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WRaP is a collection of research papers and university publications. It presents the academic and creative work of the university. You are welcome to look for and obtain items of interest and make contact with the authors and creators.
Gabriela Misca
My Latest As Author
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
‘Strengthening Families: By Your Side’ - Interventions to support resilience in military families.
In: 11th Conference of the European Society on Family Relations Family Life – Troubling Family Relations and Practices, 14-16 June 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Living in Their Shoes: What Works in Supporting Military and Veteran Families?
In: Association of Family Conciliatory Courts 60th Anniversary Conference, 30 May 2023-3 June 2023, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513, Augustus, Joanne, Russell, Jade and Walker, Janet
Meaning(s) of transition(s) from military to civilian life at the intersection with mental health: implications for clinical settings.
Frontiers in Psychology, 14 (114252).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1664-1078
Scherman, R., Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513, Walker, D. and Pagè, G.
Editorial: COVID-19 and beyond: From (forced) remote teaching and learning to “the new normal” in higher education.
Frontiers in Education, 8.
pp. 1-4.
ISSN 2504-284X
Scherman, R., Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513, Walker, D.I. and Pagé, G.
Covid-19 and Beyond: From (Forced) Remote Teaching and Learning to ‘The New Normal’ in Higher Education.
Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne.
ISBN 978-2-83251-911-0
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Walker, Janet
Families Un-locked: Relationships Emerging from COVID-19 into the “New Normal”.
In: Relate Northern Ireland 75th Years Anniversary Conference, 6 Sept 2022, Belfast, NI.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Military families: Influencing Policy - a journey from research to impact.
In: European Society Family Relations (ESFR) Doctoral Summer School "Families on the move", 30 Aug - 4 Sept 2022, Marseille, France.
Walker, Janet and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
RNRMC “Strengthening Families By Your Side” Programme Evaluation: Kings Active Foundation - Active Families Packs.
Technical Report.
The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC).
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513, Walker, J. and Thornton, Gemma
Families and the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from the UK.
Social Work in Health Emergencies: Global Perspectives.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
ISBN 978-0367628741, 978-0367628734
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Leading for Sustainable Change: The “Living in Our Shoes” Review - from recommendations to priorities.
In: Leading together: the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance Annual conference, 23 November 2021, Birmingham, UK.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
“Families Un-locked": The impact of COVID-19 on Families and Relationships.
In: All Party Parliamentary Group for Strengthening Couple Relationships, 15 November 2021, Palace of Westminster, London.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
"Families Un-locked”: Relationships Emerging from COVID-19 into the “New Normal”.
In: Relate Webinar.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Farr, R.
LGBTQ+ Parent Adoption: Processes and outcomes (Symposium).
In: ICAR7 International Conference on Adoption Research - 7th Edition, 6-9 July 2021, Milano, Italy (delivered online).
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Scherman, R.
Barriers towards same-gender adoptive parenting in the justice system: exploring the missing link(s).
In: ICAR7 International Conference on Adoption Research, 6-9 July 2021, Milano, Italy (delivered online).
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Thornton, Gemma
Navigating the Same Storm but Not in the Same Boat: Mental Health Vulnerability and Coping in Women University Students During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK.
Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
p. 648533.
ISSN Online: 1664-1078
Walker, J. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
“Living in our shoes”: Influencing policy and practice
Special Award for FiMpacT 2021.
In: FiMT Research Centre Conference 2021: Transition of Service People and Families, 23-24 March 2021.
Walker, J. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
"Living in Our Shoes" Understanding the needs of UK Armed Forces families & Determining the priorities for support.
In: King's Centre for Military Health Research Veterans Mental Health Conference 2021, 18 March 2021.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Walker, Janet
Written evidence submitted by the ‘Living in our shoes’ review team to the "Women in the Armed Forces: From Recruitment to Civilian Life" Parliamentary Inquiry.
UK Parliament.
Scherman, R., Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Tan, T.
