Number of items: 50.
Barnett, M.P., Newman, H.W., Richardson, J.T., Thompson, Pamela and Upton, Dominic
The Constituent Structure of Autobiographical Memory: Autobiographical Fluency in People with Chronic Epilepsy.
Memory, 8 (6).
pp. 413-424.
ISSN Print: 0965-8211 Online: 1464-0686
Bradshaw, Michael
Biography: Beddoes, Thomas Lovell, 1803-1849.
Literature Online.
Bradshaw, Michael
Reading and Surface in Keats's "The Eve of St Mark".
Japan Women's University studies in English and American literature, 35.
pp. 97-115.
ISSN 0288-3015
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Duce, L.
Wellbeing and Activity in Dementia: A Comparison of Group Reminiscence Therapy, Structured Goal-directed Group Activity and Unstructured Time.
Aging and Mental Health, 4 (4).
pp. 354-358.
ISSN Print: 1360-7863 Online: 1364-6915
Brown, Chris and Tansley, S.A.
RAPD Variation in the Rare and Endangered Leucadendron Elimense (Proteaceae): Implications for Their Conservation.
Biological Conservation, 95 (1).
pp. 39-48.
ISSN 0006-3207
Brown, Chris, Van Schalkwyk, S.J. and Brand, Z.
Hatching Success of Ostrich Eggs Related to Axis of Setting, Turning Frequency, and Angle of Rotation.
British Poultry Science, 41 (1).
pp. 46-52.
ISSN 0007-1668
Cariñanos, P., Emberlin, Jean, Galán, C. and Dominguez-Vilches, E.
Comparison of Two Pollen Counting Methods of Slides from a Hirst Type Volumetric Trap.
Aerobiologia, 16 (3-4).
pp. 339-346.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Corden, J., Millington, W., Bailey, J., Brookes, M., Caulton, E., Emberlin, Jean, Mullins, J., Simpson, C. and Wood, A.
UK Regional Variations in Betula Pollen (1993-1997).
Aerobiologia, 16 (2).
pp. 227-232.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Cox, Howard and Chan, Kai Yiu
The Changing Nature of Sino-Foreign Business Relationships, 1842-1941.
Asia Pacific Business Review, 7 (2).
pp. 93-110.
ISSN 1743-792X (electronic) 1360-2381 (paper)
Dickinson, P.A., Seville, Peter C.
ORCID:, McHale, H., Perkins, N.C. and Taylor, G.
An Investigation of the Solubility of Various Compounds in the Hydrofluoroalkane Propellants and Possible Model Liquid Propellants.
Journal of Aerosol Medicine, 13 (3).
pp. 179-186.
ISSN Print: 0894-2684 Online: 1557-9026
Dickinson, P.A., Seville, Peter C.
ORCID: and Taylor, G.
Further Evidence of Extensive Pulmonary First-pass Ester Hydrolysis After Airways Administration in Rats.
Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications, 6 (10).
pp. 441-445.
ISSN Online:2042-7158
Emberlin, Jean, Jaeger, S., Dominguez-Vilches, E., Soldevilla, C.G., Hodal, L., Mandrioli, P., Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Savage, M., Spieksma, F.T.M. and Bartlett, Catherine
Temporal and Georaphical Variations in Grass Pollen Seasons in Areas of Western Europe: an Analysis of Season dates at Sites of the European Pollen Information System.
Aerobiologia, 16 (34).
pp. 373-379.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Emberlin, Jean, Potter, Claire and Mullins, J.
The Use of Image Analysis PM10 Characterisation of Volumetric Air Samples taken in Cardiff since 1956.
Aerobiologia, 16 (1).
pp. 131-135.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Evans, Margaret
Coming Out to be Judged.
The Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling Newsletter.
pp. 5-8.
Fox, K.R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Sharpe, P. and Bell, M.
Assessment of Abdominal Fat Development in Young Adolescents Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
International Journal of Obesity, 24.
pp. 1653-1659.
ISSN Print: 0307-0565 Electronic:1476-5497
Herbert, Rob, Durdan, S.F., Rogers, H.J. and Francis, D.
The Determination Time of the Carpel Whorl Is
Differentially Sensitive to Carbohydrate
Supply in Pharbitis nil.
Plant Physiology, 123.
pp. 189-200.
ISSN Print 0032-0889 Online 1532-2548
Kennedy, Roy, Wakeham, Alison, Byrne, K.G., Meyer, U.M. and Dewy, F.M.
A New Method to Monitor Airborne Inoculum of the Fungal Plant Pathogens Mycosphaerella Brassicicola and Botrytis Cinerea.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66 (7).
pp. 2996-3003.
ISSN Print: 0099-2240 Online: 1098-5336
Koven, Mikel
Have I Got a Monster for You!: Some Thoughts on the Golem, The X-Files and the Jewish Horror Movie.
Folklore, 111 (2).
pp. 217-230.
ISSN 0015-587X
Lewis, Jodie
Upwards at 45 Degrees: the Use of Vertical Caves During the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age on Mendip, Somerset.
Cave Archaeology and Palaeontology Research Archive (CAPRA), 2.
ISSN 1467-8837
Loney, Helen L.
Society and Technological Control: An Argument Against Progress in the Study of Ancient Ceramic Technology.
American Antiquity, 65 (4).
pp. 646-668.
ISSN 0002-7316
Moreland, N., Jawaid, A. and Dhillon, Jaswinder
Quality improvement in the TESOL curriculum: a generic benchmarking approach.
Quality Assurance in Education, 8 (2).
pp. 57-62.
