Number of items: 35.
Sadyś, Magdalena, Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Herbert, Rob and Kennedy, Roy
Comparisons of Fungal Spore Distributions Using Air Sampling at Worcester, England (2006-2010).
Aerobiologia, 32 (4).
pp. 619-634.
ISSN 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Sadyś, Magdalena, Skjøth, C.
ORCID: and Kennedy, Roy
Forecasting Methodologies for Ganoderma Spore Concentration
Using Combined Statistical Approaches and Model Evaluations.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 60 (4).
pp. 489-498.
ISSN Print: 0020-7128 Online: 1432-1254
Sadyś, Magdalena, Kennedy, Roy and West, J.S.
Potential Impact of Climate Change on Fungal Distributions: Analysis of 2 Years of Contrasting Weather in the UK.
Aerobiologia, 32 (1).
pp. 127-137.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Sadyś, Magdalena, Skjøth, C.
ORCID: and Kennedy, Roy
Determination of Alternaria spp. Habitats Using 7-Day Volumetric Spore Trap, Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model and Geographic Information System.
Urban Climate, 14 (3).
pp. 429-440.
ISSN Print: 2212-0955
Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Werner, Malgorzata, Kryza, M., Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Wakeham, Alison, Lewis, Mary and Kennedy, Roy
Quality of the Governing Temperature Variables in WRF in Relation to Simulation of Primary Biological Aerosols.
Advances in Meteorology (412658).
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 1687-9309
Buters, J.T.M., Prank, M., Sofiev, M., Pusch, G., Albertini, R., Annesi-Maesano, I., Antunes, C.M., Behrendt, H., Berger, U., Brandao, R., Celenk, S., Galán, C., Grewling, Ł., Jackowiak, B., Kennedy, Roy, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Reese, G., Sauliene, I., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Weber, B. and Cecchi, L.
Variation of the Group 5 Grass Pollen Allergen Content of Airborne Pollen in Relation to Geographical Location and Time in Season.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 136 (1).
pp. 87-95.
ISSN 0091-6749
Sadyś, Magdalena, Strzelczak, A., Grinn-Gofroń, A. and Kennedy, Roy
Application of Redundancy Analysis for Aerobiological Data.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 59 (1).
pp. 25-36.
ISSN Print: 0020-7128 Online: 1432-1254
Kennedy, Roy and Wakeham, Alison
Measuring Biological Particles in the Air Using the Hirst Type Spore Trap: Aerobiology in the Age of Genomics.
Annals of Applied Biology, 166 (1).
pp. 1-3.
ISSN Online: 1744-7348
Sadyś, Magdalena, Kennedy, Roy and Skjøth, C.
An Analysis of Local Wind and Air Mass Directions and Their Impact on Cladosporium Distribution Using HYSPLIT and Circular Statistics.
Fungal Ecology, 18.
pp. 56-66.
ISSN 1754-5048
O'Connor, D.J., Sadyś, Magdalena, Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Healy, D.A., Kennedy, Roy and Sodeau, J.R.
Atmospheric Concentrations of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Ganoderma and Didymella Spores Monitored in Cork (Ireland) and Worcester (England) During the Summer of 2010.
Aerobiologia, 30 (4).
pp. 397-411.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Sadyś, Magdalena, Skjøth, C.
ORCID: and Kennedy, Roy
Back-trajectories Show Export of Airborne Fungal Spores (Ganoderma sp.) From Forests to Agricultural and Urban Areas in England.
Atmospheric Environment, 84.
pp. 88-99.
ISSN 1352-2310
Peel, Robert, Ørby, P.V., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Kennedy, Roy, Schlünssen, V., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Sommer, J. and Hertel, O.
Seasonal Variation in Diurnal Atmospheric Grass Pollen Concentration Profiles.
Biogeosciences, 11.
pp. 821-832.
ISSN Print: 1726-4170 Electronic:1726-4189
Bilkhu, P.S., Wolffsohn, J.S., Naroo, S.A., Robertson, Louise and Kennedy, Roy
Effectiveness of Nonpharmacologic Treatments for Acute Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis.
Ophthalmology, 121 (1).
pp. 72-78.
ISSN 0161-6420
Peel, Robert, Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Kennedy, Roy and Hertel, O.
Relative Efficiencies of the Burkard 7-Day, Rotorod and Burkard Personal Samplers for Poaceae and Urticaceae Pollen under Field Conditions.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 21 (4).
pp. 745-752.
ISSN Print: 1232-1966 Online: 1898-2263
Peel, Robert, Hertel, O., Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Kennedy, Roy
Personal Exposure to Grass Pollen: Relating Inhaled Dose to Background Concentration.
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 111 (6).
pp. 548-554.
ISSN 1081-1206
Peel, Robert, Kennedy, Roy, Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Hertel, O.
Do Urban Canyons Influence Street Level Grass Pollen Concentrations.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 58 (6).
pp. 1317-1325.
ISSN Print: 0020-7128 Online: 1432-1254
Galán, C., Antunes, C.M., Brandao, R., Torres, C., García-Mozo, H., Caeiro, E., Ferro, R., Prank, M., Sofiev, M., Albertini, R., Berger, U., Cecchi, L., Celenk, S., Grewling, Ł., Jackowiak, B., Jäger, S., Kennedy, Roy, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Reece, G., Sauliene, I., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Weber, B., Weichenmeier, I., Pusch, G., Buters, J.T.M. and HIALINE working group
Airborne Olive Pollen Counts are not Representative of
1 Exposure to the Major Olive Allergen Ole e 1.
Allergy, 68 (6).
pp. 809-812.
