Number of items: 30.
Sofiev, M.
ORCID:, Palamarchuk, J.
ORCID:, Kouznetsov, R., Abramidze, T.
ORCID:, Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Antunes, C., Ariño, A.
ORCID:, Bastl, M.
ORCID:, Belmonte, J.
ORCID:, Berger, U.
ORCID:, Bonini, M., Bruffaerts, N.
ORCID:, Buters, J.
ORCID:, Cariñanos, P.
ORCID:, Celenk, S.
ORCID:, Ceriotti, V.
ORCID:, Charalampopoulos, A.
ORCID:, Clewlow, Y.
ORCID:, Clot, B.
ORCID:, Dahl, A.
ORCID:, Damialis, A.
ORCID:, De Linares, C.
ORCID:, De Weger, L.
ORCID:, Dirr, L., Ekebom, A.
ORCID:, Fatahi, Y.
ORCID:, Fernández González, M., Fernández González, D.
ORCID:, Fernández-Rodríguez, S., Galán, C.
ORCID:, Gedda, B.
ORCID:, Gehrig, R.
ORCID:, Geller Bernstein, C., Gonzalez Roldan, N.
ORCID:, Grewling, L., Hajkova, L.
ORCID:, Hänninen, R.
ORCID:, Hentges, F., Jantunen, J., Kadantsev, E.
ORCID:, Kasprzyk, I., Kloster, M.
ORCID:, Kluska, K., Koenders, M., Lafférsová, J., Leru, P., Lipiec, A., Louna-Korteniemi, M.
ORCID:, Magyar, D., Majkowska-Wojciechowska, B., Mäkelä, M., Mitrovic, M., Myszkowska, D.
ORCID:, Oliver, G.
ORCID:, Östensson, P., Pérez-Badia, R.
ORCID:, Piotrowska-Weryszko, K., Prank, M., Przedpelska-Wasowicz, E.
ORCID:, Pätsi, S., Rajo, F.
ORCID:, Ramfjord, H., Rapiejko, J.
ORCID:, Rodinkova, V.
ORCID:, Rojo, J.
ORCID:, Ruiz-Valenzuela, L.
ORCID:, Rybnicek, O., Saarto, A., Sauliene, I.
ORCID:, Seliger, A., Severova, E.
ORCID:, Shalaboda, V., Sikoparija, B.
ORCID:, Siljamo, P., Soares, J.
ORCID:, Sozinova, O.
ORCID:, Stangel, A., Stjepanović, B., Teinemaa, E., Tyuryakov, S., Trigo, M.
ORCID:, Uppstu, A., Vill, M., Vira, J., Visez, N., Vitikainen, T., Vokou, D., Weryszko-Chmielewska, E.
ORCID: and Karppinen, A.
European pollen reanalysis, 1980–2022, for alder, birch, and olive.
Scientific Data, 11 (1082).
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2052-4463
Buters, J., Clot, B., Galán, C., Gehrig, R., Gilge, S., Hentges, F., O’Connor, D., Sikoparija, B., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Tummon, F., Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Antunes, C. M., Brufaerts, N., Çelenk, S., Crouzy, B., Guillaud, G., Hajkova, L., Seliger, A. K., Oliver, G., Ribeiro, H., Rodinkova, V., Saarto, A., Sauliene, I., Sozinova, O. and Stjepanovic, B.
Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview.
ISSN Electronic: 1573-3025 Print: 0393-5965
Damialis, A., Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Galán, C.
Editorial: Climate Change and Aeroallergens.
Frontiers in Allergy, 2.
p. 794430.
ISSN 2673-6101
Galán, C., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Damialis, A., Frenguelli, G., Gehrig, R., Grinn-Gofroń, A., Kasprzyk, I., Magyar, D., Oteros, J., Šaulienė, I., Thibaudon, M., Sikoparija, B. and EAS QC, Working Group
Airborne fungal spore monitoring: between analyst proficiency testing.
Aerobiologia, 37.
pp. 351-361.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Alcázar, P., Ørby, P.V., Oteros, J., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Hertel, O. and Galán, C.