The Perceptions of New Zealand Lawyers and Social Workers about Children Being Adopted by Gay Couples and Lesbian Couples.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Article no. 520703.
ISSN Online: 1664-1078
Walker, J., Selous, A. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Living in our shoes: understanding the needs of UK armed forces families.
Technical Report.
Ministry of Defence, London.
Walker, J. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Partnership in Practice: European Perspectives.
Family Court Review, 57 (3).
pp. 294-300.
ISSN Print: 1531-2445 Online: 1744-1617
Walker, J., Marjoribanks, D. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Modern Families, Modern Family Justice: Supporting Family Relationships in Fast‐Changing Socio‐Political‐Economic Climates (Summary of the Report of the Consultation at St George's House, Windsor, February 12–13, 2018).
Family Court Review, 57 (3).
pp. 301-312.
ISSN Print: 1531-2445 Online: 1744-1617
Walker, J. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Why Listening to Children and Young People is Important in Family Justice.
Family Court Review, 57 (3).
pp. 375-386.
ISSN Print: 1531-2445 Online: 1744-1617
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513, Walker, J. and Kaplan, C.
“Experts by Experience”: The Involvement of Service Users and Families in Designing and Implementing Innovations in Family Justice.
Family Court Review, 57 (3).
pp. 414-424.
ISSN Print: 1531-2445 Online: 1744-1617
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Nolan, Mary
Parenting in the Military Family.
In: Pint of Science Festival, 21st May 2019, Worcester.
AFCC Task Force on the Guidelines for the Use of Social Science and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Guidelines for the Use of Social Science Research in Family Law.
Family Court Review, 57 (2).
pp. 193-200.
ISSN Print: 1531-2445 Online: 1744-1617
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Unwin, Peter ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1985-1959
Child and Adolescent Psychology for Social Work and Allied Professions: Applied Perspectives.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
ISBN 9780230368439 Ebook: 9781137359223
Nolan, Mary and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The Impact of Military Life on Young Children: A Call for Early Intervention.
Journal of Health Visiting, 6 (10).
pp. 494-498.
ISSN 2050-8719 Online: 2052-2908
Scherman, R. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Symposium: Adoption and Same-Sex Parent Families: International Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice Paper: New Zealand Professionals’ Beliefs and Attitudes about Placing Children with Same-Sex Couples.
In: 6th International Conference on Adoption Research, 8-12 July 2018, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Nolan, Mary and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
A Review of Coping Strategies, Parenting Programmes and Psychological Therapies Available to Military Parents with Children Under 5.
International Journal of Birth and Parent Education, 5 (4).
pp. 10-14.
ISSN 2054-0779 Online: 2054-0787
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
From the War Zone to the Home Front: Risk and Resilience in Military Families.
International Journal of Birth and Parent Education, 5 (4).
p. 3.
ISSN 2054-0779 Online: 2054-0787
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Trauma Informed Approaches in Working with Military and Veteran Families.
In: Compassionate Family Court Systems: The Role of Trauma-Informed Jurisprudence, 6-9 June 2018, Washington, DC.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Strengthening couple relationships in military and veteran families.
In: All Party Parliamentary Group for Strengthening Couple Relationships, 21 May 2018, Palace of Westminster, London.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Growing Up in Military Families: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Parental Military Career, Parenting and Child Developmental Outcomes.
In: The 9th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) "Families through the lens of diversity", 5 - 8 September 2018, Porto, Portugal.
Deutsch, R., Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Ajoku, C.
Critical Review of Research Evidence of Parenting Coordination’s Effectiveness.
Family Court Review, 56 (1).
pp. 119-134.
ISSN 1531-2445 Online: 1744-1617
Soltano, E. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Transitions Into Studying Psychology At University Level: Similarities and Differences in the USA and UK.
In: New England Psychological Association: Northeast Conference for Teachers of Psychology, 20 October 2017, Newton, Massachusetts, USA.
