Number of items: 65.
Allardyce, J., Leonenko, G., Hamshere, M.L., Pardiñas, A., Forty, L., Knott, Sarah, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Porteus, D., Haywood, C., Di Florio, A., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, McIntosh, A., Owen, M., Holmans, P., Walters, J., Craddock, N., Jones, I., O'Donovan, M.C. and Escott-Price, V.
Association Between Schizophrenia-Related Polygenic Liability and the Occurrence and Level of Mood-Incongruent Psychotic Symptoms in Bipolar Disorder.
JAMA Psychiatry, 75 (1).
pp. 28-35.
ISSN Print: 2168-622X Online: 2168-6238
Ayling, Peter
‘Swimming in darkness’ – a phenomenological study exploring social workers’ lived experience of emotion within their work with children.
In: European Social Work Research Conference, 9-12.04.22, Leuven, Belgium.
Bipolar Disorder Working Group, of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Schizophrenia Working Group of the PGC, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Perry, Amy
Genomic Dissection of Bipolar Disorder and
Schizophrenia, Including 28 Subphenotypes.
Cell, 173 (7).
pp. 1705-1715.
ISSN 0092-8674 Online: 1097-4172
Bold, Justine
The Reproductive Page.
Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID:, Latham, Isabelle
ORCID: and Brooker, Dawn
Practice of Namaste Care for People Living with Dementia in the UK.
Nursing Older People, 31 (1).
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 1472-0795 Online: 2047-8941
Brooker, Dawn
Maintaining Dignity and Quality of Life for Elderly Persons with Dementia until the End of Life through Person-centred Care.
Journal of the Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing, 22 (2).
pp. 10-15.
ISSN Print: 1346-9665, Online: 2432-0811
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Dröes, R.M., Chattat, R., Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Meiland, F., Evans, Shirley
ORCID: and Henderson, C.
Enabling Participation in Social Activity: The Meeting
Centres Support Programme.
In: GSA Annual Scientific Meeting 2018, 14th - 18th November 2018, Boston, Massachusetts.
Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Evans, Shirley
ORCID:, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Saibene, F.L., Scorolli, C., Szcześniak, D., d'Arma, A., Urbańska, K.M., Atkinson, Teresa
ORCID:, Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Chattat, R., Henderson, C., Rehill, A., Hendriks, I., Meiland, F. and Dröes, R.M.
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Meeting Centres
Support Program in Italy, Poland, and the UK; Exploration of the Effects on People with Dementia.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33 (7).
pp. 883-892.
ISSN 1099-1066
Busby, E., Bold, Justine, Fellows, Lindsey and Rostami, K.
Mood Disorders and Gluten: It’s Not All in Your Mind! A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.
Nutrients, 10 (11).
p. 1708.
ISSN 2072-6643 Online: 2072-6643
Carter, Christine, Bray, Jennifer
ORCID:, Read, Kate, Harrison-Dening, K., Thompson, R. and Brooker, Dawn
Articulating the Unique Competencies of Admiral Nurse Practice.
Working with Older People, 22 (3).
pp. 139-147.
ISSN Print: 1366-3666 Online: 2042-8790
Casella, G., Villanacci, V., Bassotti, G., Bold, Justine and Rostami, K.
Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Diagnostic Challenges.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench, 11 (3).
pp. 197-202.
ISSN Print: 2008-2258 Online: 2008-4234
Chalari, A. and Sealey, Clive
Comparative Study of Austerity Experiences Between Greek and British Youth.
Science and Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory, 36.
pp. 173-190.
ISSN 1108-3697
Chalari, A. and Sealey, Clive
UK Students’ Subjective Experiences and Responses to Higher Education Austerity: Implications and Lessons for the Future.
Observatoire de la société britannique, 2017 (19).
pp. 229-245.
ISSN 1775-4135
Cookson, John, Miller, A. and Fleet, Z.
The Future of Internal Medicine: A New Curriculum for 2019.
British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 79 (5).
p. 298.