Cluster Analysis of Variations in the Diurnal Pattern of Grass Pollen Concentrations in Northern Europe (Copenhagen) and Southern Europe (Córdoba).
Aerobiologia, 35 (2).
pp. 269-281.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Rojo, J., Oteros, J., Pérez-Badia, R., Cervigón, P., Ferencova, Z., Gutiérrez-Bustillo, A.M., Bergmann, K-C., Oliver, G., Thibaudon, M., Albertini, R., Rodriguez-De la Cruz, D., Sánchez-Reyes, E., Sánchez-Sánchez, J., Pessi, A.M., Reiniharju, J., Saarto, A., Galderón, M.C., Guerrero, C., Berra, D., Bonini, M., Chiodini, E., Fernández-González, D., Garcia, J., Trigo, M.M., Myszkowska, D., Fernández-Rodríguez, S., Tormo-Molina, R., Damialis, A., Haering, F., Traidl-Hoffmann, C., Severova, E., Caeiro, E., Ribeiro, H., Magyar, D., Makra, L., Udvardy, O., Alcázar, P., Galán, C., Borycka, K., Kasprzyk, I., Newbigin, E., Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Apangu, Godfrey
ORCID:, Frisk, Carl A.
ORCID:, Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Radišić, P., Šikoparija, B, Celenk, S., Schmidt-Weber, C. and Buters, J.
Near-ground Effect of Height on Pollen Exposure.
Environmental Research, 174.
pp. 160-169.
ISSN 0013-9351
Rojo, J., Oteros, J., Pérez-Badia, R., Adams-Groom, Beverley
ORCID:, Albertini, R., Alcázar, P., Apangu, Godfrey
ORCID:, Bergmann, K-C., Berra, D., Bonini, M., Borycka, K., Caeiro, E., Calderon Ezquerro, M.D., Celenk, S., Cervigón, P., Chiodini, E., Cislaghi, G., Colombo, P., Damialis, T., Dellavedova, S., Ferencova, Z., Fernández-González, D., Fernández-Rodríguez, S., Frisk, Carl A.
ORCID:, Galán, C., Garcia, J., Gutiérrez-Bustillo, A.M., Haring, F., Kasprzyk, I., Magyar, D., Makra, L., Myszkowska, D., Newbigin, E., Oliver, G., Pessi, A.M., Radišić, P., Reiniharju, J., Ribeiro, H., Rodriguez-De la Cruz, D., Saarto, A., Sánchez-Reyes, E., Sánchez-Sánchez, J., Severova, E., Šikoparija, B., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Tormo-Molina, R., Traidl-Hoffmann, C., Trigo, M., Udvardy, O., Schmidt-Weber, C. and Buters, J.
Effect of Height on Pollen Sampling in Relation to Pollen Exposure at Ground Level.
In: International Congress on Aerobiology, 3 - 7 September 2018, Parma, Italy.
Galán, C., Ariatti, A., Bonini, M., Clot, B., Crouzy, B., Dahl, Å., Fernández-González, D., Frenguelli, G., Gehrig, R., Isard, S., Levetin, E., Li, D.W., Mandrioli, P., Rogers, C.A., Thibaudon, M., Sauliene, I., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Sofiev, M.
Recommended Terminology for Aerobiological Studies.
Aerobiologia, 33 (3).
pp. 293-295.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Šikoparija, B., Galán, C. and Smith, Matt
Pollen-monitoring: Between Analyst Proficiency Testing.
Aerobiologia, 33 (2).
pp. 191-199.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Sikoparija, B., Galán, C., Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Working Group, E.A.S. Q.C.
Results of the European Quality Control Exercise for Ambrosia Pollen.
In: 6th European Symposium on Aerobiology of the European Aerobiology Societyy, 18 - 22 July 2016, 2016 Lyon, France.
Buters, J.T.M., Prank, M., Sofiev, M., Pusch, G., Albertini, R., Annesi-Maesano, I., Antunes, C.M., Behrendt, H., Berger, U., Brandao, R., Celenk, S., Galán, C., Grewling, Ł., Jackowiak, B., Kennedy, Roy, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Reese, G., Sauliene, I., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Weber, B. and Cecchi, L.