McKail, R., Hodge, S., Daiches, A. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Life Stories of International Romanian Adoptees: A Narrative Study.
Adoption Quarterly, 20 (4).
pp. 309-328.
ISSN 1092-6755 Online: 1544-452X
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Forgey, M.A.
The Role of PTSD in Bi-directional Intimate Partner Violence in Military and Veteran Populations: a Research Review.
Frontiers in Psychology: Psychopathology, 8 (1394).
ISSN 1664-1078
Creech, S.K. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Parenting with PTSD: A Review of Research on the Influence of PTSD on Parent-child Functioning in Military and Veteran Families.
Frontiers in Psychology.
ISSN Online: 1664-1078
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Conflict on the Home Front: What Works in Supporting Military Families?
In: AFCC 54th Annual Conference: Turning the Kaleidoscope of Family Conflict into a Prism of Harmony, 31 May–3 June 2017, Boston, USA.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
My Brief Encounter with the American Dream.
The Psychologist, 30.
pp. 70-71.
ISSN 0952-8229
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Unwin, Peter ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1985-1959
Psychology and Social Work: Applied Perspectives.
Polity, Cambridge, UK.
ISBN Hardback 9780745696300 Paperback 9780745696317
Deutsch, R., Braunstein, L. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Alienation and Estrangement From a Forensic, Therapeutic, and Legal Point of View.
In: AFCC Symposium, 1-5 November 2016, Atlanta, USA.
Scherman, R., Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513, Rotabi, K. and Selman, P.
Global Commercial Surrogacy and International Adoption: Parallels and Differences.
Adoption & Fostering, 40 (1).
pp. 20-35.
ISSN Print: 0308-5759 Online: 1740-469X
Zanca, Raluca and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Filling the Gap? Romanian Social Workers’“Migration” Into the UK.
Social Work Review (1).
pp. 41-47.
ISSN 1583-0608
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Coming of Age: Stories from the Now-grown Romanian Adoptees.
In: Redefining Family Conference: Growing families through adoption, donor conception and surrogacy, 13th - 14th January 2016, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Deutsch, R.
Parenting Under Fire: Resilience in Children Growing Up in Military Families.
In: AFCC 53rd Annual Conference - Modern Families: New Challenges, New Solutions, 1st - 4th June 2016, Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, USA.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513, Scherman, R. and Palmer-du-Preez, K.
Professionals’ Attitudes Toward Placing Adoptive Children with Same-sex Couples: A Cross-national Study.
In: 5th International Conference on Adoption Research ICAR5, 6th - 11th January 2016, Auckland, New Zealand.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The “Rescued Romanian Orphans” Revisited: Coming of Age.
In: 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5), 7th - 11th January, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Neamtu, N.
Editorial: Contemporary Challenges in Social Work
Practice in Multicultural Societies.
Social Work Review (1).
pp. 7-9.
ISSN 1583-0608
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
An Exploration of Military Ex-service and Veterans’ Experiences of Mental Health Services and the Support Needs of Their Families: An Evaluation of Engagement with Services in South Staffordshire
- Executive Board Report for the South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Project Report.
University of Worcester.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Parenting Under Fire: a Cross-cultural Examination of Child Development in Military Families.
In: William James College Colloquium Series 2015-16, 5th October 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Resilience in Children of Military Parents.
In: NCSPVA 1st Annual Conference ‘Violence and Abuse: Cross Cutting Issues’, 17th June 2015, University of Worcester, Worcester.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Old Dilemmas, New Controversies: Children in International Adoption and Global Surrogacy.
In: SLSA 2015 Conference: Socio-legal in Culture : the Culture of Socio-legal, 31st March - 2nd April 2015, Warwick, UK.
Unwin, Peter
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1985-1959 and Misca, Gabriela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
“It Doesn't Happen Here” - Perspectives on Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness In Rural Settings.