ISSN 1750-8460 Online: 1759-7390
Csillag, C., Norentoft, M., Mizuno, M., McDaid, D., Arango, C., Smith, Jo, Lora, A., Verma, S., di Fiandra, T. and Jones, P.B.
Early Intervention in Psychosis: From Clinical Intervention to Health System Implementation.
Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 12 (4).
pp. 757-764.
ISSN 1751-7885 Online: 1751-7893
Cunningham, D.E., Mohanna, Kay and Wills, P.
"Handbook of Primary Care Ethics." (Book Review).
Taylor & Francis.
Di Florio, A., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Forty, L., Kosorok, M.R., Fraser, C., Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Bethell, A., Craddock, N., Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Jones, Ian
Stratification of the Risk of Bipolar Disorder Recurrences in Pregnancy and Postpartum.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 213 (3).
pp. 542-547.
ISSN Print: 0007-1250 Online: 1472-1465
Donley, Caroline and Norman, Kay
Nursing Student Perspectives on a Quality Learning Environment in General Practice.
Primary Health Care, 28 (4).
pp. 36-42.
ISSN 0264-5033
Eaton, G., Renshaw, J., Gregory, P. and Kilner, Tim
Can the British Heart Foundation PocketCPR Application Improve the Performance of Chest Compressions During Bystander Resuscitation: a Randomised Crossover Manikin
Health Informatics Journal, 24 (1).
pp. 14-23.
ISSN 1460-4582 Online: 1741-2811
Evans, Simon
Ageism and Dementia.
Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism.
International Perspectives on Aging
Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 263-275.
ISBN Paperback: 978-3-030-08862-0 Hardback: 978-3-319-73819-2 Online: 978-3-319-73820-8
Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Harrison-Dening, K. and Read, Kate
Towards the End of Life: an In-depth Exploration of the Role of Admiral Nursing in Dementia Care (Innovative Practice).
Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 17 (2).
pp. 244-251.
ISSN 1417-3012 Online: 1741-2684
Foo, J., Streit, F., Treutlein, J., Ripke, S., Witt, S., Strohmaier, J., Degenhardt, F., Forstner, A.J., Hoffmann, P., Soyka, M., Dahmen, N., Scherbaum, N., Wodarz, N., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Herms, S., Cichon, S., Preuss, U., Gaebel, W., Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Ridinger, M., Hoffmann, S., Schulze, T.G., Maier, W., Zill, P., Müller-Myhsok, B., Ising, M., Lucae, S., Nöthen, M.M., Mann, K., Kiefer, F., Rietschel, M. and Frank, J.
Shared Genetic Etiology Between Alcohol Dependence and
Major Depressive Disorder.
Psychiatric genetics, 28 (4).
pp. 66-70.
ISSN 0955-8829
Foo, J.C., Streit, F., Frank, J., Witt, S.H., Truetlein, J., Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Baune, B.T., Moebus, S., Jockel, K-H., Forstner, A.J., Nöthen, M.M., Rietschel, M., Satorius, A. and Kranaster, L.
Evidence for Increased Genetic Risk Load for Major Depression in Patients Assigned to Electroconvulsive Therapy.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 180 (1).
pp. 35-45.
ISSN 1552-4841 Online: 1552-485X
Gillard, Samantha, Ryan, C.G., Stokes, M., Warner, M. and Dixon, J.
Effects of Posture and Anatomical Location on Inter-recti Distance Measured Using Ultrasound Imaging in Parous Women.
Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 34.
1 - 7.
ISSN 2468-8630
Godfrey, M.
ORCID:, Young, J., Shannon, R., Skingley, A., Woolley, R., Arrojo, F., Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Manley, K. and Surr, C.
The Person, Interactions and Environment Programme to improve care of people with dementia in hospital: a multisite study.
Health Services and Delivery Research, 6 (23).
pp. 1-154.
ISSN 2050-4349
Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Green, E., Grozeva, D., Tavadia, S., Craddock, N. and Jones, Lisa
Genotype-phenotype Correlations in Darier Disease - a Focus on the Neuropsychiatric Phenotype.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 177 (8).
pp. 717-726.