Variation of the Group 5 Grass Pollen Allergen Content of Airborne Pollen in Relation to Geographical Location and Time in Season.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 136 (1).
pp. 87-95.
ISSN 0091-6749
Hernández-Ceballos, M.A., Skjøth, C.
ORCID:, García-Mozo, H., Bolívar, J.P. and Galán, C.
Improvement in the Accuracy of Back Trajectories Using WRF to Identify Pollen Sources in Southern Iberian Peninsula.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 58 (10).
pp. 2031-2043.
ISSN Print: 0020-7128 Online:1432-1254
Galán, C., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Frenguelli, G., Oteros, J., Gehrig, R., Berger, U., Clot, B., Brando, R. and European Aerobiology Society, Quality Control Working Group
Pollen Monitoring: Minimum Requirements and Reproducibility of Analysis.
Aerobiologia, 30 (4).
pp. 385-395.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Galán, C., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Frenguelli, G., Oteros, J., Gehrig, R., Berger, U., Clot, B., Brandao, R. and Working Group, E.A.S. Q.C.
Bio-monitoring Networks: EAN Minimum Requirements and Quality Control.
In: 10th International Congress of Aerobiology, 22-26 September, 2014, Sydney, Australia.
Galán, C., Antunes, C.M., Brandao, R., Torres, C., García-Mozo, H., Caeiro, E., Ferro, R., Prank, M., Sofiev, M., Albertini, R., Berger, U., Cecchi, L., Celenk, S., Grewling, Ł., Jackowiak, B., Jäger, S., Kennedy, Roy, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Reece, G., Sauliene, I., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Weber, B., Weichenmeier, I., Pusch, G., Buters, J.T.M. and HIALINE working group
Airborne Olive Pollen Counts are not Representative of
1 Exposure to the Major Olive Allergen Ole e 1.
Allergy, 68 (6).
pp. 809-812.
ISSN Print: 0105-4538 Online: 1398-9995
Dahl, Å., Galán, C., Hajkova, L., Pauling, A., Šikoparija, B., Smith, Matt
ORCID: and Vokou, D.
The Onset, Course and Intensity of the Pollen Season.
Allergenic Pollen: A Review of the Production, Release, Distribution and Health Impacts.
Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 29-70.
ISBN Hardcover: 978-94-007-4880-4 Softcover: 978-94-017-8483-2 eBook: 978-94-007-4881-1
Buters, J., Galán, C., Thibaudon, M., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Brandao, R., Antunes, C., Albertini, R., Grewling, Ł., Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Celenk, S., Sofiev, M., Sauliene, I., Jäger, S., Berger, U. and Cecchi, L.
The HIALINE Project: Allergen Release from Pollen across Europe.
In: 5th European Symposium on Aerobiology, 3-7 September, 2012, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Ziello, C., Sparks, T.H., Estrella, N., Belmonte, J., Bergmann, K-C., Bucher, E., Brighetti, M.A., Damialis, A., Detandt, M., Galán, C., Gehrig, R., Grewling, Ł., Gutiérrez Bustillo, A.M., Hallsdóttir, M., Kockhans-Bieda, M., De Linares, C., Myszkowska, D., Páldy, A., Sánchez, A., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Travaglini, A., Uruska, A., Valencia-Barrera, R.M., Vokou, D., Wachter, R., de Weger, L.A. and Menzel, A.
Changes to Airborne Pollen Counts across Europe.
PLOS ONE, 7 (4).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 1932-6203
Buters, J.T.M., Thibaudon, M., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Kennedy, Roy, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Albertini, R., Reese, G., Weber, B., Galán, C., Brandao, R., Antunes, C.M., Siegfried, J., Berger, U., Celenk, S., Grewling, Ł., Jackowiak, B., Sauliene, I., Weichenmeier, I., Pusch, G., Sarioglu, H., Ueffing, M., Behrendt, H., Prank, M., Sofiev, M., Cecchi, L. and HIALINE working group
Release of Bet v 1 from Birch Pollen 1 from 5 European
2 Countries. Results from the HIALINE Study.
Atmospheric Environment, 55.
pp. 496-505.