In: "Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation" Getting it right...? NWG Network Annual Conference, 18th - 19th March 2015, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Back in Civvy Street: An Exploration of Military Veterans’ Experiences of Mental Health Services and the Support Needs of Their Families.
In: Institute of Health and Society Research Seminar Series 2014-15, 1st July 2015, University of Worcester, Worcester.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Parenting Under Fire: An Ecological Perspective on Understanding Child Maltreatment in Military Families.
In: 3rd Military Psychology Conference 2014: The Psychological Well-being of the Military in Transition, 5th - 6th November 2014, The Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Zanca, Raluca
Human Trafficking in Europe: Focus on Romania as a Source Country.
In: West Midlands Anti Slavery Network (WMASN), 4th December 2014, Birmingham, UK.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Zanca, Raluca
Human Trafficking from the Perspective of the Source Countries: Focus on Romania.
In: National Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence and Abuse: Conference on Human Trafficking, 28th October 2014, Worcester, UK.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Walker, J.
Same-sex Parenting & Children’s Best Interests: Plain Sailing or Choppy Waters?
In: AFCC 51st Annual Conference, 28-31 May 2014, Toronto, Canada.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
‘She’s More Than a Mother - She Takes Care of Me’: Exploring the Meaning of Family for Young People Growing up in Institutional Care.
In: British Psyhcological Society Annual Conference, 7-9 May 2014, Birmingham.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The “Quiet Migration”: Challenges for Identity Development in Intercountry Adoptees.
In: International Adoption and Surrogacy - Family Formation in the 21st Century, New Zealand Law Society, 8, 9, 11 April 2014, Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland, New Zealand.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The “Quiet Migration”: Is Intercountry Adoption a Successful Intervention in the Lives of Vulnerable Children?
Family Court Review, 52 (1).
pp. 60-68.
ISSN Online: 1744-1617
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Smith, J.
Mothers, Fathers, Families and Child Development.
Contemporary Issues in Family Studies: Global Perspectives on Partnerships, Parenting and Support in a Changing World.
Wiley, Oxford, pp. 151-165.
ISBN 9781119971030 Online: 9781118320990
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The ‘Quiet Migration’: Challenges for Families with Children Adopted Internationally.
Contemporary Issues in Family Studies: Global Perspectives on Partnerships, Parenting and Support in a Changing World.
Wiley, Oxford, pp. 288-301.
ISBN 9781119971030 Online: 9781118320990
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Smith, J.
Why are we Waiting? Research, Policy and Practice in Recruiting and Supporting Same Gender Couples in Child Adoption.
In: People, Policy and Practice: Research Focus Conference, 23rd October 2013, Institute of Health and Society, University of Worcester, UK.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Smith, J.
A Taste of Research: Reflections on a Summer Vacation Research Assistantship.
In: Annual UW Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference: Enhancing Learning through Research and Practice 20th June 2013, 20th June 2013, University of Worcester.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The ‘Quiet Migration’: Is International Adoption a Successful Intervention in the Lives of Vulnerable Children Worldwide?
In: 6th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights, 17-20 March 2013, Sydney, Australia.
Unwin, Peter
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1985-1959 and Misca, Gabriela ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The Changing Face of Adoption in England: Opportunities and Dilemmas.
Revista de Asistenta Sociala / Social Work Review, 12 (2).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1583-0608
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The “Neglect of Neglect”: Adopting Evidence-based Approaches in Responding to Child Neglect.
In: Annual Conference of the Local Children's Safeguarding Board, 6th April 2011, Wolverhampton.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Attachment Features of Adolescents Growing Up in Institutional Care: Implications for ‘Attachment'-based Interventions.
Inside out. How interventions in child and family care work. An international source book.
Garant Uitgevers, Antwerp-Apeldoorn, pp. 330-332.
ISBN Paperback 9789044126976
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Attachment and Interventions for Adolescents Growing Up in Institutional Care.
In: 11th International Biennial EUSARF Conference, 22nd - 25th September 2010, Groningen, Netherlands.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
A Critical Review of the SACCS Assessment Method.