ISSN Print: 0105-4538 Online: 1398-9995
Minchinton, E.J., Auer, D.P.F., Thomson, F.M., Trapnell, L.N., Petkowski, J.E., Galea, V., Faggian, R., Kita, N., Murdoch, C. and Kennedy, Roy
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Economics of Irrigation Management, Plant Resistance and Brassicaspot™ Models for Management of White Blister on Brassica Crops.
Australasian Plant Pathology, Decemb.
ISSN Print: 0815-3191 Online:1448-6032
Kennedy, Roy
Crop Protection: is it Still Relevant in the Molecular and Bioinformatics Age.
UK Science and Technology 2 (2).
pp. 82-83.
Buters, J.T.M., Thibaudon, M., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Kennedy, Roy, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Albertini, R., Reese, G., Weber, B., Galán, C., Brandao, R., Antunes, C.M., Siegfried, J., Berger, U., Celenk, S., Grewling, Ł., Jackowiak, B., Sauliene, I., Weichenmeier, I., Pusch, G., Sarioglu, H., Ueffing, M., Behrendt, H., Prank, M., Sofiev, M., Cecchi, L. and HIALINE working group
Release of Bet v 1 from Birch Pollen 1 from 5 European
2 Countries. Results from the HIALINE Study.
Atmospheric Environment, 55.
pp. 496-505.
ISSN 1352-2310
Wakeham, Alison and Kennedy, Roy
Risk Assessment Methods for the Ringspot Pathogen Mycosphaerella Brassicicola in Vegetable Brassica Crops.
Plant Disease, 94 (7).
pp. 851-859.
ISSN 0191-2917
Kennedy, Roy and Wakeham, Alison
Development of Detection Systems for the Sporangia of Peronospora Destructor.
European Journal of Plant Pathology, 122 (1).
pp. 147-155.
ISSN Print: 0929-1873 Online:1573-8469
Deardon, R., Gilmour, S., Butler, N., Phelps, K. and Kennedy, Roy
Designing Field Experiments which are Subject to Representation Bias.
Journal of Applied Statistics, 33 (7).
pp. 663-678.
ISSN Print: 0266-4763 Online: 1360-0532
Wakeham, Alison, Kennedy, Roy and McCartney, A.
The Collection and Retention of a Range of Common Airborne
Spore Types Trapped Directly into Microtiter Wells for
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Analysis.
Journal of Aerosol Science, 35 (7).
pp. 835-850.
ISSN 0021-8502
Deardon, R., Gilmour, S., Butler, N., Phelps, K. and Kennedy, Roy
A Method for Ascertaining and Controlling Representation Bias in Field Trials for Airborne Plant Pathogens.
Journal of Applied Statistics, 31 (3).
pp. 329-343.
ISSN Print: 0266-4763 Online: 1360-0532
Kennedy, Roy, Wakeham, Alison, Byrne, K.G., Meyer, U.M. and Dewy, F.M.
A New Method to Monitor Airborne Inoculum of the Fungal Plant Pathogens Mycosphaerella Brassicicola and Botrytis Cinerea.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66 (7).
pp. 2996-3003.
ISSN Print: 0099-2240 Online: 1098-5336
Book Section
Kennedy, Roy
Hay Fever Seasons Worldwide (Appendix 6).
Travellers' health : how to stay healthy abroad. 5th Edition.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 279-280.
ISBN 0199214166
Wakeham, Alison, Keane, Gary, Proctor, Maureen and Kennedy, Roy
Monitoring Infection Risk for Air and Soil Borne Fungal Plant Pathogens using Antibody and DNA Techniques and Mathematical Models describing Environmental Parameters.
Microbes in Applied Research: Current Advances and Challenges.
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, Singapore, pp. 152-156.
ISBN Paperback: 981-4405-03-5 Ebook: 981-4405-05-8
Wakeham, Alison, Keane, Gary, John, Simon, Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID: and Kennedy, Roy
CP 137 - Cucumber: Development and Testing of a Lateral Flow Device For Both Gummy Stem Blight and Powdery Mildew in Bio-aerosols During Cucurbit Production. Final Report.
Project Report.
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Warwickshire, UK.
Kennedy, Roy, Lewis, Mary, Petch, Geoffrey, Warren, A., Edwards, Emma, Keane, Gary, Proctor, Maureen, John, Simon and Wakeham, Alison
Further Development of “in field” Tests for Resting Spores of Clubroot and the Development of Control Based on Detection.
Project Report.
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Warwickshire, UK.
Kennedy, Roy, Wakeham, Alison, Lewis, Mary, Keane, Gary, Petch, Geoffrey, Proctor, Maureen and John, Simon
FV 349 - Brassicas: Further Development of "in Field" Tests for Resting Spores of Clubroot and the Development of Clubroot Control Based on Detection.
Project Report.
HDC, Kenilworth.
Kennedy, Roy and Smith, Matt
Effects of Aeroallergens on Human Health under Climate Change. In: Health Effects of Climate Change in the UK 2012.
Health Protection Agency, London.
Kennedy, Roy, Wakeham, Alison, Keane, Gary, Petch, Geoffrey, Proctor, Maureen and John, Simon
FV 356 - Onions: Further Development and Calibration of Detection Tests for Conidia of Onion Downy Mildew in Combination with the Morph Forecast Model MILIONCAST.
Project Report.
The Horticultural Development Company, Kenilworth.
Kennedy, Roy and Wakeham, Alison
FV 333 - Brassicas: Forecasting Light Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew in Vegetable Brassica Crops Based on "in Field" Detection of Airborne Spores.
Project Report.
The Horticultural Development Company, Kenilworth.
Kennedy, Roy
Project number: RD-2008-3525
Project title: Brassicas: Further Development of “in Field” Tests for Resting Spores of Clubroot and the Development of Clubroot Control Based on Detection.
Project Report.
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Kenilworth.
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 00:00:16 2025 UTC.