ISSN Print: 1552-4841 Online: 1552-485X
Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Fraser, C., Di Florio, A., Forty, L., Craddock, N., Jones, I. and Jones, Lisa
Clinical Presentation of Postpartum and Non‐postpartum Manic Episodes in Women with Bipolar Disorder: A Within‐subjects Analysis.
In: 20th Annual Conference of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders, 7th-10th March 2018, Mexico City, Mexico.
Grant, Terri
ORCID:, Skinner, D., Haines, N. and Walker, C.
Development of an App to Support Service Users Understanding of Cognitive Changes After Stroke.
In: 13th UK Stroke Forum Conference, 4th - 6th December 2018, Telford.
Gray, Karen, Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Griffiths, A. and Schneider, J.
Critical Reflections on Methodological Challenge in Arts and Dementia Evaluation and Research.
Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 17 (6).
pp. 775-784.
ISSN 1471-3012 Online 1741-2684
Harper, L. and Bold, Justine
An Exploration into the Motivation for Gluten Avoidance in the Absence of Coeliac Disease.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench, 11 (3).
pp. 259-268.
ISSN Print: 2008-2258 Online: 2008-4234
Hopkinson, Y., Hill, D.M., Fellows, Lindsey and Fryer, S.
Midwives Understanding of Physical Activity Guidelines During Pregnancy.
Midwifery, 59.
pp. 23-26.
ISSN 0266-6138 Online:1532-3099
Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Fraser, C., Serra, Francesca, Di Florio, A., Forty, L., Craddock, N. and Jones, I.
Illness Episodes in Relation to Reproductive Cycle Events in Women With Bipolar Disorder: Data From the Bipolar Disorder Research Network.
In: 20th Annual Conference of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders, 7th - 10th March, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico.
Jones, Ruth, Lewis, Joanne, Sealey, Clive
ORCID: and Gregory, Danny
An Impact Evaluation of the 'Joy Project'.
Project Report.
University of Worcester, Worcester, UK.
Jones, Ruth and Thackeray, Kate
The ‘Connecting Families’ Partnership Approach to Overcoming Challenges That Prevent and / or Delay Positive Outcomes for Children, Families and Vulnerable Adults - ‘LESSONS LEARNT’.
Project Report.
Kyte, Rachel, Frank, Helen, Ransley, Becky, Wood, Katharine and Thomas, Yvonne
Role Emerging Placements in Physiotherapy:
Student Experiences and Practical Considerations.
In: Physiotherapy UK 2018, 19th - 20th October 2018, ICC Birmingham.
Kyte, Rachel, Frank, Helen and Thomas, Yvonne
Physiotherapy Students’ Experiences of Role Emerging Placements; a Qualitative Study.
International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care, 6 (2).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 2051-6223
Latham, Isabelle
Many care homes still rely on antipsychotic medication for some people with dementia. But do they have any alternative?
Journal of Dementia Care, 26 (1).
pp. 8-9.
ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Leonenko, G., Di Florio, A., Allardyce, J., Forty, L., Knott, Sarah, Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Owen, M.J., Jones, I., Walters, J., Craddock, N., O'Donovan, M.C. and Escott-Price, V.
A Data-driven Investigation of Relationships Between Bipolar Psychotic Symptoms and Schizophrenia Genome-wide Significant Genetic Loci.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 177 (4).
pp. 468-475.
ISSN Online: 1552-485X
Lewis, K.J.S., Di Florio, A., Forty, L., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Craddock, N., Jones, Lisa
ORCID: and Jones, I.
Mania Triggered by Sleep Loss and Risk of Postpartum Psychosis in Women with Bipolar Disorder.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 225.
pp. 624-629.
