Number of items at this level: 48.
Baas, M.A, Stramrood, C.A., Dijksman, L.M., de Jongh, Ad and van Pampus, M.G.
The optiMUM-study: EMDR Therapy in Pregnant Women with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Previous Childbirth and Pregnant Women with Fear of Childbirth: Design of a Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial.
European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8 (1).
p. 1293315.
ISSN 2000-8066
Bick, D., Briley, A., Brocklehurst, P., Hardy, P., Juszczak, E., Lynch, L., MacArthur, C., Moore, P., Nolan, Mary, Rivero-Arias, O., Sanders, J., Shennan, A. and Wilson, M.
Upright Versus Lying Down Position in Second Stage of Labour in Nulliparous Women With Low Dose Epidural: BUMPES Randomised Controlled Trial.
British Medical Journal, 359.
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 0959-8138 Online: 1756-1833
Bold, Justine
Gluten and Female Infertility.
Forum Gluten Free Journal for Healthcare Professionals, 2.
pp. 4-7.
Bold, Justine
Nutrition and Integrative Approaches to Infertility: Improving Patient Experience and Outcomes.
Journal of Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy, 120.
pp. 28-35.
ISSN 1367-7845
Bold, Justine and Diamantopoulou, Dimitra
Views and experiences of infertile women regarding the role of gluten in their infertility.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Research, 5 (4).
pp. 296-310.
ISSN 2637-4560
Bold, Justine and Rostami, K.
Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity and Reproductive Disorders.
Gastroenterology Hepatology From Bed to Bench., 8 (4).
pp. 294-297.
ISSN Print: 2008-2258 Online: 2008-4234
Bold, Justine and Swinburne, David
Pre-Conceptual Guidelines for Men: A Review of Male Infertility Experience, including Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors.
Dietetics, 1 (3).
pp. 164-181.
ISSN 2674-0311
Boldarine, V.T., Pedroso, A.P., Brandao-Teles, C., Lo Turco, E.G., Nascimento, C.M.O., Oyama, L.M., Bueno, Allain
ORCID:, Martins-de-Souza, D. and Ribeiro, E.B.
Ovariectomy modifies lipid metabolism of retroperitoneal white fat in rats: a proteomic approach.
American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 319 (2).
ISSN Print: 0193-1849 Online:1522-1555
Bueno, Allain
ORCID:, Ghebremeskel, K., Bakheit, K.H., Elbashir, M.I. and Adam, I.
Dimethyl Acetals, an Indirect Marker of the Endogenous Antioxidant Plasmalogen Level, are Reduced in Blood Lipids of Sudanese Pre-eclamptic Subjects whose Background Diet is High in Carbohydrate.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 32 (3).
pp. 241-246.
ISSN Print 0144-3615 Online: 1364-6893
Campbell, V. and Nolan, Mary
'It Definitely Made a Difference' A Grounded Theory Study of Yoga for Pregnancy and Women's Self-efficacy for Labour.
Midwifery, 68.
pp. 74-83.
ISSN Print: 0266-6138 Online: 1532-3099
Campbell, Virginia and Nolan, Mary
A Qualitative Study Exploring How the Aims, Language and Actions of Yoga for Pregnancy Teachers May Impact Upon Women's Self-efficacy for Labour and Birth.
Women and Birth, 29 (1).
pp. 3-11.
ISSN 1871-5192
Divall, B., Spiby, H., Nolan, Mary and Slade, P.
Plans, Preferences or Going with the Flow: an Online Exploration of Women’s Views and Experiences of Birth Plans.
Midwifery, 54.
pp. 29-34.
ISSN 0266-6138
Gale, N.K., Kenyon, S., MacArthur, C., Jolly, K. and Hope, Lucy
Synthetic Social Support: Theorizing Lay Health Worker Interventions.
Social Science & Medicine, 196.
pp. 96-105.
ISSN 0277-9536 Online: 0277-9536
Goldie, Joanna, Bold, Justine and Haigney, Diane
Diet and Nutrition in the Periconception Period of a Subsequent Pregnancy Following a Congenital Heart Defect-affected Pregnancy.
Heart : Journal of the British Cardiac Society, 102 (Supp 1).
ISSN Print: 1355-6037 Online 1468-201X
Hopkinson, Y., Hill, D.M., Fellows, Lindsey and Fryer, S.
