Number of items: 77.
Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID: and Bray, Jennifer
Dementia Carers Count: Evaluation of the Dementia Carer's Support Courses.
Project Report.
Dementia Carers and the University of Worcester, Worcester.
Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID: and Bray, Jennifer
Dementia Carers Count: Looking after the Big Fish. Dementia Carers Count Trainers: Process Report.
Project Report.
Association for Dementia Studies.
Augustus, Joanne, Bold, Justine and Williams, Briony
An Introduction to Mental Health.
SAGE Publications Ltd, London.
ISBN Paperback: 9781526423634 Hardcover: 9781526423627
Augustus, Joanne, Goodall, Dawn and Williams, Briony
Using Transactional Analysis to examine the role of Personal Academic Tutor and its impact on wellbeing?
In: Learning and Teaching Conference 2019: Learning in Partnership, 12th - 13th June 2019, University of Worcester.
Ayling, Peter
Becoming and Being a Play Therapist : Play Therapy in Practice. Edited By Peter Ayling, Harriet Armstrong, Lisa Gordon Clark.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
ISBN 978-I-138-56097-0
Ayling, Peter
Containing feelings and setting limits in play therapy: working with aggression.
Becoming and Being a Play Therapist : Play Therapy in Practice.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 122-136.
ISBN 9781138560970
Ayling, Peter
Looking at the stars: a visual phenomenological study of empathy in social work practice with children.
In: Joint Social Work Education Conference, 9-10 September 2019, Liverpool.
Barrett, Julie
ORCID: and Evans, Simon
Green Dementia Care in Accommodation and Care Settings: a
Literature Review.
Housing, Care and Support, 2 (4).
pp. 193-206.
ISSN 1460-8790
Bray, Jennifer
Permission to Speak: Encouraging Conversations.
Journal of Dementia Care, 27 (2).
pp. 12-13.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Bray, Jennifer
Worcestershire Dementia Dwelling Grants: A Needs-based Scheme for Providing Aids and Adaptations.
In: Midlands Region Housing LIN Meeting, 2nd July 2019, Birmingham.
Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Garabedian, Claire
What is the Evidence for the Activities of Namaste Care? A Rapid Assessment Review.
Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 20 (1).
ISSN Print: 1417-3012 Online: 1741-2684
Bray, Jennifer
ORCID: and Carter, Christine
Competency and critical reflection.
Journal of Dementia Care, 27 (6).
pp. 30-31.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Brooker, Dawn
The Meeting Centre Support Programme UK.
In: Cross Party Group Dementia, 3rd December 2019, Cardiff.
Brooker, Dawn
Reflecting on 10 years of ADS at Worcester.
Journal of Dementia Care, 27 (6).
pp. 12-14.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Burgin, Alice, Blannin, A.K, Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Duncan, Benedict and Holiday, A.
Metabolic health and energy balance responses to an 8-week apparatus-free high-intensity intermittent exercise intervention in inactive, overweight females.
In: International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 18th Annual Meeting, 4th - 7th June 2019, Prague, Czech Republic..
Burton, Madeleine
Suicide and Self-harm: Vulnerable Children and Young People.
Practice Nursing, 30 (5).
pp. 218-223.
ISSN Print: 0964-9271 Online: 2052-2940
Cameron, A., Johnson, E.K., Lloyd, L., Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Smith, R., Porteus, J., Darton, R. and Atkinson, Teresa
Using Longitudinal Qualitative Research to Explore Extra Care Housing.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health & Well-being, 14 (1).
p. 1593038.
ISSN Print: 1748-2623 Online:1748-2631
Carter, Christine and Bray, Jennifer
Developing Critical Reflection and Critical Thinking Skills – Exercises to Encourage Student Engagement.
In: University of Worcester Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, 12th - 13th June 2019, Worcester.
Carter, Christine, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID: and Read, Kate
The Admiral Nurse Competency Framework: Encouraging Engagement and Putting it into Practice.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50 (5).
pp. 205-210.
ISSN Print: 0022-0124 Online: 1938-2472
Causer, Hilary, Muse, Kate
ORCID:, Smith, Jo and Bradley, Eleanor
What is the Experience of Practitioners in Health, Education or Social Care Roles Following a Death by Suicide? A Qualitative Research Synthesis.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (18).
ISSN 1660-4601
Charney, A.W., Stahl, E., Green, E., Chen, C., Moran, J.L., Chambert, K., Belliveau, R., Forty, L., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Lee, P., Bromet, E.J., Buckley, P.F., Escamilla, M.A., Fanous, A., Fochtmann, L.J., Lehrer, D.S., Malaspina, D., Marder, S.R., Morley, C.P., Nicolini, H., Perkins, P., Rakofsky, J.J., Rapaport, M.H., Medeiros, H., Sobell, J., Backlund, L., Bergen, S.E., Juréus, A., Schalling, M., Lichtenstein, P., Knowles, J.A., Burdick, K., Jones, I., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Hultman, C., Perlis, R., Purcell, P., McCarroll, S.A., Pato, C., Pato, M., Di Florio, A., Craddock, N., Landén, M., Smoller, J., Ruderfer, D.M. and Sklar, P.
Contribution of Rare Copy Number Variants to Bipolar Disorder Risk is Limited to Schizoaffective Cases.