ISSN Print: 0165-0327 Online: 1573-2517
Maier, R.M., Zhu, Z., Lee, S.H., Trzaskowski, M., Ruderfer, D.M., Stahl, E.A., Ripke, S., Wray, N.R., Yang, J., Visscher, P.M., Robinson, M.R., Forstner, A.J., McQuillin, A., Trubetskoy, V., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Coleman, J.R.I., Gaspar, H.A., de Leeuw, C.A., Whitehead Pavlides, J.M., Olde Loohuis, L.M., Pers, T.H., Lee, P.H., Charney, A.W., Dobbyn, A.L., Huckins, L., Boocock, J., Giambartolomei, C., Roussos, P., Mullins, N., Awasthi, S., Agerbo, E., Als, T.D., Pedersen, C.B., Grove, J., Kupka, R., Regeer, E.J., Anjorin, A., Casas, M., Mahon, P.B., Allardyce, J., Escott-Price, V., Forty, L., Fraser, C., Kogevinas, M., Frank, J., Streit, F., Strohmaier, J., Treutlein, J., Witt, S.H., Kennedy, J.L., Strauss, J.S., Garnham, J., O'Donovan, C., Slaney, C., Steinberg, S., Thorgeirsson, T.E., Hautzinger, M., Steffens, M., Perlis, R.H., Sánchez-Mora, C., Hipolito, M., Lawson, W.B., Nwulia, E.A., Levy, S.E., Foroud, T.M., Jamain, S., Young, A.H., McKay, J.D., Albani, D., Zandi, P., Potash, J.B., Zhang, P., Raymond Depaulo, J., Bergen, S.E., Juréus, A., Karlsson, R., Kandaswamy, R., McGuffin, P., Rivera, M., Lissowska, J., Cruceanu, C., Lucae, S., Cervantes, P., Budde, M., Gade, K., Heilbronner, U., Pedersen, M.G., Morris, D.W., Weickert, C.S., Weickert, T.W., MacIntyre, D.J., Lawrence, J., Elvsåshagen, T., Smeland, O.B., Djurovic, S., Xi, S., Green, E.K., Czerski, P.M., Hauser, J., Xu, W., Vedder, H., Oruc, L., Spijker, A.T., Gordon, S.D., Medland, S.E., Curtis, D., Mühleisen, T.W., Badner, J.A., Scheftner, W.A., Sigurdsson, E., Schork, N.J., Schatzberg, A.F., Bækvad-Hansen, M., Bybjerg-Grauholm, J., Hansen, C.S., Knowles, J.A., Szelinger, S., Montgomery, G.W., Boks, M., Adolfsson, A.N., Hoffmann, P., Bauer, M., Pfennig, A., Leber, M., Kittel-Schneider, S., Reif, A., Del-Favero, J., Fischer, S.B., Herms, S., Reinbold, C.S., Degenhardt, F., Koller, A.C., Maaser, A., Ori, A.P.S., Dale, A.M., Fan, C.C., Greenwood, T.A., Nievergelt, C.M., Shehktman, T., Shilling, P.D., Byerley, W., Bunney, W., Alliey-Rodriguez, N., Clarke, T.K., Liu, C., Coryell, W., Akil, H., Burmeister, M., Flickinger, M., Li, J.Z., McInnis, M.G., Meng, F., Thompson, R.C., Watson, S.J., Zollner, S., Guan, W., Green, M.J., Craig, D., Sobell, J.L., Milani, L., Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Knott, Sarah, Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Parra, J.G., Mayoral, F., Rivas, F., Rice, J.P., Barchas, J.D., Børglum, A.D., Mortensen, P.B., Mors, O., Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, M., Bellivier, F., Etain, B., Leboyer, M., Ramos-Quiroga, J.A., Agartz, I., Amin, F., Azevedo, M.H., Bass, N., Black, D.W., Blackwood, D.H.R., Bruggeman, R., Buccola, N.G., Choudhury, K., Cloninger, C.R., Corvin, A., Craddock, N., Daly, M.J., Datta, S., Donohoe, G.J., Duan, J., Dudbridge, F., Fanous, A., Freedman, R., Freimer, N.B., Friedl, M., Gill, M., Gurling, H., De Haan, L., Hamshere, M.L., Hartmann, A.M., Holmans, P.A., Kahn, R.S., Keller, M.C., Kenny, E., Kirov, G.K., Krabbendam, L., Krasucki, R., Lencz, T., Levinson, D.F., Lieberman, J.A., Lin, D.-Y., Linszen, D.H., Magnusson, P.K.E., Maier, W., Malhotra, A.K., Mattheisen, M., Mattingsdal, M., McCarroll, S.A., Medeiros, H., Melle, I., Milanova, V., Myin-Germeys, I., Neale, B.M., Ophoff, R.A., Owen, M.J., Pimm, J., Purcell, S.M., Puri, V., Quested, D.J., Rossin, L., Sanders, A.R., Shi, J., Sklar, P., St Clair, D., Stroup, T.S., Van Os, J., Wiersma, D. and Zammit, S.