Midwives Understanding of Physical Activity Guidelines During Pregnancy.
Midwifery, 59.
pp. 23-26.
ISSN 0266-6138 Online:1532-3099
Jolly, K., Hope, Lucy, Khan, K.S., Deeks, J.J., Freemantle, N. and MacArthur, C.
Systematic Review of Peer Support for Breastfeeding Continuation: Metaregression Analysis of the Effect of Setting, Intensity, and Timing.
British Medical Journal, 344.
ISSN 0959-8138 Online: 1756-1833
Jones, E., Taylor, B., MacArthur, C., Bradshaw, S., Hope, Lucy and Cummins, C.
Early Postnatal Discharge for Infants: A Meta-analysis.
Pediatrics, 146 (3).
ISSN 1098-4275
Kenyon, S., Dann, S., Hope, Lucy, Clarke, P., Hogan, A., Jenkinson, D. and Hemming, K.
Evaluation of a Bespoke Training to Increase Uptake by Midwifery Teams of NICE Guidance for Membrane Sweeping to Reduce Induction of Labour: a Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomised Design.
Trials, 18.
pp. 357-367.
ISSN 1745-6215
Kenyon, S., Johns, N., Duggal, S., Hewston, Ruth and Gale, N.
Improving the Care Pathway for Women who Request Caesarean Section: An Experience-Based Co-Design Study.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16 (348).
p. 348.
ISSN 1471-2393
Kenyon, S., Jolly, K., Hemming, K., Hope, Lucy, Blissett, J., Dann, S., Lilford, R. and MacArthur, C.
Lay Support for Pregnant Women With Social Risk: a Randomised Controlled Trial.
BMJ Open, 6 (3).
ISSN Online: 2044-6055
Kenyon, S., Jolly, K., Hemming, K., Hope, Lucy, Gale, N., Dann, S., Chambers, J. and MacArthur, C.
Evaluation of Lay Support in Pregnant Women with Social Risk (ELSIPS): a Randomised Controlled Trial.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 12 (11).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN Online: 1471-2393
MacArthur, C., Jolly, K., Hope, Lucy, Freemantle, N., Dennis, C.L., Hamburger, R., Brown, J., Chambers, J. and Khan, K.S.
Antenatal Peer Support Workers and Initiation of Breast Feeding: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial.
British Medical Journal, 338 (7691).
pp. 392-395.
ISSN Print: 0959-8138 Online: 1756-1833
Martin, Toni
Law and Ethics : a Midwifery Dilemma.
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 25 (4).
pp. 424-429.
ISSN 0961-5555
Mason, Lynne
Community Care: Added Value at No Extra Cost.
The Practising Midwife, 17 (2).
pp. 26-28.
ISSN 1461-3123
Noble, S. and Pearce, Ruth
Student Midwives Views on Incorporating Creative Arts as a Learning Strategy.
British Journal of Midwifery, 22 (4).
pp. 282-288.
ISSN 0969-4900
Nolan, Mary
Perceptions of Risk: How they Influence Women's and Health Professionals' Choices.
British Journal of Midwifery, 23 (8).
pp. 547-551.
ISSN Print: 0969-4900 Online: 2052-4307
Nolan, Mary
Why do Women Sue?
Essentially MIDIRS, 6 (2).
pp. 7-10.
ISSN 2044-0308
Nolan, Mary, Smith, Julie and Catling, Jonathan
Experiences of Early Labour (3): 'Any Further Comments?' What Women Told Us.
The Practising Midwife, 12 (9).
pp. 35-37.
ISSN 1461-3123
Pisani, L.P., Oller do Nascimento, C.M., Bueno, Allain
ORCID:, Biz, C., Albuquerque, K.T., Ribeiro, E.B. and Oyama, L.M.
Hydrogenated Fat Diet Intake during Pregnancy and Lactation
Modifies the PAI-1 Gene Expression in White Adipose Tissue of
Offspring in Adult Life.
Lipids in Health and Disease, 7 (13).
ISSN 1476-511X
Roberts, Helen and Upton, Dominic
New Mothers' Knowledge of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
British Journal of Midwifery, 8 (3).
pp. 147-150.