Biological Psychiatry, 86 (2).
pp. 110-119.
ISSN Online: 0006-3223
Cousins, E., Tischler, V., Garabedian, Claire and Dening, T.
Principles and Features to Define and Describe Arts Interventions for People with Dementia: a Qualitative Realist Study.
Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 11 (3).
pp. 202-218.
ISSN 1753-3015 Online: 1753-3023
Cross-Disorder Working Group, of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Perry, Amy
Genomic relationships, novel loci, and pleiotropic mechanisms across eight psychiatric disorders.
Cell, 179 (7).
ISSN 0092-8674 ESSN: 1097-4172
Danielsen, L.D., Giske, R., Peters, D.M.
ORCID: and Høigaard, R.
Athletes as ‘Cultural Architects’: A Qualitative Analysis of Elite Coaches` Perceptions of Highly Influential Soccer Players.
The Sport Psychologist, 33 (4).
pp. 313-322.
ISSN Print: 0888-4781 Online: 1543-2793
Drange, O.K., Smeland, O.B., Shadrin, A.A., Finseth, P.I., Witoelar, A., Frei, O., Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Bipolar Disorder Working Group, Wang, Y., Hassani, S., Djurovic, S., Dale, A.M., Andreassen, O.A., Stahl, E.A., Breen, G., Forstner, A.J., McQuillin, A., Ripke, S., Trubetskoy, V., Mattheisen, M., Wang, Y., Coleman, J.R.I., Gaspar, H.A., de Leeuw, C.A., Steinberg, S., Whitehead Pavlides, J.M., Trzaskowski, M., Pers, T.H., Holmans, P.A., Abbott, L., Agerbo, E., Akil, H., Albani, D., Alliey-Rodriguez, N., Als, T.D., Anjorin, A., Antilla, V., Awasthi, S., Badner, J.A., Bækvad-Hansen, M., Barchas, J.D., Bass, N., Bauer, M., Belliveau, R., Bergen, S.E., Pedersen, C.B., Bøen, E., Boks, M., Boocock, J., Budde, M., Bunney, W., Burmeister, M., Bybjerg-Grauholm, J., Byerley, W., Casas, M., Cerrato, F., Cervantes, P., Chambert, K., Charney, A.W., Chen, D., Churchhouse, C., Clarke, T.K., Coryell, W., Craig, D.W., Cruceanu, C., Curtis, D., Czerski, P.M., Dale, A.M., de Jong, S., Degenhardt, F., Del-Favero, J., DePaulo, J.R., Djurovic, S., Dobbyn, A.L., Dumont, A., Elvsåshagen, T., Escott-Price, V., Fan, C.C., Fischer, S.B., Flickinger, M., Foroud, T.M., Forty, L., Frank, J., Fraser, C., Freimer, N.B., Friseìn, L., Gade, K., Gage, D., Garnham, J., Giambartolomei, C., Pedersen, M.G., Goldstein, J., Gordon, S.D., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Green, E.K., Green, M.J., Greenwood, T.A., Grove, J., Guan, W., Parra, J.G., Hamshere, M.L., Hautzinger, M., Heilbronner, U., Herms, S., Hipolito, M., Hoffmann, P., Holland, D., Huckins, L., Jamain, S., Johnson, J.S., Jureìus, A., Kandaswamy, R., Karlsson, R., Kennedy, J.L., Kittel-Schneider, S., Knott, S.V., Knowles, J.A., Kogevinas, M., Koller, A.C., Kupka, R., Lavebratt, C., Lawrence, J., Lawson, W.B., Leber, M., Lee, P.H., Levy, S.E., Li, J.Z., Liu, C., Lucae, S., Maaser, A., MacIntyre, D.J., Mahon, P.B., Maier, W., Martinsson, L., McCarroll, S., McGuffin, P., McInnis, M.G., McKay, J.D., Medeiros, H., Medland, S.E., Meng, F., Milani, L., Montgomery, G.W., Morris, D.W., Mühleisen, T.W., Mullins, N., Nguyen, H., Nievergelt, C.M., Adolfsson, A.N., Nwulia, E.A., O'Donovan, C., Loohuis, L.M.O., Ori, A.P.S., Oruc, L., Ösby, U., Perlis, R.H., Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Pfennig, A., Potash, J.B., Purcell, S.M., Regeer, E.J., Reif, A., Reinbold, C.S., Rice, J.P., Rivas, F., Rivera, M., Roussos, P., Ruderfer, D.M., Ryu, E., Saìnchez-Mora, C., Schatzberg, A.F., Scheftner, W.A., Schork, N.J., Weickert, C.S., Shehktman, T., Shilling, P.D., Sigurdsson, E., Slaney, C., Smeland, O.B., Sobell, J.L., Hansen, C.S., Spijker, A.T., St Clair, D., Steffens, M., Strauss, J.S., Streit, F., Strohmaier, J., Szelinger, S., Thompson, R.C., Thorgeirsson, T.E., Treutlein, J., Vedder, H., Wang, W., Watson, S.J., Weickert, T.W., Witt, S.H., Xi, S., Xu, W., Young, A.H., Zandi, P., Zhang, P., Zollner, S., Adolfsson, R., Agartz, I., Alda, M., Backlund, L., Baune, B.T., Bellivier, F., Berrettini, W.H., Biernacka, J.M., Blackwood, D.H.R., Boehnke, M., Børglum, A.D., Corvin, A., Craddock, N., Daly, M.J., Dannlowski, U., Esko, T., Etain, B., Frye, M., Fullerton, J.M., Gershon, E.S., Gill, M., Goes, F., Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M., Hauser, J., Hougaard, D.M., Hultman, C.M., Jones, I., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Kahn, R.S., Kirov, G., Landeìn, M., Leboyer, M., Lewis, C.M., Li, Q.S., Lissowska, J., Martin, N.G., Mayoral, F., McElroy, S.L., McIntosh, A.M., McMahon, F.J., Melle, I., Metspalu, A., Mitchell, P.B., Morken, G., Mors, O., Mortensen, P.B., Müller-Myhsok, B., Myers, R.M., Neale, B.M., Nimgaonkar, V., Nordentoft, M., Nöthen, M.M., O'Donovan, M.C., Oedegaard, K.J., Owen, M.J., Paciga, S.A., Pato, C., Pato, M.T., Posthuma, D., Ramos-Quiroga, J.A., Ribasés, M., Rietschel, M., Rouleau, G.A., Schalling, M., Schofield, P.R., Schulze, T.G., Serretti, A., Smoller, J.W., Stefansson, H., Stefansson, K., Stordal, E., Sullivan, P.F., Turecki, G., Vaaler, A.E., Vieta, E., Vincent, J.B., Werge, T., Nurnberger, J.I., Wray, N.R., Florio, A.D., Edenberg, H.J., Cichon, S., Ophoff, R.A., Scott, L.J., Andreassen, O.A., Kelsoe, J. and Sklar, P.
Genetic Overlap Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Bipolar Disorder Implicates the MARK2 and VAC14 Genes.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13.
Article 220.
ISSN Online: 1662-453X
Evans, Simon
ORCID: and Atkinson, Teresa
‘You Have Got To Stick To Your Times’: Care Workers and Managers’ Experiences of Working in Extra Care Housing.
Health and Social Care in the Community, 28 (2).
pp. 396-403.
ISSN Online: 1365-2524
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Barrett, Julie
ORCID:, Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID:, Garabedian, Claire and Russell, Christopher
Connections With Nature For People Living With Dementia.
Working with Older People, 23 (3).
pp. 142-151.
ISSN Print: 1366-3666, Online: 2042-8790
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Garabedian, Claire
ORCID:, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID: and Gray, Karen
Challenges and enablers for creative arts practice in care homes.
Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 10 (3).
pp. 333-345.
ISSN Print: 2040-2457 Online: 2040-2465
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Garabedian, Claire, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID: and Gray, Karen
Mentoring and Peer Support as Facilitators of Arts-based Practice in Care Homes.
Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 10 (2).
ISSN Print: 2040-2457 Online: 2040-2465
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Garabedian, Claire, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Kennard, R. and Herz, Michal
Evaluation of Active Minds Activity Kits in Care Homes.
Journal of Dementia Care, 27 (2).
pp. 22-25.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Waller, Sarah, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID: and Atkinson, Teresa
Making Homes More Dementia-Friendly through the
Use of Aids and Adaptations.
Healthcare, 7 (1).
ISSN 2227-9032
Francis, John
ORCID:, Owen, A. and Peters, D.M.
Making Every "Point" Count: Identifying the Key Determinants of Team Success in Elite Men’s Wheelchair Basketball.
Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
p. 1431.
ISSN Online: 1664-1078
Francis, John
ORCID:, Owen, A. and Peters, D.M.
A New Reliable Performance Analysis Template for Quantifying Action Variables in Elite Men’s Wheelchair Basketball.
Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
ISSN Online: 1664-1078
Funnell, L., Garriock, I., Shirley, B.G. and Williamson, Tracey
Dementia-friendly Design of Television News Broadcasts.
Journal of Enabling Technologies, 13 (3).
pp. 137-149.
ISSN 2398-6263
Gasumova, S. and Porter, Lisa
Issues and Prospects of Robotization in the Social Field.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference on New Industrialization: Global, National, Regional Dimension (SICNI 2018).
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 240
Atlantis Press, Paris, France, pp. 39-44.
ISBN 978-94-6252-654-9
Gasumova, S. and Porter, Lisa
Robotization of the social sphere.
Sociology of Science & Technology, 10 (1).
pp. 79-94.
ISSN Print: 2079-0910 Online: 2414-9225
Gee, B., Hodgekins, J., Lavis, A., Notley, C., Birchwood, M., Everard, L., Freemantle, N., Jones, P.B., Singh, S.P., Amos, T., Marshall, M., Sharma, V., Smith, Jo and Fowler, D.
Lived-Experiences of Negative Symptoms in First-Episode Psychosis: A Qualitative Secondary Analysis.
Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13 (4).
pp. 773-779.
ISSN 1751-7885 Online: 1751-7893
Gilbert, Beverley
ORCID: and Compagno, E.
Peer Mentoring: Women Survivors of Domestic Violence.
In: 3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence, 1st - 4th September 2019, Oslo, Norway.
Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Saunders, K., Geddes, J.R., Harrison, P.J., Hinds, C., Craddock, N., Jones, I. and Jones, Lisa
Large-scale Roll Out of Electronic Longitudinal Mood-Monitoring for Research in Affective Disorders: Report From the UK Bipolar Disorder Research Network.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 246.
789 - 793.
ISSN 0165-0327
Grant, Terri
Using Technology Enhanced Learning to Promote the Acquisition of Practical Skills in Occupational Therapy.
Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 3 (2).
Article 12.
ISSN 2573-1378
Gregory, P., Lodge, S., Paget, S. and Kilner, Tim
Accuracy of ECG Lead Placement by UK Paramedics.
In: 999 EMS Research Forum Annual Conference: Advancing Patient Care: Taking Research to the Front Line, 1st - 2nd April 2019, Birmingham.
Harper, Philip
Case Management Dementia Care: United Kingdom and Europe.
Professional Case Management, 24 (3).
pp. 167-172.
ISSN 1932-8087
Harper, Philip
How healthcare professionals can support older LGBTQ+ people living with dementia.
Nursing Older People, 31 (5).
pp. 16-21.
ISSN Print: 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941
Jacobson-Wright, Nicola, Latham, Isabelle
ORCID: and Frost, Faith
Guidance for Care Homes - Implementing Namaste Care.
Project Report.
University of Worcester, Worcester.
Knocker, S., Heath, H., Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Edwards, P. and Rayner, V.
If the UK leaves the EU as planned on 31 October - deal or no deal - what will be the major challenge facing dementia care?
Journal of Dementia Care, 27 (5).
pp. 10-11.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Latham, Isabelle
What works is what matters: An ethnographic study of how care workers in care homes learn to care for people living with dementia.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Mahoney, Berenice
ORCID:, Bradley, Eleanor
ORCID:, Walklet, Elaine and O'Hickey, S.
‘I haven’t said goodbye to my kids’.
The Psychologist, 32.
pp. 42-45.
ISSN 0952-8229
Mauro-Bracken, Lisa
Cultivating Change for Inclusive Practice: Creating a Community of Learners.
In: University of Worcester Learning and Teaching Conference, 12 and 13 June 2019, University of Worcester.
Mauro-Bracken, Lisa
Cultivating Culture Change: A Department Wide Journey.
In: AHEAD Journey to Oz Travelling Together Towards Inclusive Education, 20 and 21 March 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
Mays, B.
ORCID:, Gregory, P.
ORCID:, Sudron, C.
ORCID: and Kilner, Tim
Awareness of CPR-Induced Consciousness by UK Paramedics.
British Paramedic Journal, 4 (1).
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 1478-4726
McAuliffe, T., Thomas, Yvonne
ORCID:, Vaz, S., Falkmer, T. and Cordier, R.
The Experiences of Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Managing Family Routines and Mothers' Health and Wellbeing.
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66 (1).
pp. 68-76.
ISSN 0045-0766 Online: 1440-1630
Meadows, S., Smith, Gordon and Vaswani, R.
Physiotherapist Survey: Increasing Thoracic Spine Movement Within the Management of Chronic Subacromial Impingement Syndrome.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 24 (1).
pp. 93-99.
ISSN 1360-8592
Morton, Thomas
ORCID:, Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID:, Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Wong, G., Evans, Shirley and Kennard, Clive
Sustainability of Community-based Interventions for People Affected by Dementia: a Protocol for the SCI-Dem Realist Review.
BMJ Open, 9 (7).
ISSN Online: 2044-6055
Mullins, N., Bigdeli, T.B., Børglum, A.D., Coleman, J.R.I., Demontis, D., Mehta, D., Power, R.A., Ripke, S., Stahl, E.A., Starnawska, A., Anjorin, A., Corvin, A., Sanders, A.R., Forstner, A.J., Reif, A., Koller, A.C., Świątkowska, B., Baune, B.T., Müller-Myhsok, B., Konte, B., Penninx, B.W.J.H., Pato, C., Zai, C., Rujescu, D., Hougaard, D.M., Quested, D., Levinson, D.F., Binder, E.B., Byrne, E.M., Agerbo, E., Streit, F., Mayoral, F., Bellivier, F., Dehenhardt, F., Breen, G., Morken, G., Turecki, G., Rouleau, G.A., Grabe, H.J., Völzke, H., Jones, I., Giegling, I., Agartz, I., Melle, I., Lawrence, J., Potash, J.B., Walters, J.T.R., Strohmaier, J., Shi, J., Hauser, J., Biernacka, J.M., Vincent, J.B., Kelsoe, J., Strauss, J.S., Lissowska, J., Pimm, J.W., Smoller, J., Parra, J.G., Berger, K., Scott, L.J., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Azevedo, M.H., Trzaskowski, M., Kogevinas, M., Rietschel, M., Boks, M., Ising, M., Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M., Hamshere, M.L., Leboyer, M., Frye, M., Nöthen, M.M., Alda, M., Preisig, M., Nordentoft, M., Boehnke, M., O'Donovan, M.C., Owen, M.J., Pato, M.T., Renteria, M., Budde, M., Weissman, M.M., Wray, N.R., Bass, N., Craddock, N., Smeland, O.B., Andreassen, O.A., Mors, O., Gejman, P.V., Sklar, P., McGrath, P., Hoffman, P., McGuffin, P., Lee, P.H., Mortensen, P.B., Kahn, R.S., Ophoff, R.A., Adolfsson, R., Van der Auwera, S., Djurovic, S., Shyn, S.I., Kloiber, S., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Jamain, S., Hamilton, S.P., McElroy, S.L., Lucae, S., Cichon, S., Schulze, T.G., Hansen, T., Werge, T., Air, T.M., Nimgaonkar, V., Appadurai, V., Cahn, W., Milaneschi, Y., Kendler, K.S., Fanous, A.H., McQuillin, A. and Lewis, C.M.
