Number of items: 12.
Mueller, Andreas
'Daniel Defoe'.
Oxford Bibliographies in British and Irish Literature.
Mueller, Andreas
Politics, Politeness and Panegyrics: Defoe, Addison and Philips on Blenheim.
Philological Quarterly, 94 (2).
pp. 121-147.
ISSN 0031-7977
Mueller, Andreas and Gregg, S.
'Richard Hurd'.
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789.
Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature, II
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chicester.
ISBN Hardback: 9781444330205
Mueller, Andreas
Defoe in the Miscellanies.
Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe and his Contemporaries, 6 (1).
pp. 128-136.
ISSN 1948-1802
Mueller, Andreas
‘“One of the Greatest Puzzles in Defoe Bibliography”: John Toland, Daniel Defoe and Ennobling Foreigners’.
Topographies of the Imagination: New Approaches to Daniel Defoe.
AMS Studies in the Eighteenth Century
AMS Press, New York.
ISBN 9780404648695
Mueller, Andreas
A “Body Unfitt”: Daniel Defoe in the Pillory and the Resurrection of the Versifying Self.
The Eighteenth Century, 54 (3).
pp. 393-407.
ISSN Print: 0193-5380 Online: 1935-0201
Mueller, Andreas
Daniel Defoe’s The Family Instructor, the Schism Act, and Jacobite Unrest: The Conduct Book as a Political Act.
Positioning Daniel Defoe's Non-Fiction: Form, Function, Genre.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 125-148.
ISBN 978-1-4438-3005-8
Mueller, Andreas
Positioning Daniel Defoe's Non-Fiction: Form, Function, Genre.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
ISBN 978-1-4438-3005-8
Mueller, Andreas
A Critical Study of Daniel Defoe's Verse.
Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, New York.
ISBN 978-0-7734-3796-8
Mueller, Andreas
Shakespeare's Country Opposition: Titus Andronicus in the Early Eighteenth Century.
Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, 15 (1-3).
pp. 97-126.
ISSN 0939-5482
Mueller, Andreas
'Daniel Defoe, Master of Genres'.
Worcester Papers in English and Cultural Studies (3).
Mueller, Andreas
The Unfashionable Century: Student and Teacher Resistance to Eighteenth-Century Literature.
All in All: A Plural View of our Teaching & Learning.
University of La Coruna & British Council, La Coruna, pp. 97-106.
ISBN 84-9749-132-7
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