Technical Report.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Challenges in Evaluation of Intervention Programmes with Children: Reflections from a Research(er) Perspective.
Revista de Asistenta Sociala /Social Work Review, 9 (4).
pp. 41-48.
ISSN 1583-0608
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Risk and Resilience in the Developmental Pathways of Adolescents Growing Up in Childcare Institution.
In: Pathways to Resilience II: The Social Ecology of Resilience Conference, 7th - 10th June 2010, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Perspectives on the Life Course: Childhood and Adolescence.
Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 116-128.
ISBN 9780230218659
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Whose Rights? Re-visiting Inter-country Adoptions Dilemmas from a Children’s Rights Perspective.
In: 5th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights: Children Caught in Conflict, 23rd - 26th August 2009, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Roberts, D., Bernard, M., Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513 and Head, E.
Experiences of Children and Young People Caring for a Parent with a Mental Health Problem.
Project Report.
Social Care Institute for Excellence, London.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Developmental Adjustment in Adolescents Growing Up in Childcare Institutions in Romania.
Assessing the “Evidence-base” of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and Their Families.
Fondazione Emanuela Zancan, Padova, Italy.
ISBN 88-88843-24-8
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Developmental Adjustment in Adolescents Growing Up in Childcare Institutions in Romania.
In: 10th Eusarf International Conference: "Assessing the "evidence-base" of intervention for vulnerable children and their families, 26th - 29th March 2008, Padova, Italy.
Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
The “Romanian Orphans” Adopted Internationally: Reflections on Research Studies Over the Past Decade.
In: Second International Conference on Adoption Research - ICAR2 2006, 17th - 21st July 2006, University of East Anglia, Norwich.
Dixon, L. and Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513
Mapping the Number and Characteristics of Children Under Three in Institutions Across Europe at Risk of Harm: Report of Proceedings.
Technical Report.
WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Mulheir, G., Browne, K., Darabus, S., Misca, Gabriela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5153-5513, Pop, D. and Wilson, B.
De-institutionalisation of Children’s Services in Romania: a Good Practice Guide.
Technical Report.
The High Level Group for Romanian Children, Bucharest, Romanian Government and UNICEF.
My Most Viewed As Author
# | Item title |  |  |
1. | Living in our shoes: understanding the needs of UK armed forces families | 484 | 225 | 2. | Global Commercial Surrogacy and International Adoption: Parallels and Differences | 368 | 437 | 3. | Same-sex Parenting & Children’s Best Interests: Plain Sailing or Choppy Waters? | 329 | | 4. | The “Rescued Romanian Orphans” Revisited: Coming of Age | 302 | | 5. | Psychology and Social Work: Applied Perspectives | 290 | | 6. | Critical Review of Research Evidence of Parenting Coordination’s Effectiveness | 271 | 305 | 7. | Parenting with PTSD: A Review of Research on the Influence of PTSD on Parent-child Functioning in Military and Veteran Families | 242 | 4 | 8. | A Taste of Research: Reflections on a Summer Vacation Research Assistantship | 241 | 59 | 9. | The Changing Face of Adoption in England: Opportunities and Dilemmas | 237 | 226 | 10. | A Review of Coping Strategies, Parenting Programmes and Psychological Therapies Available to Military Parents with Children Under 5 | 236 | 243 | 11. | Parenting Under Fire: Resilience in Children Growing Up in Military Families | 222 | | 12. | An Exploration of Military Ex-service and Veterans’ Experiences of Mental Health Services and the Support Needs of Their Families: An Evaluation of Engagement with Services in South Staffordshire