GWAS of Suicide Attempt in Psychiatric Disorders Identifies Association With Major Depression Polygenic Risk Scores.
The American Journal of Psychiatry, 176 (8).
pp. 651-660.
ISSN Print: 0002-953X Online: 1535-7228
Musiat, P., Ebert, D., Dooley, B., Whitt, E., Troop, N., Schmidt, U., Adamcik, T., Nitsch, M., Vinyard, Chantal, Zeiler, M., Bonin, E., Goerlich, D., Tressler, R., Gordon, G., Wagner, G., Dodd, A, Karwautz, A., Jacobi, C., Spencer, L., Harrison, A., Smith, Jo, Haselgrove, M., Potterton, R., Sharpe, H., Waldherr, K., Beecham, J. and Kuso, S.
Web-based Indicated Prevention of Common Mental Disorder in University Students in Four European Countries - Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial.
Internet Interventions, 16.
pp. 35-42.
ISSN 2214-7829
Musliner, K.L., Mortensen, P.B., McGrath, J.J., Suppli, N.P., Hougaard, D.M., Bybjerg-Grauholm, J., Bækvad-Hansen, M., Andreassen, O.A., Pedersen, C.B., Pedersen, M.G., Mors, O., Nordentoft, M., Børglum, A.D., Werge, T., Agerbo, E., Stahl, E.A., Breen, G., Forstner, A.J., McQuillin, A., Ripke, S., Trubetskoy, V., Mattheisen, M., Wang, Y., Coleman, J.R., Gaspar, H.A., de Leeuw, C.A., Steinberg, S., Whitehead Pavlides, J.M., Trzaskowski, M., Pers, T.H., Holmans, P.A., Abbott, L., Agerbo, E., Akil, H., Albani, D., Alliey-Rodriguez, N., Als, T.D., Anjorin, A., Antilla, V., Awasthi, S., Badner, J.A., Etzekvad-Hansen, M., Barchas, J.D., Bass, N., Bauer, M., Belliveau, R., Bergen, S.E., Pedersen, C.B., Bøen, E., Boks, M., Boocock, J., Budde, M., Bunney, W., Burmeister, M., Bybjerg-Grauholm, J., Byerley, W., Casas, M., Cerrato, F., Cervantes, P., Chambert, K., Chamey, A.W., Chen, D., Churchhouse, C., Clarke, T.K., Coryell, W., Craig, D.W., Cruceanu, C., Curtis, D., Czerski, P.M., Dale, A.M., de Jong, S., Degenhardt, F., Del-Favero, J., DePaulo, J.R., Djurovic, S., Dobbyn, A.L., Dumont, A., Elvsåshagen, T., Escott-Price, V., Fan, C.C., Fischer, S.B., Flickinger, M., Foroud, T.M., Forty, L., Frank, J., Fraser, C., Freimer, N.B., Frisen, L., Gade, K., Gage, D., Garnham, J., Giambartolmei, C., Pedersen, M.G., Goldstein, J., Gordon, S.D., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Green, E.K., Green, M.J., Greenwood, T.A., Grove, J., Guan, W., Parra, J.G., Hamshere, M.L., Hautzinger, M., Heilbronner, U., Herms, S., Hipolito, M., Hoffmann, P., Holland, D., Huckins, L., Jamain, S., Johnson, J.S., Juréus, A., Kandaswamy, R., Karlsson, R., Kennedy, J.L., Kittel-Schneider, S., Knott, Sarah, Knowles, J.A., Kogevinas, M., Koller, A.C., Kupka, R., Lavebratt, C., Lawrence, J., Lawson, W.B., Leber, M., Lee, P.H., Levy, S.E., Li, J.Z., Liu, C., Lucae, S., Maaser, A., MacIntyre, D.J., Mahon, P.B., Maier, W., Martinsson, L., McCarroll, S., McGuffin, P., McInnis, M.G., McKay, J.D., Medeiros, H., Medland, S.E., Meng, F., Milani, L., Montgomery, G.W., Morris, D.W., Muehleisen, T.W., Mullins, N., Nguyen, H., Nievergelt, C.M., Adolfsson, A.N., Nwulia, E.A., O'Donovan, C., Loohuis, L.M.O., Ori, A.P.S., Oruc, L., Osby, U., Perlis, R.H., Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Pfennig, A., Potash, J.B., Purcell, S.M., Regeer, E.J., Reif, A., Reinbold, C.S., Rice, J.P., Rivas, F., Rivera, M., Roussos, P., Ruderfer, D.M., Ryu, E., Sánchez-Mora, C., Schatzberg, A.F., Scheftner, W.A., Schork, N.J., Weickert, C.S., Shehktman, T., Shilling, P.D., Sigurdsson, E., Slaney, C., Smeland, O.B., Sobell, J.L., Hansen, C.S., Spijker, A.T., St