University of Worcester Worcester Research and Publications

Principles and Features to Define and Describe Arts Interventions for People with Dementia: a Qualitative Realist Study

Cousins, E., Tischler, V., Garabedian, Claire and Dening, T. (2019) Principles and Features to Define and Describe Arts Interventions for People with Dementia: a Qualitative Realist Study. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 11 (3). pp. 202-218. ISSN 1753-3015 Online: 1753-3023

Cousins et al_Principles and features to define and describe arts interventions for people with dementia.pdf - Accepted Version

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Background: There is currently no consensus regarding the definition and description of arts interventions for people with dementia. Developing a common language of classification will encourage reflection on artistic practice, support the evaluation and improvement of arts interventions, and enable their benefits to be communicated more effectively.

Methods: Using a qualitative framework derived from taxonomy and realist methodology, a literature review was undertaken to identify what key principles underpin arts interventions. This analysis was complemented by focus groups and workshops incorporating the lived experience of carers, artists, practitioners and care staff.

Results: Nine principles were identified as elements present in person-centred arts interventions for people with dementia: Animation, Transcendence, Selfhood, Humanity, Expression, Connection, Possibility, Involvement and Awareness.

Conclusions: It is possible to identify the component parts of arts interventions for people with dementia. These principles form an empirical basis for understanding how arts interventions work, while still respecting their individual nature.

Item Type: Article
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Staff and students at the University of Worcester can access the full-text via the UW online library search. External users should check availability with their local library or Interlibrary Requests Service.

This is an accepted manuscript of an article published online by Taylor & Francis in Arts and Health on 12th July 2018, available online:

Uncontrolled Discrete Keywords: arts, dementia, intervention, principles, taxonomy
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Divisions: College of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences > School of Allied Health and Community
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Depositing User: Claire Garabedian
Date Deposited: 06 Aug 2018 11:58
Last Modified: 17 Jun 2020 17:24

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