Number of items: 25.
Hutchinson, L.A., Oliver, T.H., Breeze, T.D., Bailes, E.J., Brünjes, L., Campbell, A.J., Erhardt, A., Arjen de Groot, G., Földesi, R., Garcia, D., Goulson, D., Hainaut, H., Hambäck, P.A., Holzschuh, A., Jauker, F., Klatt, B.K., Klein, A-M., Kleijn, D., Kovács-Hostyánszki, A., Krimmer, E., McKerchar, Megan, Miñarro, M., Phillips, B.B., Potts, S.G., Pufal, G., Radzevičiūtė, R., Roberts, S.P.M., Samnegård, U., Schulze, J., Shaw, R.F., Tscharntke, T., Vereecken, N.J., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Westphal, C., Wietzke, A., Woodcock, B.A. and Garratt, M.P.D.
Using ecological and field survey data to establish a national list of the wild bee pollinators of crops.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 315 (107447).
ISSN 0167-8809
Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Harris, S.J., Brown, V.K. and Potts, S.G.
Buffer Strip Management to Deliver Plant and Invertebrate Resources For Farmland Birds in Agricultural Landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 240.
pp. 215-223.
ISSN 0167-8809
Blake, R.J., Woodcock, B.A., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
Novel Management to Enhance Spider Biodiversity in Existing Grass Buffer Strips.
Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 15 (1).
pp. 77-85.
ISSN Online: 1461-9563
Blake, R.J., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
Enhancement of Buffer Strips Can Improve Provision of Multiple Ecosystem Services.
Outlooks on Pest Management, 23 (6).
pp. 258-262.
ISSN Print: 1743-1026 Online: 1743-1034
Blake, R.J., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
Investigating the Phytotoxicity of the Graminicide Fluazifop-P-butyl against Native UK Wildflower Species.
Pest Management Science, 68 (3).
pp. 412-421.
ISSN Online: 1526-4998
Woodcock, B.A., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Brook, A.J., Lawson, C.S., Edwards, A.R., Harris, S.J., Heard, M.S., Brown, V.K. and Mortimer, S.R.
Effects of Seed Addition on Beetle Assemblages During the Re-creation of Species-rich Lowland Hay Meadows.
Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5 (1).
pp. 19-26.
ISSN Print: 1752-458X Online: 1752-4598
Blake, R.J., Woodcock, B.A., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
New Tools to Boost Butterfly Habitat Quality in Existing Grass Buffer Strips.
Journal of Insect Conservation, 15 (1-2).
pp. 221-232.
ISSN Print: 1366-638X Online: 1572-9753
Blake, R.J., Woodcock, B.A., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
Enhancing Habitat to Help the Plight of the Bumblebees.
Pest Management Science, 67 (4).
pp. 377-379.
ISSN Online: 1526-4998
Blake, R.J., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Sutton, P. and Potts, S.G.
Improving Butterfly Habitat in Existing Grass Buffer Strips.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 108 - Vegetation Management 2011.
ISSN 0265-1491
Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Harris, S.J., Griffith, B. and Tallowin, J.R.
Sustainable Grassland Management Benefits Butterflies.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 108 - Vegetation Management 2011.
ISSN 0265-1491
Woodcock, B.A., Edwards, A.R., Lawson, C.S., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Brook, A.J., Harris, S.J., Masters, G., Booth, R., Brown, V.K. and Mortimer, S.R.
The Restoration of Phytophagous Beetles in Species-Rich Chalk Grasslands.
Restoration Ecology, 18 (5).
pp. 638-644.
ISSN Print: 1061-2971 Online: 1526-100X
Woodcock, B.A., Vogiatzakis, I.N., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Lawson, C.S., Edwards, A.R., Brook, A.J., Harris, S.J., Lock, K.A., Maczey, N., Masters, G., Brown, V.K. and Mortimer, S.R.
The Role of Management and Landscape Context in the Restoration of Grassland Phytophagous Beetles.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 47 (2).
pp. 366-376.
ISSN Online 1365-2664
Blake, R.J., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Sutton, B.A. and Potts, S.G.
Enhancing Biodiversity in Existing Grass Buffer Strips.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 100 - Agri-environment Schemes - What have they achieved and where do we go from here?.