ISSN Print: 0968-4883
Rehmany, A.P., Lynn, J.R., Tör, M.
ORCID:, Holub, E.B. and Beynon, J.
A Comparison of Peronospora parasitica (Downy mildew) Isolates from Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica oleracea Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism and Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 Sequence Analyses.
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 30 (2).
pp. 95-103.
Roberts, Helen and Upton, Dominic
New Mothers' Knowledge of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
British Journal of Midwifery, 8 (3).
pp. 147-150.
ISSN 0969-4900
Seville, Peter C.
ORCID:, Simons, C., Taylor, G. and Dickinson, P.A.
Prodrug to Probe Solution HFA pMDI Formulation and Pulmonary Esterase Activity.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 195 (1-2).
pp. 13-16.
ISSN Print: 0378-5173 Online: 1873-3476
Storey, David
Rural Development: Partnerships, People, Power.
Geographical Viewpoint, 28.
pp. 11-14.
Thomas, S.G. and Upton, Dominic
Expectant Fathers' Attitudes Towards Pregnancy.
British Journal of Midwifery, 8 (4).
pp. 218-221.
ISSN 0969-4900
Upton, Dominic, Ellis, N. and Thompson, P.
Epilepsy and the Family: a Review of Current Literature.
Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy, 9 (1).
pp. 22-30.
Warner, F.E., McCartney, H.A. and Emberlin, Jean
Wind Tunnel Comparison of the Collection Efficiency of Three Hirst-Type Volumetric Sampler Drum Coatings.
Aerobiologia, 16 (1).
pp. 25-28.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Book Section
Bradshaw, Michael
English in the Electronic Age: A World Language?
English II (JWU correspondence course book).
Japan Women's University.
Brooker, Dawn
The Quality of Formal Care Services for People with Dementia.
Older People and their Needs: A multidisciplinary perspective.
Whurr Publications, London, pp. 178-193.
ISBN 1861560834
Loney, Helen L.
The Development of Ceramic Production at Casale Nuovo (Lazio): Identifying the Rise of Complex Society in the Archaeological Record.
The Emergence of State Identities in Italy in the first millennium BC.
Accordia Research Institute, London, pp. 13-30.
ISBN 1 873415 22 2
Webb, Jean
Text Culture And Post-Colonial Children’s Literature: A Comparative Perspective.
Voices of the Other ; Children's Literature and the Postcolonial Context.
Children's Literature and Culture
Garland, New York, pp. 71-88.
ISBN 081533284X
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Traynor, V.
An Evaluation of the Impact of the Calvert Trust Activity Holiday Experience on Extra Care Residents with Dementia.
Project Report.
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford.
Cooper, T. and Evans, Sian
Products to Services.
Project Report.
Friends of the Earth, London.
Hailu, A., Abbot, P., Wood, A. and Dixon, Alan
Understanding Wetlands and their Management: a Guide for Extension.
Technical Report.
Ethiopian Wetlands Research Programme.
Storey, David
ORCID: and Yarwood, R.
Urban-Rural Interdependence.
Project Report.
Centre for Rural Research, University College Worcester.
Conference or Workshop Item
Evans, Nick
The Impact of BSE in Cattle on High-Nature Value Conservation Sites in England.
In: Canadian-American-Anglo-Irish-Antipodean Rural Geography Symposium ‘The New Countryside: Critical Questions for the Future of Rural Regions and Communities’, 11th to 18th July 1999, Nova Scotia Agricultural College.
Storey, David
Continuity and Change in Rural Ireland.
In: Anglo Spanish Symposium on Rural Geography, July 2000, Valladolid, Spain.
Webb, Jean
‘Genre, Culture and Politics in African American Writing for Children’.
In: Research seminar series, March 2000, Cardinal Newman College, Birmingham.
Webb, Jean
‘Voices of Anti-imperialism in Fiction for Children’.
In: Seminar series, Centre for International Research in Children's Literature, October 2000, University of Reading.
Westbury, Duncan
ORCID: and Dunnett, N.P.
The Effect of the Presence of Rhinanthus Minor on the Composition and Productivity of Created Swards on Ex-Arable Land.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 58 - Vegetation Management in Changing Landscapes.
ISSN 0265-1491
Cox, Howard
The Global Cigarette: Origins and Evolution of British American Tobacco, 1880-1945.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 019829221X
Webb, Jean
Text Culture and National Identity in Children’s Literature.
Webb, Jean
Text Culture and National Identity in Children’s Literature: International Seminar on Children's Literature, Pure and Applied, University of Worcester, England June 14-19, 1999. Jean Webb (Editor).
NORDINFO publications: 44
NORDINFO, Helsinki.
ISBN 9525204065
Allnutt, G.V.
Characterisation of a Leafy Homologue, a Gene Regulating Floral Meristem Identity, from the Long Day Plant Silene coeli-rosa.
PhD thesis, Universtiy of Worcester/Cardiff University.
Calvert, B.
The Popular Press, Privatisation and Popular Capitalism in Britain in the 1980s.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Chaplin, S.P.
Farm-Based Recreation in England and Wales.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Clarke, M.H.
Beyond 'Good/Bad Mothering': Understanding the Abortion Decisions of British Women Through a Third World Feminist Standpoint.
Masters thesis, University of Worcester.
Surenkumar, Y.
A Qualitative Study of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) in Worcestershire (UK) and its Applicability to Mumbai (India).
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Bradshaw, Michael
Book Review - Mark Jones, The ‘Lucy Poems’: A Case Study in Literary Knowledge (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1995), pp. xiv+337. £35.75 hardback. 0 8020 0434 2.
Edinburgh University Press.
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