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WRaP is a collection of research papers and university publications. It presents the academic and creative work of the university. You are welcome to look for and obtain items of interest and make contact with the authors and creators.
Stephen Parker
My Latest As Author
Hand, M.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1643-8213 and Parker, Stephen
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 56 (5).
pp. 641-644.
ISSN 0309-8249 (print); 1467-9752 (web)
Parker, Stephen
Religion and worldviews: the debate continues.
Journal of Beliefs & Values, 43 (3).
pp. 237-238.
ISSN Print ISSN: 1361-7672 Online ISSN: 1469-9362
Parker, Stephen
Children’s subjectivity and agency in religious education (Editorial).
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42 (3).
pp. 277-278.
ISSN 1361-7672
Parker, Stephen
New directions in Religious and Values education :
International perspectives.
Religion, Education and Values
Peter Lang, Oxford.
ISBN 978-1-78997-878-0
Parker, Stephen
Introduction: Tracing the Origins of the Modern Concept of Religious Education in Schools.
New directions in Religious and Values education : International Perspectives.
Religion, Education and Values
Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 1-15.
ISBN 978-1-78997-878-0
Parker, Stephen
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4227-8804
Editorial: reforming religious education.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41 (3).
pp. 253-254.
ISSN 1361-7672
Parker, Stephen
Religious literacy: spaces of teaching and learning about religion and belief.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41 (2).
pp. 129-131.
ISSN 1361-7672
Parker, Stephen
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4227-8804 and Freathy, R.
The Church of England and religious education during the twentieth century.
The Church of England and British Politics since 1900.
Studies in Modern British Religious History
Boydell & Brewer, Martlesham, Suffolk, UK.
ISBN 9781783274680 (hardback) 9781787448209 (ebook)
Parker, Stephen, Allen, S. and Freathy, R.
The Church of England and the 1870 Elementary Education Act.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 68 (5).
pp. 541-565.
ISSN Print: 0007-1005 Online: 1467-8527
Parker, Stephen, Lewin, D. and Raftery, D.
Religion and Education: Framing and Mapping a Field.
ISBN 978-90-04-41295-8
Parker, Stephen, Berglund, J., Lewin, D. and Raftery, D.
Religion and Education: Framing and Mapping a Field.
Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Education, 1 (1).
pp. 1-86.
ISSN 2589-5303
Crutchley, J., Parker, Stephen and Roberts, S.
Sight, Sound and Text in the History of Education.
Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), London.
ISBN Hardback: 9780367194710
Parker, Stephen
The Commission on Religious Education’s Final Report: Brief Remarks.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39 (4).
pp. 397-398.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672 Online: 1469-9362
Parker, Stephen
Editorial: ‘Conscience’, the Right of Withdrawal, and Religious Education.
Journal of Beliefs & Values, 39 (3).
pp. 255-257.
ISSN 1469-9362
Parker, Stephen
British Hymn Books for Children, 1800–1900: Re-tuning the History of Childhood, by Alisa Clapp-Itnyre/Creating Religious Childhoods in Anglo-world and British Colonial Contexts, 1800–1950, edited by Hugh Morrison and Mary Clare Martin/Young People and Church Since 1900: Engagement and Exclusion, by Naomi Thompson (Book Review).
Taylor & Francis.
Crutchley, J., Parker, Stephen and Roberts, S.
Sight, Sound and Text in the History of Education.
History of Education, 47 (2).
pp. 143-147.
ISSN 0046-760X Online: 1464-5130
Parker, Stephen
Editorial: Spaces of Religious and Values Education.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39 (1).
pp. 1-2.
ISSN 1361-7672, Online:1469-9362
Doney, J., Parker, Stephen and Freathy, R.
Enriching the Historiography of Religious Education: Insights from Oral Life History.
History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society, 46 (4).
pp. 436-458.
ISSN Print 0046-760X Online: 1464-5130
Francis, L.J., Village, A. and Parker, Stephen
Exploring the Trajectory of Personal, Moral and Spiritual Values of 16- to 18-year-old Students Taking Religious Studies at A Level in the UK.
Journal of Beliefs and Values : Studies in Religion & Education, 38 (1).
pp. 18-31.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672 Online: 1469-9362
Strhan, A., Parker, Stephen and Ridgely, S.
The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood.
Bloomsbury Academic (An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing), London.