Improving Genetic Prediction by Leveraging Genetic Correlations Among Human Diseases and Traits.
Nature Communications, 9 (989).
ISSN 2041-1723
McCann, J. and Williamson, Tracey
Design for Ageing Well.
The New Dynamics of Ageing : Volume 1.
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 193-218.
ISBN 978-1447314738 e-book: 9781447314752
Mohanna, Kay
Belongingness: a Commentary.
Education for Primary Care, 29 (5).
pp. 276-277.
ISSN 1475-990X
Morris, L., Horne, M., McEvoy, P. and Williamson, Tracey
Communication Training Interventions for Family and Professional Carers of People Living with Dementia: a Systematic Review of Effectiveness, Acceptability and Conceptual Basis.
Aging & Mental Health, 22 (7).
pp. 863-880.
ISSN Print: 1360-7863, Online: 1364-6915
Morris, L., Mansell, W., Williamson, Tracey, Wray, A. and McEvoy, P.
Communication Empowerment Framework: an Integrative Framework to Support Effective Communication and Interaction Between Carers and People Living with Dementia.
Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 19 (6).
pp. 1739-1757.
ISSN Print: 1417-3012 Online: 1741-2684
Nelson, E.U.E. and Pates, Richard
Supply Control, Demand Reduction or Harm Reduction? Developments and Directions For Drug Policy in Nigeria.
Addiction, Research and Theory, 26 (6).
pp. 465-469.
ISSN 1606-6359
Nishida, A., Ando, S., Yamasaki, S., Koike, S., Ichihashi, K., Miyakoshi, Y., Maekawa, S., Nakamura, T., Natsubori, T., Ichikawa, E., Ishigami, H., Sato, K., Matsunaga, A., Smith, Jo and French, P.
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Comprehensive Early Intervention Care in Patients with First-Episode Psychosis in Japan: 1.5-year Outcomes from the J-CAP Study.
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 102.
pp. 136-141.
ISSN 0022-3956
Phillipowsky, Darryl James
An Exploration of the Role of Social Workers Within an Integrated Setting.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Rabanal, L.I., Chatwin, J., Walker, A., O’Sullivan, M. and Williamson, Tracey
Understanding the Needs and Experiences of People with Young Onset Dementia: a Qualitative Study.
BMJ Open, 8 (10).
ISSN Online: 2044-6055
Renshaw, J., Eaton, G., Gregory, P. and Kilner, Tim
Does the British Heart Foundation PocketCPR Training Application Improve Confidence in Bystanders Performing CPR?
British Paramedic Journal, 3 (1).
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 1478-4726
Richards, Wayne and Lewis, Joanne
Is it OK to Miss You? Reflections on the Changing Face of Youth and Community Work.
Youth and Policy.
ISSN Print: 0262-9798 Online: 2057-4266
Roberts, L., Berrisford, G., Heron, J., Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Jones, I., Dolman, C. and Lane, D.
Qualitative Exploration of the Impact of a Television Soap Opera Storyline on Women with Experience of Postpartum Psychosis.
BJPsych Open, 4 (2).
pp. 75-82.
ISSN 2056-4724
Rooney, Joy
ORCID:, Unwin, Peter
ORCID: and Osborne, Nina Dawn
Gaining by Giving? Peer Research Into Service User and Carer Perceptions of Inclusivity in Higher Education.