Clair, D., Steffens, M., Strauss, J.S., Streit, F., Strohmaier, J., Szelinger, S., Thompson, R.C., Thorgeirsson, T.E., Treutlein, J., Vedder, H., Wang, W., Watson, S.J., Weickert, T.W., Witt, S.H., Xi, S., Xu, W., Young, A.H., Zandi, P., Zhang, P., Zollner, S., Agartz, I., Aida, M., Backlund, L., Baune, B.T., Bellivier, F., Berrettini, W.H., Biernacka, J.M., Blackwood, D.H.R., Boehnke, M., Berglum, A.D., Corvin, A., Craddock, N., Daly, M.J., Dannlowski, U., Esko, T., Etain, B., Frye, M., Fullerton, J.M., Gershon, E.S., Goes, F., Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M., Hauser, J., Hougaard, D.M., Hultman, C.M., Jones, I., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Kahn, R.S., Kirov, G., Landén, M., Leboyer, M., Lewis, C.M., Li, Q.S., Lissowska, J., Martin, N.G., Mayoral, F., McElroy, S.L., McIntosh, A.M., McMahon, F.J., Melle, I., Metspalu, A., Mitchell, P.B., Morken, G., Mors, O., Mortensen, P.B., Müller-Myhsok, B., Myers, R.M., Neale, B.M., Nimgaonkar, V., Nordentoft, M., Noethen, M.M., O'Donovan, M.C., Oedegaard, K.J., Owen, M., Paciga, S.A., Pato, C., Pato, M.T., Posthuma, D., Ramos-Quiroga, J.A., Ribasés, M., Rietschel, M., Rouleau, G.A., Schalling, M., Schofield, P.R., Schulze, T.G., Serretti, A., Smoller, J.W., Stefansson, H., Stefansson, K., Stordal, E., Sullivan, P.F., Turecki, G., Vaaler, A.E., Ieta, E., Vincent, J.B., Werge, T., Nurnberger, J., Wray, N.R., Di Florio, A., Edenberg, H.J., Cichon, S., Ophoff, R.A., Scott, L.J., Andreassen, O.A., Kelsoe, J. and Sklar, P.
Association of Polygenic Liabilities for Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia With Risk for Depression in the Danish Population.
JAMA Psychiatry, 76 (5).
pp. 516-525.
ISSN Print: 2168-622X Online: 2168-6238
Nehring, D. and Sealey, Clive
Intimate Citizenship and the Tightening of Migration Controls in the United Kingdom.
Social Policy and Administration.
ISSN Online: 1467-9515
Nyatanga, Brian
Researching Vulnerable Populations (Editorial).
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 25 (8).
p. 367.
ISSN Print: 1357-6321 Online: 2052-286X
Parkhill, Ian and Wall, Kay
The Journey to Care – Reflections of a Service User.
Disability & Society, 35 (3).
pp. 506-510.
ISSN Print 0968-7599 Online 1360-0508
Perry, Amy
Investigating risk factors for postpartum psychosis in bipolar disorder.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Webb, I., Fone, E., Di Florio, A., Craddock, N., Jones, I. and Jones, Lisa
Postpartum psychosis in bipolar disorder:
no evidence of association with personality
traits, cognitive style or affective
BMC Psychiatry, 19.
Article no. 395.
ISSN 1471-244X
Pettersson, E., Lichtenstein, P., Larsson, H., Song, J., Hyperactivity Disorder Working Group of the iPSYCH-Broad-PGC Con, Autism Spectrum Disorder Working Group of the iPSYCH-Broad-PGC, Bipolar Disorder Working Group, of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Eating Disorder Working Group of the PGC, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders & Tourette Syndrome Working Group, Schizophrenia CLOZUK, Substance Use Disorder Working Group of the PGC, Agrawal, A., Børglum, A.D., Bulik, C., Daly, M.J., Davis, L., Demontis, D., Edenberg, H.J., Grove, J., Gelernter, J., Neale, B.M., Pardiñas, A., Stahl, E., Walters, J., Sullivan, P., Posthuma, D. and Polderman, T.
Genetic Influences on Eight Psychiatric
Disorders Based on Family Data of 4 408 646 Full
and Half-siblings, and Genetic Data of 333 748
Cases and Controls.
Psychological Medicine, 49 (7).
pp. 1166-1173.
ISSN Print:0033-2917 Online: 1469-8978
Pyle, M., Broome, M.R., Joyce, E., MacLennan, G., Norrie, J., Freeman, D., Fowler, D., Haddad, P.M., Shiers, D., Hollis, C., Smith, Jo, Liew, A., Byrne, R.E., French, P., Peters, S., Hudson, J., Davies, L., Emsley, R., Yung, A., Birchwood, M., Longden, E. and Morrison, A.P.
Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of CBT vs Antipsychotics vs Both in 14–18-year-olds: Managing Adolescent First Episode Psychosis: a Feasibility Study (MAPS).
Trials, 20 (395).
ISSN 1745-6215
Rooney, Joy
ORCID:, Unwin, Peter
ORCID: and Shah, Prag
Keeping Us Grounded: Academic Staff Perceptions of Service User and Carer Involvement in Health and Social Work Training.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43 (7).
pp. 929-941.