ISSN 0265-1491
Woodcock, B.A., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Tscheulin, T., Harrison-Cripps, J., Harris, S.J., Ramsay, A.J., Brown, V.K. and Potts, S.G.
Effects of Seed Mixture and Management on Beetle Assemblages of Arable Field Margins.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 125 (1-4).
pp. 246-254.
ISSN 0167-8809
Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Harris, S.J., Brown, V.K. and Potts, S.G.
The Effects of Seed Mix and Management on the Abundance of Desirable and Pernicious Unsown Species in Arable Buffer Strip Communities.
Weed Research, 48 (2).
pp. 113-123.
ISSN Print: 0043-1737 Online: 1365-3180
Woodcock, B.A., Edwards, A.R., Lawson, C.S., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Brook, A.J., Harris, S.J., Brown, V.K. and Mortimer, S.R.
Contrasting Success in the Restoration of Plant and Phytophagous Beetle Assemblages of Species-rich Mesotrophic Grasslands.
Oecologia, 154 (4).
pp. 773-783.
ISSN Print: 0029-8549 Online: 1432-1939
Woodcock, B.A., Mortimer, S.R., Edwards, A.R., Lawson, C.S., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Brook, A.J., Harris, S.J. and Brown, V.K.
Re-creating Plant and Beetle Assemblages of Species-rich Chalk Grasslands on Ex-arable Land.
Grassland: Ecology, Management and Restoration.
Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, pp. 133-152.
ISBN Hardback: 978-1-60692-024-4
Woodcock, B.A., Potts, S.G., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Ramsay, A.J., Lambert, M., Harris, S.J. and Brown, V.K.
The Importance of Sward Architectural Complexity in Structuring Predatory and Phytophagous Invertebrate Assemblages.
Ecological Entomology, 32 (3).
pp. 302-311.
ISSN Online: 1365-2311
Edwards, A.R., Mortimer, S.R., Lawson, C.S., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Harris, S.J., Woodcock, B.A. and Brown, V.K.
Hay Strewing, Brush Harvesting of Seed and Soil Disturbance as Tools for the Enhancement of Botanical Diversity in Grasslands.
Biological Conservation, 134 (3).
pp. 372-382.
ISSN 0006-3207
Henderson, I.G., Morris, A.J., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Potts, S.G., Ramsay, A.J. and Coombes, R.
Effects of Field Margin Management on Bird Distributions Around Cereal Fields.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 81 - Delivering Arable Biodiversity.
ISSN 0265-1491
Mortimer, S.R., Edwards, A.R., Lawson, C.S., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Brook, A.J., Harris, S.J. and Brown, V.K.
Efficacy of Methods for Using Seed of Local Provenance to Enhance Grassland Diversity.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 82 - Vegetation Management 2007.
ISSN 0265-1491
Ramsay, A.J., Potts, S.G., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Woodcock, B.A., Tscheulin, T., Harris, S.J. and Brown, V.K.
Response of Planthoppers to Novel Margin Management in Arable Systems.
In: AAB Conference Proceedings: Aspects of Applied Biology 81 - Delivering Arable Biodiversity.
ISSN 0265-1491
Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Davies, A., Woodcock, B.A. and Dunnett, N.P.
Seeds of Change: The Value of Using Rhinanthus Minor in Grassland Restoration.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 17 (4).
pp. 435-446.
ISSN Print: 1100-9233 Online: 1654-1103
Ogilvy, S.E., Clarke, J.H., Wiltshire, J.J.J., Harris, D., Morris, A.J., Jones, N., Smith, B., Henderson, I.G., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Potts, S.G., Woodcock, B.A. and Pywell, R.G.
SAFFIE - Research into Research and Practice.
In: HGCA Conference, Arable Crop Protection in the Balance: Profit and the Environment, 25th - 26th January 2006, Grantham.
Woodcock, B.A., Westbury, Duncan
ORCID:, Potts, S.G., Harris, S.J. and Brown, V.K.
Establishing Field Margins to Promote Beetle Conservation in Arable Farms.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 107 (2-3).
pp. 255-266.
ISSN 0167-8809
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