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WRaP is a collection of research papers and university publications. It presents the academic and creative work of the university. You are welcome to look for and obtain items of interest and make contact with the authors and creators.
Paul Hazell
My Latest As Author
Smith, E., Carter, Melody, Walklet, E. and Hazell, Paul
Exploring the Methodological Benefits and Challenges of Utilising a Photovoice Methodology With Individuals in Recovery From Problem Substance Use.
Qualitative Health Research.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN Print: 1049-7323 Electronic: 1552-7557
Smith, Emma ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2144-8790, Carter, Melody, Walklet, Elaine and Hazell, Paul
Investigating recovery from problem substance use using digital photovoice.
Journal of Community Psychology.
ISSN 1520-6629
Smith, Emma, Carter, Melody, Walklet, E. and Hazell, Paul
Investigating the experiences of individuals in recovery
from problem substance use and their perceptions of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Drugs and Alcohol Today, 22 (1).
pp. 17-27.
ISSN Print: 1745-9265 Electronic: 2042-8359
Smith, Emma, Carter, Melody, Walklet, E. and Hazell, Paul
What are Photovoice studies?
Evidence-Based Nursing, 25.
pp. 6-7.
ISSN Print: 1367-6539 Online: 1468-9618
Hazell, Paul
The Making of a Design Icon: The Utility Land Rover.
PhD thesis, University of Worcester.
Hazell, Paul
A difficult road: designing a postcolonial car for Africa.
The Routledge Companion to Design Studies.
Routledge Handbooks Online
Routledge (Taylor & Francis), Abingdon, pp. 230-241.
ISBN 9781138780507 (print) 9781315562087 (ebook) 9781317203292 (Adobe)
Hazell, Paul and Fallan, K.
The Enthusiast’s Eye: The Value of Unsanctioned Knowledge in Design Historical Scholarship.
Design and Culture, 7 (1).
pp. 107-123.
ISSN 1754-7075 ESSN: 1754-7083
Hazell, Paul
Ford Model T, USA (Henry Ford, 1908).
Iconic Designs: 50 Stories About 50 Things.
Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Bloomsbury Publishing, London, pp. 30-33.
ISBN 9780857853523
Hazell, Paul
Designing the Post-Colonial Car: a Bumpy Road for Personal Transport in Africa.
In: Design History Society Annual Conference Towards Global Histories of Design: Postcolonial Perspectives, 5 - 8 September 2013, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India.
Hazell, Paul
A Very British SUV: How Land Rover Used Sport, Competition and Notions of Adventure to Reinvent the Utility Four Wheel Drive.
In: Design History Society conference 2012: The Material Culture of Sport, Brighton.
Hazell, Paul
The ‘Media Production Triangle’: A Practical Tool For
Supporting Students Learning in Applied Media at Degree Level.
Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (2).
ISSN 2024-8032