ISBN Paperback: 978-1474251099 Hardback: 978-1474251105
Parker, Stephen and Freathy, R.
Childhood, Faith and the Future: Religious Education and 'National Character' in the Second World War.
The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood.
Bloomsbury Academic (An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing), London, pp. 191-200.
ISBN Paperback: 978-1474251099 Hardback: 978-1474251105
Parker, Stephen
The BBC's Religious Service for Schools, 'Come and Praise', and the Musical Aesthetic and Religious Discourse Around the Child.
The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood.
Bloomsbury Academic (An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing), London, pp. 279-288.
ISBN Paperback: 978-1474251099 Hardback: 978-1474251105
Parker, Stephen
Classrooms as Spaces of Religious and Moral Education and Socialization.
The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood.
Bloomsbury Academic (An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing), London, pp. 307-316.
ISBN Paperback: 978-1474251099 Hardback: 978-1474251105
Francis, L.J., Astley, J. and Parker, Stephen
Who Studies Religion at Advanced Level: Why and to What Effect?
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 37 (3).
pp. 334-346.
ISSN 1361-7672
Parker, Stephen
Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education, 37 (2).
pp. 129-130.
ISSN Print 1361-7672 Online 1469-9362
Simojoki, H., Schweitzer, F., Parker, Stephen and Freathy, R.
Die Professionalisierung des Religionslehrerberufs als Aufgabe und Gegenstand Religionspädagogischer Forschung. Historische und Systematische Perspektiven.
Zeitschrift fur Pedagogie und Theologie, 68 (2).
pp. 135-152.
ISSN 2366-7796
Freathy, R., Parker, Stephen, Schweitzer, F. and Simojoki, H.
Conceptualizing and Researching the Professionalization of Religious Education Teachers: Historical and International Perspectives.
British Journal of Religious Education, 38 (2).
pp. 114-129.
ISSN Print: 0141-6200, Online: 1740-7931
Freathy, R., Parker, Stephen, Schweitzer, F. and Simojoki, H.
Editorial: Professionalism, Professionalisation and Professionality in Religious Education.
British Journal of Religious Education, 38 (2).
pp. 111-113.
ISSN Print: 0141-6200, Online: 1740-7931
Parker, Stephen, Freathy, R. and Doney, J.
The Professionalisation of Non-Denominational Religious Education in England: Politics, Organisation and Knowledge.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 37 (2).
pp. 201-238.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672, Online: 1469-9362
Parker, Stephen
The Professionalization of Religious Education.
In: Belief in Dialogue, Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education (AULRE) Annual Conference, 1st – 3rd September 2015, St. Mary’s University Twickenham.
Freathy, R. and Parker, Stephen
Prospects and Problems for Religious Education in England, 1967-1970: Curriculum Reform in Political Context.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 36 (1).
pp. 3-30.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672, Online:1469-9362
Parker, Stephen, Freathy, R. and Aldridge, D.
The Future of Religious Education: Crisis, Reform and Iconoclasm.
Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education, 36 (1).
pp. 1-4.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672 Online: 1469-9362
Parker, Stephen
Mediatizing Childhood Religion: the BBC, John G. Williams, and Collective Worship for Schools in England, c.1940-1975.
Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, 51 (5).
pp. 614-630.
ISSN Print: 0030-9230 Online: 1477-674X
Parker, Stephen
History, Remembrance and Religious Education.
Religion, Education and Values., 7
Peter Land, Bern.
ISBN 3034317204, 9783034317207
Freathy, R., Parker, Stephen and Doney, J.
Raiders of the Lost Archives: Searching for the Hidden History of Religious Education in Englang.
History, Remembrance and Religious Education.
Religion, Education and Values.
Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 105-137.
ISBN 3034317204, 9783034317207
Freathy, R. and Parker, Stephen
History, Remembrance and Education - Introduction.
History, Remembrance and Education.
Religion, Education and Values.
Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 1-19.
ISBN 3034317204, 9783034317207
Parker, Stephen
Towards International Comparative Research on the Professionalization of Religious Education.
In: Annual Conference of the History of Education Society (UK), 21st-23rd November 2014, University College Dublin.
Freathy, R., Parker, Stephen, Schweitzer, F. and Simojoki, H.
Towards International Comparative Research on the Professionalisation of Religious
Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education, 35 (2).
pp. 225-241.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672 Online: 1469-9362
Parker, Stephen
What is Religious Education, and Should it be Taught in Schools?
