Number of items: 12.
Siciliano, Ilario, Lentz Grønlund, A., Ševčíková, H., Spadafora, Natasha D., Rafiei, G., Francis, D., Herbert, Rob, Bitonti, M.B., Rogers, H.J. and Lipavská, H.
Expression of Arabidopsis WEE1 in Tobacco Induces Unexpected Morphological and Developmental Changes.
Scientific Reports, 9 (1).
Article no. 8695.
ISSN Online: 2045-2322
Amaro, A.L., Spadafora, N.D., Pereira, M.J., Dhorajiwala, R., Herbert, Rob, Müller, C.T., Rogers, H.J. and Pintado, M.
Multitrait Analysis of Fresh-Cut Cantaloupe Melon Enables Discrimination Between Storage Times and Temperatures and Identifies Potential Markers for Quality Assessments.
Food Chemistry, 241.
pp. 222-231.
ISSN 0308-8146
Spadafora, N.D., Perrota, L., Nieuwland, J., Albini, D., Bitonti, M.B., Herbert, Rob, Doonan, J.H., Marchbank, A., Siciliano, Ilario, Lentz Grønlund, A., Francis, D. and Rogers, H.J.
Gene Dosage Effect of WEE1 on Growth and Morphogenesis from Arabidopsis Hypocotyl Explants.
Annals of Botany, 110 (8).
pp. 1631-1639.
ISSN Print: 0305-7364 Online: 1095-8290
Spadafora, N.D., Parfitt, D., Marchbank, A., Li, S., Bruno, L., Vaughn, R., Nieuwland, J., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Herbert, Rob, Bitonti, M.B., Doonan, J., Albani, D., Prinsen, E., Francis, D. and Rogers, H.J.
Perturbation of Cytokinin and Ethylene-signalling Pathways Explain the Strong Rooting Phenotype Exhibited by Arabidopsis Expressing the Schizosaccharomyces Pombe mitotic inducer, cdc25.
BMC Plant Biology, 12 (45).
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 1471-2229
Spadafora, N.D., Doonan, J., Herbert, Rob, Bitonti, M.B., Wallace, E., Rogers, H.J. and Francis, D.
Arabidopsis T-DNA Insertional Lines For CDC25 Are Hypersensitive to Hydroxyurea But Not to Zeocin or Salt Stress.
Annals of Botany.
ISSN Electronic 1095-8290 - Print 0305-7364
Herbert, Rob, Gronlund, A.L., Dickinson, J.R., Killie, P., Harwood, J.L., Francis, D. and Rogers, H.J.
Plant WEE1 Kinase Interacts With a 14-3-3 Protein, GF14w(omega) but a Mutation of WEE1 at S485 Alters Their Spatial Interaction.
Open Plant Science Journal, 3.
pp. 40-48.
ISSN 10.2174/1874294700903010040
Allnutt, G.V., Rogers, H.J., Francis, D. and Herbert, Rob
A LEAFY-like Gene in the Long-day Plant, Silene coeli-rosa is dramatically Up-regulated in Evoked Shoot Apical Meristems but does not Complement the Arabidopsis lfy mutant.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 58 (8).
pp. 2249-2259.
ISSN Online ISSN 1460-2431 - Print ISSN 0022-0957
Herbert, Rob, Orchard, C.B., Sorrell, D.A., Marchbank, A., Rogers, H.J., Suchomelova, P., Lipavská, H. and Azmi, A.
Tobacco BY-2 Cells Expressing Fission Yeast cdc25 Bypass a
G2/M Block on the Cell Cycle.
The Plant Journal, 44 (2).
pp. 290-299.
ISSN 0960-7412
Herbert, Rob, Parfitt, D., Rogers, H.J. and Francis, D.
Differential Expression of Putative Floral Genes
in Pharbitis nil Shoot Apices Cultured on
Glucose Compared with Sucrose.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 55 (406).
pp. 2169-2177.
ISSN Online ISSN 1460-2431 - Print ISSN 0022-0957
Herbert, Rob, Vilhar, B., Evett, C., Orchard, C.B., Rogers, H.J., Davies, M.S. and Francis, D.
Ethylene Induces Cell Death at Particular Phases of the Cell Cycle in the Tobacco, TBY-2 Cell Line.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 52 (362).
pp. 1615-1623.
ISSN Online ISSN 1460-2431 - Print ISSN 0022-0957
Herbert, Rob, Durdan, S.F., Rogers, H.J. and Francis, D.
The Determination Time of the Carpel Whorl Is
Differentially Sensitive to Carbohydrate
Supply in Pharbitis nil.
Plant Physiology, 123.
pp. 189-200.
ISSN Print 0032-0889 Online 1532-2548
Herbert, Rob, Francis, D., Rogers, H.J. and Durdan, S.F.
Floral Determination in the Short Day Plant, Pharbitis nil.
Flowering Newsletter, 26.
pp. 47-54.
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