University of Worcester Worcester Research and Publications

Framing the Transition: From Teacher to Teacher Educator - Developing a Taxonomy of Career Identity

McKerr, Linzi and Bingle, Branwen (2016) Framing the Transition: From Teacher to Teacher Educator - Developing a Taxonomy of Career Identity. In: 7th Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Annual Conference: Cultivating learning, 5th - 6th May 2016, Aston University, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

[img] Slideshow (Presentation for the TEAN Conference 5 May 2016 reporting on a small-scale project into teacher-educator identity and transition into role.)
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The authors will report on a two year project, which aims to develop a taxonomy of career phases experienced by Primary teachers as they make the transition to teacher
educator. Through a procedural paper the authors will explore their initial findings and hope to provide a definition of “Teacher Educator” for the sector, by the sector.
The presentation will detail the preliminary findings from the project and detail the final methodology utilised. Working within a pragmatic paradigm and explored through
grounded theory method, the project research design was conducted through the use of an adapted BNIM (Biographic Narrative Interview Method) (Wengraf, 2001) to incorporate
critical timelines, as well as the use of Repertory Grids (Kelly, 1955) to develop an understanding of personal constructs. The BNIM approach was adapted to create space to hear the voice of the teacher educators, which was privileged in this research over the voice of the authors. The repertory grid method allowed the authors to employ the constructs provided by the participants to consolidate plu
ralistic perspectives and understanding of the
term “teacher educator”. In trying to find out who we are the authors are aware that there may be a sense of “jumping
over our own shadows” (Arendt, 1958:10). Teacher education is a complex field in which to work, especially so in trying to create a definition of “What is a Teacher Educator?” However, without a shared definition Teacher Educators can be left feeling isolated in their role, with
no clear professional path to follow.
The presentation will include narratives of how teachers came to be teacher educators, how they view their roles and the communities in which they work. The findings will produce a taxonomy to aid the next phase of the project, which will be to help teacher educators map out their career pathway.
Cultivating learning:
This presentation links to the conference title in realising that teacher educators need to be cultivated. Teaching and lifelong learning are inextricably linked but the complex nature of teacher education can prevent
professional development and learning; without guidance, an awareness of professional identity and a knowledge of opportunities teacher educators will not thrive. The communities in which teacher educators work, in which
we thrive and grow, are identified from an interpersonal and intrapersonal perspective.
The country/ies to which the presentation relates:
This research will have significance to
teacher educators within an HE context within the UK, although it may be of interest to international teacher-
educators for their own careers. Non-HE teacher educators may recognise similar identity changes.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Other)
Uncontrolled Discrete Keywords: Primary teachers, teacher educator, career phases, professional development
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: College of Arts, Humanities and Education > School of Education
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Depositing User: Branwen Bingle
Date Deposited: 17 May 2016 11:13
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2024 14:31

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