In: Hive Professorial Lecture, 1st October 2014, The Hive, Worcester.
Freathy, R. and Parker, Stephen
Mary Whitehouse, Religious Education and the Cold War: Cultural Revolution and Moral Rearmament in England, 1975-1977.
In: International Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE) Annual Conference 2014, 23rd - 26th July 2014, Institute of Education, University of London.
Roberts, S. and Parker, Stephen
Gender, Transnational Exchanges, and Christian Youth Leadership: the Entangled History of Westhill Training College, Birmingham 1907-35.
In: International Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE) Annual Conference 2014, 23rd - 26th July 2014, Institue of Education, University of London.
Parker, Stephen and Freathy, R.
Translantic Perspectives on Religious Education for Citizenship During the Second World War.
In: International Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE) Annual Conference 2014, 23rd -26th July 2014, Institute of Education, University of London.
Parker, Stephen
Anglican Church School Education: Moving Beyond the First Two Hundred Years by H. Worsley (Book Review).
Taylor & Francis.
Parker, Stephen
Clifton College: Foundation to Evacuation edited by C.S. Knighton (Book Review).
Taylor & Francis.
Parker, Stephen
Religious Education, the Church of England, and Church-State Relations, 1965-1970.
In: History of Education Society Annual Conference 2013, 22nd - 24th November 2013, Mercure Southgate Hotel, Exeter, UK.
Parker, Stephen
George Hamilton Archibald, Gender, and the Professionalization of Sunday-School Teaching, History of Education Society, Going Un-Christian?
In: History of Education Society Annual Conference 2013, 22nd - 24th November, 2013, Mercure Southgate Hotel, Exeter, UK.
Parker, Stephen
School Worship, John G. Williams, and the Idea of Childhood Piety at the BBC.
In: Religious Education Association (REA) Annual Meeting, 8th-10th November 2013, Boston, Massachusetts.
Parker, Stephen
Faith on the Air: a Religious Educational Broadcasting History, 1992-.
In: International Society for Media, Religion and Culture Conference 2013, 4th - 6th August 2013, University of Kent.
Parker, Stephen
The Future of Religious Education: Prospects and Problems for Religious Education (revisited). Summary Report on a Conference held at the University of Worcester in 2013.
University of Worcester.
Parker, Stephen
Islam and Education: the Manipulation and Misrepresentation of a Religion by Lynn Revell (Book Review).
Taylor & Francis.
Freathy, R. and Parker, Stephen
Secularists, Humanists and Religious Education: Religious Crisis and Curriculum Change in England, 1963–1975.
History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society, 42 (2).
pp. 222-256.
ISSN Print: 0046-760X 1464-5130 (Online)
Parker, Stephen
Cosmo Lang: Archbishop in War and Crisis by R. Beaken (Book Review).
Université de Rouen.
Parker, Stephen and Lawson, T.
God and War: the Church of England and Armed Conflict in the Twentieth Century.
Ashgate, Farnham.
ISBN Hardback 9780754666929
Parker, Stephen
Reinvigorating Christian Britain: The Spiritual Issues of the War, National Identity, and the Hope of Religious Education.
God and War: the Church of England and Armed Conflict in the Twentieth Century.
Ashgate Publishing, Farnham, pp. 61-79.
ISBN Hardback 9780754666929
Parker, Stephen, Freathy, R. and Francis, L.J.
Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief.
Religion, Education and Values
Peter Lang, Oxford.
ISBN Paperback 9783034307543 PDF 9783035303353
Parker, Stephen, Freathy, R. and Francis, L.J.
Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief.
Religion, Education and Values
Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 1-3.
ISBN Paperback 9783034307543 PDF 9783035303353
Freathy, R. and Parker, Stephen
Freedom from Religious Beliefs: Humanists and Religious Education in England in the 1960s and 1970s.
Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief.
Religion, Education and Values
Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 7-27.
ISBN Paperback 9783034307543 PDF 9783035303353
Parker, Stephen and Freathy, R.
Ethnic Diversity, Christian Hegemony and the Emergence of Multi-faith Religious Education in the 1970s.
History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society, 41 (3).
pp. 381-404.
ISSN Print: 0046-760X, Online: 1464-5130
Parker, Stephen and Freathy, R.
Context, Complexity and Contestation: Birmingham’s Agreed Syllabuses for Religious Education since the 1970s.