ISSN 1352-2310
Ziello, C., Sparks, T. H., Estrella, N., Belmonte, J., Bergmann, K. C., Bucher, E., Damialis, A., Detandt, M., Galán, C., Gehrig, R., Grewling, Ł., Gutiérrez Bustillo, A. M., Hallsdóttir, M., Kockhans-Bieda, M.-C., Myszkowska, D., Pàldy, A., Sánchez, A., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Thibaudon, M., Travaglini, A., Uruska, A., Valencia-Barrera, R. M., Wachter, R., de Weger, L. A. and Menzel, A.
Changes to Airborne Pollen across Europe.
In: European Geosciences Union General Assesmbly, 3-8 April, 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Buters, J., Galán, C., Thibaudon, M., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Brandão, R., Antunes, C., Albertini, R., Grewling, L., Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Jäger, S., Berger, U., Sauliene, I. and Cecchi, L.
The HIALINE project: allergen release from pollen across 10 European countries.
In: 9th International Congress on Aerobiology, August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Emberlin, Jean, Stach, Alicja, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Caulton, E., Thibaudon, M., Sindt, C., Jäger, S., Gehrig, R., Frenguelli, G., Jato, V., Rodríguez Rajo, F.J., Alcázar, P. and Galán, C.
Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Grass Pollen Counts in Europe.
Aerobiologia, 25 (4).
pp. 321-332.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Prieto-Baena, Jose, Stach, Alicja, García-Mozo, H., Czarnecka-Operacz, M., Jenerowicz, D., Silny, W. and Galán, C.
Prevalence of Artemisia Species Pollinosis in Western Poland: Impact of Climate Change on Aerobiological Trends, 1995-2004.
Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 17 (1).
pp. 39-47.
ISSN 1018-9068
Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Emberlin, Jean, Stach, Alicja, Rantio-Lehtimäki, A., Caulton, E., Thibaudon, M., Lachasse, C., Jäger, S., Gehrig, R., Jato, V., Rodríguez-Rajo, F. J., Galán, C. and Alcázar, P.
Spatial Variation in the Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Grass Pollen Counts in Europe.
In: 8th International Congress in Aerobiology, 21-25 August, 2006, Neuchatel Switzerland.
Prieto-Baena, Jose, Sánchez-Mesa, J.A., Serrano, P., Cariñanos, P., Moreno, C., Guerra, F. and Galán, C.
Pollen Allergy in Cordoba City: Frequency of Sensitization and Relation with Antihistamine Sales.
Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 15 (1).
pp. 50-56.
ISSN 1018-9068
Sánchez-Mesa, J.A., Smith, Matt
ORCID:, Emberlin, Jean, Allitt, U., Caulton, E. and Galán, C.
Characteristics of Grass Pollen Seasons in Areas of Southern Spain and the United Kingdom.
Aerobiologia, 19 (3-4).
pp. 243-250.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
Prieto-Baena, Jose, Hidalgo, P., Galán, C. and Domínguez, E.
Pollen Production in the Poaceae Family.
Grana, 42 (3).
pp. 153-159.
ISSN Print: 0017-3134 Online: 1651-2049
Cariñanos, P., Sánchez-Mesa, J.A., Preito-Baena, Jose, Lopez, A., Guerra, F., Moreno, C., Domínguez, E. and Galán, C.
Pollen Allergy Related to the Area of Residence in the City of Cordoba, South-West Spain.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4.
pp. 734-738.
ISSN 1464-0325
Prieto-Baena, Jose, Cariñanos, P., Galán, C. and Domínguez, E.
Solid Suspended Particles Affecting the Quality of Air in Urban Environments.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 67 (3).
pp. 385-391.
ISSN Print: 0007-4861 Online: 1432-0800
Cariñanos, P., Emberlin, Jean, Galán, C. and Dominguez-Vilches, E.
Comparison of Two Pollen Counting Methods of Slides from a Hirst Type Volumetric Trap.
Aerobiologia, 16 (3-4).
pp. 339-346.
ISSN Print: 0393-5965 Online: 1573-3025
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 19:41:01 2025 UTC.