Service User Involvement in Social Work Education.
ISBN 978-0-8153-7830-3
Russell, Christopher
Book Review: Sport, leisure and social justice, edited by L. Long, T. Fletcher, & B. Watson, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, 227 pp., UK £105.00 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-138-96045-9.
Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).
Sealey, Clive
ORCID:, Lewis, Joanne and Jones, Ruth
The JOY of Learning: Lessons for Community Development Practice From the Evaluation of a Woman’s Only Project?
Radical Community Work Journal, 3 (2).
ISSN 2399-178X
Shrewsbury, Duncan, Mogensen, L. and Hu, W.
Problematizing Medical Students with Disabilities: A Critical Policy Analysis.
MedEdPublish, 7 (1).
p. 45.
ISSN 2312–7996
Simpson, Nikki
The effect of acute Coenzyme Q10 on exercise-induced changes in skeletal muscle oxidative stress.
In: International Coenzyme Q10 conference, 21-24th June 2018, Columbia University, New York, USA.
Szcześniak, D., Dröes, R.M., Meiland, F., Brooker, Dawn
ORCID:, Farina, E., Chattat, R., Evans, Shirley
ORCID:, Evans, Simon
ORCID:, Saibene, F.L., Urbańska, K. and Rymaszewska, J.
Does the Community-based Combined Meeting Center Support Programme (MCSP) Make the Pathway to Day-care Activities Easier for People Living with Dementia? A Comparison Before and After Implementation of MCSP in Three European Countries.
International Psychogeriatrics, 30 (11).
pp. 1717-1734.
ISSN 1041-6102 Online: 1741-203X
Thew, M., Thomas, Yvonne
ORCID: and Briggs, M.
The Impact of a Role Emerging Placement While a Student Occupational Therapist, on Subsequent Qualified Employability, Practice and Career Path.
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 65 (3).
pp. 198-207.
ISSN 0045-0766
Thomas, Yvonne
Does the Occupational Therapy Profession Have a Coherent Set of Values?
In: Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, 11th - 13th June 2018, Belfast.
Thomas, Yvonne
ORCID:, Heaslop, Annabel
ORCID:, Phillips, Beverley and Chapman, Rachel
Adapting the CLiP model for occupational therapy.
OT News, 26 (9).
pp. 32-35.
ISSN 0969-5095
Trautmann, N., Foo, J., Frank, J., Witt, S., Streit, F., Treutlein, J., Conrad von Heydendorff, S., Gilles, M., Forstner, A.J., Ebner-Priemer, U., Nöthen, M.M., Deuschle, M., Rietschel, M., Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium and Jones, Lisa
Response to Therapeutic Sleep Deprivation: A Naturalistic Study of Clinical and Genetic Factors and Post-treatment Depressive Symptom Trajectory.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 43.
pp. 2572-2577.
ISSN 0893-133X
Wadley, Alex, Holliday, Adrian, Morgan, R.G., Heesom, K.J., Aldred, S., Peters, D.M.
ORCID:, Bueno, Allain
ORCID: and Coles, Steven
Preliminary Evidence of Reductive Stress in Human Cytotoxic T-cells Following Exercise.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 125 (2).
pp. 586-595.
ISSN 8750-7587 Online: 1522-1601
Wall, Kay
Educating Social Work Students Against the Grain: Tutors Accepting that Facilitating Learning Means we Need to Adapt our Preferred Teaching Styles.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12.
pp. 17-22.
ISSN 2024-8032
Waller, Sarah
Improving the dementia friendliness of your clinic.
In: 5th Annual General Meeting and Conference of The Royal College of Chiropractors, 31st January 2018, London.
Wilkie, Veronica and Mohanna, Kay
View From the Top: a Thematic Analysis of Interviews With Top Healthcare Leaders in the UK About Leadership and How UK GPs Should Prepare For It.
BMJ Leader, 2 (4).
ISSN 2398-631X
This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 17:24:28 2025 UTC.