- Executive Board Report for the South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust | 219 | 104 | 13. | Perspectives on the Life Course: Childhood and Adolescence | 214 | | 14. | Child and Adolescent Psychology for Social Work and Allied Professions: Applied Perspectives | 202 | | 15. | Human Trafficking from the Perspective of the Source Countries: Focus on Romania | 192 | | 16. | Experiences of Children and Young People Caring for a Parent with a Mental Health Problem | 190 | | 17. | The “Quiet Migration”: Challenges for Identity Development in Intercountry Adoptees | 183 | | 18. | The Role of PTSD in Bi-directional Intimate Partner Violence in Military and Veteran Populations: a Research Review | 182 | 4 | 19. | The “Romanian Orphans” Adopted Internationally: Reflections on Research Studies Over the Past Decade | 177 | | 20. | My Brief Encounter with the American Dream | 176 | 5 | 21. | Parenting Under Fire: An Ecological Perspective on Understanding Child Maltreatment in Military Families | 174 | 42 | 22. | “It Doesn't Happen Here” - Perspectives on Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness In Rural Settings | 173 | 61 | 23. | The “Quiet Migration”: Is Intercountry Adoption a Successful Intervention in the Lives of Vulnerable Children? | 172 | 248 | 24. | Mothers, Fathers, Families and Child Development | 172 | 9 | 25. | The ‘Quiet Migration’: Challenges for Families with Children Adopted Internationally | 171 | 2 | 26. | ‘She’s More Than a Mother - She Takes Care of Me’: Exploring the Meaning of Family for Young People Growing up in Institutional Care | 169 | | 27. | Symposium: Adoption and Same-Sex Parent Families: International Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice Paper: New Zealand Professionals’ Beliefs and Attitudes about Placing Children with Same-Sex Couples | 169 | | 28. | Developmental Adjustment in Adolescents Growing Up in Childcare Institutions in Romania | 168 | | 29. | The ‘Quiet Migration’: Is International Adoption a Successful Intervention in the Lives of Vulnerable Children Worldwide? | 162 | | 30. | Human Trafficking in Europe: Focus on Romania as a Source Country | 155 | | 31. | Why Listening to Children and Young People is Important in Family Justice | 154 | 482 | 32. | De-institutionalisation of Children’s Services in Romania: a Good Practice Guide | 152 | | 33. | Why are we Waiting? Research, Policy and Practice in Recruiting and Supporting Same Gender Couples in Child Adoption | 152 | | 34. | Life Stories of International Romanian Adoptees: A Narrative Study | 151 | 109 | 35. | Challenges in Evaluation of Intervention Programmes with Children: Reflections from a Research(er) Perspective | 148 | 36 | 36. | Filling the Gap? Romanian Social Workers’“Migration” Into the UK | 144 | 337 | 37. | Developmental Adjustment in Adolescents Growing Up in Childcare Institutions in Romania | 141 | | 38. | Attachment and Interventions for Adolescents Growing Up in Institutional Care | 140 | | 39. | Old Dilemmas, New Controversies: Children in International Adoption and Global Surrogacy | 138 | | 40. | Guidelines for the Use of Social Science Research in Family Law | 135 | 117 | 41. | Conflict on the Home Front: What Works in Supporting Military Families? | 129 | | 42. | Editorial: Contemporary Challenges in Social Work
Practice in Multicultural Societies | 124 | 1340 | 43. | Alienation and Estrangement From a Forensic, Therapeutic, and Legal Point of View | 123 | | 44. | A Critical Review of the SACCS Assessment Method | 122 | | 45. | Professionals’ Attitudes Toward Placing Adoptive Children with Same-sex Couples: A Cross-national Study | 120 | 90 | 46. | “Experts by Experience”: The Involvement of Service Users and Families in Designing and Implementing Innovations in Family Justice | 116 | 104 | 47. | Back in Civvy Street: An Exploration of Military Veterans’ Experiences of Mental Health Services and the Support Needs of Their Families | 116 | 2 | 48. | Whose Rights? Re-visiting Inter-country Adoptions Dilemmas