Journal of Beliefs and Values., 32 (2).
pp. 247-263.
ISSN Print: 1361-7672 Online: 1469-9362
Parker, Stephen
Teach Them to Pray Auntie: Children’s Hour Prayers at the BBC,
History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society, 39 (5).
pp. 659-676.
ISSN Print: 0046-760X, Online: 1464-5130
Freathy, R. and Parker, Stephen
The Necessity of Historical Inquiry in Educational Research: the Case of Religious Education.
British Journal of Religious Education, 32 (3).
pp. 229-243.
ISSN Print: 0141-6200 Online: 1740-7931
Parker, Stephen
Ethical Leaders Born or Made? Exploring the Notion of the Virtuous Leader.
In: Launch of the Centre for Ethical Leadership, Friday 12th November, University of Worcester.
Parker, Stephen
Theorising 'Sacred' Space in Educational Contexts: a Case Study of Three English Midlands Sixth Form Colleges.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 30 (1).
pp. 29-39.
ISSN 1361-7672
Parker, Stephen
‘Blessed are the Pacifists’: E. W. Barnes of Birmingham and
Pacifism, 1914–45.
Midland History, 34 (2).
pp. 204-219.
ISSN Print: 0047-729X Online: 1756-381X
Parker, Stephen
Faith on the Home Front: Aspects of Church Life and Popular Religion in Birmingham, 1939-1945.
Peter Lang, Oxford.
ISBN Paperback 9783039102525
Snape, M.F. and Parker, Stephen
Keeping Faith and Coping: Belief, Popular Religiosity and the British People.
The Great World War (Volume 2).
Harper Collins, London.
ISBN 0007116187, 9780007116188
My Most Viewed As Author
# | Item title |  |  |
1. | Ethical Leaders Born or Made? Exploring the Notion of the Virtuous Leader | 856 | 815 | 2. | The Future of Religious Education: Prospects and Problems for Religious Education (revisited). Summary Report on a Conference held at the University of Worcester in 2013. | 417 | 610 | 3. | Enriching the Historiography of Religious Education: Insights from Oral Life History | 238 | 159 | 4. | Sight, Sound and Text in the History of Education | 233 | | 5. | Islam and Education: the Manipulation and Misrepresentation of a Religion by Lynn Revell (Book Review) | 216 | 269 | 6. | Mary Whitehouse, Religious Education and the Cold War: Cultural Revolution and Moral Rearmament in England, 1975-1977 | 193 | | 7. | Faith on the Air: a Religious Educational Broadcasting History, 1992- | 189 | | 8. | The Professionalisation of Non-Denominational Religious Education in England: Politics, Organisation and Knowledge | 183 | 147 | 9. | Freedom from Religious Beliefs: Humanists and Religious Education in England in the 1960s and 1970s | 179 | 3 | 10. | Conceptualizing and Researching the Professionalization of Religious Education Teachers: Historical and International Perspectives | 176 | 259 | 11. | Mediatizing Childhood Religion: the BBC, John G. Williams, and Collective Worship for Schools in England, c.1940-1975 | 175 | 8 | 12. | Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief | 175 | | 13. | Introduction | 174 | 3 | 14. | Towards International Comparative Research on the Professionalisation of Religious
Education | 173 | | 15. | The Necessity of Historical Inquiry in Educational Research: the Case of Religious Education | 169 | 4 | 16. | George Hamilton Archibald, Gender, and the Professionalization of Sunday-School Teaching, History of Education Society, Going Un-Christian? | 168 | | 17. | Keeping Faith and Coping: Belief, Popular Religiosity and the British People | 163 | 10 | 18. | The Church of England and religious education during the twentieth century | 157 | | 19. | Faith on the Home Front: Aspects of Church Life and Popular Religion in Birmingham, 1939-1945 | 155 | | 20. | Reinvigorating Christian Britain: The Spiritual Issues of the War, National Identity, and the Hope of Religious Education | 151 | 3 | 21. | Gender, Transnational Exchanges, and Christian Youth Leadership: the Entangled History of Westhill Training College, Birmingham 1907-35 | 148 | | 22. | Die Professionalisierung des Religionslehrerberufs als Aufgabe und Gegenstand Religionspädagogischer Forschung. Historische und Systematische Perspektiven | 147 | 81 | 23. | God and War: the Church of England and Armed Conflict in the Twentieth Century | 145 | | 24. | Editorial | 143 | 3 | 25. | Prospects and Problems for Religious Education in England, 1967-1970: Curriculum Reform in Political Context | 143 | 3 | 26. | ‘Blessed are the Pacifists’: E. W. Barnes of Birmingham and
