University of Worcester Worcester Research and Publications

What's behind the NEWS? National Early Warning Scores in primary care

Finnikin, S. and Wilkie, Veronica (2020) What's behind the NEWS? National Early Warning Scores in primary care. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 70 (695). pp. 272-273. ISSN 1478-5242

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Everyone is talking about the NEWS — National Early Warning Scores.1 GPs
will have noticed that ambulance call handlers are now routinely asking health professionals for a patient’s NEWS,2 and
some areas are encouraging routine use of this scoring system in the community.3 So why has this happened and what is the evidence to support its use in the community? Should GPs be adopting NEWS or NEWS2 (an updated version that puts a greater emphasis on new onset confusion and recognises alternative oxygen saturations for people with respiratory failure) as part of their usual practice?
Early warning scores (EWS), most recently NEWS2, have been used in hospitals for several years. In secondary care settings, they are primarily used by members of the team recording routine physiological observations in order to identify patients who are deteriorating clinically. The universal use of a common scoring system allows clinical information to be communicated efficiently across departments, clinical settings, and between clinical colleagues. Its usefulness as a common language, combined with the drive to identify sepsis early, have contributed to the widespread adoption and acceptance of NEWS2 in secondary care.

Item Type: Article
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The full-text of the online published article can be accessed via the official URL.

© British Journal of General Practice 2020

Uncontrolled Discrete Keywords: National Early Warning Scores, NEWS, NEWS2, primary care, GPs, secondary care
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: College of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences > School of Allied Health and Community
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Copyright Info: Open access article
SWORD Depositor: Prof. Pub Router
Depositing User: Veronica Wilkie
Date Deposited: 23 Apr 2020 12:54
Last Modified: 17 Jun 2020 17:35

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