ISSN 0969-4900
Scully, M., Thomas, M., Underwood, M., Watson, H., Langley, K., Camilleri, Raymond S., Clark, A., Creagh, D., Rayment, R., Mcdonald, V., Roy, A., Evans, G., McGuckin, S., Ni Ainle, F., Maclean, R., Lester, W., Nash, M., Scott, R. and O Brien, P.
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Pregnancy: Presentation, Management, and Subsequent Pregnancy Outcomes.
Blood, 124 (2).
pp. 211-219.
ISSN Print: 0006-4971 Online: 1528-0020
Sonmezer, Ellie
Professional autonomy for midwives in the contemporary UK maternity system: part 1.
British Journal of Midwifery, 28 (12).
pp. 850-856.
ISSN 0969-4900
Sonmezer, Ellie
Professional autonomy for midwives in the contemporary UK maternity system: part 2.
British Journal of Midwifery, 29 (1).
pp. 19-25.
ISSN 0969-4900
Thomas, S.G. and Upton, Dominic
Expectant Fathers' Attitudes Towards Pregnancy.
British Journal of Midwifery, 8 (4).
pp. 218-221.
ISSN 0969-4900
Book Section
Bold, Justine
Introduction to Female Factors in Infertility and Pregnancy Loss.
Integrated Approaches to Infertility, IVF and Recurrent Miscarriage: A Handbook.
Singing Dragon, London, pp. 88-99.
ISBN 9781848191556
Bold, Justine
Preparing for Fertility Treatment.
Integrated Approaches to Infertility, IVF and Recurrent Miscarriage: A Handbook.
Singing Dragon, London, pp. 30-45.
ISBN 9781848191556
Bold, Justine
Reproductive Immunology Case History.
Integrated Approaches to Infertility, IVF and Recurrent Miscarriage: A Handbook.
Singing Dragon, London, pp. 213-227.
ISBN Paperback: 9781848191556
Bold, Justine and Bedford, S.
Integrated Approaches to Infertility, IVF, and Recurrent Miscarriage: A Handbook.
Singing Dragon, London, pp. 17-29.
ISBN Paperback: 9781848191556
Cook, Deborah
Reflexology to Assist with Fertility.
Integrated Approaches to Infertility, IVF and Recurrent Miscarriage: A Handbook.
Singing Dragon, London, pp. 332-344.
ISBN Paperback: 9781848191556
Nolan, Mary and Smith, Nanette
Antenatal Education: Principles and Practice.
Myles Textbook for Midwives (15th edition).
Elsevier, Edinburgh, pp. 227-242.
Conference or Workshop Item
Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Fraser, C., Di Florio, A., Forty, L., Craddock, N., Jones, I. and Jones, Lisa
Clinical Presentation of Postpartum and Non‐postpartum Manic Episodes in Women with Bipolar Disorder: A Within‐subjects Analysis.
In: 20th Annual Conference of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders, 7th-10th March 2018, Mexico City, Mexico.
Jones, Lisa
ORCID:, Gordon-Smith, Katherine
ORCID:, Perry, Amy
ORCID:, Fraser, C., Serra, Francesca, Di Florio, A., Forty, L., Craddock, N. and Jones, I.
Illness Episodes in Relation to Reproductive Cycle Events in Women With Bipolar Disorder: Data From the Bipolar Disorder Research Network.
In: 20th Annual Conference of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders, 7th - 10th March, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico.
Russell, Kim
Realising Behaviour Change in Midwifery Practice: A Participatory Action Research Proposal.
In: Research Focus One Day Conference : Health and Well Being, 27th February 2008, University of Worcester.
Wilson, Caitlin
Consultant Midwives in the UK: A Mapping Project of Clinical Leadership.
In: Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference, 31 Oct 2017, Manchester, England.
Bold, Justine and Bedford, S.
Integrated Approaches to Infertility, IVF and Recurrent Miscarriage: A Handbook.
Singing Dragon, London.
ISBN Paperback: 9781848191556
Snow, S., Taylor, Kate and Carpenter, J.
Rapid Midwifery.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK.
ISBN Online: 9781119548485 Paperback: 978111902336-4
Campbell, Virginia
A Grounded Theory Study of the Impact of Yoga for Pregnancy Classes on Women's Self-Efficacy for Labour and Birth.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Perry, Amy
Investigating risk factors for postpartum psychosis in bipolar disorder.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 12:45:18 2025 UTC.