ISSN 0309-877X Online: 1469-9486
Serra, Francesca
ORCID:, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Fraser, C., Di Florio, A., Craddock, N., Jones, I. and Jones, Lisa
Agitated Depression in Bipolar Disorder.
Bipolar Disorders, 21 (6).
pp. 547-555.
ISSN Print: 1398-5647, Online: 1399-5618
Smeeth, D.M., Dima, D., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Jones, I., Craddock, N., Owen, M.J., Rietschel, M., Maier, W., Korszun, A., Rice, J.P., Mors, O., Preisig, M., Uher, R., Lewis, C.M., Thuret, S. and Powell, T.R.
Polygenic Risk for Circulating Reproductive Hormone Levels and Their Influence on Hippocampal Volume and Depression Susceptibility.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106.
pp. 284-292.
ISSN 0306-4530
Sommer, M., Finlay, L., Ness, O., Borg, M. and Blank, Alison
“Nourishing Communion”: A Less Recognized Dimension of Support For Young Persons Facing Mental Health Challenges?
The Humanistic Psychologist, 47 (4).
pp. 381-403.
ISSN Print: 0887-3267 Online: 1547-3333
Stahl, E.A., Breen, G., Forstner, A.J., McQuillin, A., Ripke, S., Trubetskoy, V., Mattheisen, M., Wang, Y., Coleman, J.R.I., Gaspar, H.A., de Leeuw, C.A., Steinberg, S., Whitehead Pavlides, J.M., Trzaskowski, M., Byrne, E.M., Pers, T.H., Holmans, P.A., Richards, A.L., Abbott, L., Agerbo, E., Akil, H., Albani, D., Alliey-Rodriguez, N., Als, T.D., Anjorin, A., Antilla, V., Awasthi, S., Badner, J.A., Bækvad-Hansen, M., Barchas, J.D., Bass, N., Bauer, M., Belliveau, R., Bergen, S.E., Pedersen, C.B., Bøen, E., Boks, M., Boocock, J., Budde, M., Bunney, W., Burmeister, M., Bybjerg-Grauholm, J., Byerley, W., Casas, M., Cerrato, F., Cervantes, P., Chambert, K., Charney, A.W., Chen, D., Churchhouse, C., Clarke, T.K., Coryell, W., Craig, D.W., Cruceanu, C., Curtis, D., Czerski, P.M., Dale, A.M., de Jong, S., Degenhardt, F., Del-Favero, J., DePaulo, J.R., Djurovic, S., Dobbyn, A.L., Dumont, A., Elvsåshagen, T., Escott-Price, V., Fan, C.C., Fischer, S.B., Flickinger, M., Foroud, T.M., Forty, L., Frank, J., Fraser, C., Freimer, N.B., Frisén, L., Gade, K., Gage, D., Garnham, J., Giambartolomei, C., Pedersen, M.G., Goldstein, J., Gordon, S.D., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Green, E.K., Green, M.J., Greenwood, T.A., Grove, J., Guan, W., Guzman-Parra, J., Hamshere, M.L., Hautzinger, M., Heilbronner, U., Herms, S., Hipolito, M., Hoffmann, P., Holland, D., Huckins, L., Jamain, S., Johnson, J.S., Juréus, A., Kandaswamy, R., Karlsson, R., Kennedy, J.L., Kittel-Schneider, S., Knowles, J.A., Kogevinas, M., Koller, A.C., Kupka, R., Lavebratt, C., Lawrence, J., Lawson, W.B., Leber, M., Lee, P.H., Levy, S.E., Li, J.Z., Liu, C., Lucae, S., Maaser, A., MacIntyre, D.J., Mahon, P.B., Maier, W., Martinsson, L., McCarroll, S., McGuffin, P., McInnis, M.G., McKay, J.D., Medeiros, H., Medland, S.E., Meng, F., Milani, L., Montgomery, G.W., Morris, D.W., Mühleisen, T.W., Mullins, N., Nguyen, H., Nievergelt, C.M., Adolfsson, A.N., Nwulia, E.A., O'Donovan, C., Loohuis, L.M.O., Ori, A.P.S., Oruc, L., Ösby, U., Perlis, R.H., Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Pfennig, A., Potash, J.B., Purcell, S.M., Regeer, E.J., Reif, A., Reinbold, C.S., Rice, J.P., Rivas, F., Rivera, M., Roussos, P., Ruderfer, D.M., Ryu, E., Sánchez-Mora, C., Schatzberg, A.F., Scheftner, W.A., Schork, N.J., Shannon Weickert, C., Shehktman, T., Shilling, P.D., Sigurdsson, E., Slaney, C., Smeland, O.B., Sobell, J.L., Søholm Hansen, C., Spijker, A.T., St Clair, D., Steffens, M., Strauss, J.S., Streit, F., Strohmaier, J., Szelinger, S., Thompson, R.C., Thorgeirsson, T.E., Treutlein, J., Vedder, H., Wang, W., Watson, S.J., Weickert, T.W., Witt, S.H., Xi, S., Xu, W., Young, A.H., Zandi, P., Zhang, P., Zöllner, S., Adolfsson, R., Agartz, I., Alda, M., Backlund, L., Baune, B.T., Bellivier, F., Berrettini, W.H., Biernacka, J.M., Blackwood, D.H.R., Boehnke, M., Børglum, A.D., Corvin, A., Craddock, N., Daly, M.J., Dannlowski, U., Esko, T., Etain, B., Frye, M., Fullerton, J.M., Gershon, E.S., Gill, M., Goes, F., Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M., Hauser, J., Hougaard, D.M., Hultman, C.M., Jones, I., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Kahn, R.S., Kirov, G., Landén, M., Leboyer, M., Lewis, C.M., Li, Q.S., Lissowska, J., Martin, N.G., Mayoral, F., McElroy, S.L., McIntosh, A.M., McMahon, F.J., Melle, I., Metspalu, A., Mitchell, P.B., Morken, G., Mors, O., Mortensen, P.B., Müller-Myhsok, B., Myers, R.M., Neale, B.M., Nimgaonkar, V., Nordentoft, M., Nöthen, M.M., O'Donovan, M.C., Oedegaard, K.J., Owen, M.J., Paciga, S.A., Pato, C., Pato, M.T., Posthuma, D., Ramos-Quiroga, J.A., Ribasés, M., Rietschel, M., Rouleau, G.A., Schalling, M., Schofield, P.R., Schulze, T.G., Serretti, A., Smoller, J.W., Stefansson, H., Stefansson, K., Stordal, E., Sullivan, P.F., Turecki, G., Vaaler, A.E., Vieta, E., Vincent, J.B., Werge, T., Nurnberger, J.I., Wray, N.R., Di Florio, A., Edenberg, H.J., Cichon, S., Ophoff, R.A., Scott, L.J., Andreassen, O.A., Kelsoe, J. and Sklar, P.
Genome-wide Association Study Identifies 30 Loci Associated with Bipolar Disorder.
Nature Genetics, 51 (5).
pp. 793-803.
ISSN Online: 1546-1718
Thomas, Yvonne
ORCID: and Penman, M.
World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Standard For 1000 Hours of Practice Placement: Informed by Tradition or Evidence?
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 82 (1).
pp. 3-4.
ISSN Print: 0308-0226 Online: 1477-6006
Thomas, Yvonne
ORCID:, Seedhouse, D., Peutherer, V. and McLoughlin, M.
An Empirical Investigation Into the Role of Values in Occupational Therapy Decision-making.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 82 (6).
pp. 357-366.
ISSN Print: 0308-0226 Online: 1477-6006
Tischler, V., Schneider, J., Morgner, C., Crawford, P., Dening, T., Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Garabedian, Claire, Myers, T., Early, F., Shaughnessy, N., Innes, A., Duncan, K., Prashar, A., McDermott, O., Coaten, R., Eland, D. and Harvey, K.
Stronger Together: Learning from an Interdisciplinary Dementia, Arts & Wellbeing Network (DA&WN).
Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 11 (3).
pp. 272-277.
ISSN 1753-3015 Online: 1753-3023
Trzaskowski, M., Mehta, D., Peyrot, W., Hawkes, D., Davies, D., Howard, D.M., Kemper, K.E., Sidorenko, J., Maier, R., Ripke, S., Mattheisen, M., Baune, B.T., Grabe, H.J., Heath, A.C., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Jones, I., Madden, P.A.F., McIntosh, A.M., Breen, G., Lewis, C.M., Børglum, A.D., Sullivan, P.F., Martin, N.G., Kendler, K.S., Levinson, D.F., Wray, N.R. and Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
Quantifying Between-Cohort and Between-Sex Genetic Heterogeneity in Major Depressive Disorder.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 180 (6).
pp. 439-447.
ISSN Online: 1552-485X
Waller, Sarah
Good design for people with dementia in hospital.
Journal of Dementia Care, 27 (3).
pp. 32-35.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Watkins, J., Straughton, Kate and King, N.
There is no 'I' in team but there may be a PA.
Future Healthcare Journal, 6 (3).
pp. 177-180.
ISSN Print: 2514-6645, Online: 2514-6653
Williamson, Tracey
A pocket guide to understanding Alzheimer's disease and other dementias (Book Review).
Hawker Publications Ltd.
Wolverson, E., Birtles, H., Moniz-Cook, E., James, I., Brooker, Dawn
ORCID: and Duffy, F.
Naming and Framing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Paradigm: Professional Stakeholder Perspectives.
OBM Geriatrics, 3 (4).
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2638-1311
Zhang, X., Abdellaoui, A., Rucker, J., de Jong, S., Potash, J.B., Weissman, M.M., Shi, J., Knowles, J.A., Pato, C., Pato, M., Sobell, J., Smit, J.H., Hottenga, J-J., de Geus, E.J.C., Lewis, C.M., Buttenschøn, H.N., Craddock, N., Jones, I., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, McGuffin, P., Mors, O., Owen, M.J., Preisig, M., Rietschel, M., Rice, J.P., Rivera, M., Uher, R., Gejman, P.V., Sanders, A.R., Boomsma, D., Penninx, B.W.J.H., Breen, G. and Levinson, D.F.
Genome-wide Burden of Rare Short Deletions is Enriched in Major Depressive Disorder in Four Cohorts.
Biological Psychiatry, 85 (12).
pp. 1065-1073.
ISSN Online: 0006-3223
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