - 2nd April 2014, Trinity College, University of Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Peel, Elizabeth (2014) Discourse, Diversity and Discrimination: Understanding and Challenging Heterosexism. In: DCP Pre-Qualification Group two-day Annual Conference 2014, 24th - 25th April 2014, The Studio, 7 Cannon Street, Birmingham, B2 5EP. (Unpublished)

Peel, Elizabeth and Riggs, Damien (2014) Introducing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Psychology. In: The British Psychological Society 2014 Annual Conference, 7th - 9th May 2014, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Peel, Elizabeth (2013) Social Interconnection in Dementia Care. In: Revaluing Care Workshop 2: Caring about Social Interconnection, 1-2 September, University of Adelaide.

Peel, Elizabeth (2013) ‘Panic’ and ‘Blame’ in Contemporary Dementia Discourse: an Analysis and Critique. In: 8th Biennial Conference, International Society for Critical Health Psychology, 22-24 July, University of Bradford.


Clarke, V., Ellis, S.J., Peel, Elizabeth and Riggs, D.W. (2010) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Psychology : an Introduction. CUP, Cambridge. ISBN 0521700183

Peel, Elizabeth, Clarke, V. and Drescher, J. (2007) British Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Psychologies: Theory, Research and Practice. Haworth Medical Press, New York. ISBN 078903252X

Clarke, Victoria and Peel, Elizabeth (2007) Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives. Wiley. ISBN 0470012870


Peel, Elizabeth (2016) ‘Changing Language is a Form of Intervention’ (Interview). British Psychological Society.

Peel, Elizabeth (2004) The Third Sex: Kathoey - Thailand's Ladyboys (Book Review). UNSPECIFIED.

Peel, Elizabeth (2003) The Health Psychology Reader (Book Review). John Wiley.

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