Pacifism, 1914–45 | 143 | 2 | 27. | The Future of Religious Education: Crisis, Reform and Iconoclasm | 143 | 1 | 28. | Religious Education, the Church of England, and Church-State Relations, 1965-1970 | 141 | | 29. | The Professionalization of Religious Education | 139 | | 30. | Secularists, Humanists and Religious Education: Religious Crisis and Curriculum Change in England, 1963–1975 | 138 | | 31. | Anglican Church School Education: Moving Beyond the First Two Hundred Years by H. Worsley (Book Review) | 135 | 75 | 32. | History, Remembrance and Religious Education | 135 | | 33. | Theorising 'Sacred' Space in Educational Contexts: a Case Study of Three English Midlands Sixth Form Colleges | 134 | 2 | 34. | Clifton College: Foundation to Evacuation edited by C.S. Knighton (Book Review) | 134 | | 35. | History, Remembrance and Education - Introduction | 134 | | 36. | Ethnic Diversity, Christian Hegemony and the Emergence of Multi-faith Religious Education in the 1970s | 133 | 4 | 37. | Towards International Comparative Research on the Professionalization of Religious Education | 133 | | 38. | The Church of England and the 1870 Elementary Education Act | 132 | 209 | 39. | School Worship, John G. Williams, and the Idea of Childhood Piety at the BBC | 128 | | 40. | Teach Them to Pray Auntie: Children’s Hour Prayers at the BBC,
1940–1961 | 124 | 3 | 41. | British Hymn Books for Children, 1800–1900: Re-tuning the History of Childhood, by Alisa Clapp-Itnyre/Creating Religious Childhoods in Anglo-world and British Colonial Contexts, 1800–1950, edited by Hugh Morrison and Mary Clare Martin/Young People and Church Since 1900: Engagement and Exclusion, by Naomi Thompson (Book Review) | 124 | | 42. | Editorial: Spaces of Religious and Values Education | 123 | | 43. | Translantic Perspectives on Religious Education for Citizenship During the Second World War | 122 | | 44. | Religion and Education: Framing and Mapping a Field | 121 | | 45. | Raiders of the Lost Archives: Searching for the Hidden History of Religious Education in Englang | 119 | | 46. | Context, Complexity and Contestation: Birmingham’s Agreed Syllabuses for Religious Education since the 1970s | 117 | 4 | 47. | What is Religious Education, and Should it be Taught in Schools? | 114 | | 48. | Cosmo Lang: Archbishop in War and Crisis by R. Beaken (Book Review) | 114 | | 49. | Exploring the Trajectory of Personal, Moral and Spiritual Values of 16- to 18-year-old Students Taking Religious Studies at A Level in the UK | 107 | 4 | 50. | Sight, Sound and Text in the History of Education | 104 | | 51. | Editorial: ‘Conscience’, the Right of Withdrawal, and Religious Education | 101 | | 52. | The BBC's Religious Service for Schools, 'Come and Praise', and the Musical Aesthetic and Religious Discourse Around the Child | 100 | | 53. | The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood | 99 | | 54. | Religious literacy: spaces of teaching and learning about religion and belief | 98 | 156 | 55. | Childhood, Faith and the Future: Religious Education and 'National Character' in the Second World War | 96 | | 56. | Religion and Education: Framing and Mapping a Field | 92 | | 57. | Editorial: reforming religious education | 90 | 38 | 58. | Editorial: Professionalism, Professionalisation and Professionality in Religious Education | 88 | | 59. | The Commission on Religious Education’s Final Report: Brief Remarks | 86 | | 60. | Who Studies Religion at Advanced Level: Why and to What Effect? | 85 | | 61. | Classrooms as Spaces of Religious and Moral Education and Socialization | 75 | | 62. | New directions in Religious and Values education :
International perspectives | 50 | | 63. | Introduction: Tracing the Origins of the Modern Concept of Religious Education in Schools | 39 | | 64. | Children’s subjectivity and agency in religious education (Editorial) | 28 | | 65. | Religion and worldviews: the debate continues | 25 | | 66. | Introduction | 21 | |