from a Children’s Rights Perspective | 116 | | 49. | Partnership in Practice: European Perspectives | 115 | 37 | 50. | Modern Families, Modern Family Justice: Supporting Family Relationships in Fast‐Changing Socio‐Political‐Economic Climates (Summary of the Report of the Consultation at St George's House, Windsor, February 12–13, 2018) | 113 | 74 | 51. | Risk and Resilience in the Developmental Pathways of Adolescents Growing Up in Childcare Institution | 113 | | 52. | From the War Zone to the Home Front: Risk and Resilience in Military Families | 112 | 94 | 53. | LGBTQ+ Parent Adoption: Processes and outcomes (Symposium) | 111 | | 54. | Resilience in Children of Military Parents | 110 | | 55. | Mapping the Number and Characteristics of Children Under Three in Institutions Across Europe at Risk of Harm: Report of Proceedings | 109 | | 56. | Attachment Features of Adolescents Growing Up in Institutional Care: Implications for ‘Attachment'-based Interventions | 108 | | 57. | The Impact of Military Life on Young Children: A Call for Early Intervention | 105 | 3 | 58. | The Perceptions of New Zealand Lawyers and Social Workers about Children Being Adopted by Gay Couples and Lesbian Couples | 104 | 36 | 59. | Trauma Informed Approaches in Working with Military and Veteran Families | 104 | | 60. | Parenting Under Fire: a Cross-cultural Examination of Child Development in Military Families | 103 | 2 | 61. | Coming of Age: Stories from the Now-grown Romanian Adoptees | 103 | | 62. | Parenting in the Military Family | 100 | | 63. | "Families Un-locked”: Relationships Emerging from COVID-19 into the “New Normal” | 95 | 3 | 64. | The “Neglect of Neglect”: Adopting Evidence-based Approaches in Responding to Child Neglect | 95 | | 65. | Growing Up in Military Families: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Parental Military Career, Parenting and Child Developmental Outcomes | 92 | | 66. | Written evidence submitted by the ‘Living in our shoes’ review team to the "Women in the Armed Forces: From Recruitment to Civilian Life" Parliamentary Inquiry | 91 | 1 | 67. | Barriers towards same-gender adoptive parenting in the justice system: exploring the missing link(s) | 85 | 3 | 68. | Transitions Into Studying Psychology At University Level: Similarities and Differences in the USA and UK | 85 | | 69. | “Living in our shoes”: Influencing policy and practice
Special Award for FiMpacT 2021 | 84 | 46 | 70. | Families and the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from the UK | 76 | 18 | 71. | Covid-19 and Beyond: From (Forced) Remote Teaching and Learning to ‘The New Normal’ in Higher Education | 73 | 390 | 72. | "Living in Our Shoes" Understanding the needs of UK Armed Forces families & Determining the priorities for support | 73 | 50 | 73. | Editorial: COVID-19 and beyond: From (forced) remote teaching and learning to “the new normal” in higher education | 73 | 42 | 74. | Navigating the Same Storm but Not in the Same Boat: Mental Health Vulnerability and Coping in Women University Students During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK | 69 | 44 | 75. | Meaning(s) of transition(s) from military to civilian life at the intersection with mental health: implications for clinical settings | 57 | 81 | 76. | “Families Un-locked": The impact of COVID-19 on Families and Relationships | 54 | | 77. | Families Un-locked: Relationships Emerging from COVID-19 into the “New Normal” | 39 | | 78. | RNRMC “Strengthening Families By Your Side” Programme Evaluation: Kings Active Foundation - Active Families Packs | 38 | 1 | 79. | Living in Their Shoes: What Works in Supporting Military and Veteran Families? | 35 | | 80. | ‘Strengthening Families: By Your Side’ - Interventions to support resilience in military families. | 34 | | 81. | Military families: Influencing Policy - a journey from research to impact | 33 | | 82. | Leading for Sustainable Change: The “Living in Our Shoes” Review - from recommendations to priorities | 30 | | 83. | Strengthening couple relationships in military and veteran families | 29 | |