[arra] stre - a data driven ballet Paul Golz & Genevieve Smith-Nunes Figure 1: ”Debugging” shows a dance containing “errors” which the performers slowly discover and correct; the visualisation represents the same, correct, dance but performed initially by an unrecognisable shape that slowly evolves into a dancer to represent visually the “cleaning” process Figure 4: The “Binary” section represents each dancer as a “bit”, in which their torch state, poses and movements are keyed to their binary state (above); the visualisation represents these poses as binary data (1's, 0's) in space (below) Figure 2: A virtual performer in “Algorithms”; the limb colour / point size was adapted to illustrate evolving patterns in the dancers' movements Figure 5: The evolving abstract visualisation of the virtual dancer within “Computational Thinking” highlights the geometric progression within the piece Figure 3: In the “Big Data” duet the visualisation traces the x-positions of the performers; the generated pattern eventually builds up into the actual weather patterns that were used to create the choreography 91